I just noticed that Meteor.call, the concept that prevent user from invoke collection's insert, update, remove method, still able to be invoked from JavaScript console.
For client's example:
// client
Meteor.call('insertProduct', productInfo);
Here's the server part:
// server
insertProduct: function( productInfo ){
OK, I know people can't invoke Product.insert() directly from their JavaScript console.
But if they try a little bit more, they'd find out there's Meteor.call() in client's JavaScript from Developer tool's resource tab.
So now they can try to invoke Meteor.call from their console, then try to guessing what should be productInfo's properties.
So I wonder how can we prevent this final activity?
Does Meteor.call done the job well enough?
or I'm missing something important?
Meteor.call is a global function, just like window.alert(). Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do from preventing a user calling Meteor.call. However, you can validate the schema of data and the actual data of what a user is sending. I'd recommend https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-simple-schema (aldeed:simple-schema as the meteor package name) to ensure you don't get garbage data in your project.
As others pointed out, "Meteor.call" can surely be used from the console. The subtle issue here is that there could be a legal user of a meteor app who can in turn do bad things on the server. So even if one checks on the server if the user is legal, that by itself does not guarantee that the data is protected.
This is not an issue only with Meteor. I think all such apps would need to potentially protect against corruption of their data, even through legal users
One way to protect such corruption is by using IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
Wrap your module in a IIFE. Inside the closure keep a private variable which stores a unique one time use key (k1). That key needs to be placed there using another route -- maybe by ensuring that a collection observer gets fired in the client at startup. One can use other strategies here too. The idea is to squirrel in the value of k1 from the server and deposit it in a private variable
Then each time you invoke a Meteor.call from inside you code, pass k1 along as one of the parameter. The server in turn checks if k1 was indeed legal for that browser connection
As k1 was stored inside a private variable in the closure that was invoked by the IIFE, it would be quite difficult for someone at the browser console to determine the value of k1. Hence, even though "Meteor.call" can indeed be called from the browser console, it would not cause any harm. This approach should be quite a good deterrent for data corruption
As mentionned by #Faysal, you have several ways to ensure your calls are legit. An easy step to do so is to implement alanning:roles and do role checks from within your method like the following:
methodName: function() {
if (!Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, 'admin')) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'not authorized);
} else { yourcode });
This way, only admin users can call the method.
Note that you can also check this.connection from within the method and determine if the call comes from the server (this.connection === false) or from the client.
Generally speaking, doing checks and data manipulations from your methods is a nice way to go. Allow/deny are nice to begin with but become really hard to maintain when your collections get heavier and your edge-cases expand.
You cannot block Meteor.call from the console, just like you can't block CollectionName.find().count() from the console. These are global functions in meteor.
But there are simple steps you can take to secure your methods.
Use aldeed:simple-schema to set the types of data your collection can accept. This will allow you to set the specific keys that your collection takes as well as their type (string, boolean, array, object, integer) https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-simple-schema
Ensure that only logged in users can update from your method. Or set global Allow/Deny rules. https://www.meteor.com/tutorials/blaze/security-with-methods && https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/allow-deny-a-security-primer/
Remove packages insecure and autopublish
The simple combo of schema and allow/deny should do you just fine.
As you know by now that you can't really block calling Meteor.call from Javascript console, what i'd like to add as a suggestion with #Stephen and #thatgibbyguy that, be sure to check your user's role when adding documents into the collection. Simple-Schema will help you prevent inserting/updating garbage data into the collection. and alanning:roles package certainly makes your app secure by controlling who has the permission to write/read/update your collection documents.
Alanning:roles Package
I am working on a Java project. In it, we want to enable an end-user to define variables which are calculated based on a set of given variables of primitive types or strings. At some point, all given variables are set to specific values, and then the calculations should be carried out. All resulting calculated variables must then be sent to Java.
I am in the process of evaluating ways for the end-user to define his calculations. The (current) idea is to let him write JavaScript and let that code be interpreted/executed inside the Java program. I know of two ways for this to be done: Either use the javax.scripting API or GraalVM/Truffle. In both, we would do it like this:
The given variables are given into the script. In javax.scripting via ScriptEngine.put, in Graal/Truffle via Value.putMember.
The end-user can define variables in the global context (whose names must not collide with the ones coming from Java). How he sets their values is up to him - he can set them directly (to a constant, to one of the given variables, to the sum of some of them ...) or define objects and functions and set the values by calling those.
When the time comes where the given variables have a fixed value, the script is executed.
All variables that were defined in the global context by the script will be sent to Java. In javax.scripting via ScriptEngine.get, in Graal/Truffle via Value.getMember.
NOTE: We would not grant the script access to any Java classes or methods. In javax.scripting via check if the script contains the string Java.type (and disallow such a script), in Graal/Truffle via using the default Context (which has allowAllAccess=false).
The internet is full of hints and tips regarding JavaScript security issues and how to avoid them. On the one hand, I have the feeling that none of them apply here (explanation below). On the other hand, I don't know JavaScript well - I have never used it for anything else than pure, side-effect-free calculations.
So I am looking for some guidance here: What kind of security issues could be present in this scenario?
Why I cannot see any security issues in this scenario:
This is pure JavaScript. It does not even allow creating Blobs (which are part of WebAPI, not JavaScript) which could be used to e.g. create a file on disk. I understand that JavaScript does not contain any functionality to escape its sandbox (like file access, threads, streams...), it is merely able to manipulate the data that is given into its sandbox. See this part of https://262.ecma-international.org/11.0/#sec-overview:
ECMAScript is an object-oriented programming language for performing
computations and manipulating computational objects within a host
environment. ECMAScript as defined here is not intended to be
computationally self-sufficient; indeed, there are no provisions in
this specification for input of external data or output of computed
results. Instead, it is expected that the computational environment of
an ECMAScript program will provide not only the objects and other
facilities described in this specification but also certain
environment-specific objects, whose description and behaviour are
beyond the scope of this specification except to indicate that they
may provide certain properties that can be accessed and certain
functions that can be called from an ECMAScript program.
The sandbox in our scenario only gets some harmless toys (i.e. given variables of primitive types or strings) put into it, and after the child has played with them (the script has run), the resulting buildings (user-defined variables) are taken out of it to preserve them (used inside Java program).
(1) Code running in a virtual machine might be able to escape. Even for well known JS implementations such as V8 this commonly happens. By running untrusted code on your server, whenever such a vulnerability becomes known, you are vulnerable. You should definitely prepare for that, do a risk assessment, e.g. which other data is accessible on the (virtual) machine the engine runs on (other customers data?, secrets?), and additionally harden your infrastructure against that.
(2) Does it halt? What happens if a customer runs while(true); ? Does that crash your server? One can defend against that by killing the execution after a certain timeout (don't try to validate the code, this will never work reliably).
(3) Are the resources used limited (memory)? With a = ""; while(true) a += "memory"; one can easily allocate a lot of memory, with negative impact on other programs. One should make sure that also the memory usage is limited in such a way that the program is killed before resources are exhausted.
Just some thoughts. You're essentially asking if you can trust your sandbox/vitual machine, for that you should either assume that you're using a good one or the only way to be really sure is to read through all its source code yourself. If you choose a trusted and well known sandbox, I'd guess you can just trust it (javascript shouldn't be able to affect file system stuff outside of it).
On the other hand why aren't you just doing all this calculations client side and then sending the result to your backend, it seems like a lot of setup just to be able to run javascript server side. If the argument for this is "not cheating" or something similar, then you can't avoid that even if your code is sent to the server (you have no idea who's sending you that javascript). In my opinion doing this setup just to run it server side doesn't make sense, just run it client side.
If you do need to use it server side then you need to consider if your java is running with root permissions (in which case it will likely also invoke the sandbox with root permissions). On my setup my nodejs is executing under ~/home so even if a worst case happens and someone manages to delete everything the worst they can do is wipe out the home directory. If you're running javascript server side then I'd strongly suggest at the very least never do so under root. It shouldn't be able to do anything outside that sandbox but at least then even in the worst case it can't wipe out your server.
Something else I'd consider (since I have no idea what your sandbox allows or limits) is whether you can request and make API calls with javascript in that sandbox (or anything similar), because if it's running under root and allows that it would give someone root access to your infrastructure (your infrastructure thinking it's your server making requests when it's actually malicious JS code).
You could also make a mistake or start up your VM with an incorrect argument or missing config option and it suddenly allows a vulnerability without you being aware of it, so you'll have to make sure you're setting it up correctly.
Something else is that if you ever store that JS in some database, instead of just executing it, then you have to make sure that it's not made directly available to any other users without checking it otherwise you'd have XSS happening. For example you build an app for "coding tests" and store the result of their test in a database, then you want to show that result to a potential employer, if you just directly display that result to them you'll execute malicious code in their browser.
But I don't really see a reason why you should care about any of this, just run it client side.
How can i identify a specific connection on the server in Meteor. Similar to what you could accomplish with Session on the client - somewhere to put data related to the current connection.
Sort of like this issue, but on the server, not the client.
I can see that the Meteor Accounts package uses the following code in the Meteor.userId method:
var currentInvocation = Meteor._CurrentInvocation.get();
if (!currentInvocation)
throw new Error("Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls. Use this.userId in publish functions.");
But when I try to use Meteor._CurrentInvocation in my code, it is undefined, rather than a Meteor.EnvironmentVariable object, as implied in the livedata package. And, as evidenced by the prefixing underscore, it's a private API, and should probably be avoided in general application code ;)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
OK - i was overcomplicating the issue, and coming at it from completely the wrong direction.
The context of any Meteor.method calls has a connection property as described here. This connection property is described here, and can be used to persist data across method calls for the duration of the connection.
It is accessible in publish functions and Meteor.methods methods.
I know these types of question come up fairly often, but I need help with a wait-like mechanism in JavaScript. I know setTimeout-based solutions are going to come up, but I'm not sure how to pull it off in my case.
I'm writing an API that uses a WebSocket internally. There's a connect() method that sets up the WebSocket, and I need to make it not return until after the WebSocket is set up. I'd like it to return a value for whether or not the connection was successful, but that's not the main problem.
The issue I'm hitting is that after a user calls connect(), they may call another method that relies on the WebSocket to be properly set up. If it's called too early, an error is thrown stating that the object is not usable.
My current solution is setting a "connected" flag when I've determined a successful connection and in each method checking for it in each method. If it's not connected, I add the method call to a queue that is ran through by the same code that sets the flag. This works, but it introduces that style of code all over my methods and also seems misleading from the user-perspective, since the call of those functions is deferred. Also, if there is other user code that relies on those calls being completed before it gets to them, it won't behave as expected.
I've been racking my brain with how to handle this case. The easiest solution is to just find a way to block returning from connect until after the WebSocket is set up, but that's not really the JavaScript way. The other option was to make them provide the rest of their code in a callback, but that seems like a weird thing to do in this case. Maybe I'm over-thinking it?
Edit: To better illustrate my problem, here's a example of what the user could do:
var client = new Client(options);
The getServerStatus() method would be using the WebSocket internally. If the WebSocket is not set up yet, the user will get that not usable error.
Todays Javascript does not really work like that unfortunately. In the future (ECMA6) there may be new language features that address this issue more directly. However for now you are stuck with the currently accepted method of handling asynchronous events, which is limited to callbacks. You may also want to explore 'promises' to handle 'callback hell' however you will need a library for this.
And yes it does seem strange to have callbacks everywhere, especially for someone new to web programming, however it is really the only way to go about it at this stage (assuming you want a cross-browser friendly solution).
"Wait" is almost the keyword you are looking for. Actually, it's yield that does this. See e.g. MDN's documentation.
There's a connect() method that sets up the WebSocket, and I need to make it not return until after the WebSocket is set up
That isn't going to happen unless you rewrite the javascript execution engine.
Either the code trying to send data will need to check the socket state (I'd go with encapsulating the socket in a object, supplying a method which sets a member variable on the open/close events and poll the state of that member variable from the external code). Alternatively you could add messages and call backs to a queue and process the queue when the socket connects.
It seems there's no way to completely hide source/encrypt something to prevent users from inspecting the logic behind a script.
Aside from viewing the source, then, is it possible to manipulate every variables, objects while a script is running?
It seems it is possible to some degree: by using Chrome's developer tools or Firebug, you can easily edit variables or even invoke functions on the global scope.
Then what about variables, functions inside of an instantiated objects or self invoked anonymous functions? Here is an example:
var varInGlobal = 'On the global scope: easily editable';
function CustomConstructor()
this.exposedProperty = 'Once instantiated, can be easily manipulated too.';
this.func1 = function(){return func1InConstructor();}
var var1InConstructor = 'Can be retrived by invoking func1 from an instantiated object';
// Can it be assigned a new value after this is instantiated?
function func1InConstructor()
return var1InConstructor;
var customObject = new CustomConstructor();
After this is ran on a browser:
varInGlobal = 'A piece of cake!';
customObject.exposedProperty = 'Has new value now!';
customObject.var1InConstructor; // undefined: the variable can't be access this way
customObject.func1(); // This is the correct way
At this stage, is it possible for a user to edit the variable "var1InConstructor" in customObject?
Here's another example:
There is a RPG game built on Javascript. The hero in the game has two stats: strength and agility. the character's final damage is calculated by combining these two stats. It is clear that players can find out this logic by inspecting the source.
Let's assume the entire script is self invoked and stats/calculate functions are inside of objects' constructors so they can't be reached by normally after instantiated. My question is, can the players edit the character's str and agi while the game is running(by using Firebug or whatever) so they can steamroll everything and ruin the game?
The variable var1InConstructor cannot be re-bound under normal ECMAScript rules as it is visible only within the lexical scope. However, as alex (and others) rightly say, the client should not be trusted.
Here are some ways the user can exploit the assumption that the variable is read-only:
Use a JavaScript debugger (e.g. FireBug) and re-assign the variable while stopped at a breakpoint within the applicable scope.
Copy and paste the original source code, but add a setter with access to the variable. The user could even copy the entire program invalidating almost every assumption about execution.
Modify or inject a value at a usage site: an exploitation might be possible without ever actually updating the original variable (e.g. player.power = function () { return "godlike" }).
In the end, with a client-side program, there is no way to absolutely prevent a user from cheating without a centralized authority (read: server) auditing every action - and even then it still might be possible to cheat by reading additional game state, such as enemy positions.
JavaScript, being easy to read, edit, and execute dynamically is even easier to hack/fiddle with than a compiled application. Obfuscation is possible but, if someone wants to cheat, they will.
I don't think this constitutes an answer, it could be seen as anecdotal, but it's a bit long for a comment.
Everything you do when it comes to the integrity of your coding on this issue has to revolve around needing to verify that the data hasn't changed outside of the logic of your game.
My experience with game development (via flash, primarily...but could be compared to javascript) is that you need to think about everything being a handshake where possible. When you are expecting data to come to the server from the client you want to make sure that you have some form of passage of communication that lessens the chance of someone simply sending false data. Store data on the server side as much as possible and use the client side code to call for it when it's needed, and refresh this data store often.
You'll find that HTML games tend to do a lot of abstraction of the logic to the server side, even for menial tasks. Attacking an enemy, picking up an item, these are calls to functions within server-side code, and is why the game animation could carry on in some of these games while the connection times out in the background, causing error messages to pop up and refresh the interface to the server's last known valid state.
Flash was easier in this regard as you didn't have any access to alter any data or corrupt it unless it left the flash environment
Yes, anything ran on the client should be untrusted if you're using the data from it to update a server side state.
As you suggested, you can't hide the logic/client-side code. You can make it "harder" for people to read the source by obfuscating it, but it's very trivial to undo.
Assuming you're making a game from your example, the first rule of networked games is "never trust the client". You need to either run all the game logic on a server, or you need to validate all the input on a server. Never update the game state based on input from a client without validating it first.
You can't hide any variable.
Also, if the user is so good in javascript, he can easily edit your script, without editing the variables value through the console.
JS code that is injected into an HTML using Ajax is pretty darn difficult to get your hands on, but it also has it's limitations. Most notably, you can't use JS includes in injected HTML . . . only inline JS.
I've been working with some of that recently actually and it's a real pain to debug. You can't see it, step into it, or add breakpoints to it in any way that I can figure out . . . in Firebug or Chrome's built-in tool.
But, as others have said . . . I still wouldn't consider it trusted.
First of all, I must say that I'm very new to Google Closure, but I'm learning :)
Okay, so I'm making a web app that's going to be pretty big, and I thought it would be good to manage all the AJAX requests in one XhrManager. No problem there.
But, is it possible to have some kind of default callback that would check for errors first, display them if necessary and then when it passes, launch the "real" callback? I'm talking about a feature like the decoders in amplify.js. Here's their explanation:
Decoders allow you to parse an ajax response before calling the success or error callback. This allows you to return data marked with a status and react accordingly. This also allows you to manipulate the data any way you want before passing the data along to the callback.
I know it sounds complicated (and it is, really), so the fact that I'm not that good at explaining helps a good deal too, but yeah.
The solution I have in my head right now is creating an object that stores all the 'real callbacks', of which the 'error-checking callback' would execute the correct one after it finished checking, but I feel that's a bit hack-ish and I think there has to be a better way for this.
Since you always have to decode/verify your AJAX data (you never trust data returned from a server now do you?), you're always going to have different decoders/verifiers for different types of AJAX payloads. Thus you probably should be passing the decoder/verifier routine as the AJAX callback itself -- for verifications common to all data types, call a common function inside the callback.
An added benefit of this will be the ability to "translate" unmangled JSON objects into "mangled" JSON objects so that you don't have to do use quoted property access in your code.
For example, assume that your AJAX payload consists of the following JSON object:
{ "hello":"world" }
If you want to refer to the hello property in your code and still pass the Compiler's Advanced Mode, you'll need to do obj["hello"]. However, if you pass in your decoder as the callback, and the first line you do:
var decoded = { hello:response["hello"] };
then do your error checking etc. before returning decoded as the AJAX response. In your code, you can simply do obj.hello and everything will be nicely optimized and mangled by Advanced Mode.