Passing Huge data between Vue js routes - javascript

I have an application which searches for flights using Vue.js and Vue Router.
I have two components, first one is search, which is on the base route '/'. When user clicks on search, it will send a request to server and gets a huge list of flights.
Then I need to call the result component on '/results' route and show the results using v-for.
I have two questions, first, how can I manually redirect to '/results' after I get the results.
Second and more important, what is the proper way of passing the results data to results component to use?

Inside your results components, you can put transition hooks in the route object. Read here:
The activate hook runs when a component is activated, and the component wont appear until the activate hook has run. Here's the example on that page, which would be similar to yours:
activate: function (transition) {
return messageService
.then((message) => {
// set the data once it arrives.
// the component will not display until this
// is done.
this.message = message
So basically when they click search you send them to /results and this hook will handle loading the data in between.
Here's an advanced example of a mail app using vue-router that shows off a lot of the transition hooks in action:


How can i get data from an action before other actions ? VUEX/NUXT

I have two actions in my store:
They are called in two different components:
sliders Component with GetHitProducts going first by HTML
So anyway the action called second or first by order sometimes, I need to set my first component like with an important priority. Because data after commit by GetHitProducts is using in the second component. Else I do have an error.
In slider's component, I do have a component Product.
In that component I make some logic that needs to store data in hitProducts, but if second slider's component renders first, it would not have stored the information and I get an error.
Can I call the action first when the page is loaded or something like that?
Maybe problem with the render priority, so is it possible to set the priority?
If yes, how can I do that ?
Main task is to get data by action GetHitProducts before render other components what will call other actions.
Store File HitProducts
Store File NewProducts
Component File HitProductsSlider
Component File NewProductSlider
Component PRODUCT and logic in the mounted
you can get data for the first component and watch the variable you are storing it's data, whenever watch triggers get the data for second component.

Retrieve the status from multiple axios requests called from multiple components

I have a sort of Dashboard in my application. In this dashboard I let the user put many widgets (each widget is a class component). Each widget renders different stuff, such as, charts, images, and text. When I display it, each widget make an axios call to retrieve data from backend. I need a way to be able to tell when all the requests have finished so I can get the HTML completely rendered (I'm going to export it using HiqPdf later).
I need each widget to be independent so I can use in other components. That's why each widget make its own axios call. Otherwise I think I could make many axios calls in a single component that is above my widgets and then I would pass all the data as props to each widget. However, no... the axios calls must stay inside each widget.
I've found many places talking about promises, but every example talks show how to do it in a single component.
The reason I'm working on it is because I have the need to export it using a library call HiqPdf. This library receives a HTML as string and exports to PDF. Therefore, I need to know when the dashboard has been completely loaded to let the application export it.
Think about an event-driven framework that persists the global state of your single page app and notify subscribers whenever there is a change in the state.
One of the famous frameworks is redux.
Another simple framework is mufa. These are some similar questions that leverages mufa:
Stop the communication between react components using mufa after a condition
For your case, it might be something like this:
const all_calls = [];
const {on, one, fire, unsub} = mufa;
axios.get('call1').then((data) => {
fire('call1_received', data);
axios.get('call2').then((data) => {
fire('call2_received', data);
one('call1_received', () => {
if (all_calls.length === 2) {
alert('!!!! All calls have been received')
one('call2_received', () => {
if (all_calls.length === 2) {
alert('!!!! All calls have been received')
Note, one will subscribe once only.. while on subscribe forever.

React - Passing state to parent component - too many AXIOS requests

I'm a beginner both in programming and React and I have to create a functioning google Map single page website. I'm using google-map-react.
I have a parent App.js (containing the call to and a HTML sidebar) and a child Map.js containing the map itself and axios request function.
I'm making axios requests to fetch data from foursquare api. It works without side effects. Then I want to pass those data to my app.js and update the parent state so that I can renderthe locations on the sidebar.
This is the function I used (in Map.js). I had to put the call in componentWillReceiveProps as a last resource because componentDidMount didn't work:
I think this may be the issue, but it's also the only way I found to make the list show:
This is the code from App.js
updateVenues(venues) {
venues: venues,
Then I called the method like this:
<Map updateVenues={this.updateVenues.bind(this)} />
The code works, venues are shown in the sidebar (if you need the code let me know, but I don't think it's relevant), but the I keep making requests until I exceed quota.
Again: I'm a beginner. I just started 3 months ago.
Here are both components:
When the state of a React component is updated (and without custom implementation of componentShouldUpdate), it triggers a re render of that component (ie call the render function).
If the props of the children of this component have changed since the last render, they will also re render.
They re render because they have received new props, and this will also call their componentWillReceiveProps function.
Since you are fetching data each time Map will receive props, you are fetching data each time something change (state change) on App.
First in Map.js, this.props.query is assigned to this.state.query.
This looks like an error, as in this case what you want are the new props receceived by componentWillReceiveProps, this is the first argument of this function.
So you should assign props.query to this.state.query instead.
Except that actually you should not:
this.state.query is only used in componentWillReceiveProps, therefore there is no need to put props.query into state.query.
Second since you have both this.props.query from the previous props update and props.query which is the new received query, you have the opportunity to fetch only when the query has actually changed:
// Receive the update query from parent and fetch the data
if (this.props.query !== nextProps.query) {
Now you may ask, "ok but why my Map component was always re rendered, even when its props didn't changed".
But they did:
in App.js
By calling this.updateVenues.bind(this) and this.getClickedMarker.bind(this) in the render method, you are creating new values (actually new Function references)for the updateVenues and getClickedMarker props, at each render.
Instead, you should bind these method in the contructor of App:
constructor(props) {
this.updateVenues = this.updateVenues.bind(this);
this.getClickedMarker = this.getClickedMarker.bind(this);
This may limit your API calls a lot, you may also debounce them.

Which is better CRUD coding style using Redux?

I have a simple question about coding style for single page application. My front end is using React Redux
For example I have a standard CRUD page where data is displayed in table and pop up modal form. Data table is filtered from the server not from the client.
My question : If i create, update or remove a data should I call a refresh function or just edit it in redux store?
Refresh function :
Data always updated
Newly added data is filtered
Two times request, slower, unresponsive (Main problem)
Redux store:
App looks responsive
One time request
Lost server side filter function and data is not updated if multiple users is using the app (Main Problem)
Any advice will be appreciated
Edit the store locally to give immediate feedback, then send the request and when you get the reply back consolidate the store with the new data
basically, do both things and get the best benefit of both worlds
Dispatch an async action which queries the server where filter happens and when it resolves, update redux state with the refreshed, filtered data.
// dispatches an action to refresh data without page reload
export function refreshDataAction() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return (
fetch('api/data', options) // fetch the data from server and let it filter
.then(data => dispatch(updateDataAction(data)))
// dispatches an action to update redux state with filtered data
export default function updateDataAction(data) {
return {
type: 'UPDATE_DATA',,
Then you could just call dispatch(refreshDataAction()). Data is filtered, no page refresh.
Calling refresh in a React application (not only React, but any real-time front-end app) kind of defies whole principal of using React.
What you should do is, whenever there occurs a data-changing operation in your client, you should trigger an API call, that alters your server-side data accordingly. Send the data back to the client (you can send it to all clients, if you fancy web-socket), save it to the Redux state to trigger a re-render.

How can Aurelia custom elements interact?

In Aurelia, I have a parent component that is composed of several other components. To keep this example simple, say that one component is a State dropdown, and another component is a City dropdown. There will be other components that depend on the selected city, but those two are enough to illustrate the issue. The parent view looks like this:
<compose view-model="StatePicker"></compose>
<compose view-model="CityPicker"></compose>
The idea is that you would pick a state from the StatePicker, which would then populate the CityPicker, and you would then pick a city which would populate other components. The routes would look like /:state/:city, with both being optional. If :state is omitted, then the url will automatically redirect to the first available state.
I'm using the EventAggregator to send messages between the components (the parent sends a message to the CityPicker when a state is selected). This is working, except for the initial load of the application. The parent is sending the message to the CityPicker, but the CityPicker component hasn't been activated yet, and it never receives the message.
Here's a Plunker that shows the problem. You can see that the city dropdown is initally empty, but it starts working once you change the state dropdown. Watch the console for logging messages.
So the question is: Is there a way to know that all the components are loaded before I start sending messages around? Is there a better technique that I should be using? Right now, the StatePicker sends a message to the parent that the state has changed, and then the parent sends a message to the CityPicker that the state has changed. That seems a little roundabout, but it's possible that the user could enter an invalid state in the url, and I liked the idea of being able to validate the state in one place (the parent) before all the various other components try to load data based on it.
The view/viewModel Pattern
You would want your custom elements to drive data in your viewModel (or in Angular / MVC language, controller). The viewModel captures information about the current state of the page. So for example, you could have a addressViewModel route that has state and city properties. Then, you could hook up your custom elements to drive data into those variables. Likewise, they could listen to information on those variables.
Here's an example of something you might write:
<state-picker"stateList" value.bind="state" change.delegate="updateCities()"></state-picker>
<city-picker"cityList" value.bind="city"></city-picker>
class AddressViewModel {
state = null;
city = null;
stateList = ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Some others', 'Wyoming'];
cityList = [];
updateCities() {
let state = this.state;
http.get(`API/cities?state=${state}`) // get http module through dependency injection
.then((response) => {
var cities = response.content;
this.cities.length = 0; // remove current entries
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.cities, cities);
If you wanted to get a little more advanced and isolate all of your state and city logic into their respective custom elements, you might try following this design pattern:
<state-picker value.bind="state" country="US"></state-picker>
<city-picker value.bind="city" state.bind="state"></city-picker>
class cityPickerViewModel {
state = null;
cities = [];
constructor() {
// set up subscription that listens for state changes and calls the update
// cities function, see the aurelia documentation on the BindingEngine or this
// StackOverflow question:
updateCities() {
/// same as before
The EventAggregator Pattern
In this case, you would not want to use the EventAggregator. The EventAggregator is best used for collecting various messages from disparate places in one central location. For example, if you had a module that collected app notifications in one notification panel. In this case, the notification panel has no idea who might be sending messages to it, so it would just collect all messages of a particular type; likewise, any component could send messages whether or not there is a notification panel enabled.
