How to Factorial only 5 numbers? - javascript

I have a factorial code but when it will find the result of the factorial it will get the result of the whole factorial.
Im looking for a code that finds the factorial of the last 5 factorials of a number? For example, 10! ? I need only the result of 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 = 30240? How do I do that?
<script type = "text/javascript">
var n = parseInt(window.prompt("Enter the Number:"));
var result = fact(n);
window.alert("Factorial of the given number " + result);
function fact(n)
if(n == 0)
return 1;
return (n*fact(n-1));

As MinusFour already noted: you want 10!/5!. You can do it that way and compute both values and divide. They divide exactly, no worry about fractions (proof omitted). But it is size-restricted, you cannot do e.g. 100!95! in JavaScript without a big-integer library and even with a big-integer library things like 1000000!/999998! will need a lot of computation time (both are numbers with over 5 million decimal digits).
My suggestion: no tricks, just compute it linearly like you would do it by hand:
function fact(n,k){
var t = 1;
for(var i = n;i>k;i--){
t *= i;
return t;
The first one must be the bigger one, both must be positive, all other checks and balances are omitted, too.


Problems with implementing Lucas–Lehmer primality test

I try to implement the Lucas–Lehmer test (LLT) primality test for Mersenne numbers ( It should be polynomial and hence fast. Here is my code:
function countPrimeNumberWithDigits(numberOfDigits)
if(numberOfDigits < 1)
{return "Please give a valid input!";}
var shouldBeMoreThanThis = Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits-1), n = 3, M = countMWithIndex(n);
while(M < shouldBeMoreThanThis)
n += 2;
M = countMWithIndex(n);
var S = 4, k = 1;
M = countMWithIndex(n);
while(k != n - 1)
S = (S*S - 2)%M;
k +=1;
return "Prime number: " + countMWithIndex(n);
function countMWithIndex(n)
{return Math.pow(2, n) - 1;}
Here is attempt to use the algorithm implemented above:
When I try number of digits which is less than 7 everything is okay, but when I try to ask for prime number with at least 7 digits the program just stumbles and doesn`t give an answer.
Please, help me. What is wrong with my algorithm implementation or what is wrong with my program itself?
If I run the code on with this change:
S = (S*S - 2 + M)%M;
Then it finishes for (seemingly) any number of digits. However, the results seem incorrect: it outputs non-primes with more digits than requested.
The problem is that javascript can evaluate modulo to negative results. For example, -2 % 5 will be -2. This is mathematically correct, but most computer science algorithms require positive values, so 3 in this case.
Adding M in that formula will ensure that the result is positive regardless of language quirks.
The problem with incorrect results is likely due to the fact that you do not follow this requirement:
The Lucas–Lehmer test works as follows. Let Mp = 2**p − 1 be the Mersenne number to test with p an odd prime.
The p there is the n in your code. Nowhere do you ensure that n is prime.
Then there is also that javascript's integer type might not be big enough. With n larger than 23, it starts to reach its limits. For example, there is no Mersenne prime with 7 digits. The next is with 10 digits, which is 2**31 - 1.
You won't be able to find it in (pure) javascript however, because the computation involves squaring 2**31 - 1, which exceeds the bounds of javascript's integers.

Exponents without Math.pow() JavaScript

I need to write a program that takes two integers base and exponents and compute the exponents without using Math.Pow(). I have created the code using the Math.pow() method I can't figure out how to make it work without it. I have tried base^exp but it doesn't give me the right answer. Thanks in advance!
/* Write a JavaScript function named intPow that reads two numbers named base and exp from two text fields. Assume that the second number will always be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Your function should not use any of the built in Math functions such as Math.pow. Your function should use a loop to compute the value of baseexp meaning base raised to the power of exp. Your function must output the result of baseexp to a div. Hint: write your function to compute 1 multiplied by base exp times. */
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Integer Power</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Write a JavaScript function named intPow that reads two numbers named base and exp from two text fields. Assume that the second number will always be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Your function should not use any of the built in Math functions such as Math.pow. Your function should use a loop to compute the value of baseexp meaning base raised to the power of exp. Your function must output the result of baseexp to a div. Hint: write your function to compute 1 multiplied by base exp times. */
function intPow() {
var base = parseFloat(document.getElementById("baseBox").value);
var exp = parseFloat(document.getElementById("expBox").value);
var output = "";
var i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= exp; i++) {
output = Math.pow(base, exp);
document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML = output;
<h1>Find the power of <i>Base</i> by entering an integer in the <i>base</i> box, and an integer in the <i>exponent</i> box.</h1> Base:
<input type="text" id="baseBox" size="15"> Exponents:
<input type="text" id="expBox" size="15">
<button type="button" onclick="intPow()">Compute Exponents</button>
<div id="outputDiv"></div>
For anyone looking this up in the future, such as me just now, this is a solid solution:
function computePower(num, exponent) {
var result = 1;
for (i = 0; i < exponent; i++) {
result *= num;
return result;
Given a number and an exponent, "computePower" returns the given number, raised to the given exponent.
output = (1 * base ) * exp;
won't work, because you are not raising the base to the exponent, just multiplying it. Starting with a multiplication with 1 is great though: in my code, that ensures that, for example, 2 to the power of 0 is 1 (everything to the power of 0 is one, which is something that is defined)
with ES2016 you can use the exponentiation operator.
2 ** 8 // 256
I was able to figure it out by changint output to:
output = (1 * base ) * exp;

JavaScript factorial prevent infinity

I have been using this function for calculating factorial numbers in JavaScript:
var f = [];
function factorial (n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1)
return 1;
if (f[n] > 0)
return f[n];
return f[n] = factorial(n-1) * n;
All seemed to be going well until I tried the number 500. It returned infinity.
Is there a way that I can prevent infinity as an answer?
Thank you.
You indeed need to use bignumbers. With math.js you can do:
// configure math.js to work with enough precision to do our calculation
math.config({precision: 2000});
// evaluate the factorial using a bignumber value
var value = math.bignumber(500);
var result = math.factorial(value);
// output the results
console.log(math.format(result, {notation: 'fixed'}));
This will output:
500! is, for lack of a better term, "[bleep]ing huge".
It is far, far beyond what can be stored in a double-precision float, which is what JavaScript uses for numbers.
There's no way to prevent this, other than use numbers that are reasonable :p
EDIT: To show you just how huge it is, here's the answer:
500! = 1220136825991110068701238785423046926253574342803192842192413588385845373153881997605496447502203281863013616477148203584163378722078177200480785205159329285477907571939330603772960859086270429174547882424912726344305670173270769461062802310452644218878789465754777149863494367781037644274033827365397471386477878495438489595537537990423241061271326984327745715546309977202781014561081188373709531016356324432987029563896628911658974769572087926928871281780070265174507768410719624390394322536422605234945850129918571501248706961568141625359056693423813008856249246891564126775654481886506593847951775360894005745238940335798476363944905313062323749066445048824665075946735862074637925184200459369692981022263971952597190945217823331756934581508552332820762820023402626907898342451712006207714640979456116127629145951237229913340169552363850942885592018727433795173014586357570828355780158735432768888680120399882384702151467605445407663535984174430480128938313896881639487469658817504506926365338175055478128640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
That right there is a 1,135-digit number. For comparison, double-precision floats can handle about 15 digits of precision.
You could consider using an arbitrary precision numeric library. This is a question of its own, though. Here's one related question:
I dont know if anyone has solved this elsewise...
I'm a novice beginner in coding and dont know all the aspects. But after I faced this factorial problem myself, i came here when searching for the answer. I solved the 'infinity' display problem in another way. I dont know if its very efficient or not. But it does show the results of even verry high intergers.
Sorry for any redundancy or untidiness in the code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=''></script>
<input type='text' id='number' />
<input type='button' value='!Factorial!' id='btn' />
var reslt=1;
var counter=0;
var mantissa=0; //stores the seperated matissa
var exponent=0; //stores the seperated exponent
$(document).ready(function (){
$('#btn').click(function (){
var num=parseFloat($('#number').val()); //number input by user
//when the result becomes so high that the exponent reaches 306, the number is divided by 1e300
reslt=reslt/1e300; //the result becomes small again to be able to be iterated without becoming infinity
counter+=1; //the number of times that the number is divided in such manner is recorded by counter
//the mantissa of the final result is seperated first
//the exponent of the final result is obtained by adding the remaining exponent with the previously dropped exponents (1e300)
alert(mantissa+"e+"+exponent); //displays the result as a string by concatenating
//resets the variables and fields for the next input if any
Javascript numbers can only get so big before they just become "Infinity". If you want to support bigger numbers, you'll have to use BigInt.
// Without BigInt
console.log(100 ** 1000) // Infinity
// With BigInt
// (stackOverflow doesn't seem to print the result,
// unless I turn it into a string first)
console.log(String(100n ** 1000n)) // A really big number
So, for your specific bit of code, all you need to do is turn your numeric literals into BigInt literals, like this:
var f = [];
function factorial (n) {
if (n == 0n || n == 1n)
return 1n;
if (f[n] > 0n)
return f[n];
return f[n] = factorial(n-1n) * n;
You'll find that you computer can run that piece of code in a snap.
Hi this is due to the nature of java script as it can't represents number above 253-1 reference so to solve this either wrap the number with BigInt(n) or add to the number >> 3n
const factorial = (n) => {
n = BigInt(n)
if ( n < 1 ) return 1n
return factorial(n - 1n) * n

using the digits of a number as an array

var number = 342345820139586830203845861938475676
var output = []
var sum = 0;
while (number) {
output.push(number % 10);
number = Math.floor(number/10);
output = output.reverse();
function addTerms () {
for (i = 0; i < output.length; i=i+2) {
var term = Math.pow(output[i], output[i+1]);
sum += term;
return sum;
I am trying to take that large number and split it into its digits. Then, find the sum of the the first digit raised to the power of the 2nd, 3rd digit raiseed to the 4th, 5th raised to the 6th and so on. for some reason, my array is returning weird digits, causing my sum to be off. the correct answer is 2517052. Thanks
You're running into precision issues within JavaScript. Just evaluate the current value of number before you start doing anything, and the results may surprise you:
>>> var number = 342345820139586830203845861938475676; number;
See also: What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a Number can go to without losing precision?
To resolve your issue, I'd store your input number as an array (or maybe even a string), then pull the digits off of that.
This will solve your calculation with the expected result of 2517052:
var number = "342345820139586830203845861938475676";
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<number.length; i=i+2){
sum += Math.pow(number.charAt(i), number.charAt(i+1));
JavaScript stores numbers in floating point format (commonly double). double can store precisely only 15 digits.
You can use string to store this large number.
As mentioned, this is a problem with numeric precision. It applies to all programming languages that use native numeric formats. Your problem works fine if you use a string instead
var number = '342345820139586830203845861938475676'
var digits = number.split('')
var total = 0
while (digits.length > 1) {
var [n, power] = digits.splice(0, 2)
total += Math.pow(n, power)
(the result is 2517052, byt the way!)
Cast the number as a string and then iterate through it doing your math.
var number = "342345820139586830203845861938475676";//number definition
var X = 0;//some iterator
var numberAtX = 0 + number.charAt(X);//number access
The greatest integer supported by Javascript is 9007199254740992. So that only your output is weird.
For Reference go through the link
[edit] adjusted the answer based on Borodins comment.
Mmm, I think the result should be 2517052. I'd say this does the same:
var numbers = '342345820139586830203845861938475676'.split('')
,num = numbers.splice(0,2)
,result = Math.pow(num[0],num[1]);
while ( (num = numbers.splice(0,2)) && num.length ){
result += Math.pow(num[0],num[1]);
console.log(result); //=> 2517052
The array methods map and reduce are supported in modern browsers,
and could be worth defining in older browsers. This is a good opportunity,
if you haven't used them before.
If you are going to make an array of a string anyway,
match pairs of digits instead of splitting to single digits.
This example takes numbers or strings.
function sumPower(s){
return String(s).match(/\d{2}/g).map(function(itm){
return Math.pow(itm.charAt(0), itm.charAt(1));
}).reduce(function(a, b){
return a+b;
returned value:(Number)

Math.random() returns value greater than one?

While playing around with random numbers in JavaScript I discovered a surprising bug, presumably in the V8 JavaScript engine in Google Chrome. Consider:
// Generate a random number [1,5].
var rand5 = function() {
return parseInt(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
// Return a sample distribution over MAX times.
var testRand5 = function(dist, max) {
if (!dist) { dist = {}; }
if (!max) { max = 5000000; }
for (var i=0; i<max; i++) {
var r = rand5();
dist[r] = (dist[r] || 0) + 1;
return dist;
Now when I run testRand5() I get the following results (of course, differing slightly with each run, you might need to set "max" to a higher value to reveal the bug):
var d = testRand5();
d = {
1: 1002797,
2: 998803,
3: 999541,
4: 1000851,
5: 998007,
10: 1 // XXX: Math.random() returned 4.5?!
Interestingly, I see comparable results in node.js, leading me to believe it's not specific to Chrome. Sometimes there are different or multiple mystery values (7, 9, etc).
Can anyone explain why I might be getting the results I see? I'm guessing it has something to do with using parseInt (instead of Math.floor()) but I'm still not sure why it could happen.
The edge case occurs when you happen to generate a very small number, expressed with an exponent, like this for example 9.546056389808655e-8.
Combined with parseInt, which interprets the argument as a string, hell breaks loose. And as suggested before me, it can be solved using Math.floor.
Try it yourself with this piece of code:
var test = 9.546056389808655e-8;
console.log(test); // prints 9.546056389808655e-8
console.log(parseInt(test)); // prints 9 - oh noes!
console.log(Math.floor(test)) // prints 0 - this is better
Of course, it's a parseInt() gotcha. It converts its argument to a string first, and that can force scientific notation which will cause parseInt to do something like this:
var x = 0.000000004;
(x).toString(); // => "4e-9"
parseInt(x); // => 4
Silly me...
I would suggest changing your random number function to this:
var rand5 = function() {
return(Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1);
This will reliably generate an integer value between 1 and 5 inclusive.
You can see your test function in action here:
In this case, parseInt isn't the best choice because it's going to convert your float to a string which can be a number of different formats (including scientific notation) and then try to parse an integer out of it. Much better to just operate on the float directly with Math.floor().
