HTML5 : getImageData with onmousemove make slow my application in Firefox - javascript

I create a little html5 game with canvas.
In the canvas, there are many displayed sprites and one of them move automatically from left to right. The others are statics.
When I move the mouse onto the canvas, I draw all sprites in a temporary canvas and I use getImageData to find the sprite onto which the mouse is over.
But getImageData make slow anormally the moving sprite in Firefox.
So what is the solution to avoid this deceleration ?
Here my code :
function getSelectedObject(array_objects)
//Clear the temporary canvas :
tmpcx.clearRect(0, 0, tmpc.width, tmpc.height);
/*Search the right sprite object :*/
for(var i = array_objects.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
imageData = tmpcx.getImageData(mouse_x, mouse_y, 1, 1);
component =;
if(component[3] > 0)
//Return the sprite object found :
return array_objects[i];
tmpcx.clearRect(0, 0, tmpc.width, tmpc.height);
return false;
canvas.onmousemove = function(event)
selectedObject = getSelectedObject(array_objects);

Not sure how much of a performance gain you'd get with this - no need to clear the temp canvas between sprites .... the pixel is clear until a sprite is painted on it!
I've referenced a function called checkBoundingBoxisOver - not sure if you could write this function, but I can't right now - besides, I don't even know what your array_objects are!!!
I would think it were simple, just need the x, y, width, height of a sprite to do a preliminary check if the sprite could even possibly be under the mouse before doing the expensive draw
function getSelectedObject(array_objects) {
//Clear the temporary canvas :
tmpcx.clearRect(0, 0, tmpc.width, tmpc.height);
var sprite;
/*Search the right sprite object :*/
for (var i = array_objects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sprite = array_objects[i];
if (checkBoundingBoxisOver(sprite, mouse_x, mouse_y)) {
imageData = tmpcx.getImageData(mouse_x, mouse_y, 1, 1);
component =;
if (component[3] > 0) {
return sprite;
return false;

I ran into a similar issue reading pixels from a large bitmap every frame of the animation. In my case it is a black and white image showing where the world is water or land.
getImageData is extremely slow on Firefox even when reading just a single pixel.
My solution is to call getImageData only once and store the result in a imageData variable
var imageData = self.context.getImageData(0,0,image.width, image.height);
Then you can make repeated calls to the image data and pull out the part of the image you want. In my case I just need a single pixel or a single color which looks like this
var pixelRed =[(y* imageWidth * 4) + (x * 4)] == 0;
x and y are self explanatory and since the pixels are 4 byte values (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) I need to multiply my array index by 4. It proves to be very fast for me.
It be pretty easy to use this code to grab any portion out of the array directly as long as it is not too big.


Dynamically generated irregular hyperlink shapes around transparent PNGs [duplicate]

<img src="circle.png" onclick="alert('clicked')"/>
Let's imagine that circle.png is a 400x400 px transparent background image with a circle in the middle.
What I've got now is that the entire image area (400x400px) is clickable. What I would like the have is that only the circle (non transparent pixels) are clickable.
Of course I know that in this example I could use the <map> tag and a circular area, but I'm looking for a general solution which will take into consideration actual image transparency and work for any kind of images (i.e. non regular shapes).
The most complex way I could see is to trace the contour of the image basing on each pixel alpha, convert to a path (maybe simplify) and apply as a map.
Is there a more efficient / straightforward way to do so?
Using the canvas tag, you can determine the color value of a pixel under a given spot. You can use the event data to determine the coordinates, then check for transparency. All that remains is loading the image up into a canvas.
First, we'll take care of that:
var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
img.src = [YOUR_URL_HERE];
This first bit grabs the canvas element, then creates an Image object. When the image loads, it is drawn on the canvas. Pretty straightforward! Except... if the image is not on the same domain as the code, you're up against the same-domain policy security. In order to get the data of our image, we'll need the image to be locally hosted. You can also base64 encode your image, which is beyond the scope of this answer. (see this url for a tool to do so).
Next, attach your click event to the canvas. When that click comes in, we'll check for transparency and act only for non-transparent click regions:
if (isTransparentUnderMouse(this, e))
// do whatever you need to do
alert('will do something!');
The magic happens in the function isTransparentUnderMouse, which needs two arguments: the target canvas element (this in the click handler's scope) and the event data (e, in this example). Now we come to the meat:
var isTransparentUnderMouse = function (target, evnt) {
var l = 0, t = 0;
if (target.offsetParent) {
var ele = target;
do {
l += ele.offsetLeft;
t += ele.offsetTop;
} while (ele = ele.offsetParent);
var x = - l;
var y = - t;
var imgdata = target.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
if (
imgdata[0] == 0 &&
imgdata[1] == 0 &&
imgdata[2] == 0 &&
imgdata[3] == 0
return true;
return false;
First, we do some dancing around to get the precise position of the element in question. We're going to use that information to pass to the canvas element. The getImageData will give us, among other things, a data object that contains the RGBA of the location we specified.
If all those values are 0, then we're looking at transparency. If not, there's some color present. -edit- as noted in the comments, the only value we really need to look at is the last, imgdata[3] in the above example. The values are r(0)g(1)b(2)a(3), and transparency is determined by the a, alpha. You could use this same approach to find any color at any opacity that you know the rgba data for.
Try it out here:
(note: in my example, I used a base64 encoded image because of the domain security I mentioned. You can ignore that portion of the code, unless you also intend on using base64 encoding)
Same example, with changes to the mouse cursor thrown in for fun:
Image object on MDN -
Tutorial for using images with canvas on MDN -
Canvas portal on MDN -
HTML canvas element on MDN (getContext) -
CanvasRenderingContext2D on MDN (getImageData) -
Pixel manipulation on MDN -
You can do this using HTML5 canvas. Draw the image in to the canvas, attach a click handler to the canvas, and in the handler, check if the pixel that was clicked on is transparent.
thank you chris for this great answer
I added a few lines to the code to handle with scaling the canvas
so what I do now is creating a canvas of the exact pixel size the image has that is drawn on it. like (for an Image 220px*120px):
<canvas width="220" height="120" id="mainMenu_item"></canvas>
and scale the canvas using css:
and the adjusted isTransparentUnderMouse function looks like:
var isTransparentUnderMouse = function (target, evnt) {
var l = 0, t = 0;
if (target.offsetParent) {
var ele = target;
do {
l += ele.offsetLeft;
t += ele.offsetTop;
} while (ele = ele.offsetParent);
var x = evnt.pageX - l;
var y = evnt.pageY - t;
var initialWidth = $('width');
var clientWidth =;
x = x * (initialWidth/clientWidth);
var initialHeight = $('height');;
var clientHeight =;
y = y * (initialHeight/clientHeight);
var imgdata = target.getContext('2d').getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
if (
imgdata[0] == 0 &&
imgdata[1] == 0 &&
imgdata[2] == 0 &&
imgdata[3] == 0
return true;
return false;

Fastest way to change image pixels before rendering on an HTML5 canvas

I have a (largish) HTML5 canvas. Its rendering a pictures from a file, using context.drawImage() and this is quite fast. (Note that there are more than one picture on the same canvas).
Now I need to perform some manipulations to the pixels on the canvas, basically I need to perform Alpha Blending which darkens certain areas of the picture. So instead I used this approach.
//create an invisible canvas so that we don't do the actual rendering of the image
var invisibleCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
invisibleCanvas.width = myWidth;
invisibleCanvas.height = myHeight;
var invContext = invisibleCanvas.getContext('2d');
invContext.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, invisibleCanvas.width, invisibleCanvas.height);
var imageData = invContext.getImageData(0, 0, invisibleCanvas.width, invisibleCanvas.height)
var pixelComponents =;
var dkBlendingAmount = 0.5;
for (var i = 0; i < pixelComponents.length; i += 4)
//there are a few extra checks here to see if we should do the blending or not
pixelComponents[i] = pixelComponents[i] * dkBlendingAmount;
pixelComponents[i+1] = pixelComponents[i+1] * dkBlendingAmount;
pixelComponents[i+2] = pixelComponents[i+2] * dkBlendingAmount;
//this is the real place where I want it
context.putImageData(imageData, xOffset, yOffset);
Is there a way to make this faster? Is there a way to get the image data directly from my imageObj rather than having to put it on a canvas, get the data, convert it and put it on another canvas?

HTML5, rendering pixels to image on load for faster draw times

I have a map that is a per pixel terrain. If you draw these pixels individually, it takes a lot of render time.
So my idea is to draw them in blocks of 100x100 images when the pixels are changed, and render those images.
The pixels in "chunk" is stored in a 1D array in the form index = x+y*width.
var img = game.c.createImageData(CHUNK_SIZE,CHUNK_SIZE);
for (var i=0;i<;i++){
var p =[i];
if (p){[i*4] = 255;[i*4+1] = 0;[i*4+2] = 0;[i*4+3] = 255;
}else{[i*4] = 0;[i*4+1] = 0;[i*4+2] = 0;[i*4+3] = 0;
for (var i=0;i<;i++){
var img =[i];
if (img.x*CHUNK_SIZE > this.player.x - (this.ce.width/2)){
if (img.y*CHUNK_SIZE > this.player.y -(this.ce.height/2)){
if ((img.x*CHUNK_SIZE)+CHUNK_SIZE < this.player.x + (this.ce.width/2)){
if ((img.y*CHUNK_SIZE)+CHUNK_SIZE < this.player.y + (this.ce.height/2)){
console.log("Rendering chunk...");
It is, however, not rendering correctly:
The box has some transparent pixels, which makes the canvas transparent when there should be a sky gradient.
I want to write the image so transparent shows what was there (the sky gradient), and not make a hole in the canvas
When you are using putImageDatayou are simply replacing all pixels for that area (including the alpha channel), no mixing takes place.
The better approach would be to store your chunks as off-screen canvases (or images/sprites) and use drawImage to draw them onto your main canvas.
Not only will this preserve existing pixels (depending on composite mode if that is changed) but it will also be faster than using putImageData.
If you should still insist on using putImageData you would need to first do a getImageData for the existing content, then iterate through all pixels and mix the pixels from you chunk with the data you got from main canvas according to their alpha value and finally put the result of that back on canvas. This is a very costly operation.

JS Canvas Collision-Detection using getImageData

As a very inexperienced programmer, I'm trying to code a game that detects when the player collides with certain colors on the canvas. I have a black square with coordinates "player.x" and "player.y" and dimensions 50x50 that moves around when you press the arrow keys. I also have a stationary red (255,0,0) square elsewhere on the canvas.
The function below is supposed to grab a slightly larger square around the "player" square and find out if there's any red in it. If there is, it will send up an alert. The problem is, this doesn't seem to be working.
function collideTest(){
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var c = canvas.getContext("2d");
var whatColor = c.getImageData(player.x - 5, player.y - 5,60,60);
for (var i = 0; i < 3600; i++) {
if ([i] == 255) {
I'm semi-aware that this is not the most efficient way to detect red pixels, but I wanted to simplify the code before posting it here. Is there something obviously wrong with the function?
The problem could lie in the way the function is called. It gets called at the end of another function that detects user-input and changes the coordinates of the "player" square. THAT function gets called right before everything is drawn on the canvas.
Thanks in advance for any help!
var whatColor = c.getImageData(player.x - 5, player.y - 5,60,60);
player.x and player.y must not be decimal, make sure they are rounded or getImageData will be angry and not play nice.
For each single pixel on the canvas, the array holds 4 sequential pieces of color information: red,green,blue,alpha(opacity). So the looks like this for each pixel:[i] is the red component of the color.[i+1] is the green component of the color.[i+2] is the blue component of the color.[i+3] is the alpha(opacity) component of the color.
So your iteration would look like this (4 indexes per pixel):
for(var i = 0, n =; i < n; i += 4) {
var red =[i];
var green =[i + 1];
var blue =[i + 2];
var alpha =[i + 3];
if(red==255){ ... it's a hit, do your thing! ... }
See here for a mini-tutorial on the array:
By the way, you might look at one of the canvas libraries that simplify game making with canvas. Here are just a few: easelJs, KineticJs, FabricJs, and more!

Collision Detection with Javascript, Canvas, and Alpha Detection

I'm currently working on a basic javascript game that has two sprites that are not to be collided together. However, basic bounding box collision won't suffice as there are portions of the sprites that are transparent and wouldn't 'count' as colliding. I found a solution to the problem that I am having, but I can't get it to work. What I would like to do is calculate the transparent portions of the sprites and make sure that if the transparent portions overlap, that there is no collision detected. Here is what I found that solves the problem.
* Requires the size of the collision rectangle [width, height]
* and the position within the respective source images [srcx, srcy]
* Returns true if two overlapping pixels have non-zero alpha channel
* values (i.e. there are two vissible overlapping pixels)
function pixelCheck(spriteA, spriteB, srcxA, srcyA, srcxB, srcyB, width, height){
var dataA = spriteA.getImageData();
var dataB = spriteB.getImageData();
for(var x=0; x<width; x++){
for(var y=0; y<height; y++){
if( (dataA[srcxA+x][srcyA+y] > 0) && (dataB[srcxB+x][srcyB+y] > 0) ){
return true;
return false;
And for calculating the image data:
* creating a temporary canvas to retrieve the alpha channel pixel
* information of the provided image
function createImageData(image){
var canvas = document.getElementById('binaryCanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
var canvasData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var imageData = [image.width];
for(var x=0; x<image.width; x++){
imageData[x] = [image.height];
for(var y=0; y<image.height; y++){
var idx = (x + y * image.width) * 4;
imageData[x][y] =[idx+3];
return imageData;
The problem is that I don't know how to implement this solution, or if this is the best solution to my problem. Is this what I'm looking for? And if so, where do I put these methods? The thing that I'm most confused about is what I should be passing to spriteA and spriteB. I've tried passing Images and I've tried passing the imageData returned from the pixelCheck method, but receiving the same error: that the object or image has no method 'getImageData'. What am I doing wrong?
Two things are wrong with this.
You made a function:
function createImageData(image){...}
But what you are calling is:
The dot notates a property of an object. You were trying to call a function that was never part to the objects. There are some simple fixes.
add the createImageData() function to your constructor :
function Sprite(){
this.createImageData = function(image){...};
or :
Sprite.createImageData = function(image{...};
or just call it correctly:
createImageData(spriteA.image); // or whatever the image is
Second, your function calls for an image parameter, but you aren't supplying one. Simply remember to supply the image when you call it. You could also remove the parameter and get the image from within the function.
Sort of like this:
function Sprite(){
this.createImageData = function(){
var image = this.image;
// or just use this.image, or whatever it is
Hope this helped.
