I'm trying to implement a debounce function that works with a promise in javascript. That way, each caller can consume the result of the "debounced" function using a Promise. Here is the best I have been able to come up with so far:
function debounce(inner, ms = 0) {
let timer = null;
let promise = null;
const events = new EventEmitter(); // do I really need this?
return function (...args) {
if (timer == null) {
promise = new Promise(resolve => {
events.once('done', resolve);
} else {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
events.emit('done', inner(...args));
timer = null;
}, ms);
return promise;
Ideally, I would like to implement this utility function without introducing a dependency on EventEmitter (or implementing my own basic version of EventEmitter), but I can't think of a way to do it. Any thoughts?
I found a better way to implement this with promises:
function debounce(inner, ms = 0) {
let timer = null;
let resolves = [];
return function (...args) {
// Run the function after a certain amount of time
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Get the result of the inner function, then apply it to the resolve function of
// each promise that has been created since the last time the inner function was run
let result = inner(...args);
resolves.forEach(r => r(result));
resolves = [];
}, ms);
return new Promise(r => resolves.push(r));
I still welcome suggestions, but the new implementation answers my original question about how to implement this function without a dependency on EventEmitter (or something like it).
In Chris's solution all calls will be resolved with delay between them, which is good, but sometimes we need resolve only last call.
In my implementation, only last call in interval will be resolved.
function debounce(f, interval) {
let timer = null;
return (...args) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
timer = setTimeout(
() => resolve(f(...args)),
And the following typescript(>=4.5) implementation supports aborted features:
Support aborting promise via reject(). If we don't abort it, it cannot execute finally function.
Support custom reject abortValue.
If we catch error, we may need to determine if the error type is Aborted
* #param f callback
* #param wait milliseconds
* #param abortValue if has abortValue, promise will reject it if
* #returns Promise
export function debouncePromise<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
fn: T,
wait: number,
abortValue: any = undefined,
) {
let cancel = () => { };
// type Awaited<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T
type ReturnT = Awaited<ReturnType<T>>;
const wrapFunc = (...args: Parameters<T>): Promise<ReturnT> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => resolve(fn(...args)), wait);
cancel = () => {
if (abortValue!==undefined) {
return wrapFunc;
// deno run src/utils/perf.ts
function add(a: number) {
return Promise.resolve(a + 1);
const wrapFn= debouncePromise(add, 500, 'Aborted');
wrapFn(2).then(console.log).catch(console.log).finally(()=>console.log('final-clean')); // Aborted + final-clean
wrapFn(3).then(console.log).catch(console.log).finally(()=>console.log('final-clean')); // 4 + final_clean
I had done some memory benchmarks, huge number of pending promises won't cause memory leak. It seems that V8 engine GC will clean unused promises.
I landed here because I wanted to get the return value of the promise, but debounce in underscore.js was returning undefined instead. I ended up using lodash version with leading=true. It works for my case because I don't care if the execution is leading or trailing.
_.debounce(somethingThatReturnsAPromise, 300, {
leading: true,
trailing: false
resolve one promise, cancel the others
Many implementations I've seen over-complicate the problem or have other hygiene issues. In this post we will write our own debounce. This implementation will -
have at most one promise pending at any given time (per debounced task)
stop memory leaks by properly cancelling pending promises
resolve only the latest promise
demonstrate proper behaviour with live code demos
We write debounce with its two parameters, the task to debounce, and the amount of milliseconds to delay, ms. We introduce a single local binding for its local state, t -
function debounce (task, ms) {
let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }
return async (...args) => {
try {
t = deferred()
await t.promise
await task(...args)
catch (_) { /* prevent memory leak */ }
We depend on a reusable deferred function, which creates a new promise that resolves in ms milliseconds. It introduces two local bindings, the promise itself, an the ability to cancel it -
function deferred (ms) {
let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cancel = reject
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
return { promise, cancel }
click counter example
In this first example, we have a button that counts the user's clicks. The event listener is attached using debounce, so the counter is only incremented after a specified duration -
// debounce, deferred
function debounce (task, ms) { let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }; return async (...args) => { try { t.cancel(); t = deferred(ms); await t.promise; await task(...args); } catch (_) { console.log("cleaning up cancelled promise") } } }
function deferred (ms) { let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cancel = reject; setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); return { promise, cancel } }
// dom references
const myform = document.forms.myform
const mycounter = myform.mycounter
// event handler
function clickCounter (event) {
mycounter.value = Number(mycounter.value) + 1
// debounced listener
myform.myclicker.addEventListener("click", debounce(clickCounter, 1000))
<form id="myform">
<input name="myclicker" type="button" value="click" />
<output name="mycounter">0</output>
live query example, "autocomplete"
In this second example, we have a form with a text input. Our search query is attached using debounce -
// debounce, deferred
function debounce (task, ms) { let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }; return async (...args) => { try { t.cancel(); t = deferred(ms); await t.promise; await task(...args); } catch (_) { console.log("cleaning up cancelled promise") } } }
function deferred (ms) { let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cancel = reject; setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); return { promise, cancel } }
// dom references
const myform = document.forms.myform
const myresult = myform.myresult
// event handler
function search (event) {
myresult.value = `Searching for: ${event.target.value}`
// debounced listener
myform.myquery.addEventListener("keypress", debounce(search, 1000))
<form id="myform">
<input name="myquery" placeholder="Enter a query..." />
<output name="myresult"></output>
Here's my version in typescript (mostly based on Chris one), if someone need it 😉
function promiseDebounce (exec: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>, interval: number): () => ReturnType<typeof exec> {
let handle: number | undefined;
let resolves: Array<(value?: unknown) => void> = [];
return async (...args: unknown[]) => {
handle = setTimeout(
() => {
const result = exec(...args);
resolves.forEach(resolve => resolve(result));
resolves = [];
return new Promise(resolve => resolves.push(resolve));
No clue what you are trying to accomplish as it vastly depends on what your needs are. Below is something somewhat generic though. Without a solid grasp of what is going on in the code below, you really might not want to use it though.
// Debounce state constructor
function debounce(f) {
this._f = f;
return this.run.bind(this)
// Debounce execution function
debounce.prototype.run = function() {
console.log('before check');
if (this._promise)
return this._promise;
console.log('after check');
return this._promise = this._f(arguments).then(function(r) {
delete this._promise; // remove deletion to prevent new execution (or remove after timeout?)
return r;
}.bind(this)).catch(function(r) {
console.log('clearing after rejection');
delete this._promise; // Remove deletion here for as needed as noted above
return Promise.reject(r); // rethrow rejection
// Some function which returns a promise needing debouncing
function test(str) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('test' + str);
}, 1000);
a = new debounce(test); // Create debounced version of function
console.log("p1: ", p1 = a(1));
console.log("p2: ", p2 = a(2));
console.log("p1 = p2", p1 === p2);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("p3: ", p3 = a(3));
console.log("p1 = p3 ", p1 === p3, " - p2 = p3 ", p2 === p3);
}, 2100)
View the console when running the code above. I put a few messages to show a bit about what is going on. First some function which returns a promise is passed as an argument to new debounce(). This creates a debounced version of the function.
When you run the debounced function as the code above does (a(1), a(2), and a(3)) you will notice during processing it returns the same promise instead of starting a new one. Once the promise is complete it removes the old promise. In code above I wait for the timeout manually with setTimeout before running a(3).
You can clear the promise in other ways as well, like adding a reset or clear function on debounce.prototype to clear the promise at a different time. You could also set it to timeout. The tests in the console log should show p1 and p2 get the same promise (reference comparison "===" is true) and that p3 is different.
Here is what I came up with to solve this issue. All calls to the debounced function batched to the same invocation all return the same Promise that resolves to the result of the future invocation.
function makeFuture() {
let resolve;
let reject;
let promise = new Promise((d, e) => {
resolve = d;
reject = e;
return [promise, resolve, reject];
function debounceAsync(asyncFunction, delayMs) {
let timeout;
let [promise, resolve, reject] = makeFuture();
return function(...args) {
timeout = setTimeout(async () => {
const [prevResolve, prevReject] = [resolve, reject];
[promise, resolve, reject] = makeFuture();
try {
prevResolve(await asyncFunction.apply(this, args));
} catch (error) {
}, delayMs);
return promise;
const start = Date.now();
const dog = {
sound: 'woof',
bark() {
const delay = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`dog says ${this.sound} after ${delay} ms`);
return delay;
dog.bark = debounceAsync(dog.bark, 50);
Promise.all([dog.bark(), dog.bark()]).then(([delay1, delay2]) => {
console.log(`Delay1: ${delay1}, Delay2: ${delay2}`);
Both Chris and Николай Гордеев have good solutions. The first will resolve all of them. The problem is that they all be resolved, but usually you wouldn't want all of them to run.
The second solution solved that but created a new problem - now you will have multiple awaits. If it's a function that is called a lot (like search typing) you might have a memory issue. I fixed it by creating the following asyncDebounce that will resolve the last one and reject (and the awaiting call will get an exception that they can just catch).
const debounceWithRejection = (
ms = 0,
reject = false,
) => {
let timer = null;
let resolves = [];
return function (...args) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
const resolvesLocal = resolves;
resolves = [];
if (reject) {
const resolve = resolvesLocal.pop();
resolvesLocal.forEach((r, i) => {
!!rejectionBuilder ? r.rej(rejectionBuilder(r.args)) : r.rej(r.args);
} else {
resolvesLocal.forEach((r) => r.res(inner(...args)));
resolves = [];
}, ms);
return new Promise((res, rej) =>
resolves.push({ res, rej, args: [...args] })
The rejection logic is optional, and so is the rejectionBuilder. It's an option to reject with specific builder so you will know to catch it.
You can see runing example.
This may not what you want, but can provide you some clue:
* Call a function asynchronously, as soon as possible. Makes
* use of HTML Promise to schedule the callback if available,
* otherwise falling back to `setTimeout` (mainly for IE<11).
* #type {(callback: function) => void}
export const defer = typeof Promise=='function' ?
Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout;
Here i am trying to wrap my head around promises.Here on first request i fetch a set of links.and on next request i fetch the content of first link.But i want to make a delay before returning next promise object.So i use setTimeout on it. But it gives me the following JSON error (without setTimeout() it works just fine)
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of
the JSON data
i would like to know why it fails?
let globalObj={};
function getLinks(url){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
let http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(http.readyState == 4){
if(http.status == 200){
reject(new Error());
let all_links = (JSON.parse(links));
return getLinks(globalObj["one"]+".txt");
return getLinks(globalObj["two"]+".txt"); // without setTimeout it works fine
To keep the promise chain going, you can't use setTimeout() the way you did because you aren't returning a promise from the .then() handler - you're returning it from the setTimeout() callback which does you no good.
Instead, you can make a simple little delay function like this:
function delay(t, v) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t, v));
And, then use it like this:
let all_links = (JSON.parse(links));
return getLinks(globalObj["one"]+".txt");
// return a promise here that will be chained to prior promise
return delay(1000).then(function() {
return getLinks(globalObj["two"]+".txt");
Here you're returning a promise from the .then() handler and thus it is chained appropriately.
You can also add a delay method to the Promise object and then directly use a .delay(x) method on your promises like this:
function delay(t, v) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t, v));
Promise.prototype.delay = function(t) {
return this.then(function(v) {
return delay(t, v);
Promise.resolve("hello").delay(500).then(function(v) {
.then(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 15000)))
when I need sleep in async function I throw in
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
The shorter ES6 version of the answer:
const delay = t => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
And then you can do:
delay(3000).then(() => console.log('Hello'));
If you are inside a .then() block and you want to execute a settimeout()
.then(() => {
console.log('wait for 10 seconds . . . . ');
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('10 seconds Timer expired!!!');
}, 10000)
.then(() => {
console.log('promise resolved!!!');
output will as shown below
wait for 10 seconds . . . .
10 seconds Timer expired!!!
promise resolved!!!
Happy Coding!
Since node v15, you can use timers promise API
example from the doc:
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'
const res = await setTimeout(100, 'result')
console.log(res) // Prints 'result'
In node.js you can also do the following:
const { promisify } = require('util')
const delay = promisify(setTimeout)
delay(1000).then(() => console.log('hello'))
For the current LTS its easier and we can use async/await to handle timeouts. Please note that this is the recommended way to use timeout nowadays.
Thenables is not the recommended way.
const { promisify } = require('util')
const sleep = promisify(setTimeout)
async function myFunction() {
await sleep(1e3)
console.log('This will be seen after 1 sec')
await sleep(5e3)
console.log('This will be seen after 5 sec after')
const myStuff = new Promise(function (resolve) {
console.log("before timeout");
function (x) {
console.log("inside the timeout");
"after timeout"
}).then((response) => console.log(response));
I want to resolve a promise when an event happens in a different function
const trigger = function() {}
const eventHandler = async function() {
while(true) {
await new Promise (resolve => {
// Code when the promise fulfills.
const cleaner = function() {
You can do that really easily by re-assigning the trigger:
let trigger = () => {}
const eventHandler = async function() {
while(true) {
await new Promise (resolve => {
trigger = resolve
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Code when the promise fulfills.
const cleaner = function() {
trigger() // calls resolve to fulfill the currently waited-for promise
eventHandler() // start waiting
However, notice that this is generally regarded as a bad practice, you should start whatever leads to the external event, and especially installing the event listener, inside the new Promise executor callback, where you trivially have access to the resolve function.
Below is an example of how you might go about making a promise cancelable. We're using a helper function makeCancelable() that takes a promise, and returns a different promise and a cancel function. There's no way to just "cancel" an existing promise, especially when you don't have control over how the promise is made, but what you can do it wrap the existing promise in a new one that's behaves just like the original, but is also ready to resolve on command.
// Helper function that just waits for a timeout
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
function makeCancelable(promise) {
let resolveWrappedPromise
return {
promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolveWrappedPromise = resolve
promise.then(resolve, reject)
cancel: value => resolveWrappedPromise(value),
cancelPromise = () => {} // function used by onClick event
async function eventHandler() {
while (true) {
const { promise, cancel } = makeCancelable(wait(1000).then(() => 'Success!'))
cancelPromise = cancel
console.log(await promise)
<button onclick="cancelPromise('Canceled!')">Cancel!</button>
In this code example, "Success!" will print out every second - unless you push the button to cancel the current promise. Repeated pushes of the button will delay "Success!" from being printed indefinably, because the promise was canceled and provided with the value "Canceled!" when cancellation occurred.
Use the waitFor method of the EventEmitter2 package (Live demo).
import EventEmitter2 from "eventemitter2";
const emitter = new EventEmitter2();
(async () => {
const data = await emitter.waitFor("test");
console.log("emitted", data);
setTimeout(() => emitter.emit("test", 1, 2, 3), 1000);
How would you wait for a Promise to resolve/reject, for a maximum execution time ? The code below is obviously wrong, it's just to explain what I'm trying to achieve. I'm clueless.
await doSomething();
if ( executionTime > maxExecutionTime ) {
This is not for a bluebird promise.
You can use Promise.race() which will immediately resolve/reject when the first promise in its iterable resolves or rejects. E.g.
const longTask = () => new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(() => resolve("Long task complete."), 300))
const timeout = (cb, interval) => () =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => cb(resolve), interval))
const onTimeout = timeout(resolve =>
resolve("The 'maybeLongTask' ran too long!"), 200)
Promise.race([longTask, onTimeout].map(f => f())).then(console.log)
The only issue is you can't really cancel the 'longTask' just because of its long execution. In theory, you'd either set some flag (to tell it not to continue onto the next stage of its pipeline), or design your application with the consequences of the promise in mind.
See what happens when you swap the 200 and 300 intervals.
Edit: Per spsaucier's comment, I've delayed the execution of each promise until the Promise.line line.
The code below will give you some idea:
function doSomething(maxExecutionTime) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 2000); // this setTimeout simulates your async action which sould not exced maxExecutionTime
setTimeout(() => resolve(false), maxExecutionTime);
async function someFunc(maxExecutionTime) {
var exced = await doSomething(maxExecutionTime);
if (exced) {
console.log("Doesn't exced max time");
} else {
console.log("Exced max time");
In ECMA6 You can do something like this:
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let wait = setTimeout(() => {
resolve('Timed out after 200 ms..');
}, 200)
As noahnu suggested, you can use Promise.race. You can wrap it in a function that takes a promise.
With some syntax sugar you can use thisOrThat which takes logic, a function that takes 2 functions, first and second. You can apply logic here as to try the first function and when to try the second (in our case if the first doesn't resolve within a certain time then try the second).
thisOrThat then takes an argument first that is a function returning a promise (in our case doSomething.
thisOrThat returns an object that has an or property that takes a function returning a promise. That parameter is called second and is passed to logic as second (in our case it is doSomethingElse).
var timeoutPromise =
time =>
promiseFn =>
new Promise(
_=>r("timed out")
var thisOrThat =
logic =>
first => ({
var within75ms = thisOrThat
var within25ms = thisOrThat
var doSomething = () =>
console.log("do something called")||
new Promise(r=>setTimeout(x=>r("something"),50));
var doSomethingElse = () =>
console.log("do something else called") ||
new Promise(r=>setTimeout(x=>r("something else"),50));
async function someFunc() {
const doesNotTimeOut =
await within75ms(doSomething).or(doSomethingElse);
console.log("within 75ms resolved to:",doesNotTimeOut);
const doesTimeOut =
await within25ms(doSomething).or(doSomethingElse)
console.log("within 25ms resolved to:",doesTimeOut);
I have used Promise.race
// Try to get config from mongo
async function getProjectConfigThreshold(projectName) {
function onTimeoutResolveDefaultThreshold() {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
async function getThresholdFromProjectConfig() {
const projectConfig = await getProjectsConfig(projectName);
const threshold = projectConfig.threshold || DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;
return threshold;
return await Promise.race([getThresholdFromProjectConfig(), onTimeoutResolveDefaultThreshold()]);
I'm playing around with promises and I'm having trouble with an asynchronous recursive promise.
The scenario is an athlete starts running the 100m, I need to periodically check to see if they have finished and once they have finished, print their time.
Edit to clarify :
In the real world the athlete is running on a server. startRunning involves making an ajax call to the server. checkIsFinished also involves making an ajax call to the server. The code below is an attempt to imitate that. The times and distances in the code are hardcoded in an attempt to keep things as simple as possible. Apologies for not being clearer.
End edit
I'd like to be able to write the following
var intervalID;
var startRunning = function () {
var athlete = {
timeTaken: 0,
distanceTravelled: 0
var updateAthlete = function () {
athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
console.log("updated athlete", athlete)
intervalID = setInterval(updateAthlete, 2500);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, athlete), 2000);
var checkIsFinished = function (athlete) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100) {
} else {
console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
setTimeout(checkIsFinished.bind(null, athlete), 1000);
var printTime = function (athlete) {
console.log('printing time', athlete.timeTaken);
var handleError = function (e) { console.log(e); };
I can see that the promise that is created the first time checkIsFinished is never resolved. How can I ensure that that promise is resolved so that printTime is called?
Instead of
I could do
But I'd like to avoid that if possible, I'd really like to be able to write
The bug is that you are passing a function that returns a promise to setTimeout. That promise is lost into the ether. A band-aid fix might be to recurse on the executor function:
var checkIsFinished = function (athlete) {
return new Promise(function executor(resolve) {
if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100) {
} else {
console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
setTimeout(executor.bind(null, resolve), 1000);
But meh. I think this is a great example of why one should avoid the promise-constructor anti-pattern (because mixing promise code and non-promise code inevitably leads to bugs like this).
Best practices I follow to avoid such bugs:
Only deal with async functions that return promises.
When one doesn't return a promise, wrap it with a promise constructor.
Wrap it as narrowly (with as little code) as possible.
Don't use the promise constructor for anything else.
After this, I find code easier to reason about and harder to bugger up, because everything follows the same pattern.
Applying this to your example got me here (I'm using es6 arrow functions for brevity. They work in Firefox and Chrome 45):
var console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>",
error: e => console.log(e +", "+ e.lineNumber) };
var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
var startRunning = () => {
var athlete = {
timeTaken: 0,
distanceTravelled: 0,
intervalID: setInterval(() => {
athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
console.log("updated athlete ");
}, 2500)
return wait(2000).then(() => athlete);
var checkIsFinished = athlete => {
if (athlete.distanceTravelled < 100) {
console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
return wait(1000).then(() => checkIsFinished(athlete));
return athlete;
.then(athlete => console.log('printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken))
<div id="div"></div>
Note that checkIsFinished returns either athlete or a promise. This is fine here because .then functions automatically promote return values from functions you pass in to promises. If you'll be calling checkIsFinished in other contexts, you might want to do the promotion yourself, using return Promise.resolve(athlete); instead of return athlete;.
Edit in response to comments from Amit:
For a non-recursive answer, replace the entire checkIsFinished function with this helper:
var waitUntil = (func, ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var interval = setInterval(() => {
try { func() && resolve(clearInterval(interval)); } catch (e) { reject(e); }
}, ms);
and then do this:
var athlete;
.then(result => (athlete = result))
.then(() => waitUntil(() => athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100, 1000))
.then(() => {
console.log('finished. printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken);
var console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>",
error: e => console.log(e +", "+ e.lineNumber) };
var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
var waitUntil = (func, ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var interval = setInterval(() => {
try { func() && resolve(clearInterval(interval)); } catch (e) { reject(e); }
}, ms);
var startRunning = () => {
var athlete = {
timeTaken: 0,
distanceTravelled: 0,
intervalID: setInterval(() => {
athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
console.log("updated athlete ");
}, 2500)
return wait(2000).then(() => athlete);
var athlete;
.then(result => (athlete = result))
.then(() => waitUntil(() => athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100, 1000))
.then(() => {
console.log('finished. printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken);
<div id="div"></div>
Using setTimeout / setInterval is one of the scenrios that doesn't play well with promises, and causes you to use the frowned promise anti-pattern.
Having said that, if you reconstruct your function make it a "wait for completion" type of function (and name it accordingly as well), you'd be able to solve your problem. The waitForFinish function is only called once, and returns a single promise (albeit a new one, on top of the original promise created in startRunning). The handling of the recurrence through setTimeout is done in an internal polling function, where proper try/catch is used to ensure exceptions are propagated to the promise.
var intervalID;
var startRunning = function () {
var athlete = {
timeTaken: 0,
distanceTravelled: 0
var updateAthlete = function () {
athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
console.log("updated athlete", athlete)
intervalID = setInterval(updateAthlete, 2500);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, athlete), 2000);
var waitForFinish = function (athlete) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
(function pollFinished() {
if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100) {
} else {
if(Date.now()%1000 < 250) { // This is here to show errors are cought
throw new Error('some error');
console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
setTimeout(pollFinished, 1000);
catch(e) { // When an error is cought, the promise is properly rejected
// (Athlete will keep running though)
var printTime = function (athlete) {
console.log('printing time', athlete.timeTaken);
var handleError = function (e) { console.log('Handling error:', e); };
While all this code is functioning properly, a polling solution is never advised in an asynchronous environment and should be avoided if possible. In your case, since this sample mocks communication with a server, I'd consider using web sockets if possible.
Since your use of promises is pretty off the mark, it's a little hard to tell exactly what you're trying to do or what implementation would best fit, but here's a recommendation.
Promises are a one-shot state machine. As such, you return a promise and exactly one time in the future, the promise can be either rejected with a reason or resolved with a value. Given that design of promises, I think what makes sense would be something that can be used like this:
startRunning(100).then(printTime, handleError);
You could implement that with code like this:
function startRunning(limit) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var timeStart = Date.now();
var athlete = {
timeTaken: 0,
distanceTravelled: 0
function updateAthlete() {
athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
console.log("updated athlete", athlete)
if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= limit) {
athlete.timeTaken = Date.now() - timeStart;
var intervalID = setInterval(updateAthlete, 2500);
function printTime(athlete) {
console.log('printing time', athlete.timeTaken);
function handleError(e) {
startRunning(100).then(printTime, handleError);
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/fbmbrc8s/
FYI, my design preference would probably be to have a public athlete object and then methods on that object to start running, stop running, etc...
Here are some of the fundamental things you got wrong in a use of promises:
They are one-shot objects. They are resolved or rejected only once.
The structure startRunning().then(checkIsFinished) just doesn't make logical sense. For the first part of this to work, startRunning() has to return a promise, and it has to resolve ore reject that promise when something useful happens. Your are just resolving it after two seconds which doesn't really seem to accomplish anything useful.
The words of your description make it sound like you want `checkIsFinished() to keep going an not resolve its promise until the athlete is finished. It is possible to do that by continually chaining promises, but that seems a very complicated way to do things and certainly not necessary here. Further, that isn't at all what your code attempts to do. Your code just returns a new promise that is never resolved unless the athelete has already passed the desired distance. If not, it returns a promise that is never resolved or rejected. This is a fundamental violation of promise concepts. A function that returns a promise is responsible for eventually resolving or rejecting it unless the calling code expects to just abandon the promise in which case it's probably the wrong design tool.
Here's another approach that creates a public Athlete() object that has some methods and allows multiple people to be watching the progress:
var EventEmitter = require('events');
function Athlete() {
// private instance variables
var runInterval, startTime;
var watcher = new EventEmitter();
// public instance variables
this.timeTaken = 0;
this.distanceTravelled = 0;
this.startRunning = function() {
startTime = Date.now();
var self = this;
if (runInterval) {clearInterval(runInterval);}
runInterval = setInterval(function() {
self.distanceTravelled += 25;
self.timeTaken = Date.now() - startTime;
console.log("distance = ", self.distanceTravelled);
// notify watchers
this.notify = function(limit) {
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function update() {
if (self.distanceTravelled >= limit) {
watcher.removeListener("distanceUpdate", update);
// if no more watchers, then stop the running timer
if (watcher.listeners("distanceUpdate").length === 0) {
watcher.on("distanceUpdate", update);
var a = new Athlete();
a.notify(100).then(function() {
I use ES6 Promises to manage all of my network data retrieval and there are some situations where I need to force cancel them.
Basically the scenario is such that I have a type-ahead search on the UI where the request is delegated to the backend has to carry out the search based on the partial input. While this network request (#1) may take a little bit of time, user continues to type which eventually triggers another backend call (#2)
Here #2 naturally takes precedence over #1 so I would like to cancel the Promise wrapping request #1. I already have a cache of all Promises in the data layer so I can theoretically retrieve it as I am attempting to submit a Promise for #2.
But how do I cancel Promise #1 once I retrieve it from the cache?
Could anyone suggest an approach?
In modern JavaScript - no
Promises have settled (hah) and it appears like it will never be possible to cancel a (pending) promise.
Instead, there is a cross-platform (Node, Browsers etc) cancellation primitive as part of WHATWG (a standards body that also builds HTML) called AbortController. You can use it to cancel functions that return promises rather than promises themselves:
// Take a signal parameter in the function that needs cancellation
async function somethingIWantToCancel({ signal } = {}) {
// either pass it directly to APIs that support it
// (fetch and most Node APIs do)
const response = await fetch('.../', { signal });
// return response.json;
// or if the API does not already support it -
// manually adapt your code to support signals:
const onAbort = (e) => {
// run any code relating to aborting here
signal.addEventListener('abort', onAbort, { once: true });
// and be sure to clean it up when the action you are performing
// is finished to avoid a leak
// ... sometime later ...
signal.removeEventListener('abort', onAbort);
// Usage
const ac = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 1000); // give it a 1s timeout
try {
await somethingIWantToCancel({ signal: ac.signal });
} catch (e) {
if (e.name === 'AbortError') {
// deal with cancellation in caller, or ignore
} else {
throw e; // don't swallow errors :)
No. We can't do that yet.
ES6 promises do not support cancellation yet. It's on its way, and its design is something a lot of people worked really hard on. Sound cancellation semantics are hard to get right and this is work in progress. There are interesting debates on the "fetch" repo, on esdiscuss and on several other repos on GH but I'd just be patient if I were you.
But, but, but.. cancellation is really important!
It is, the reality of the matter is cancellation is really an important scenario in client-side programming. The cases you describe like aborting web requests are important and they're everywhere.
So... the language screwed me!
Yeah, sorry about that. Promises had to get in first before further things were specified - so they went in without some useful stuff like .finally and .cancel - it's on its way though, to the spec through the DOM. Cancellation is not an afterthought it's just a time constraint and a more iterative approach to API design.
So what can I do?
You have several alternatives:
Use a third party library like bluebird who can move a lot faster than the spec and thus have cancellation as well as a bunch of other goodies - this is what large companies like WhatsApp do.
Pass a cancellation token.
Using a third party library is pretty obvious. As for a token, you can make your method take a function in and then call it, as such:
function getWithCancel(url, token) { // the token is for cancellation
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open("GET", url);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
xhr.onload = function() { resolve(xhr.responseText); });
token.cancel = function() { // SPECIFY CANCELLATION
xhr.abort(); // abort request
reject(new Error("Cancelled")); // reject the promise
xhr.onerror = reject;
Which would let you do:
var token = {};
var promise = getWithCancel("/someUrl", token);
// later we want to abort the promise:
Your actual use case - last
This isn't too hard with the token approach:
function last(fn) {
var lastToken = { cancel: function(){} }; // start with no op
return function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return fn.apply(this, args);
Which would let you do:
var synced = last(getWithCancel);
synced("/url1?q=a"); // this will get canceled
synced("/url1?q=ab"); // this will get canceled too
synced("/url1?q=abc"); // this will get canceled too
synced("/url1?q=abcd").then(function() {
// only this will run
And no, libraries like Bacon and Rx don't "shine" here because they're observable libraries, they just have the same advantage user level promise libraries have by not being spec bound. I guess we'll wait to have and see in ES2016 when observables go native. They are nifty for typeahead though.
With AbortController
It is possible to use abort controller to reject promise or resolve on your demand:
let controller = new AbortController();
let task = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// some logic ...
const abortListener = ({target}) => {
controller.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortListener);
controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortListener);
controller.abort('cancelled reason'); // task is now in rejected state
Also it's better to remove event listener on abort to prevent memory leaks
And you can later check if error was thrown by abort by checking the controller.signal.aborted boolean property like:
const res = task.catch((err) => (
? { value: err }
: { value: 'fallback' }
If you would check if task is aborted and just return, then the Promise will be in pending status forever. But in that case you also will not get .catch fired with any error if that's your intension:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(controller.signal.aborted) return;
Same works for cancelling fetch:
let controller = new AbortController();
fetch(url, {
signal: controller.signal
or just pass controller:
let controller = new AbortController();
fetch(url, controller);
And call abort method to cancel one, or infinite number of fetches where you passed this controller
Standard proposals for cancellable promises have failed.
A promise is not a control surface for the async action fulfilling it; confuses owner with consumer. Instead, create asynchronous functions that can be cancelled through some passed-in token.
Another promise makes a fine token, making cancel easy to implement with Promise.race:
Example: Use Promise.race to cancel the effect of a previous chain:
let cancel = () => {};
input.oninput = function(ev) {
let term = ev.target.value;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
let p = new Promise(resolve => cancel = resolve);
Promise.race([p, getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
if (results) {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`,results);
function getSearchResults(term) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let timeout = 100 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1900);
setTimeout(() => resolve([term.toLowerCase(), term.toUpperCase()]), timeout);
Search: <input id="input">
Here we're "cancelling" previous searches by injecting an undefined result and testing for it, but we could easily imagine rejecting with "CancelledError" instead.
Of course this doesn't actually cancel the network search, but that's a limitation of fetch. If fetch were to take a cancel promise as argument, then it could cancel the network activity.
I've proposed this "Cancel promise pattern" on es-discuss, exactly to suggest that fetch do this.
I have checked out Mozilla JS reference and found this:
Let's check it out:
var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "one");
var p2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, "two");
Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(function(value) {
console.log(value); // "two"
// Both resolve, but p2 is faster
We have here p1, and p2 put in Promise.race(...) as arguments, this is actually creating new resolve promise, which is what you require.
For Node.js and Electron, I'd highly recommend using Promise Extensions for JavaScript (Prex). Its author Ron Buckton is one of the key TypeScript engineers and also is the guy behind the current TC39's ECMAScript Cancellation proposal. The library is well documented and chances are some of Prex will make to the standard.
On a personal note and coming from C# background, I like very much the fact that Prex is modelled upon the existing Cancellation in Managed Threads framework, i.e. based on the approach taken with CancellationTokenSource/CancellationToken .NET APIs. In my experience, those have been very handy to implement robust cancellation logic in managed apps.
I also verified it to work within a browser by bundling Prex using Browserify.
Here is an example of a delay with cancellation (Gist and RunKit, using Prex for its CancellationToken and Deferred):
// by #noseratio
// https://gist.github.com/noseratio/141a2df292b108ec4c147db4530379d2
// https://runkit.com/noseratio/cancellablepromise
const prex = require('prex');
* A cancellable promise.
* #extends Promise
class CancellablePromise extends Promise {
static get [Symbol.species]() {
// tinyurl.com/promise-constructor
return Promise;
constructor(executor, token) {
const withCancellation = async () => {
// create a new linked token source
const linkedSource = new prex.CancellationTokenSource(token? [token]: []);
try {
const linkedToken = linkedSource.token;
const deferred = new prex.Deferred();
linkedToken.register(() => deferred.reject(new prex.CancelError()));
resolve: value => deferred.resolve(value),
reject: error => deferred.reject(error),
token: linkedToken
await deferred.promise;
finally {
// this will also free all linkedToken registrations,
// so the executor doesn't have to worry about it
super((resolve, reject) => withCancellation().then(resolve, reject));
* A cancellable delay.
* #extends Promise
class Delay extends CancellablePromise {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Promise; }
constructor(delayMs, token) {
super(r => {
const id = setTimeout(r.resolve, delayMs);
r.token.register(() => clearTimeout(id));
}, token);
// main
async function main() {
const tokenSource = new prex.CancellationTokenSource();
const token = tokenSource.token;
setTimeout(() => tokenSource.cancel(), 2000); // cancel after 2000ms
let delay = 1000;
console.log(`delaying by ${delay}ms`);
await new Delay(delay, token);
console.log("successfully delayed."); // we should reach here
delay = 2000;
console.log(`delaying by ${delay}ms`);
await new Delay(delay, token);
console.log("successfully delayed."); // we should not reach here
main().catch(error => console.error(`Error caught, ${error}`));
Note that cancellation is a race. I.e., a promise may have been resolved successfully, but by the time you observe it (with await or then), the cancellation may have been triggered as well. It's up to you how you handle this race, but it doesn't hurts to call token.throwIfCancellationRequested() an extra time, like I do above.
I faced similar problem recently.
I had a promise based client (not a network one) and i wanted to always give the latest requested data to the user to keep the UI smooth.
After struggling with cancellation idea, Promise.race(...) and Promise.all(..) i just started remembering my last request id and when promise was fulfilled i was only rendering my data when it matched the id of a last request.
Hope it helps someone.
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/promise-abortable
$ npm install promise-abortable
You can make the promise reject before finishing:
// Our function to cancel promises receives a promise and return the same one and a cancel function
const cancellablePromise = (promiseToCancel) => {
let cancel
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cancel = reject
return {promise, cancel}
// A simple promise to exeute a function with a delay
const waitAndExecute = (time, functionToExecute) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeInMs = time * 1000
console.log(`Waited ${time} secs`)
}, timeInMs)
// The promise that we will cancel
const fetchURL = () => fetch('https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto/')
// Create a function that resolve in 1 seconds. (We will cancel it in 0.5 secs)
const {promise, cancel} = cancellablePromise(waitAndExecute(1, fetchURL))
.then((res) => {
console.log('then', res) // This will executed in 1 second
.catch(() => {
console.log('catch') // We will force the promise reject in 0.5 seconds
waitAndExecute(0.5, cancel) // Cancel previous promise in 0.5 seconds, so it will be rejected before finishing. Commenting this line will make the promise resolve
Unfortunately the fetch call has already be done, so you will see the call resolving in the Network tab. Your code will just ignore it.
Using the Promise subclass provided by the external package, this can be done as follows: Live demo
import CPromise from "c-promise2";
function fetchWithTimeout(url, {timeout, ...fetchOptions}= {}) {
return new CPromise((resolve, reject, {signal}) => {
fetch(url, {...fetchOptions, signal}).then(resolve, reject)
}, timeout)
const chain= fetchWithTimeout('http://localhost/')
.then(response => response.json())
.then(console.log, console.warn);
//chain.cancel(); call this to abort the promise and releated request
Using AbortController
I've been researching about this for a few days and I still feel that rejecting the promise inside an abort event handler is only part of the approach.
The thing is that as you may know, only rejecting a promise, makes the code awaiting for it to resume execution but if there's any code that runs after the rejection or resolution of the promise, or outside of its execution scope, e.g. Inside of an event listener or an async call, it will keep running, wasting cycles and maybe even memory on something that isn't really needed anymore.
Lacking approach
When executing the snippet below, after 2 seconds, the console will contain the output derived from the execution of the promise rejection, and any output derived from the pending work. The promise will be rejected and the work awaiting for it can continue, but the work will not, which in my opinion is the main point of this exercise.
let abortController = new AbortController();
new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
let abortHandler = () => {
reject( 'Aborted' );
abortController.signal.addEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
setTimeout( () => {
console.log( 'Work' );
console.log( 'More work' );
resolve( 'Work result' );
abortController.signal.removeEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
}, 2000 );
} )
.then( result => console.log( 'then:', result ) )
.catch( reason => console.error( 'catch:', reason ) );
setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), 1000 );
Which leads me to think that after defining the abort event handler there must be calls to
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
in sensible points of the code that is performing the work so that the work doesn't get performed and can gracefully stop if necessary (Adding more statements before the return in the if block above).
This approach reminds me a little about the cancellable token proposal from a few years back but it will in fact prevent work to be performed in vain. The console output should now only be the abort error and nothing more and even, when the work is in progress, and then cancelled in the middle, it can stop, as said before in a sensible step of the processing, like at the beginning of a loop's body
let abortController = new AbortController();
new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
let abortHandler = () => {
reject( 'Aborted' );
abortController.signal.addEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
setTimeout( () => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
console.log( 'Work' );
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
console.log( 'More work' );
resolve( 'Work result' );
abortController.signal.removeEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
}, 2000 );
} )
.then( result => console.log( 'then:', result ) )
.catch( reason => console.error( 'catch:', reason ) );
setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), 1000 );
I found the posted solutions here a little hard to read, so I created a helper function that is in my opinion easier to use.
The helper function gives access to to the information whether the current call is already obsolete or not. With this information the function itself has to take care of things accordingly (usually by simply returning).
// Typescript
export function obsoletableFn<Res, Args extends unknown[]>(
fn: (isObsolete: () => boolean, ...args: Args) => Promise<Res>,
): (...args: Args) => Promise<Res> {
let lastCaller = null;
return (...args: Args) => {
const me = Symbol();
lastCaller = me;
const isObsolete = () => lastCaller !== me;
return fn(isObsolete, ...args);
// helper function
function obsoletableFn(fn) {
let lastCaller = null;
return (...args) => {
const me = Symbol();
lastCaller = me;
const isObsolete = () => lastCaller !== me;
return fn(isObsolete, ...args);
const simulateRequest = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 2000 + 1000));
// usage
const myFireAndForgetFn = obsoletableFn(async(isObsolete, x) => {
console.log(x, 'starting');
await simulateRequest();
if (isObsolete()) {
console.log(x, 'is obsolete');
// return, as there is already a more recent call running
console.log(x, 'is not obsolete');
document.querySelector('div').innerHTML = `Response ${x}`;
<div>Waiting for response...</div>
So I have an async function that I needed to cancel on user input, but it's a long running one that involves mouse control.
I used p-queue and added each line in my function into it and have an observable that I feed the cancellation signal. Anything that the queue starts processing will run no matter what but you should be able to cancel anything after that by clearing the queue. The shorter the task you add to the queue, the sooner you can quit after getting the cancel signal. You can be lazy and throw whole chunks of code into the queue instead of the one liners i have in the example.
p-queue releases Version 6 works with commonjs, 7+ switches to ESM and could break your app. Breaks my electron/typescript/webpack one.
const cancellable_function = async () => {
const queue = new PQueue({concurrency:1});
async () => await move_mouse({...}),
async () => await mouse_click({...}),
for await (const item of items) {
async () => await do_something({...}),
async () => await do_something_else({...}),
const {information} = await get_information();
async () => await move_mouse({...}),
async () => await mouse_click({...}),
cancel_signal$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
await queue.onEmpty()
Because #jib reject my modify, so I post my answer here. It's just the modfify of #jib's anwser with some comments and using more understandable variable names.
Below I just show examples of two different method: one is resolve() the other is reject()
let cancelCallback = () => {};
input.oninput = function(ev) {
let term = ev.target.value;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
cancelCallback(); //cancel previous promise by calling cancelCallback()
let setCancelCallbackPromise = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// set cancelCallback when running this promise
cancelCallback = () => {
// pass cancel messages by resolve()
return resolve('Canceled');
Promise.race([setCancelCallbackPromise(), getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
// check if the calling of resolve() is from cancelCallback() or getSearchResults()
if (results == 'Canceled') {
console.log("error(by resolve): ", results);
} else {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`, results);
input2.oninput = function(ev) {
let term = ev.target.value;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
cancelCallback(); //cancel previous promise by calling cancelCallback()
let setCancelCallbackPromise = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// set cancelCallback when running this promise
cancelCallback = () => {
// pass cancel messages by reject()
return reject('Canceled');
Promise.race([setCancelCallbackPromise(), getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
// check if the calling of resolve() is from cancelCallback() or getSearchResults()
if (results !== 'Canceled') {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`, results);
}).catch(error => {
console.log("error(by reject): ", error);
function getSearchResults(term) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let timeout = 100 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1900);
setTimeout(() => resolve([term.toLowerCase(), term.toUpperCase()]), timeout);
Search(use resolve): <input id="input">
<br> Search2(use reject and catch error): <input id="input2">