Check for new user - javascript

I want to know when a user logs in via a provider(twitter,facebook,etc...) If he is a new user. If so then add his data to my firebase.. Currently i have read this:
And it tells me to do:
var isNewUser = true;
Then check by saying
if(authData && isNewUser){
//This is a new user
But it dosent work... I logged in with the same account but it tells me its a new user...

Generally with Firebase, you would have a /users node where you would store other data about your users
name: "Buck Murdock"
email: "buck#moonbasealphabeta"
name: "Ted Striker"
email: ""
The user_id is the Firebase assigned user id.
When a user starts to access your App, you would query your /users node to see if, for example, their email already exists. If not, then you create the user and add them to the /users node.
Oh - and refer to the section Storing User Data in the Firebase guide as you may have overlooked the comment
// here we will just simulate this with an isNewUser boolean


firebase - check if an user is already registered in database

I have a firebase app that is running on mobile devices and now I need to create the web version of it.
At the moment I have integrated firebase ui to give to users the ability to login. Since I need to show a wizard if the user isn't already registered, how I can check if user exists in the database so I can decide if show the wizard or not and then add it to the database?
It sounds like you're looking for the fetchSignInMethodsForEmail method, which returns the list of providers with which a specified email address has previously been signed in to Firebase.
The typical flow is:
Get the email address of the user
Call fetchSignInMethodsForEmail to get a list of providers
If the list is empty, go to your account creation flow
If the list has a single value, show the sign in screen for that provider
If the list has multiple values, show a screen where the user can pick from those providers
I consider you are using firebase auth and firestore, but this is the logic
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(async (user)=> {
if (user == null){
//the user is not signed in, navigate to login screen
//the user is signed in, try to check if he exists in the database or register him
//let say you are using firestore roo
let user_ = await
firebase.firestore().collection("collections_of_users").doc(user_.uid).get().then(snap =>{
//the user exists
//register him, and before make sure his email is verified by checking if emailVerified === true
firebase.firestore().collection("collections_of_users").doc(user_.uid).set({user_mail:, user_name: "xxx"})

Getting Uncaught TypeError in Firebase Auth get current user email

I am trying to get the email of the currently signed in user in my Firebase app, but it keeps giving me an error.
This is my code for getting the current user email:
user_email = firebase.auth()
The error that I get is:
Error Image
It looks like firebase.auth().currentUser is null at the time when your firebase.auth() runs. This is quite common, as Firebase refreshes the user's authentication state when the page loads, and this requires it to make an asynchronous call to the server.
For this reason, you should not assume there is a user signed in. You should either put a check around your current code:
if (firebase.auth().currentUser) {
user_email = firebase.auth()
Or (and often better) you should use a so-called auth state listener, to have your code automatically respond to changes in the user's authentication state. From the Firebase documentation on getting the currently signed-in user, that'd be:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in, see docs for a list of available properties
var uid = user.uid;
user_email = firebase.auth();
// TODO: execute code that needs `user_email`
} else {
// User is signed out
// ...

Firebase Realtime Database Connection Data - Web

I have to show data belonging to a user that logged in.
My database structure is as follows:
How can I show the data of a user that logged in by using JavaScript as a Text?
<a> Username </a>
If you have this HTML:
<a id="username"> Username </a>
And this database structure:
Uid: { name: "Name", phone: "Phone number" }
Then you can display the name of the current user with:
var currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser;
var userRef = firebase.database().ref("Users/Drivers").child(currentUser.uid);
userRef.on("value", function(snapshot) {
document.getElementById("username").innerText = snapshot.val().name;
So this code does (line by line):
Determine the current user
Create a reference to that user's data in the database
Starts listening for that data, meaning it loads the current data, and then monitors for any changes
Puts the name of the user into the element.
Line 4 will be called immediately, with the current value of the user, and then every time that user data change.
Also see the Firebase documentation on listening for values.
If the page can also be loaded when the user is not signed in (yet), you'll want to make sure to only run this code when the user did sign in. You can do this by using a so-called auth state change listener, which is called whenever the user's auth state changes:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
var userRef = firebase.database().ref("Users/Drivers").child(user.uid);
userRef.on("value", function(snapshot) {
document.getElementById("username").innerText = snapshot.val().name;
See the Firebase documentation on getting the current signed in user..

Check if Firebase Facebook user exists without creating a user starting from anonymous user

In Firebase I need to check if a Facebook user exists without creating the user. Initially the user is anonymous, and they try to login with Facebook. I want this to fail if the Facebook account is not already linked to a user in my system. It won't be linked to the current user because they are anonymous,
If I use Auth.signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential I expected a "auth/user-not-found" error, but instead the user is simply created. Is this a bug or expected?
let credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
firebase.auth().signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(credential).then( (userCredential) => {
let user = userCredential.user
app.debug("DEBUG: Existing user signed in:"+user.uid)
}).catch( (err) => {
app.error("ERROR re-signing in:"+err.code)
If I use User.reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential instead I get the error "auth/user-mismatch" which makes sense because user is currently anonymous. However, I was expecting "auth/user-not-found" may be thrown instead if the credential doesn't exist, but that doesn't happen.
I don't see a way to take my anonymous user, have them login with Facebook and then see if another user is already linked to that Facebook credential without creating the user if it doesn't exist.
If you're wondering why? My scenario is:
The system allows anonymous users
A user logs in, then converts to a logged in user by registering with Facebook.
App uninstall
App reinstall
User starts up the app and is initially anonymous.
They try and login with Facebook again. At this point I want to stop them from creating a user if they don't have one already. If they have a user ID already, the code works fine and changes their anonymous account ID to the original user ID which is good.
I found a solution! It wasn't too hard to implement, but it does seem hacky.
So we know that when using signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(cred) for facebook login, the account is created even if it does not exist yet. To solve this, we need to make sure that we handle the following three things:
Detect if the account is new
Delete the current account that was created by firebase
Throw an error to get out of the current flow and return to wherever you were before.
I just implemented and tested this solution, and it seems to work great:
// ... do your stuff to do fb login, get credential, etc:
const userInfo = await firebase.auth().signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(credential)
// userInfo includes a property to check if the account is new:
const isNewUser = _.get(userInfo, 'additionalUserInfo.isNewUser', true)
// FIRST, delete the account we just made.
// SECOND, throw an error (or otherwise escape the current context.
if (isNewUser) {
throw new Error('Couldn\'t find an existing account.')
// If the user already exists, just handle normal login
return userInfo.user
The reason I did this was to ensure that users had to go through the "create account flow" in my app. Your case would be really easy to implement as well, something like the following:
let credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(event.authResponse.accessToken)
.then(userCredential => {
const isNewUser = userCredential.additionalUserInfo.isNewUser
if (isNewUser) {
// The following error will be handled in your catch statement
throw new Error("Couldn't find an existing account.")
// Otherwise, handle login normally:
const user = userCredential.user
app.debug("DEBUG: Existing user signed in:"+user.uid)
}).catch( (err) => {
app.error("ERROR re-signing in:"+err.code)
You can use linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential:
let credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(
anonymousUser.linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(credential).then( (userCredential) => {
// Firebase Auth only allows linking a credential if it is not
// already linked to another account.
// Now the anonymous account is upgraded to a permanent Facebook account.
}).catch( (err) => {
// Check for code: auth/credential-already-in-use
// When this error is returned, it means the credential is already
// used by another account.
You can use the method fetchSignInMethodsForEmail to check if an specific email is already associated to an specific provider or not. Doing this you will be able to check if one if the SighInMethods of the email associated to your user contains or not.
I show you below an example about how I manage this cases on my application. I'm using an RxJavaWrapper on my code, but you will understand the point of how to manage it:
RxFirebaseAuth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(authInstance, email)
.flatMap { providerResult ->
if (!providerResult.signInMethods!!.contains(credential.provider)) {
return#flatMap Maybe.error<AuthResult>(ProviderNotLinkedException(credential.provider))
} else {
return#flatMap RxFirebaseAuth.signInWithCredential(authInstance, credential)
.subscribe({ authResult ->
//Manage success
}, { error ->
//Manage error
First I check the providers associated to the email of the user(You can retrieve it from the provider)
If the list of SignInMethods contains my credential provider, I throw an error, if not, I call my signInWithCredential method to create the user.
Continue your workflow.
What I did to solve this problem without relying on the call to linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential to fail and using the catch block to sign in the already existing user is to save the userID field that getCurrentAccessToken returns.
const { userID } = data;
this.props.setFacebookId(userID); // saves the userID on the server
I can later check if this userID already exists next time the user signs up with facebook.

firebase javascript injection

I want ask something about firebase security. How to handle following situations?
User is creating account with createUserWithEmailAndPassword() function, then i save his username,email, realtime db. But what if data are not saved correctly. His account is created and he is logged in automatically but data is not stored.
I have some registration logic... for example unique usernames... so before creating acc i check if this username exist in realtime db. But he still can call createUserWithEmailandPassword() from js console and account is created.
For situation one:
According to the firebase docs (, creating a user does not automatically authenticate them. An additional call to authWithPassword() is required first. In order to ensure that a user isn't authenticated without valid data, you could run a check to the server to make sure the data is saved correctly before authenticating.
Edit: Nevermind that; looks like firebase does auto-auth now - take a look at what I wrote below.
Now a concern with this approach would be if your app allowed people to authenticate with an OAuth provider like gmail, then there is no function for creating the user before authenticating them. What you may need to do is pull the user data from the firebase, determine if it's valid, and if its not valid show a popup or redirect that lets the user fix any invalid data.
For situation two:
If you wanted to make sure that in the case of them calling createUserWithEmailAndPassword() from the console a new user is not created, you could try something like this with promises;
var createUserWithEmailAndPassword = function(username, password) {
var promise = isNewUserValid(username, password);
promise.then(function() {
// Code for creating new user goes here
In this way, you never expose the actual code that makes a new user because it exists within an anonymous function.
I don't think that this could solve the problem entirely though because firebases API would let anyone create an account using something
var ref = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>");
email: "",
password: "correcthorsebatterystaple"
(Taken from
If you wanted to make sure that server side you can't ever create a user with the same user name, you'd need to look into firebases's rules, specifically .validate
Using it, you could make sure that the username doesn't already exist in order to validate the operation of creating a username for an account.
Here's the firebase doc on rules:
And this is another question on stack overflow that is quite similar to yours. Enforcing unique usernames with Firebase simplelogin Marein's answer is a good starting point for implementing the server side validation.
First save the user credentials in the realtime database before you create the user:
var rootRef = firebase.database().ref('child');
var newUser = {
[name]: username,
[email]: useremail,
[joined]: date
After adding the Usersinfo into the realtime database create a new user:
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(useremail, userpassword).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// ...
When an error occured while inserting the data in the realtime database, it will skip the createuser function.
This works fine for me, hope this helps!
