How to get periodId on DashMetrics - javascript

In dash.js there is a function getBandwidthForRepresentation() on file DashMetrics.js. It needs two parameters: representationId and periodId. I can use getCurrentRepresentationSwitch() to get representationId. But i don't know how to get periodId? With which function can i get the data?
I tried to see example on dash-reference-client, it is confusing and still have no idea.

I know your question is kind of old and you are probably not needing this anymore, but I'll send some code in case someone needs it eventually.
As you stated, getBandwidthForRepresentation() expects 2 parameters: representationId and periodId
How to get representationId:
you need to get metrics: var metrics = player.getMetricsFor('video')
and dashMetrics: var dashMetrics = player.getDashMetrics()
now we get representationId: var representationId = dashMetrics.getCurrentRepresentationSwitch(metrics).to
How to get peropdId:
we get the active stream info: var streamInfo = player.getActiveStream().getStreamInfo()
we use index as periodId: var periodId = streamInfo.index
How to get bandwidth:
we can now get bandwidth: var bandwidth = dashMetrics.getBandwidthForRepresentation(representationId, periodId)
Full Code:
var metrics = player.getMetricsFor('video')
var dashMetrics = player.getDashMetrics()
var representationId = dashMetrics.getCurrentRepresentationSwitch(metrics).to
var streamInfo = player.getActiveStream().getStreamInfo()
var periodId = streamInfo.index
var bandwidth = dashMetrics.getBandwidthForRepresentation(representationId, periodId)
Hope it helps


Modify jpg image Exif with Byte (UCS2) Type in javascript

I am trying to modify Exif data of a jpg using piexifjs module. it works well but for the most important and basic Tags like Title, Comment, Author... It doesn't work at all.
var piexif = require("piexifjs");
var fs = require("fs");
var filename1 = "image.jpg";
var filename2 = "out.jpg";
var jpeg = fs.readFileSync(filename1);
var data = jpeg.toString("binary");
var zeroth = {};
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XPTitle] = "Birds";
var exifObj = {"0th":zeroth};
var exifbytes = piexif.dump(exifObj);
var newData = piexif.insert(exifbytes, data);
var newJpeg = Buffer.from(newData, "binary");
fs.writeFileSync(filename2, newJpeg);
when I run it it throws Error: 'pack' error. Got invalid type argument.
I search the internet and in Metadata reference tables it says they are of type Byte so when I make it zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XPTitle] = 4; or some number it runs, but without changing the title.
so how can I make it work? what does it mean when their type is Byte? how can
I found the answer here. You need:
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XPTitle] = [...Buffer.from('Birds', 'ucs2')];
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XPComment] = [...Buffer.from('Tweet tweet', 'ucs2')];
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XPAuthor] = [...Buffer.from('Ornithologist', 'ucs2')];

Condensing repetitive code with google scripts

Pretty new to all this but have a simple script to pull API info and put into google sheets. I want to pull the top 20 coins but I'm unsure of how to do it as a ??'function'?? to limit the amount of code required presently especially since only 'XXX' is basically changing. Thanks in advance
var urlBTC='';
var responseBTC = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlBTC,{'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var jsonBTC = responseBTC.getContentText();
var parseBTC = JSON.parse(jsonBTC);
var sheetETH = sh.getSheetByName("ETH");
var urlETH='';
var responseETH = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlETH,{'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var jsonETH = responseETH.getContentText();
var parseETH = JSON.parse(jsonETH);
var coins = ['ETHUSDT','BTCUSDT']
function getCoin(){
coins.forEach(coin => {
let url = ''+ coin
+ '&interval=1d&limit=2'
//do the other stuff
Hope this helps set you off in the right direction.
Basically we store the symbols as an array loop through and create a url for that, in the 'do something' put in your other code for handling the req. watch out for rate limits

JSON Data to Javascript Array Undefined

I am trying to get data from a JSON file and use Javascript Code to put it into Google Spreadsheet, I did good with some part of the data but I'm stuck with the other part, where I want to match the User Id and put all the data with it on a same row,
JSON Data:
var testUF = [];
var Uid = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(doc1.m);
for (var lp2 = 0; lp2 < Uid.length; lp2++) {
var Ua1 = doc1.m[lp2].a["0"].p;
var Ua2 = doc1.m[lp2].a["4"].p;
var Ua3 = doc1.m[lp2].a["2"].p;
var Ua4 = doc1.m[lp2].a["6"].p;
var Ud1 = doc1.m[lp2].d["0"].p;
var Ud2 = doc1.m[lp2].d["4"].p;
var Ud3 = doc1.m[lp2].d["2"].p;
var Ud4 = doc1.m[lp2].d["6"].p;
var Ui4 = doc1.m[lp2].i["6"].p;
I am getting the Array on the Uid while Debugging, but all the other Variables don't get the data it stays Undefined. I want all the other variables to match with the Uid's and stay in the same row. I did the JSON parsing and everything.
I am asking for the first time on stackoverflow, please forgive me if I couldn't state everything properly. Thank you for the help. :)
You're not using the array index for Uid properly.
var Ua1 = doc1.m[lp2].a["0"].p;
var Ua1 = doc1.m[Uid[lp2]].a["0"].p;

cannot get localStorage to work

Here is my fiddle:
I cannot get the save data to load after clicking the load button. Can anyone help me here?
Sorry for the length =D
The load routine is wrong.
You save all your datas (stringifyed) with setItem('serializedObj').
Then you retrieve value with "retrievedItem = localStorage.getItem('serializedObj');" but not save the value of "JSON.parse(retrievedItem);".
Then you try to retrieve values directly by localStorage.getItem(imgName);
You retrive and save data parded:
dataparsed = JSON.parse(retrievedItem);
Then you must use this value for retrieving values:
//Reconstruct the original image array
for (i=0;i<totalState.length;i++) {
var thisParseImgVal = dataparsed.imgName;
totalImage[i] = JSON.parse(thisParseImgVal);
You have to correct you save/load code, I suggest you to save you data as array:
var imgVal = JSON.stringify(totalImage);
var shpVal = JSON.stringify(totalShape);
var hLval = JSON.stringify(totalHighlight);
var str = {imgName:imgVal,shpName:shpVal,hLname:hLval}; //Store
So you must read it as:
totalImage[i] = JSON.parse(thisParseImgVal[i]);

How to get total number of variables in an array in Javascript?

Google wasn't my friend on this one... maybe I wasn't searching for the right terms.
I have a javascript array randomTagLine[0], randomTagLine[1], etc. How do I get the total number of variables in the array? For instance, I can physically see there are 23, but I need to pull that out via JS code...
Thanks in advance..
Example of code:
var randomTagline = new Array();
randomTagline[0] = "TEXT0";
randomTagline[1] = "TEXT1";
randomTagline[2] = "TEXT2";
randomTagline[23] = "TEXT23";
var randomTaglineLength = randomTagLine.length;
var randomTaglineNum = randomXToY(0,randomTaglineLength,0);
alert(randomTaglineNum + " " + randomTaglineLength);
It's :
var length = randomTagLine.length;
