Javascript recursive function performance degradation - javascript

I've been made the following question during a hiring process skills test:
var x = function(z) {
if (z > 0) {
why this is progressively slower as z get higher? propose a better
version, keeping it recursive.
And I want to know the answer just to learn about it. I answered that it gets slower because as z increases the number of recursive calls increases too, but I could not provide a better version. In addition, I don't know if there is any further reason why the function become slower as z get higher.

The correct answer would have been, "It should not be progressively slower as z gets higher". In fact, it does not in my simple tests. My tests overflow the stack before any slowdown is visible.
I cannot imagine any alternative way to write the function while maintaining its recursive nature.

Since JavaScript doesn't have true tail calls (yet) what you are experiencing isn't a slowdown based on the value of z but a slowdown based on stack growth and the inability of the garbage collector (GC) to cleanup the stack of scopes that are necessary to retain this functionality.
In theory, you can change this behavior by using setImmediate and the callback pattern to solve for this. Using setImmediate allows the scope of the current execution loop to fall out of use and get collected during the next GC cycle.
So, something like:
var x = function x(z){
if (z > 0) {
But this will not work because z is passed down into the scope for setImmediate and thus the previous scope of x can't be GC'd properly.
Instead you have to use IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) to achieve what you are looking for in combination with using setImmediate to allow the execution cycle to have time to allow for GC:
var x = function x(z){
if (z > 0) {
return function(){
Barring any typos I think I got the above correct. Of course if your using ES6 you can shorthand this greatly as well.
The other side of this equation is the spooling effect of console.log and the buffer resizes your going to incur for doing this in a browser. In an OS terminal these costs will be minimized as backbuffer scroll is limited and the back buffer is pre-allocated and reused.


Why is "Self Time" so high in an effectively empty function?

I have a computationally heavy function which is called many times in a loop:
function func() { // Some fluff
for(let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
i *= 10
i /= 10
function run() {
for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
When I profile this script using Chrome's DevTools, I get this:
run has a self time of 887ms out of the total time of 1015ms even though the only thing it does is repeatedly call func.
I would expect func to have the majority of self time since it's a leaf function.
Why is this?
(V8 developer here.)
the function was automatically inlined after some time when it became "hot".
Correct. As soon as run is optimized, the optimizer decides to inline func into it. After that, as far as the profiler is concerned, all the time is spent in run.
(To verify this, run the snippet in d8 or node with --trace-turbo-inlining.)
Side note: getting to optimized code for run takes a bit longer than usual in this case, because the function never returns to get called again (which is the best time to switch to optimized code). The system waits a bit for that to happen, and when it doesn't happen, run is eventually "on-stack replaced". This is a typical pattern that occurs frequently in small tests and benchmarks, and rarely in real-world code.
Doesn't this just show that performing 100000 function calls are more expensive than a 1000 iterations of two simple arithmetic operations -- which makes sense?
No, it doesn't show that; that's just one particular way how one could be misled by this microbenchmark.
Personally, I'm mildly disappointed to see (with --print-opt-code) that the compiler didn't realize that i *= 10; i /= 10; is a no-op and could be dropped entirely. That would have been another great way to be misled here. Oh well, there's probably some reason why it's harder than it looks for the compiler to figure out that that transformation would be both applicable and safe...

Why calling window.alert() is slower than alert() in JavaScript? [duplicate]

I'm kind of curious about what the best practice is when referencing the 'global' namespace in javascript, which is merely a shortcut to the window object (or vice versia depending on how you look at it).
I want to know if:
var answer = Math.floor(value);
is better or worse than:
var answer = window.Math.floor(value);
Is one better or worse, even slightly, for performance, resource usage, or compatibility?
Does one have a slighter higher cost? (Something like an extra pointer or something)
Edit note: While I am a readability over performance nazi in most situations, in this case I am ignoring the differences in readability to focus solely on performance.
First of all, never compare things like these for performance reasons. Math.round is obviously easier on the eyes than window.Math.round, and you wouldn't see a noticeable performance increase by using one or the other. So don't obfuscate your code for very slight performance increases.
However, if you're just curious about which one is faster... I'm not sure how the global scope is looked up "under the hood", but I would guess that accessing window is just the same as accessing Math (window and Math live on the same level, as evidenced by window.window.window.Math.round working). Thus, accessing window.Math would be slower.
Also, the way variables are looked up, you would see a performance increase by doing var round = Math.round; and calling round(1.23), since all names are first looked up in the current local scope, then the scope above the current one, and so on, all the way up to the global scope. Every scope level adds a very slight overhead.
But again, don't do these optimizations unless you're sure they will make a noticeable difference. Readable, understandable code is important for it to work the way it should, now and in the future.
Here's a full profiling using Firebug:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Benchmark scope lookup</title>
function bench_window_Math_round() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
function bench_Math_round() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
function bench_round() {
for (var i = 0, round = Math.round; i < 100000; i++) {
console.log('Profiling will begin in 3 seconds...');
setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
}, 3000);
My results:
Time shows total for 100,000 * 10 calls, Avg/Min/Max show time for 100,000 calls.
Calls Percent Own Time Time Avg Min Max
10 86.36% 1114.73ms 1114.73ms 111.473ms 110.827ms 114.018ms
10 8.21% 106.04ms 106.04ms 10.604ms 10.252ms 13.446ms
10 5.43% 70.08ms 70.08ms 7.008ms 6.884ms 7.092ms
As you can see, window.Math is a really bad idea. I guess accessing the global window object adds additional overhead. However, the difference between accessing the Math object from the global scope, and just accessing a local variable with a reference to the Math.round function isn't very great... Keep in mind that this is 100,000 calls, and the difference is only 3.6ms. Even with one million calls you'd only see a 36ms difference.
Things to think about with the above profiling code:
The functions are actually looked up from another scope, which adds overhead (barely noticable though, I tried importing the functions into the anonymous function).
The actual Math.round function adds overhead (I'm guessing about 6ms in 100,000 calls).
This can be an interest question if you want to know how the Scope Chain and the Identifier Resolution process works.
The scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an identifier, those objects are not accessible by code, only its properties (identifiers) can be accessed.
At first, in global code, the scope chain is created and initialised to contain only the global object.
The subsequent objects in the chain are created when you enter in function execution context and by the with statement and catch clause, both also introduce objects into the chain.
For example:
// global code
var var1 = 1, var2 = 2;
(function () { // one
var var3 = 3;
(function () { // two
var var4 = 4;
with ({var5: 5}) { // three
In the above code, the scope chain will contain different objects in different levels, for example, at the lowest level, within the with statement, if you use the var1 or var2 variables, the scope chain will contain 4 objects that will be needed to inspect in order to get that identifier: the one introduced by the with statement, the two functions, and finally the global object.
You also need to know that window is just a property that exists in the global object and it points to the global object itself. window is introduced by browsers, and in other environments often it isn't available.
In conclusion, when you use window, since it is just an identifier (is not a reserved word or anything like that) and it needs to pass all the resolution process in order to get the global object, window.Math needs an additional step that is made by the dot (.) property accessor.
JS performance differs widely from browser to browser.
My advice: benchmark it. Just put it in a for loop, let it run a few million times, and time it.... see what you get. Be sure to share your results!
(As you've said) Math.floor will probably just be a shortcut for window.Math (as window is a Javascript global object) in most Javascript implementations such as V8.
Spidermonkey and V8 will be so heavily optimised for common usage that it shouldn't be a concern.
For readability my preference would be to use Math.floor, the difference in speed will be so insignificant it's not worth worrying about ever. If you're doing a 100,000 floors it's probably time to switch that logic out of the client.
You may want to have a nose around the v8 source there's some interesting comments there about shaving nanoseconds off functions such as this int.Parse() one.
// Some people use parseInt instead of Math.floor. This
// optimization makes parseInt on a Smi 12 times faster (60ns
// vs 800ns). The following optimization makes parseInt on a
// non-Smi number 9 times faster (230ns vs 2070ns). Together
// they make parseInt on a string 1.4% slower (274ns vs 270ns).
As far as I understand JavaScript logic, everything you refer to as something is searched in the global variable scope. In browser implementations, the window object is the global object. Hence, when you are asking for window.Math you actually have to de-reference what window means, then get its properties and find Math there. If you simply ask for Math, the first place where it is sought, is the global object.
So, yes- calling Math.something will be faster than window.Math.something.
D. Crockeford talks about it in his lecture, as far as I recall, it's in the 3rd part of the video.
If Math.round() is being called in a local/function scope the interpreter is going to have to check first for a local var then in the global/window space. So in local scope my guess would be that window.Math.round() would be very slightly faster. This isn't assembly, or C or C++, so I wouldn't worry about which is faster for performance reasons, but if out of curiosity, sure, benchmark it.

What is the Definition of Recursion

So, we all know recursive functions, right? But what exactly is it, that makes a function recursive? I had a small discussion in the comment section of another question (Lightening effect with javascript) that kind of challenged my view of recursive functions but it also left me with a quite unsatisfying lack of proper definition.
My personal definition of recursive functions so far was the following:
A function is recursive if it directly or indirectly invokes itself
Note: I will provide JavaScript code for the following examples, but I'm sure they are pretty universal.
A simple example for such a recursive function could be this:
function a() {
but also this:
function a() {
function b() {
or even this:
function a() {
setTimeout(a, 1000);
None of those functions computes anything but I would have still considered them recursive just because they invoke themselves.
One thing that came up was, that the third example is not recursive because it uses setTimeout and therefor the stack is unwound. It also isn't recursive because after returning from the nth invocation it doesn't give back control to the n-1th invocation.
Another point, that was raised, was that none of those functions were recursive because they all don't compute an actual problem in a recursive way. Meaning that a problem has to be solved by dividing it in smaller and smaller instances. Here the quoted Wikipedia article:
Recursion in computer programming is exemplified when a function is
defined in terms of simpler, often smaller versions of itself. The
solution to the problem is then devised by combining the solutions
obtained from the simpler versions of the problem.
So this is recursive:
function fac(n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return 1;
return n * fac(n - 1);
But this wouldn't be:
function fac(n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return 1;
fac(n - 1);
So what is the proper definition of a recursive function? Is there any at all or is it really just a philosophical question? What features must a function have, in order to be classified recursive?
Recursion is simply defining a problem in terms of a simpler case (simpler meaning "closer" to the terminating condition, not necessarily actually simpler) of that problem, down to the point where the simplest case is a known one (the terminating condition alluded to earlier). So, for example, the perennial factorial function has a terminating condition:
f(1) = 1
and the definition of the problem in terms of a simpler one:
f(n) = n * f(n - 1), for n > 1
The best explanation of it that I ever heard was this:
If you're Donald Knuth, you understand what it is.
Otherwise, find someone closer to Donald and ask them.
I wouldn't call the setTimeout one recursion because a is not actually calling itself. Instead, it's asking the "system" to call it at some later date.
It's also important to have the terminating condition in there somewhere. Without that, it's still recursion but it's infinite recursion, no different to infinite loops like:
for (i = 0; i < 10; j++) {}
and hence unlikely to be any good for anything other than testing what happens when your stack overflows :-)
Definition of Recursion? Read this line again until you get it.
(A selfcalling function with an abort criterium to prevent infinite looping).
Recursion is the name that was given to function that calls itself. Now whether the function calls itself infinitely or not.. it is still a Recursion.
It is not necessarily that the problem is divided into sub-problems. However, in computer science; The term Recursion refers to a technique that is used to solve a problem, by breaking the problem into sub-problems and usually the problem is finite.
One more point, Recursion is implemented using Stack. Each function call is piled on top of the other in the stack, until the last call meets the base condition, then the functions in the stack are executed from top to bottom.
However, if there is no base condition or the base condition is never to be satisfied. then infinite calls to the function will be pushed to the stack causing the memory to be filled up and a stackOverFlow exception will be thrown and OS handles it by terminating the program.
In Regard to setTimeout() It is an asynchronous call and is not related to recursion, it is an independent call as the caller function doesn't depend on the called one whether it is the same function being called or another.
From Wikipedia that you have posted:
Recursion in computer programming is exemplified when a function is defined in terms of simpler, often smaller versions of itself. The solution to the problem is then devised by combining the solutions obtained from the simpler versions of the problem.
So. There is a problem, and there is a solution. There is a function that call itself minimizing the main problem. This function is recursive.
function a() {
there is no problem, there is nothing to minimize, there is no solution. It's not recursive for me. It's just an infinite loop.
So another example:
function a(n) {
if(n<.5) {
return n+a(Math.random());
}else {
return n;
Is this recursive?
There is maybe a problem, but the solution is not found minimzing the main problem. Simple it call itself randomly until some flag is true. Again, it's a loop.
The same happens with a setTimeout or setInterval (the solution of problem will depend from system call).

Can I use setTimeout to create a cheap infinite loop?

var recurse = function(steps, data, delay) {
if(steps == 0) {
} else {
recurse(steps - 1, data, delay);
}, delay);
var myData = "abc";
recurse(8000, myData, 1);
What troubles me with this code is that I'm passing a string on 8000 times. Does this result in any kind of memory problem?
Also, If I run this code with node.js, it prints immediately, which is not what I would expect.
If you're worried about the string being copied 8,000 times, don't be, there's only one copy of the string; what gets passed around is a reference.
The bigger question is whether the object created when you call a function (called the "variable binding object" of the "execution context") is retained, because you're creating a closure, and which has a reference to the variable object for the context and thus keeps it in memory as long as the closure is still referenced somewhere.
And the answer is: Yes, but only until the timer fires, because once it does nothing is referencing the closure anymore and so the garbage collector can reclaim them both. So you won't have 8,000 of them outstanding, just one or two. Of course, when and how the GC runs is up to the implementation.
Curiously, just earlier today we had another question on a very similar topic; see my answer there as well.
It prints immediately because the program executes "immediately". On my Intel i5 machine, the whole operation takes 0.07s, according to time node test.js.
For the memory problems, and wether this is a "cheap infinite loop", you'll just have to experiment and measure.
If you want to create an asynchronous loop in node, you could use process.nextTick. It will be faster than setTimeout(func, 1).
In general Javascript does not support tail call optimization, so writing recursive code normally runs the risk of causing a stack overflow. If you use setTimeout like this, it effectively resets the call stack, so stack overflow is no longer a problem.
Performance will be the problem though, as each call to setTimeout generally takes a fair bit of time (around 10 ms), even if you set delay to 0.
The '1' is 1 millisecond. It might as well be a for loop. 1 second is 1000. I recently wrote something similar checking on the progress of a batch of processes on the back end and set a delay of 500. Older browsers wouldn't see any real difference between 1 and about 15ms if I remember correctly. I think V8 might actually process faster than that.
I don't think garbage collection will be happening to any of the functions until the last iteration is complete but these newer generations of JS JIT compilers are a lot smarter than the ones I know more about so it's possible they'll see that nothing is really going on after the timeout and pull those params from memory.
Regardless, even if memory is reserved for every instance of those parameters, it would take a lot more than 8000 iterations to cause a problem.
One way to safeguard against potential problems with more memory intensive parameters is if you pass in an object with the params you want. Then I believe the params will just be a reference to a set place in memory.
So something like:
var recurseParams ={ steps:8000, data:"abc", delay:100 } //outside of the function
//define the function
//Then inside the function reference like this:

In javascript, is accessing 'window.Math' slower or faster than accessing the 'Math' object without the 'window.'?

I'm kind of curious about what the best practice is when referencing the 'global' namespace in javascript, which is merely a shortcut to the window object (or vice versia depending on how you look at it).
I want to know if:
var answer = Math.floor(value);
is better or worse than:
var answer = window.Math.floor(value);
Is one better or worse, even slightly, for performance, resource usage, or compatibility?
Does one have a slighter higher cost? (Something like an extra pointer or something)
Edit note: While I am a readability over performance nazi in most situations, in this case I am ignoring the differences in readability to focus solely on performance.
First of all, never compare things like these for performance reasons. Math.round is obviously easier on the eyes than window.Math.round, and you wouldn't see a noticeable performance increase by using one or the other. So don't obfuscate your code for very slight performance increases.
However, if you're just curious about which one is faster... I'm not sure how the global scope is looked up "under the hood", but I would guess that accessing window is just the same as accessing Math (window and Math live on the same level, as evidenced by window.window.window.Math.round working). Thus, accessing window.Math would be slower.
Also, the way variables are looked up, you would see a performance increase by doing var round = Math.round; and calling round(1.23), since all names are first looked up in the current local scope, then the scope above the current one, and so on, all the way up to the global scope. Every scope level adds a very slight overhead.
But again, don't do these optimizations unless you're sure they will make a noticeable difference. Readable, understandable code is important for it to work the way it should, now and in the future.
Here's a full profiling using Firebug:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Benchmark scope lookup</title>
function bench_window_Math_round() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
function bench_Math_round() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
function bench_round() {
for (var i = 0, round = Math.round; i < 100000; i++) {
console.log('Profiling will begin in 3 seconds...');
setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
}, 3000);
My results:
Time shows total for 100,000 * 10 calls, Avg/Min/Max show time for 100,000 calls.
Calls Percent Own Time Time Avg Min Max
10 86.36% 1114.73ms 1114.73ms 111.473ms 110.827ms 114.018ms
10 8.21% 106.04ms 106.04ms 10.604ms 10.252ms 13.446ms
10 5.43% 70.08ms 70.08ms 7.008ms 6.884ms 7.092ms
As you can see, window.Math is a really bad idea. I guess accessing the global window object adds additional overhead. However, the difference between accessing the Math object from the global scope, and just accessing a local variable with a reference to the Math.round function isn't very great... Keep in mind that this is 100,000 calls, and the difference is only 3.6ms. Even with one million calls you'd only see a 36ms difference.
Things to think about with the above profiling code:
The functions are actually looked up from another scope, which adds overhead (barely noticable though, I tried importing the functions into the anonymous function).
The actual Math.round function adds overhead (I'm guessing about 6ms in 100,000 calls).
This can be an interest question if you want to know how the Scope Chain and the Identifier Resolution process works.
The scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an identifier, those objects are not accessible by code, only its properties (identifiers) can be accessed.
At first, in global code, the scope chain is created and initialised to contain only the global object.
The subsequent objects in the chain are created when you enter in function execution context and by the with statement and catch clause, both also introduce objects into the chain.
For example:
// global code
var var1 = 1, var2 = 2;
(function () { // one
var var3 = 3;
(function () { // two
var var4 = 4;
with ({var5: 5}) { // three
In the above code, the scope chain will contain different objects in different levels, for example, at the lowest level, within the with statement, if you use the var1 or var2 variables, the scope chain will contain 4 objects that will be needed to inspect in order to get that identifier: the one introduced by the with statement, the two functions, and finally the global object.
You also need to know that window is just a property that exists in the global object and it points to the global object itself. window is introduced by browsers, and in other environments often it isn't available.
In conclusion, when you use window, since it is just an identifier (is not a reserved word or anything like that) and it needs to pass all the resolution process in order to get the global object, window.Math needs an additional step that is made by the dot (.) property accessor.
JS performance differs widely from browser to browser.
My advice: benchmark it. Just put it in a for loop, let it run a few million times, and time it.... see what you get. Be sure to share your results!
(As you've said) Math.floor will probably just be a shortcut for window.Math (as window is a Javascript global object) in most Javascript implementations such as V8.
Spidermonkey and V8 will be so heavily optimised for common usage that it shouldn't be a concern.
For readability my preference would be to use Math.floor, the difference in speed will be so insignificant it's not worth worrying about ever. If you're doing a 100,000 floors it's probably time to switch that logic out of the client.
You may want to have a nose around the v8 source there's some interesting comments there about shaving nanoseconds off functions such as this int.Parse() one.
// Some people use parseInt instead of Math.floor. This
// optimization makes parseInt on a Smi 12 times faster (60ns
// vs 800ns). The following optimization makes parseInt on a
// non-Smi number 9 times faster (230ns vs 2070ns). Together
// they make parseInt on a string 1.4% slower (274ns vs 270ns).
As far as I understand JavaScript logic, everything you refer to as something is searched in the global variable scope. In browser implementations, the window object is the global object. Hence, when you are asking for window.Math you actually have to de-reference what window means, then get its properties and find Math there. If you simply ask for Math, the first place where it is sought, is the global object.
So, yes- calling Math.something will be faster than window.Math.something.
D. Crockeford talks about it in his lecture, as far as I recall, it's in the 3rd part of the video.
If Math.round() is being called in a local/function scope the interpreter is going to have to check first for a local var then in the global/window space. So in local scope my guess would be that window.Math.round() would be very slightly faster. This isn't assembly, or C or C++, so I wouldn't worry about which is faster for performance reasons, but if out of curiosity, sure, benchmark it.
