NodeJS Event Emitter Blocking Issue - javascript

I have a node application handling some ZeroMQ events coming from another application utilizing the Node-ZMQ bindings found here:
The issue I am running into is one of the operations from an event takes a long time to process and this appears to be blocking any other event from being processed during this time. Although the application is not currently clustered, doing so would only afford a few more threads and doesn't really solve the issue. I am wondering if there is a way of allowing for these async calls to not block other incoming requests while they process, and how I might go about implementing them.
Here is a highly condensed/contrived code example of what I am doing currently:
var zmq = require('zmq');
var zmqResponder = zmq.socket('rep');
var Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new Client();
zmqResponder.on('message', function (msg, data) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(msg);'ZMQ Request received: ' + parsed.event);
switch (parsed.event) {
case 'create':
//Typically short running process, not an issue
case 'update':
//Long running process this is the issue
function serverRequest(){
var deferred = Q.defer();
client.get(function (data, response) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
EDIT** Here's a gist of the code:

I think, through the comment thread, I've identified your issue. REQ/REP has a strict synchronous message order guarantee... You must receive-send-receive-send-etc. REQ must start with send and REP must start with receive. So, you're only processing one message at a time because the socket types you've chosen enforce that.
If you were using a different, non-event-driven language, you'd likely get an error telling you what you'd done wrong when you tried to send or receive twice in a row, but node lets you do it and just queues the subsequent messages until it's their turn in the message order.
You want to change REQ/REP to DEALER/ROUTER and it'll work the way you expect. You'll have to change your logic slightly for the ROUTER socket to get it to send appropriately, but everything else should work the same.
Rough example code, using the relevant portions of the posted gist:
var zmqResponder = zmq.socket('router');
zmqResponder.on('message', function (msg, data) {
var peer_id = msg[0];
var parsed = JSON.parse(msg[1]);
switch (parsed.event) {
case 'create':
// build parsedResponse, then...
zmqResponder.send([peer_id, JSON.stringify(parsedResponse)]);
zmqResponder.bind('tcp://*:5668', function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {"ZMQ awaiting orders on port 5668");
... you need to grab the peer_id (or whatever you want to call it, in ZMQ nomenclature it's the socket ID of the socket you're sending from, think of it as an "address" of sorts) from the first frame of the message you receive, and then use send it as the first frame of the message you send back.
By the way, I just noticed in your gist you are both connect()-ing and bind()-ing on the same socket (zmq.js lines 52 & 143, respectively). Don't do that. Inferring from other clues, you just want to bind() on this side of the process.


Callbacks are not supported when broadcasting python-socketio

I have this code, whenever the user goes to this certain endpoint, it is supposed to emit a message to a python client, which then gets some data and then returns it back as a callback so I can show the users the data.
This is the server-side code (NodeJS):
app.get('/hueapi/lights', verifyToken, (req,res) => {
const bridgeIDFromApp = req.header('bridgeID');
const socketID = socketRefDic[bridgeIDFromApp]['socketID'];'getAllLights', 'getAllLights', function(data){
res.send(data); // The callback function that shows the data given by the python client
It just sends a simple 'getAllLights' message to the python client in question and then runs the function which provides the data.
This is the client-side code (python):
def getAllLights(data):
lightData = requests.get('http://localhost:4000/lights/')
return lightData
Am I doing the call back wrong or? I just want to send the data straight back to the user after retrieving it.
I am now using instead of io.send(...).emit(...) yet I am still getting the error saying I'm broadcasting, yet I'm not, am I?
I don't think that the ack method will work for you unless it is implemented on the python side as well. The reason that you are still getting the broadcasting error is because does not return a socket it returns a room which does broadcast.
Probably easier to just have a separate endpoint on the client side. Which your python code doesn't even attempt from what I see. The python code should still be able to write to the socket.
So to implement your own ack function you would simply write your ack message to the socket. If you need it to be statefully namespaced then you would have to include an address for the python code to reference with your getAllLights message.
app.get('/hueapi/lights', verifyToken, (req,res) => {
const bridgeIDFromApp = req.header('bridgeID');
const socketID = socketRefDic[bridgeIDFromApp]['socketID'];
const uniqAck = "some unique endpoint path";
const socket = getSocketByID(socketID);
socket.on(uniqAck, (data) => res.send);
socket.emit('getAllLights', 'getAllLights:'+uniqAck);
def getAllLights(data):
lightData = requests.get('http://localhost:4000/lights/');
return (lightData, split(data, ":")[1]); // split if its not already done by this point.
// capture 'value' from getAllLights when it is called...
socket.emit(value[1], value[0]);

NodeJS TCP Client communication

First of all - I am aware of this answer to a kind of similar problem.
I have a third party protocol, that uses TCP\IP. This protocol defines that the server replies to every message received. On the client side (which I try to implement) I have to wait for the answer from the server.
The problem occurs, when I try to send messages. I need to wait for the answer from the first message before I send the second one (like ping-pong).
I tried to do multiple writes on my NodeJS tcp-client like this, which understandably fails due to async:
client.connect(connectOptions, function () {
Like I said before, I have a third party component, which responses to both messages with a numeric value. So when
client.on('data',function (data) {});
fires an event, I can't distinguish which message, was responsible for the answer. Unlike the linked answer I don't have the ability, to tag the answer on the server side.
I am new to node.js, so I try to figure out the best way to solve this kind of problem, as it´s of the nature: do synchronous things in the async environment.
One way would be to use a common list of handlers to keep track of requests and responses:
var handlers = [];
client.connect(connectOptions, function () {
handlers.push(function msg1_handler(data) {});
handlers.push(function msg2_handler(data) {});
client.on('data',function(data) {
var handler = handlers.shift();
All of this should obviously be wrapped in a separate class containing both handlers an client objects. It's just an example of how to do it. The drawback is that if the server fails to respond to some request then you have a complete mess, hard to make it right.
Another idea is to buffer requests:
function BufferedClient(cli) {
this.cli = cli;
this.buffer = [];
this.waiting_for_response = false;
var that = this;
cli.on('data', function(data) {
that.waiting_for_response = false;
var pair = that.buffer.shift();
var handler = pair[0];
process.nextTick(function() {
// we use .nextTick to avoid potential
// exception in handler which would break
// BufferedClient
BufferedClient.prototype = {
request: function(msg, handler) {
this.buffer.push([handler, msg]);
flush: function() {
var pair = this.buffer[0];
if (pair && !this.waiting_for_response) {
this.waiting_for_response = true;
This time you send requests sequentially (so like synchronous) due to how .request() and .on('data') handler work together with .flush() function. Usage:
client.connect(connectOptions, function () {
var buff_cli = new BufferedClient(client);
buff_cli.request(message1, function(data) { });
buff_cli.request(message2, function(data) { });
Now even if the server fails to respond you don't have a mess. However if you issue buff_cli.request parallely and one of them fails then you will have a memory leak (since this.buffer is getting bigger while nothing is draining it because the BufferedClient is waiting for a response). This can be fixed by adding some timeouts on the socket.
Note that both solutions assume that the server never pushes anything to the client without a request.
If I were you I would go with second solution. Note that I haven't tested the code so it might be buggy but the general idea should be ok.
Side note: When you implement a server (and I know that you don't in this case) you should always have a protocol that matches each request with a response in a unique way. One way would be to send a unique ID with each request so that the server would be respond with the same ID. In such scenario matching request with response is very easy and you avoid all that mess.

How to wait for the backend in Protractor?

I'm testing a web page where the user can send a message to another via a textinput. A POST request is then send on the server and the message is dumped on the disk in the var/mail/new folder.
After automatising the sending of the message in the page with Protractor I'm calling browser.waitForAngular() and browser.driver.sleep(4000) to leave time for the backend to write the mail on the disk.
After these calls the check of the email's presence fails. When looking in the Unix shell, I can confirm that the email was sent and also the next test marked with in Jasmine with it confirms the presence of the email.
Why is browser.driver.sleep(4000) not effective to wait for the backend to proceed? How can I correct the following code?
it("is possible to send a message", function() {
var mailsBeforeMessaging =
fs.readdirSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new");
console.log(fs.lstatSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new"));
var usersListing = new UserPages.UsersListing().get();
var annotatorPage = usersListing.getUserPage("annotator");
annotatorPage.sendMessage("title5", "content64");
// we expect the message widget to disappear
var button = element(by.css(".user-profile-info-button"));
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(button), 5000);
console.log('waiting is finished');
// wait for mail to be dumped on the disk?
var mailsAfterMessaging =
fs.readdirSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new");
// ERROR: here the number of emails is NOT incremented
console.log(fs.lstatSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new"));
it("xyz", function() {
console.log(fs.lstatSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new"));
// here the number of emails is incremented
var mailsAfterMessaging =
fs.readdirSync(browser.params.mail.queue_path + "/new");
Most of the Protractor functions do not do anything. They queue something up to be done later, and return promise to do it. After an it block schedules a bunch of things to do, they actually start happening (via the promises they registered in the ControlFlow).
Your checks, however, are all executing immediately. So, they are happening before any of the protractor calls accomplish anything.
Use then to make the waiting and dependencies explicit in your test. Like this:
annotatorPage.sendMessage("title5", "content64").then(function() {
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(button), 5000).then(function() {
console.log('wait-for-clickable has completed'); // B
console.log('wait-for-clickable has been scheduled'); // A
See the Protractor Control Flow documentation and the Webdriver JS API doc.
Its not you. This is a crazy API to learn because it does not act at all like anyone familiar with normal synchronous programming would expect.

Using Node and I am trying to pass a simple array and I'm getting nothing. What did I miss?

I followed the net tuts tutorial to build a simple chat application with socket and node, and now I'm trying to extend the app to allow people to play a game I've written, so I want to let people list the games available, but I can't seem to pass even a simple test array from server to client.
I'll let the code speak for itself:
Relevant Server Code:
var games = ["test"];
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('message', { message: 'welcome to the chat' });
socket.on('gameList', function (data) {
socket.on('send', function (data) {
io.sockets.emit('message', data);
ClientSide: = [];
socket.emit("gameList", function(data){ = data;
So I console.log games before and after the button click, and it's always just an empty array, when in my head, it should contain the string "test".
So where did I go wrong?
Added jQuery to the codebase even though the tutorial missed it.
You are using socket.emit() to attempt to receive data. That only sends data to the server. You need a games event handler on your client to handle the event accordingly. = [];
$("#listGames").click(function() {
socket.on('games', function (games) { = games;
The event handler for games is what will fire when you execute io.sockets.emit('games', games); on the server side.
Also make sure to always pass an object as the response over Socket.IO. Change the server-side code from : var games=[]; to var games={'games':[]}; or something similar.

Node.js and zmq

I have a strange issue with a basic pubsub application with node and zmq:
a client is publishing strings to a broker, the problem is that the broker only receives the first line. At network level I've noticed that only the first message is sent then the next calls to .send() function have no effect (no packets are sent) so I suppose the problem is in the client/publisher.
I used the example code provided in the official guide which works perfectly, the only difference in my code is that I use prototype to have a reusable structure.
(I didn't paste subscriber's code because is not relevant and took some other not relevant stuff out)
relevant part of the client/publisher:
Publisher = function(zmq, pport) {
this.logread = spawn('tail', ['-n0', '-f', '/var/log/auth.log']);
this.publisher = zmq.socket('req');
this.pport = pport;
Publisher.prototype.start = function() {
var self = this;
this.publisher.connect('tcp://' + this.pport);
this.logread.stdout.on('data', function(data){
relevant part of the broker:
Broker = function(zmq, bpport, bsport) {
this.server = zmq.socket('rep');
this.bpport = bpport;
this.bsport = bsport;
Broker.prototype.start = function() {
this.server.on('message', function(request) {
this.server.bind('tcp://' + this.bsport, function(err) {
if (err)
You are talking about publish subscribe pattern, but in your code, you create a req socket, and in the broker a rep socket, which is for the request-reply pattern. The request-reply pattern is strictly need to send first, than receive, see the api docs docs, or read more from the guide
I suppose you should use pub socket on the client side, and a sub socket on the other side, but don't know what do you want to achieve, maybe a different pattern would fit your needs better.
so I'll answer my question:
the server must send a reply to the client, until then the client will not send more messages
I also suppose there is a different way to achieve this
