Get the last stored localStorage item - javascript

Say we have:
localStorage.setItem("key1", "value1");
localStorage.setItem("key2", "value2");
localStorage.setItem("key3", "value3");
localStorage.setItem("key4", "value4");
localStorage.setItem("key5", "value5"); // the last one
Is there a way to get the last stored item, without a knowledge of its key? So, we don't know if its key is key5 or key10 or fbjfbjfkbjkf. We just want to get this item.
Something like?

localStorage has no exact concept (it is implementation-defined) of the order of items stored, it should be used as a key-value store.
The simplest solution for you would be to somehow store the last key entered. For example, you can create a wrapper function that stores your items, and updates the last key:
var lastKey; // somewhere in your code, in the outer scope of `add()` and `getLast()`
// ...
function add(key, value) {
lastKey = key;
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
function getLast() {
return localStorage.getItem(lastKey);
Here's a sample Fiddle
Maybe you can make an object for your storage purposes that will keep track of all of this. You can also encapsulate the lastKey as a private variable through a closure so you can't accidentally change it:
var MyStorage = {};
(function(s) {
var lastKey;
s.add = function(key, value) { /* ... */ };
s.getLast = function() { /* ... */ }
Now only MyStorage.add() and MyStorage.getLast() can access the lastKey. Also, if you use a wrapper object like MyStorage, you can for example change your store to sessionStorage internally without affecting any code using MyStorage
As suggested in the comments by user2181397 and nnnnnn, if you want to persist the value of lastKey through application restarting, you can also store it in localStorage (or sessionStorage depending on your app logic):
var lastKey = localStorage.getItem('lastKey');
Or in the object:
var MyStorage = {};
(function(s) {
var lastKey = localStorage.getItem('lastKey');
s.add = function(key, value) { /* ... */ };
s.getLast = function() { /* ... */ }
Something like? localStorage.getLastStoredItem;
Another way could be to add the above method directly to localStorage by overriding the Storage.prototype methods instead of creating the MyStorage object:
(function(s) {
var lastKey = localStorage.getItem('lastKey');
var _setItem = Storage.prototype.setItem; // remember the original setItem
Storage.prototype.setItem = function(key, value) { // define the new setItem
if (this === window.localStorage) { // make sure we are calling localStorage's methods
lastKey = key; // remember the last key
_setItem.apply(this, arguments); // call the original setItem
Storage.prototype.getLast = function() { // create the necessary custom method to get the last item stored
if (this === window.localStorage) { // make sure we are calling localStorage's methods
return, lastKey);
localStorage.setItem('key1', 'val1');
console.log(localStorage.getLast()); // logs 'val1'
Here's a sample Fiddle
NOTE: Since we are editing Storage.prototype, extending this functionality to other Storage API methods is just a matter of removing the if (this === localStorage) or adding another condition to it.


Overriding an array function for a single instance

I'm trying to write a custom push function and only override it for a single instance. I'm trying to wire it up so every time I push to this array I can trigger my extra code. I don't want to override it for all Arrays or create a custom class if I don't have to.
First I had this:
let user_progress = {completed: [], inprogress: [] }
user_progress.completed.push = (item) => {, item)
//do extra stuff
common.store_data(user_progress, RESOURCE_COLLECTION)
return undefined;
Then I tried this:
let Progress = function(){
this.completed = new Array()
this.inprogress = new Array()
let user_progress = new Progress()
user_progress.completed.push = (item) => {, item)
common.store_data(user_progress, RESOURCE_COLLECTION)
return undefined;
user_progress.completed.push(item) works the first time you call it then it gets overwritten and becomes the standard Array.push. I assume it has something today with the and passing in user_progress.completed. What am i doing wrong? Both don't work and have the same issue. What is going on in the background here and is there an easy fix?

Save key=>value style with ngStorage/localstorage

In my Ionic app I've added the plugin 'ngStorage' and it comes with a little demo code:
var add = function (thing) {
This works exactly as told. I add("foo") it, and do getAll() and the value is there. I remove the add(), but keep the getAll(), I still have the value "foo" (as expected).
This isn't very usefull for me, I want to access it with keys, so I've made the following:
var addByKey = function (key, value) {
$localStorage.things[key] = value;
// Or, I've also tried:
$localStorage.things.key = value;
When I do the addByKey("foo","bar") and then the getAll() I get the values exactly as I want. When I remove the addByKey() and reload, I expect it to still remember the set information, but it doesn't exist. However, the first attempt via the add() function still exists, "foo" is still there (meaning the array doesnt reset).
How do I make a key->value type of structure?
In case it's usefull:
.factory ('StorageService', function ($localStorage) {
$localStorage = $localStorage.$default({
things: []
var _getAll = function () {
return $localStorage.things;
var _add = function (thing) {
var _addByKey = function (thing, value) {
$localStorage.things[key] = value;
// Or, I've also tried:
$localStorage.things.key = value;
return {
getAll: _getAll,
add: _add,
addByKey: _addByKey
Assuming that you want a key value storage system you can simply use an object instead of an array so that every key can be set as a property of this object.
.factory('StorageService', function($localStorage) {
$localStorage = $localStorage.$default({
things: {}
var _getAll = function() {
return $localStorage.things;
var _addByKey = function(thing, value) {
$localStorage.things[thing] = value;
return {
getAll: _getAll,
addByKey: _addByKey
However, assuming that you want to keep a reference of all values on the main collection and access them through keys, you can consider using an object to store the things intead of an array. So that you can use a property to store all items (you can store in a different place as well) and use this object to store your keys by referencing the to a desired value on your collection.
You may need to implement the deletion logic to maintain the consistence between the collection and the dictionary.
Your factory would look like this:
.factory('StorageService', function($localStorage) {
$localStorage = $localStorage.$default({
things: {
items: []
var _getAll = function() {
return $localStorage.things.items;
var _add = function(thing) {
var _addByKey = function(thing, value) {
var i = $localStorage.things.items.push(value) - 1;
$localStorage.things[thing] = $localStorage.things.items[i];
return {
getAll: _getAll,
add: _add,
addByKey: _addByKey

Plain OOP Javascript: Treating localStorage as an Array doesn't work?

I am trying to implement localStorage with my simple OOP todo list.
The fiddle is here:
I thought I could just treat the local storage like an array and copy the logic I used with my actual array but that doesn't work.
Here, right after pushing the task into the array, I added a line that stores the task in the local storage and stringifies it:
// function that adds new task to the array
function pushArray(){
var newtask = new Task(toDo.value, "No note yet");
var storedTask = localStorage.setItem(newtask, JSON.stringify(newtask));
displayStorage(result2, storedTask);
displayArray(result, newtask.Name);
appendNote(result, newtask);
Then right below the function that displays the new array element I added one that retrieves the item from local storage, parses it, then creates a DOM element with the new task and appends it to another container.
//function that displays array elements
function displayArray(parent,obj){
var task = make("div","class","taskitem",obj);
//function that displays storage elements
function displayStorage(parent,obj){
var retrieveObject = localStorage.getItem(obj);
var parseTask = JSON.parse(retrieveObject);
var newDiv = make("div", "class", "newdiv", parseTask);
This doesn't work at all, not sure why, and then if I were to be able to get this to work how would I continue to go about storing and updating notes like I did in the array with local Storage? I thought this would be easy as I figured out how to make a todo with objects and arrays pretty quickly (when I thought it would be super difficult, but it's been a week now and I've made no progress!)
I guess these are the pitfalls of learning to code by yourself, any help would be much appreciated thank you!
Here is the full javascript code:
//getElementById shortcut
function grab(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// add eventlistener shortcut
var when = function() {
return function(obj, event, func) {
obj.addEventListener(event, func, false);
//Custom function to create DOM elements and set their contents
function make(el,type,name,content){
var theElement = document.createElement(el);
theElement.setAttribute(type, name);
theElement.innerHTML = content;
return theElement;
//compute style shortcut
function setStyle(theElement){
return window.getComputedStyle(theElement);
//fade in shortcut.
function fadeIn(theElement){
var compute = setStyle(theElement).opacity; = 1;
var toDo = grab("todo");
var result = grab("demo");
var demolist = grab("demolist");
var button = grab("btn");
// submit input on enter which fires function that pushes task into the array.
when(toDo, "keypress", function(event){
if (event.key == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) {
toDo.value = "";
// "SHOW ARRAY" FUNCTION to verify that the array is being updated (I like this better than using the console);
when(button, "click", function(event){
demolist.innerHTML = "";
for(i=0; i< taskItems.length; i++){
demolist.innerHTML += taskItems[i].Name + " " + taskItems[i].Note + "<br>";
function showNotes(theNote){
var defaultNote = "No note yet";
var taskItems = [];
//create Task object
function Task(name, note){
this.Name = name;
this.Note = note;
this.completed = false;
// function that adds new task to the array
function pushArray(){
var newtask = new Task(toDo.value, "No note yet");
displayArray(result, newtask.Name);
appendNote(result, newtask);
//function that displays array elements
function displayArray(parent,obj){
var task = make("div","class","taskitem",obj);
//function that displays notes
function appendNote(theElement,obj){
var newClassItem = make("input","class","tasknote");
when(newClassItem, "keypress", submitNote.bind(null, obj, newClassItem));
//function for submitting notes
function submitNote(task,noteInput){
if (event.key == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) {
task.Note = noteInput.value;
var newNote = make("div", "class", "hasNote", task.Note);
noteInput.parentNode.replaceChild(newNote, noteInput);
when(newNote,"dblclick", function(){
newNote.parentNode.replaceChild(noteInput, newNote);
Being localStorage a key-value storage, depending on your needs, you are better off serializing (stringifying, whatever) the array and saving in a single index.
var tasks = [
'post the question on SO',
'describe it carefully',
'get a nice reply',
'implement the suggested solution'
If you really need to split it for performance reasons, you have to index them by a arbitrary index. If you have reordering it gets tricky and you can either reflush the whole set of tasks every time someone adds/edits/deletes/reorder the tasks (memory-efficient, but very CPU intensive) or save the indexes in a different key so you can reconstruct the order later, like:
var tasks = {
'task1': 'implement the suggested solution',
'task2': 'describe it carefully',
'task4': 'get a nice reply',
'task9': 'post the question on SO'
var tasksOrder = [9, 2, 4, 1];
The first idea is very simple to implement, but will give you problems with arbitrarily long lists, the second one is much more easy on the CPU but much harder to implement (and uses more memory). It depends on the specifics of your case.

Constructing object to have a constructor method containing a set property method

I'm trying to make an object as a mock to pass into a test.
I don't know if I'm constructing it correctly - I'm getting Error: User() method does not exist.
injectedUser = {
set: function(key, val){
this[key] = val;
injectedParse = {
Parse: {
User: function() {
return injectedUser;
Parse = function() {
return injectedParse;
The desired behavior I'm looking for is for function Parse.User to be called with user = new Parse.User and be able to do user.set("key", "value");
But it seems like I'm not building this object properly? I have another issue but since it is more a javascript thing potentially, I made a new, more general issue about building objects
I also tried
set = function (key, val) {
this[key] = val;
mockParse = function(){
mockParse.prototype.User = function(){
return set
$provide.value('Parse', mockParse);
That gave me the same error.
All the information you should know about constructing objects are at:

Subscribe to observable array for new or removed entry only

So yes I can subscribe to an observable array:
vm.myArray = ko.observableArray();
The problem is the newVal passed to the function is the entire array. Is there anyway I can get only the delta part? Say the added or removed element?
As of KnockoutJS 3.0, there's an arrayChange subscription option on ko.observableArray.
var myArray = ko.observableArray(["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"]);
myArray.subscribe(function(changes) {
// For this example, we'll just print out the change info
}, null, "arrayChange");
In the above callback, the changes argument will be an array of change objects like this:
index: 3,
status: 'added',
value: 'newitem!'
For your specific problem, you want to be notified of new or removed items. To implement that using Knockout 3, it'd look like this:
myArray.subscribe(function(changes) {
changes.forEach(function(change) {
if (change.status === 'added' || change.status === 'deleted') {
console.log("Added or removed! The added/removed element is:", change.value);
}, null, "arrayChange");
Since I couldn't find any info on this elsewhere, I'll add a reply for how to use this with TypeScript.
The key here was to use the KnockoutArrayChange interface as TEvent for subscribe. If you don't do that, it'll try to use the other (non-generic) subscribe and will complain about status, index, and value not existing.
class ZoneDefinition {
Name: KnockoutObservable<String>;
class DefinitionContainer
ZoneDefinitions: KnockoutObservableArray<ZoneDefinition>;
constructor(zoneDefinitions?: ZoneDefinition[]){
this.ZoneDefinitions = ko.observableArray(zoneDefinitions);
// you'll get an error if you don't use the generic version of subscribe
// and you need to use the KnockoutArrayChange<T> interface as T
this.ZoneDefinitions.subscribe<KnockoutArrayChange<ZoneDefinition>[]>(function (changes) {
changes.forEach(function (change) {
if (change.status === 'added') {
// do something with the added value
// can use change.value to get the added item
// or change.index to get the index of where it was added
} else if (change.status === 'deleted') {
// do something with the deleted value
// can use change.value to get the deleted item
// or change.index to get the index of where it was before deletion
}, null, "arrayChange");
In order to only detect push() and remove() events, and not moving items, I put a wrapper around these observable array functions.
var trackPush = function(array) {
var push = array.push;
return function() {
var list = ko.observableArray();
list.push = trackPush(list);
The original push function is stored in a closure, then is overlayed with a wrapper that allows me do do anything I want with the pushed item before, or after, it is pushed onto the array.
Similar pattern for remove().
I am using a similar but different approach, keep track whether an element has been instrumented in the element itself:
$.each(array, function(id, el) {
if (!el.instrumented) {
el.instrumented = true;
el.displayName = ko.computed(function(){
var fn = $.trim(el.firstName()), ln = $.trim(el.lastName());
if (fn || ln) {
return fn ? (fn + (ln ? " " + ln : "")) : ln;
} else {
But it is really tedious and the pattern repeated across my code
None that I know of. Wanna know what I do? I use a previous variable to hold the value, something called selectedItem
vm.selectedItem = ko.observable({});
function addToArray(item) { vm.selectedItem(item); vm.myArray.push(item); }
So that way, when something happens to my observable array, I know which item was added.
vm.myArray.subscribe(function(newArray) { var addedItem = vm.selectedItem(item); ... }
This is really verbose, and assuming your array holds many kinds of data, you would need to have some sort of flags that helps you know what to do with your saved variables...
vm.myArray.subscribe(function(newArray) {
if ( wasUpdated )
// do something with selectedItem
// do whatever you whenever your array is updated
An important thing to notice is that you might know which item was added if you know whether push or unshift was used. Just browse the last item of the array or the first one and voila.
Try vm.myArray().arrayChanged.subscribe(function(eventArgs))
That has the added value when an item is added, and the removed value when an item is removed.
