show most frequently occuring input value [duplicate] - javascript

var store = ['1','2','2','3','4'];
I want to find out that 2 appear the most in the array. How do I go about doing that?

I would do something like:
var store = ['1','2','2','3','4'];
var frequency = {}; // array of frequency.
var max = 0; // holds the max frequency.
var result; // holds the max frequency element.
for(var v in store) {
frequency[store[v]]=(frequency[store[v]] || 0)+1; // increment frequency.
if(frequency[store[v]] > max) { // is this frequency > max so far ?
max = frequency[store[v]]; // update max.
result = store[v]; // update result.

Solution with emphasis to Array.prototype.forEach and the problem of getting more than one key if the max count is shared among more items.
Edit: Proposal with one loop, only.
var store = ['1', '2', '2', '3', '4', '5', '5'],
distribution = {},
max = 0,
result = [];
store.forEach(function (a) {
distribution[a] = (distribution[a] || 0) + 1;
if (distribution[a] > max) {
max = distribution[a];
result = [a];
if (distribution[a] === max) {
console.log('max: ' + max);
console.log('key/s with max count: ' + JSON.stringify(result));

var max=0,result,freq = 0;
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
else {
result = arr[i];
max = freq;
return result;

Make a histogram, find the key for the maximum number in the histogram.
var hist = [];
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
var n = store[i];
if (hist[n] === undefined) hist[n] = 0;
else hist[n]++;
var best_count = hist[store[0]];
var best = store[0];
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
if (hist[store[i]] > best_count) {
best_count = hist[store[i]];
best = store[i];
alert(best + ' occurs the most at ' + best_count + ' occurrences');
This assumes either there are no ties, or you don't care which is selected.

Another ES6 option. Works with strings or numbers.
function mode(arr) {
const store = {}
arr.forEach((num) => store[num] ? store[num] += 1 : store[num] = 1)
return Object.keys(store).sort((a, b) => store[b] - store[a])[0]

If the array is sorted this should work:
function popular(array) {
if (array.length == 0) return [null, 0];
var n = max = 1, maxNum = array[0], pv, cv;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++, pv = array[i-1], cv = array[i]) {
if (pv == cv) {
if (++n >= max) {
max = n; maxNum = cv;
} else n = 1;
return [maxNum, max];
[9, 4]
[10, 5]

This version will quit looking when the count exceeds the number of items not yet counted.
It works without sorting the array.
Array.prototype.most= function(){
var L= this.length, freq= [], unique= [],
tem, max= 1, index, count;
while(L>= max){
tem= this[--L];
if(unique.indexOf(tem)== -1){
index= -1, count= 0;
while((index= this.indexOf(tem, index+1))!= -1){
if(count> max){
freq= [tem];
max= count;
else if(count== max) freq.push(tem);
return [freq, max];
var A= ["apples","oranges","oranges","oranges","bananas",
alert(A.most()) // [oranges,4]
alert(A.most()) // [bananas,oranges,4]

I solved it this way for finding the most common integer
function mostCommon(arr) {
// finds the first most common integer, doesn't account for 2 equally common integers (a tie)
freq = [];
// set all frequency counts to 0
for(i = 0; i < arr[arr.length-1]; i++) {
freq[i] = 0;
// use index in freq to represent the number, and the value at the index represent the frequency count
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// find biggest number's index, that's the most frequent integer
mostCommon = freq[0];
for(i = 0; i < freq.length; i++) {
if(freq[i] > mostCommon) {
mostCommon = i;
return mostCommon;

This is my solution.
var max_frequent_elements = function(arr){
var a = [], b = [], prev;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
if ( arr[i] !== prev ) {
} else {
prev = arr[i];
var max = b[0]
for(var p=1;p<b.length;p++){
var indices = []
for(var q=0;q<a.length;q++){
return indices;

All the solutions above are iterative.
Here's a ES6 functional mutation-less version:
Array.prototype.mostRepresented = function() {
const indexedElements = this.reduce((result, element) => {
return => {
return {
value: el.value,
count: el.count + (el.value === element ? 1 : 0),
}).concat(result.some(el => el.value === element) ? [] : {value: element, count: 1});
}, []);
return (indexedElements.slice(1).reduce(
(result, indexedElement) => (indexedElement.count > result.count ? indexedElement : result),
indexedElements[0]) || {}).value;
It could be optimized in specific situations where performance is the bottleneck, but it has a great advantage of working with any kind of array elements.
The last line could be replaced with:
return (indexedElements.maxBy(el => el.count) || {}).value;
Array.prototype.maxBy = function(fn) {
return this.slice(1).reduce((result, element) => (fn(element) > fn(result) ? element : result), this[0]);
for clarity

If the array contains strings try this solution
function GetMaxFrequency (array) {
var store = array;
var frequency = []; // array of frequency.
var result; // holds the max frequency element.
for(var v in store) {
var target = store[v];
var numOccurences = $.grep(store, function (elem) {
return elem === target;
maxValue = Math.max.apply(this, frequency);
result = store[$.inArray(maxValue,frequency)];
return result;
var store = ['ff','cc','cc','ff','ff','ff','ff','ff','ff','yahya','yahya','cc','yahya'];

A fairly short solution.
function mostCommon(list) {
var keyCounts = {};
var topCount = 0;
var topKey = {};
list.forEach(function(item, val) {
keyCounts[item] = keyCounts[item] + 1 || 1;
if (keyCounts[item] > topCount) {
topKey = item;
topCount = keyCounts[item];
return topKey;
document.write(mostCommon(['AA', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC']))

This solution returns an array of the most appearing numbers in an array, in case multiple numbers appear at the "max" times.
function mode(numbers) {
var counterObj = {};
var max = 0;
var result = [];
for(let num in numbers) {
counterObj[numbers[num]] = (counterObj[numbers[num]] || 0) + 1;
if(counterObj[numbers[num]] >= max) {
max = counterObj[numbers[num]];
for (let num in counterObj) {
if(counterObj[num] == max) {
return result;


JavaScript find longest Uniform Substring

Trying to find longest Uniform Substring.
Suppose I have abbbccda then it should return [1, 3]. Because it starts from index 1 and is 3 characters long.
Other Example:
"10000111" => [ 1, 4 ]
"aabbbbbCdAA" => [ 2, 5 ]
I tried:
function longestUniformSubstring(input){
let arr = input.split("");
let obj = {};, index) => {
return obj[ele] ? obj[ele][1]++ : obj[ele] = [index,1];
return obj;
else {
return [ -1, 0 ];
It gives me object of all character But, no idea how can i get with highest length.
You could iterate the string and check the previous character and continue if the caracters are equal.
If not, check the length and assign a new logest array, if necessary and check if a longer string is not possible, then break the loop.
Assign the new found character and set a new start value to the actual index.
function longestUniformSubstring(input) {
var longest = [-1, 0],
start = 0,
character = input[0];
for (let i = 1; i <= input.length; i++) {
if (input[i] === character) continue;
if (longest[1] < i - start) {
longest = [start, i - start];
if (i + i - start >= input.length) break;
character = input[i];
start = i;
return longest;
You can keep track of the character being evaluated. When it changes, check to see if its repetition is larger than previous repetitions. If so, store the new version and move on.
function longestUniformSubstring(input){
const result = [-1, 0];
let currentCharacter = '';
let currentIndex = -1;
let currentCount = 0;
(input || '').split('').forEach((character, index) => {
if (character == currentCharacter) {
} else {
if (currentCount > result[1]) {
result[0] = currentIndex;
result[1] = currentCount;
currentCharacter = character;
currentIndex = index;
currentCount = 1;
if (currentCount > result[1]) {
result[0] = currentIndex;
result[1] = currentCount;
return result;
You can write the logic like this, this works at my end.
function longestUniformSubstring(input) {
let length = input.length;
let firstLetter = input[0];
let sIndex = 0;
let eIndex = 0;
let resultIndex = 0;
let resultLength = 0;
while(sIndex < length && eIndex < length) {
if (input[eIndex] === firstLetter) {
if (eIndex - sIndex > resultLength) {
resultLength = eIndex - sIndex;
resultIndex = sIndex;
else {
if (input[sIndex] !== firstLetter)
firstLetter = input[sIndex];
return [resultIndex, resultLength];
You can create a queue, to keep track of elements. and pop once all the iteration has been done.
function longestUniformSubstring(input) {
if (!input) return [-1, 0];
let queue = [];
const map = {};
for (let index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
const char = input[index];
if (!map[char]) map[char] = [index, 1];
else {
map[char][1] += 1;
const max = queue[0];
if (max && max[1] < map[char][1]) {
} else {
return queue.shift();
The dirty one, keep track of longest
function longestUniformSubstring(input) {
if (!input) return [-1, 0];
let max = ["", -1, 0];
let map = {}
for (let index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
const char = input[index];
if (!map[char]) map[char] = [index, 1];
else {
map[char][1] += 1;
if (max[2] < map[char][1]) {
max = [char, map[char][0], map[char][1]];
return [max[1], max[2]];
You can use .reduce to count. .sort method to get the min or max.
function longestUniformSubstring(input) {
if (!input) return [-1, 0];
const map = input.split("").reduce((m, item, index) => {
if (!m[item]) m[item] = [index, 1];
else {
m[item][1] += 1;
return m;
}, {});
return Object.values(map).sort(([_, i], [__, j]) => j - i)[0];
You can just iterate over
function longestUniformSubstring(input){
if(!input) {
return [-1, 0];
let lastIndex=0;
let lastLength=1;
let currIndex=0;
let currLength=0;
for (let i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
if(input.charAt(i)===input.charAt(i-1)) {
} else {
if (currLength > lastLength) {
lastIndex = currIndex;
lastLength = currLength;
currIndex = i;
currLength = 1;
return [lastIndex, lastLength];

Find the second largest number in array

I have an array of three element like [31,23,12] and I want to find the second largest element and its related position without rearranging the array.
Example :
array = [21,23,34]
Second_largest = 23;
Position is = 1;
Make a clone of your original array using .slice(0) like :
var temp_arr = arr.slice(0);
Then sor it so you get the second largest value at the index temp_arr.length - 2 of your array :
temp_arr.sort()[temp_arr.length - 2]
Now you could use indexOf() function to get the index of this value retrieved like :
var arr = [23, 21, 34, 34];
var temp_arr = [ Set(arr)].slice(0); //clone array
var second_largest_value = temp_arr.sort()[temp_arr.length - 2];
var index_of_largest_value = arr.indexOf(second_largest_value);
Using ES6 Set and Array.from
const secondLargest = (arr) => Array.from([ Set(arr)]).sort((a,b) => b-a)[1]
Above function removes duplicate elements using Set and returns the second largest element from the sorted array.
I tried to make the answer as simple as possible here, you can it super simple
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
var flarge = 0;
var slarge = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (flarge < nums[i]) {
slarge = flarge;
flarge = nums[i];
} else if (nums[i] > slarge) {
slarge = nums[i]
return slarge;
Its fully logical ,there is no array sort or reverse here, you can also use this when values are duplicate in aray.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
return y-x;
for(var j=1; j < nums.length; j++)
if(nums[j-1] !== nums[j])
return nums[j];
This method will also take care of the multiple occurrence of a number in the array. Here, we are first sorting the array and then ignoring the same number and returning our answer.
You could create a copy of the original array using spread and sort() it. From you'd just get the second to last number from the array and use indexOf to reveal it's index.
const array = [21,23,34];
const arrayCopy = [...array];
const secondLargestNum = arrayCopy.sort()[arrayCopy.length - 2]
Alternatively you can use concat to copy the array if compatibility is an issue:
var array = [21, 23, 34];
var arrayCopy = [].concat(array);
var secondLargestNum = arrayCopy.sort()[arrayCopy.length - 2]
This way is the most verbose, but also the most algorithmically efficient. It only requires 1 pass through the original array, does not require copying the array, nor sorting. It is also ES5 compliant, since you were asking about supportability.
var array = [21,23,34];
var res = array.reduce(function (results, curr, index) {
if (index === 0) {
results.largest = curr;
results.secondLargest = curr;
results.indexOfSecondLargest = 0;
results.indexOfLargest = 0;
else if (curr > results.secondLargest && curr <= results.largest) {
results.secondLargest = curr;
results.indexOfSecondLargest = index;
else if (curr > results.largest) {
results.secondLargest = results.largest;
results.largest = curr;
results.indexOfSecondLargest = results.indexOfLargest;
results.indexOfLargest = index;
return results;
}, {largest: -Infinity, secondLargest: -Infinity, indexOfLargest: -1, indexOfSecondLargest: -1});
console.log("Second Largest: ", res.secondLargest);
console.log("Index of Second Largest: ", res.indexOfSecondLargest);
I recently came across this problem, but wasn't allowed to use looping. I managed to get it working using recursion and since no one else suggested that possibility, I decided to post it here. :-)
let input = [29, 75, 12, 89, 103, 65, 100, 78, 115, 102, 55, 214]
const secondLargest = (arr, first = -Infinity, second = -Infinity, firstPos = -1, secondPos = -1, idx = 0) => {
arr = first === -Infinity ? [...arr] : arr;
const el = arr.shift();
if (!el) return { second, secondPos }
if (el > first) {
second = first;
secondPos = firstPos;
first = el;
firstPos = idx;
} if (el < first && el > second) {
second = el;
secondPos = idx;
return secondLargest(arr, first, second, firstPos, secondPos, ++idx);
// {
// second: 115,
// secondPos: 8
// }
Hope this helps someone in my shoes some day.
Simple recursive function to find the n-largest number without permutating any array:
EDIT: Also works in case of multiple equal large numbers.
let array = [11,23,34];
let secondlargest = Max(array, 2);
let index = array.indexOf(secondlargest);
console.log("Number:", secondlargest ,"at position", index);
function Max(arr, nth = 1, max = Infinity) {
let large = -Infinity;
for(e of arr) {
if(e > large && e < max ) {
large = e;
} else if (max == large) {
if(nth==0) return max;
return Max(arr, nth-1, large);
Just to get 2nd largest number-
arr = [21,23,34];
secondLargest = arr.slice(0).sort(function(a,b){return b-a})[1];
To get 2nd largest number with index in traditional manner-
arr = [20,120,111,215,54,78];
max = -Infinity;
max2 = -Infinity;
indexMax = -Infinity;
index2 = -Infinity;
for(let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if(max < arr[i]) {
index2 = indexMax;
indexMax = i;
max2 = max;
max = arr[i];
} else if(max2 < arr[i]) {
index2 = i;
max2 = arr[i];
console.log(`index: ${index2} and max2: ${max2}`);
I have tried to solve without using the inbuilt function.
var arr = [1,2, -3, 15, 77, 12, 55];
var highest = 0, secondHighest = 0;
// OR var highest = arr[0], secondHighest = arr[0];
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i] > highest){
secondHighest = highest;
highest = arr[i];
if(arr[i] < highest && arr[i] > secondHighest){
secondHighest = arr[i];
console.log('>> highest number : ',highest); // 77
console.log('>> secondHighest number : ',secondHighest); // 55
var arr = [21,23,34];
var output = getSecondLargest(arr);
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = output;
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
if (nums.length == 0){
return undefined;
nums.sort((a,b) => b-a);
var newArr = [ Set(nums)];
return newArr[1];
<p id="output"></p>
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
const sortedArray = new Set(nums.sort((a, b) => b - a)).values();;
console.log(getSecondLargest([1, 2, 4, 4, 3]));
//Suggest making unique array before checking largest value in the array
function getSecondLargest(arr) {
let uniqueChars = [ Set(arr)];
let val=Math.max(...uniqueChars);
let arr1 = arr.filter(function(item) {
return item !== val;
let num=Math.max(...arr1);
return num;
function main() {
const n = +(readLine());
const nums = readLine().split(' ').map(Number);
Here the code will give the second largest number and the index of it
const a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 15]
a.sort((a,b)=>a-b) //sorted small to large
const max = Math.max(...a)
const index = a.indexOf(max)
const s = {secondLargest:a[index-1],index:index-1}
var elements = [21,23,34]
var largest = -Infinity
// Find largest
for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i] > largest) largest = elements[i]
var second_largest = -Infinity
var second_largest_position = -1
// Find second largest
for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i] > second_largest && elements[i] < largest) {
second_largest = elements[i]
second_largest_position = i
console.log(second_largest, second_largest_position)
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
let arr = nums.slice();//create a copy of the input array
let max = Math.max(...arr);//find the maximum element
let occ = 0;
for(var i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++)
if(arr[i] == max)
occ = occ +1;//count the occurrences of maximum element
let sortedArr =arr.sort(function(x, y) { return x > y; } );//sort the array
for(var i = 1 ; i <= occ ; i++){
sortedArr.pop()//remove the maximum elements from the sorted array
return Math.max(...sortedArr);//now find the largest to get the second largest
I write the most simple function with O(n) complexity using two variables max and secondMax with simple swapping logic.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
let max = 0, secondMax = 0;
nums.forEach((num) => {
if (num > max) {
secondMax = max;
max = num;
} else if (num != max && num > secondMax) secondMax = num;
return secondMax;
here you can also deal with if the second largest or largest number is repeated
var nums =[2,3,6,6,5];
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
let secondlargets;
nums.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
// all elements are in the accesindg order
// [1,2,3,5,6,6]
var highest;
// that is the last sorted element
highest = nums[nums.length-1];
// through above statment we are removing the highest element
for(let i =0;i<nums.length-1;i++){
/* here we remove gives this as conditon because might be the hiesht
had more indecis as we have in this question index(5) &index(6)
so remove the element till all positon have elemnt excepts the highest */
return nums[nums.length-1]
/* our array is already sorted and after removing thew highest element */
Please find a simple solution, without using inbuild functions:
Time complexity is O(n)
function secondLargest(arr) {
let prev = [0]
let i =1;
let largest =0;
let current = arr[i];
if(current > largest ) {
largest = current;
prev = arr[i-1];
} else if (current > prev && current < largest) {
prev = current
return prev;
let arr = [1,2,3,41,61,10,3,5,23];
Here is a simple solution using .sort() and new Set()
const array = [21, 23, 34, 34];
function getSecondLargest(arr){
return list = [ Set(arr)].sort((a, b) => b - a)[1]
In this case, if there are repeated numbers then they will be removed, and then will sort the array and find the second-largest number.
let arr=[12,13,42,34,34,21,42,39]
let uniqueArray=[ Set(arr)]
let sortedArray=uniqueArray.sort((a,b)=>b-a)
/* we can solve it with recursion*/
let count = 0; /* when find max then count ++ */
findSecondMax = (arr)=> {
let max = 0; /* when recursive function call again max will reinitialize and we get latest max */,i)=>{
if(d > max) {
max = d;
if(i == arr.length -1) count++;
/* when count == 1 then we got out max so remove max from array and call recursively again with rest array so now count will give 2 here we go with 2nd max from array */
return count == 1 ? findSecondMax(arr.slice(0,arr.indexOf(max)).concat(arr.slice(arr.indexOf(max)+1))) : max;
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
// Complete the function
var a = nums.sort();
var max = Math.max(...nums);
var rev = a.reverse();
for(var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (rev[i] < max) {
return rev[i];
var nums = [2,3,6,6,5];
console.log( getSecondLargest(nums) );
Find Second Highest Number (Array contains duplicate values)
const getSecondHighestNumber = (numbersArry) => {
let maxNumber = Math.max( ...numbersArry);
let arrFiltered = numbersArry.filter(val => val != maxNumber);
return arrFiltered.length ? Math.max(...arrFiltered) : -1;
let items = ["6","2","4","5","5","5"];
const secondHighestVal = getSecondHighestNumber(items);
console.log(secondHighestVal); // 5
const arrData = [21, 23, 34];
const minArrValue = Math.min(...arrData);
const maxArrValue = Math.max(...arrData);
let targetHighValue = minArrValue;
let targetLowValue = maxArrValue;
for (i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) {
if (arrData[i] < maxArrValue && arrData[i] > targetHighValue) {
targetHighValue = arrData[i];
if (arrData[i] > minArrValue && arrData[i] < targetLowValue) {
targetLowValue = arrData[i];
console.log('Array: [' + arrData + ']');
console.log('Low Value: ' + minArrValue);
console.log('2nd Lowest Value: ' + targetLowValue);
console.log('2nd Highest Value: ' + targetHighValue);
console.log('High Value: ' + maxArrValue);
Notice that if the max number appears multiple times in your array (like [6, 3,5,6,3,2,6]), you won't get the right output. So here is my solution:
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
// Complete the function
const sortedNumbers = nums.sort((a, b) => b - a);
const max = sortedNumbers[0];
const secondMax = sortedNumbers.find(number => number < max);
return secondMax;
const findSecondlargestNumber = (data) => {
let largest = null;
let secondlargest = null;
data.forEach(num => {
if(!largest) {
largest = num;
else if(num > largest) {
secondlargest = largest;
largest = num;
else if((!secondlargest && num !== largest) || (secondlargest)) {
secondlargest = num;
return secondlargest;
console.log(findSecondlargestNumber([11, 11, 3, 5, 6,2, 7]))
Here's the simplest way to get the second largest number and it's respective position from an array without rearranging the array or without using sorting method.
function findSecondLargest(arr) {
const largest = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
arr[arr.indexOf(largest)] = -Infinity;
const secondLargest = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
const position = arr.indexOf(secondLargest);
return { secondLargest, position };
console.log(findSecondLargest([3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13])); //{ secondLargest: 11, position: 4 }
-Infinity is smaller than any negative finite number.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
const len = nums.length;
const sort_arr = nums.sort();
var mynum = nums[len-1];
for(let i=len; i>0; i--){
return nums[i-1];

Array Processing logic correction

I have an array [1,2,4,5,1,7,8,9,2,3]
and i would like it to generate all subset which sum of values are less than 10
current result [[1,2,4],[5,1],[7],[8],[9],[2,3]]
expected result [[4,5,1],[9,1],[8,2],[3,7],[1,2]]
that is what i did
var a = [1,2,4,5,1,7,8,9,2,3], tempArr = []; tempSum = 0, result = [];
for (var i = 0;i< a.length; i += 1 ) {
if((tempSum+a[i+1])>10) {
tempSum = 0;
tempArr = [];
} else if (i == a.length-1 && tempArr.length > 0) { // if array is [1,2,3]
but it gives me [[1,2,4],[5,1],[7],[8],[9],[2,3]] and it has 6 subset, but i expect to get [[4,5,1],[9,1],[8,2],[3,7],[1,2]] which has 5 subset.
Below logic is in JavaScript :-
var limit = 10;
var arr = [1,2,4,5,1,7,8,9,2,3];
var ans = new Array ( );
while(arr.length >0){
var ts = arr[arr.length-1];
arr.splice(arr.length-1 , 1);
var ta= new Array ( );
var x = arr.length-1;
if(ts + arr[x] <= limit){
ts = ts + arr[x];
arr.splice(x , 1);
x= x-1;
It is Giving Output as required .
I have removed duplicates then added maxSum parameter to combine function to generate all subset which have those conditions and then sorted subsets by sum of the values and sliced them.
You could change parameters to fit it for your problem.
var arr = [1,2,4,5,1,7,8,9,2,3]
MAX_SUM = 10,
//remove duplicates
var uniqeSet = arr.filter(function(value, index){
return this.indexOf(value) == index
// a function to get all subset which
// their length are greater than minLength and
// sum of values are little than maxSum
var combine = function(sourceArr, minLength, maxSum) {
var fn = function(n, src, got, all, sum) {
if(sum <= maxSum){
if (n == 0) {
if (got.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < src.length; j++) {
var tempSum = sum
fn(n - 1, src.slice(j + 1), got.concat([src[j]]), all, sum + src[j]);
var all = [];
for (var i = minLength; i < sourceArr.length; i++) {
fn(i, sourceArr, [], all, 0);
return all;
var result = combine(uniqeSet, MIN_SUBSET_LEN, MAX_SUM);
var sortedSliced = result.sort(function(a1, a2){
return a2.sum - a1.sum;
}).slice(0, RESULT_LEN).map(function(m){return m.arr;});

Sort array of strings into array of objects

Okay, so I've been working on a sort function for my application, and I've gotten stuck.
Here's my fiddle.
To explain briefly, this code starts with an array of strings, serials, and an empty array, displaySerials:
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var displaySerials = [];
The aim of these functions is to output displaySerials as an array of objects with two properties: beginSerial and endSerial. The way that this is intended to work is that the function loops through the array, and tries to set each compatible string in a range with each other, and then from that range create the object where beginSerial is the lowest serial number in range and endSerial is the highest in range.
To clarify, all serials in a contiguous range will have the same prefix. Once that prefix is established then the strings are broken apart from the prefix and compared and sorted numerically.
So based on that, the desired output from the array serials would be:
displaySerials = [
{ beginSerial: "BHU-008", endSerial: "BHU-011" },
{ beginSerial: "BHU-000", endSerial: "BHU-002" },
{ beginSerial: "TYU-969", endSerial: "TYU-970" }
I've got it mostly working on my jsfiddle, the only problem is that the function is pushing one duplicate object into the array, and I'm not sure how it is managing to pass my checks.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Marc's solution is correct, but I couldn't help thinking it was too much code. This is doing exactly the same thing, starting with sort(), but then using reduce() for a more elegant look.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"]
var first = serials.shift()
var ranges = [{begin: first, end: first}]
serials.reduce(mergeRange, ranges[0])
console.log(ranges) // the expected result
// and this is the reduce callback:
function mergeRange(lastRange, s)
var parts = s.split(/-/)
var lastParts = lastRange.end.split(/-/)
if (parts[0] === lastParts[0] && parts[1]-1 === +lastParts[1]) {
lastRange.end = s
return lastRange
} else {
var newRange = {begin: s, end: s}
return newRange
I've got a feeling that it's possible to do it without sorting, by recursively merging the results obtained over small pieces of the array (compare elements two by two, then merge results two by two, and so on until you have a single result array). The code wouldn't look terribly nice, but it would scale better and could be done in parallel.
Nothing too sophisticated here, but it should do the trick. Note that I'm sorting the array from the get-go so I can reliably iterate over it.
Fiddle is here:
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var myNewObjectArray = [];
var sortedSerials = serials.sort();
//seed the object
var myObject = {};
var previous = sortedSerials[0];
var previousPrefix = previous.split("-")[0];
var previousValue = previous.split("-")[1];
myObject.beginSerial = previous;
myObject.endSerial = previous;
//iterate watching for breaks in the sequence
for (var i=1; i < sortedSerials.length; i++) {
var current = sortedSerials[i];
var currentPrefix = current.split("-")[0];
var currentValue = current.split("-")[1];
if (currentPrefix === previousPrefix && parseInt(currentValue) === parseInt(previousValue)+1) {
//sequential value found, so update the endSerial with it
myObject.endSerial = current;
previous = current;
previousPrefix = currentPrefix;
previousValue = currentValue;
} else {
//sequence broken; push the object
console.log(currentPrefix, previousPrefix, parseInt(currentValue), parseInt(previousValue)+1);
//re-seed a new object
previous = current;
previousPrefix = currentPrefix;
previousValue = currentValue;
myObject = {};
myObject.beginSerial = current;
myObject.endSerial = current;
myNewObjectArray.push(myObject); //one final push
I would use underscore.js for this
var bSerialExists = _.findWhere(displaySerials, { beginSerial: displaySettings.beginSerial });
var eSerialExists = _.findWhere(displaySerials, { endSerial: displaySettings.endSerial });
if (!bSerialExists && !eSerialExists)
I ended up solving my own problem because I was much closer than I thought I was. I included a final sort to get rid of duplicate objects after the initial sort was finished.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var displaySerials = [];
var mapSerialsForDisplay = function () {
var tempArray = serials;
displaySerials = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
// compare current member to all other members for similarity
var currentSerial = tempArray[i];
var range = [currentSerial];
var displaySettings = {
beginSerial: currentSerial,
endSerial: ""
for (var j = 0; j < tempArray.length; j++) {
if (i === j) {
} else {
var stringInCommon = "";
var comparingSerial = tempArray[j];
for (var n = 0; n < currentSerial.length; n++) {
if (currentSerial[n] === comparingSerial[n]) {
stringInCommon += currentSerial[n];
} else {
var currentRemaining = currentSerial.replace(stringInCommon, "");
var comparingRemaining = comparingSerial.replace(stringInCommon, "");
if (!isNaN(currentRemaining) && !isNaN(comparingRemaining) && stringInCommon !== "") {
range = compareAndAddToRange(comparingSerial, stringInCommon, range);
displaySettings.beginSerial = range[0];
displaySettings.endSerial = range[range.length - 1];
var existsAlready = false;
for (var l = 0; l < displaySerials.length; l++) {
if (displaySerials[l].beginSerial == displaySettings.beginSerial || displaySerials[l].endSerial == displaySettings.endSerial) {
existsAlready = true;
if (!existsAlready) {
for (var i = 0; i < displaySerials.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < displaySerials.length; j++) {
if (i === j) {
} else {
if (displaySerials[i].beginSerial === displaySerials[j].beginSerial && displaySerials[i].endSerial === displaySerials[j].endSerial) {
displaySerials.splice(j, 1);
return displaySerials;
var compareAndAddToRange = function (candidate, commonString, arr) {
var tempArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
value: arr[i],
number: parseInt(arr[i].replace(commonString, ""))
tempArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.number > b.number) ? 1 : ((b.number > a.number) ? -1 : 0);
var newSerial = {
value: candidate,
number: candidate.replace(commonString, "")
if (tempArray.indexOf(newSerial) === -1) {
if (tempArray[0].number - newSerial.number === 1) {
} else if (newSerial.number - tempArray[tempArray.length - 1].number === 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
arr[i] = tempArray[i].value;
return arr;
fiddle to see it work
Here's a function that does this in plain JavaScript.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
function transformSerials(a) {
var result = []; //store array for result
var holder = {}; //create a temporary object
//loop the input array and group by prefix
a.forEach(function(val) {
var parts = val.split('-');
var type = parts[0];
var int = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
if (!holder[type])
holder[type] = { prefix : type, values : [] };
holder[type].values.push({ name : val, value : int });
//interate through the temp object and find continuous values
for(var type in holder) {
var last = null;
var groupHolder = {};
//sort the values by integer
var numbers = holder[type].values.sort(function(a,b) {
return parseInt(a.value, 10) > parseInt(b.value, 10);
numbers.forEach(function(value, index) {
if (!groupHolder.beginSerial)
groupHolder.beginSerial =;
if (!last || value.value === last + 1) {
last = value.value;
groupHolder.endSerial =;
if (index === numbers.length - 1) {
else {
groupHolder = {};
last = null;
return result;
<script src=""></script>

Get the item that appears the most times in an array

var store = ['1','2','2','3','4'];
I want to find out that 2 appear the most in the array. How do I go about doing that?
I would do something like:
var store = ['1','2','2','3','4'];
var frequency = {}; // array of frequency.
var max = 0; // holds the max frequency.
var result; // holds the max frequency element.
for(var v in store) {
frequency[store[v]]=(frequency[store[v]] || 0)+1; // increment frequency.
if(frequency[store[v]] > max) { // is this frequency > max so far ?
max = frequency[store[v]]; // update max.
result = store[v]; // update result.
Solution with emphasis to Array.prototype.forEach and the problem of getting more than one key if the max count is shared among more items.
Edit: Proposal with one loop, only.
var store = ['1', '2', '2', '3', '4', '5', '5'],
distribution = {},
max = 0,
result = [];
store.forEach(function (a) {
distribution[a] = (distribution[a] || 0) + 1;
if (distribution[a] > max) {
max = distribution[a];
result = [a];
if (distribution[a] === max) {
console.log('max: ' + max);
console.log('key/s with max count: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
var max=0,result,freq = 0;
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
else {
result = arr[i];
max = freq;
return result;
Make a histogram, find the key for the maximum number in the histogram.
var hist = [];
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
var n = store[i];
if (hist[n] === undefined) hist[n] = 0;
else hist[n]++;
var best_count = hist[store[0]];
var best = store[0];
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
if (hist[store[i]] > best_count) {
best_count = hist[store[i]];
best = store[i];
alert(best + ' occurs the most at ' + best_count + ' occurrences');
This assumes either there are no ties, or you don't care which is selected.
Another ES6 option. Works with strings or numbers.
function mode(arr) {
const store = {}
arr.forEach((num) => store[num] ? store[num] += 1 : store[num] = 1)
return Object.keys(store).sort((a, b) => store[b] - store[a])[0]
If the array is sorted this should work:
function popular(array) {
if (array.length == 0) return [null, 0];
var n = max = 1, maxNum = array[0], pv, cv;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++, pv = array[i-1], cv = array[i]) {
if (pv == cv) {
if (++n >= max) {
max = n; maxNum = cv;
} else n = 1;
return [maxNum, max];
[9, 4]
[10, 5]
This version will quit looking when the count exceeds the number of items not yet counted.
It works without sorting the array.
Array.prototype.most= function(){
var L= this.length, freq= [], unique= [],
tem, max= 1, index, count;
while(L>= max){
tem= this[--L];
if(unique.indexOf(tem)== -1){
index= -1, count= 0;
while((index= this.indexOf(tem, index+1))!= -1){
if(count> max){
freq= [tem];
max= count;
else if(count== max) freq.push(tem);
return [freq, max];
var A= ["apples","oranges","oranges","oranges","bananas",
alert(A.most()) // [oranges,4]
alert(A.most()) // [bananas,oranges,4]
I solved it this way for finding the most common integer
function mostCommon(arr) {
// finds the first most common integer, doesn't account for 2 equally common integers (a tie)
freq = [];
// set all frequency counts to 0
for(i = 0; i < arr[arr.length-1]; i++) {
freq[i] = 0;
// use index in freq to represent the number, and the value at the index represent the frequency count
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// find biggest number's index, that's the most frequent integer
mostCommon = freq[0];
for(i = 0; i < freq.length; i++) {
if(freq[i] > mostCommon) {
mostCommon = i;
return mostCommon;
This is my solution.
var max_frequent_elements = function(arr){
var a = [], b = [], prev;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
if ( arr[i] !== prev ) {
} else {
prev = arr[i];
var max = b[0]
for(var p=1;p<b.length;p++){
var indices = []
for(var q=0;q<a.length;q++){
return indices;
All the solutions above are iterative.
Here's a ES6 functional mutation-less version:
Array.prototype.mostRepresented = function() {
const indexedElements = this.reduce((result, element) => {
return => {
return {
value: el.value,
count: el.count + (el.value === element ? 1 : 0),
}).concat(result.some(el => el.value === element) ? [] : {value: element, count: 1});
}, []);
return (indexedElements.slice(1).reduce(
(result, indexedElement) => (indexedElement.count > result.count ? indexedElement : result),
indexedElements[0]) || {}).value;
It could be optimized in specific situations where performance is the bottleneck, but it has a great advantage of working with any kind of array elements.
The last line could be replaced with:
return (indexedElements.maxBy(el => el.count) || {}).value;
Array.prototype.maxBy = function(fn) {
return this.slice(1).reduce((result, element) => (fn(element) > fn(result) ? element : result), this[0]);
for clarity
If the array contains strings try this solution
function GetMaxFrequency (array) {
var store = array;
var frequency = []; // array of frequency.
var result; // holds the max frequency element.
for(var v in store) {
var target = store[v];
var numOccurences = $.grep(store, function (elem) {
return elem === target;
maxValue = Math.max.apply(this, frequency);
result = store[$.inArray(maxValue,frequency)];
return result;
var store = ['ff','cc','cc','ff','ff','ff','ff','ff','ff','yahya','yahya','cc','yahya'];
A fairly short solution.
function mostCommon(list) {
var keyCounts = {};
var topCount = 0;
var topKey = {};
list.forEach(function(item, val) {
keyCounts[item] = keyCounts[item] + 1 || 1;
if (keyCounts[item] > topCount) {
topKey = item;
topCount = keyCounts[item];
return topKey;
document.write(mostCommon(['AA', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC']))
This solution returns an array of the most appearing numbers in an array, in case multiple numbers appear at the "max" times.
function mode(numbers) {
var counterObj = {};
var max = 0;
var result = [];
for(let num in numbers) {
counterObj[numbers[num]] = (counterObj[numbers[num]] || 0) + 1;
if(counterObj[numbers[num]] >= max) {
max = counterObj[numbers[num]];
for (let num in counterObj) {
if(counterObj[num] == max) {
return result;
