angularJS print directive losing 2 way binding - javascript

I have a print directive in a SPA that seems to lose its 2 way data binding after the first print function is ran. I am sure it has something to do with the cloning and appending of the element.
The Directive is as follows:
agency.directive("pasPrint", ['AgentModel','Dev',
function(agentModel, dev) {
var printSection = document.getElementById("printSection");
function printElement(elem) {
// clones the element you want to print
var domClone = elem.cloneNode(true);
if (!printSection) {
printSection = document.createElement("div"); = "printSection";
} else {
printSection.innerHTML = "";
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, $element, attrs) {
$scope.printModel = {};
$ = new Date().toJSON().slice(0,10);
$element.on("click", function () {
var elemToPrint = document.getElementById(attrs.printElementId);
if (elemToPrint) {
controller: ["$scope","$element", "AgentModel", function($scope, $element, agentModel) {
$scope.agentModel = agentModel;
the model that is used in the entire module here is the agentModel.singleAgent which of course represents a single agent. this directive simply prints a cover sheet for an agents hard copy record. the first time we pull up an agents record the cover sheet prints correctly. when we load another agent the print preview show's the correctly updated agent information. in the agentModel.singleAgent 2 way binding (the same values being used in the printSection that gets printed. However the second print attempt also prints the first agent information and so does any other attempt to print any other agents, they all print the first agents data, even thought the singleAgent model has been updated properly.
the html from the print preview is below:
<div class="modal-header ng-scope">
<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close" data-ng- click="cancel()"><span aria-hidden="true"> × </span></button>
<h3 class="modal-title ng-binding"> Edit & Print Cover Sheet </h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<form class="inline-form">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label" for="PRINT_DESC">File Description: </label>
<input class="input-medium" type="text" id="PRINT_DESC" name="PRINT_DESC" data-ng-model="printModel.PRINT_DESC" />
<div id="printPreview">
<table class="table table-cell-nowrap table-responsive">
<th colspan="2"><strong>Type: <em>{{printModel.PRINT_DESC}}</em></strong></th>
<th colspan="2" style="border: 1px #dadada dotted"><div class="clearfix pull-right"><strong>{{agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_NUMBER}}</strong></div></th>
<td><strong>Agent Name: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_LNAME }}, {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_FNAME }} </strong></td>
<td><strong>Agent #: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_NUMBER }}</strong></td>
<td><strong>UID: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_UID }}</strong></td>
<tr><td colspan="4">Printed On: {{ today }} </td></tr>
<div id="printSection" class="col-md-12"><!-- place nothing in here except what should be printed. by default the content in the print section IS hidden -->
<table class="table table-cell-nowrap table-responsive printCoverFontSize">
<th colspan="2"><strong>Type: <em>{{printModel.PRINT_DESC}}</em></strong></th>
<th colspan="2" style="border: 1px #dadada dotted"><div class="clearfix pull-right"><strong>{{agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_NUMBER}}</strong></div></th>
<td><strong>Agent Name: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_LNAME }}, {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_FNAME }} </strong></td>
<td><strong>Agent #: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_NUMBER }}</strong></td>
<td><strong>UID: {{ agentModel.singleAgent.AGENT_UID }}</strong></td>
<tr><td colspan="4">Printed On: {{ today }} </td></tr>
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="pull-left">
<button class="btn btn-warning" data-pas-print data-print-element-id="printSection"><i class="fa fa-print fa-lg"></i> Print </button>
<div class="pull-right">
<button class="btn btn-default" data-ng- click="cancel()">Cancel</button>
the printModel model simply takes the value from the text box and includes it to be printed, just a descriptive term.
I am at a loss as to why this is not working. I did just piece this together from other scripts I found online to work with our application. I am a bit of an angular Newb and I really appreciate any help I can get so thank you in advance. please if you need more information feel free to ask. If I had to guess I would say it has something to do with cloning and the emptying of the element if I had to guess, but I am at a loss as to how to fix it. HELP please.


Good way to collapse certain Table/ cells when using ngFor

This is a Angular project v7 or so! im including angular tag because i dont know if there is any angular helpers for this.
I have multiple tables based on NG for, for each table i have a collapse/expand button. i want the individual table (button clicked) to collapse the table, my current solution isnt working properly because im using one bool and if you click expand/collapse on another table the boolean is incorrect for the others.
Im new to this, so i may of greatly over complicated the attmepted solution. :)
added a class to collapsable panels, then loop through elemens to add/remove classes based on bool.
viewDetailOption(event) {
console.log( = !;
// Toggle the Arrows
const parentNode = event.srcElement.parentNode.parentNode;
const childNodes = parentNode.querySelectorAll('.extendedViewOnly')
if ( {
for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
// show is not used in CSS, is added to identify when a hidden field is shown
} else {
const hiddenNodes = parentNode.querySelectorAll('.show')
for (let i = 0; i < hiddenNodes.length; i++) {
<div class="container-fluid">
<app-tab-selector [contactDescription]='contactDescription' [contactId]="id" [data]="contactDetails"></app-tab-selector>
<a class="btn btn-raised btn-primary">Add</a>
<section id="striped-light">
<div class="row text-left">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="card" *ngFor="let contact of contactDetails; let i = index" []="'fcard' + i">
<div class="card-header">
<p class="card-title">{{}} </p>
<span class="pull-right fa fa-2x fa-angle-double-right" (click)="viewDetailOption($event)" placement="top" ngbTooltip="Collapse / Expand"></span>
<div class="card-content">
<div class="card-body">
<table class="table table-striped ">
<tr []="'fr' + i">
<th> No.</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">RS</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">TA</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">SA</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">DR</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">FE</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">NB</th>
<th class="extendedViewOnly">LT</th>
<th class="">Operations</th>
<tbody >
<tr *ngFor="let item of">
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">1200m</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td class="extendedViewOnly">{{item2.}}</td>
<td><i class="fa fa-edit fa-2x"></i></td>
To be able to expand and collapse multiple tables, a state for each, is there a way to do this properly or maybe array of states?
You can add a boolean property displayInfo to your contact, and toggle this instead of trying to manage the HTML inside the JavaScript. With this property set, you can use ngClass to assign the correct class (double-right, double-left, show)...
It is always better to leave the HTML handling for Angular, and only care about the object states.
The problem that I see is that you have a collection of items and you are using a single boolean to hide or display those items.
So what you can do is to store the ID of the items you want to display in a hashtable.
The solution may be like this:
The template:
<div class="card" *ngFor="let contact of contactDetails; let i = index" []="'fcard' + i">
<div class="card-header">
<p class="card-title">{{}} </p>
<span class="pull-right fa fa-2x fa-angle-double-right" (click)="viewDetailOption($event, contact)" placement="top" ngbTooltip="Collapse / Expand"></span> </div>
The TS file:
// conmponent class
itemsToShow = {};
viewDetailOption(event, contact) {
this.itemsToShow[] = !this.itemsToShow[];
// ... the rest of your logic here

Angular Show Password after click

I have an inventory page that also contains a password field.
I would like to hide the password when the page is loaded, best would be to have points displayed **** and after click password is shown or a pop up.
var get_cert = function () {
function (response) {
$scope.certs =;
// execute get function
<div class="panel panel-default">
<table class="table table-striped valign_middle">
<tr class="table_header">
<tr ng-repeat="cert in certs | filter:search | orderBy:['name']">
<button class="w3-btn w3-black w3-hover-green w3-ripple" ng-click="get_cert()">Show</button>
<span ng-show="get_cert()">{{cert.password}}</span>
<button ng-show="!cert.showPw" class="w3-btn w3-black w3-hover-green w3-ripple" ng-click="cert.showPw = true">Show</button>
<span ng-show="cert.showPw">{{cert.password}}</span>
You can use ng-click to do cert.showPw = true, which will append a property called showPw (a boolean) to the object. Combined with ng-show, you can easily switch between the two.
This way you'll keep your controller free of any additional logic needed. You may include ng-click on the span which holds the password which will set showPw = false to switch it back to a button.
See my JSFiddle for full example.
Create a input
<input type="password" name="???">
Then you can change its type to "text" with
$("#idOfInout")type = 'text';

boostrap modal not updating with vue js v2 two way binding

I'm new to vue js and trying to use it with a bootstrap modal to view more data. My scenario is a table with multiple records and a button to see in depth details for the clicked record in a bootstrap modal. After clicking the first button it caches and doesn't update it while selecting another button for different details.
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
(It's a combination of Laravel, jQuery and VueJS)
HTML Table:
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>E-mail address</th>
<th>Sent at</th>
<th>Expires in</th>
<td class="v-align-middle">
<td class="v-align-middle">
<span class="label label-default">
<td class="v-align-middle">
2017-06-05 17:59:15
<td class="v-align-middle">
29 days
<div class="btn-group pull-right">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#inviteDetailsModal" data-email="john#doe.example">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
<td class="v-align-middle">
<td class="v-align-middle">
<span class="label label-default">
<td class="v-align-middle">
2017-06-05 13:27:25
<td class="v-align-middle">
29 days
<div class="btn-group pull-right">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#inviteDetailsModal" data-email="jane#doe.example">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
$('[data-target="#inviteDetailsModal"]').on('click', function () {
let email = $(this).data('email'),
baseUrl = $('html').data('base');
Vue.component('invite-details', {
data: function () {
return {
email: null,
token: null,
logs: [],
expires: null
methods: {
update: function (data) { = data['email'];
this.token = data['token'];
this.logs = data['logs'];
this.expires = data['expires'];
fetchData: function () {
this.$http.get(baseUrl + '/system/invites/' + email + '/details')
.then(response => {
}, response => {
console.log('whoops something went wrong');
mounted: function () {
this.$el.addEventListener('', this.fetchData());
beforeDestroy: function () {
this.$el.removeEventListener('', this.fetchData());
new Vue({
el: '#inviteDetailsModal'
The bootstrap modal:
<div class="modal fade slide-up" id="inviteDetailsModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content-wrapper">
<invite-details inline-template>
<div class="modal-content" id="details">
<div class="modal-header clearfix text-left">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">
<i class="pg-close fs-14"></i>
Invite details for <span class="semi-bold">#{{ email }}</span>
<p class="p-b-10">
<span data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" title="token">
<em>#{{ token }}</em>
<div class="modal-body">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Sent at</th>
<tr v-for="log in logs">
<td>#{{ log.number }}</td>
<td>#{{ log.sentAt }}</td>
<td>#{{ log.status }}</td>
<div class="modal-footer text-center">
<span class="hint-text">
<em>expires in <strong>#{{ expires }}</strong> days</em>
Alright I dug in deep to get this working and went the extra mile because you mentioned your were new at VueJS. I recognised my old self in your code where you go into VueJS with a JQuery mindset ;-)
First few quick notes before dropping the full code:
Use the table DB row's integer ID to reference the user everywhere.
This way when the email is updated, you still know who it is in the
frontend. By examining the code I saw that the email can change
(because it's an updateable data property, but it's also used in
your GET request: baseUrl + '/system/invites/' + email +
Subsequently, you can use this ID to easily generate unique instances
of your modal :-) This is the way you want to be working with VueJS!
Since you're using the same data in multiple places, have a look at
Vuex for a store. It may look daunting at first but it's great once
you get to grips with it. In your case, the same dataset would be
used for the original table and the modals. If one updates,
everything updates!
With Vuex you can trigger updates from anywhere. Right now the data
gets updated every time the eye button is clicked. However, this is
pretty hacky as I've made the button part of the modal's template,
and every time it gets clicked it calls fetchData() (check the
console). What you want to do ideally is use Vuex and generate
everything from the single point of truth dataset. Currently, if the
modal's data is updated, the original table is not.
With VueJS it's just as easy to create your own modal. The upside of
this is less overhead in your code, as you can use v-if, so it
won't be loaded into the DOM unless actually required. And judging
from your current code, the details button would be clicked
Install VueJS debugger if you haven't already:,
it will help you 'see' under the hood.
Alright so now for the code! First, add this line to your app.js file:
import JaimyTable from './components/stackoverflow/JaimyTable.vue'
Right above the var app = new Vue({ line. And add it to your components, so you end up with something like this:
import JaimyTable from './components/stackoverflow/JaimyTable.vue'
var app = new Vue({
components: {
Here's the JaimyTable.vue file:
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>E-mail address</th>
<th>Sent at</th>
<th>Expires in</th>
<td class="v-align-middle">
<td class="v-align-middle">
<span class="label label-default">
<td class="v-align-middle">
2017-06-05 17:59:15
<td class="v-align-middle">
29 days
<div class="btn-group pull-right">
<jaimy-modal id="1"></jaimy-modal>
<td class="v-align-middle">
<td class="v-align-middle">
<span class="label label-default">
<td class="v-align-middle">
2017-06-05 13:27:25
<td class="v-align-middle">
29 days
<div class="btn-group pull-right">
<jaimy-modal id="2"></jaimy-modal>
import JaimyModal from './JaimyModal.vue'
export default {
components: { JaimyModal },
props: [],
mixins: [],
data: function () {
return {
computed: {
computed_variable() {
return '';
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
watch: {
And please note the <jaimy-modal id="1"></jaimy-modal> lines. You probably want to use v-for to generate the all the <tr> rows automatically :) Make sure the id= corresponds to the ID in your database.
Now for the JaimyModal.vue where all the magic happens:
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" :data-target="'#inviteDetailsModal' + id" #click="fetchData()">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
<div class="modal fade slide-up" :id="'inviteDetailsModal' + id" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content-wrapper">
<div class="modal-content" id="details">
<div class="modal-header clearfix text-left">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">
<i class="pg-close fs-14"></i>
Invite details for <span class="semi-bold">{{ email }}</span>
<p class="p-b-10">
<span data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" title="token">
<em>{{ token }}</em>
<div class="modal-body">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Sent at</th>
<tr v-for="log in logs">
<td>{{ log.number }}</td>
<td>{{ log.sentAt }}</td>
<td>{{ log.status }}</td>
<div class="modal-footer text-center">
<span class="hint-text">
<em>expires in <strong>{{ expires }}</strong> days</em>
export default {
props: ['id'],
data: function () {
return {
email: null,
token: null,
logs: [],
expires: null,
baseUrl: '',
mounted: function () {
methods: {
update: function (data) { = data['email'];
this.token = data['token'];
this.logs = data['logs'];
this.expires = data['expires'];
fetchData: function () {
console.log('data fetched');
// Commented out for local purposes
// this.$http.get(this.baseUrl + '/system/invites/' + + '/details')
// .then(response => {
// this.update(response.body);
// }, response => {
// console.log('whoops something went wrong');
// });
// Dummy data
email: 'test#test ' + + '.com',
token: 'token123123asdsasdasdasd',
logs: [
number: 1,
sentAt: '2017-01-01',
status: 'Ok',
number: 2,
sentAt: '2017-02-01',
status: 'Failed',
expires: '2017-10-01'
Important to note here is the :data-target="'#inviteDetailsModal' + id" part in the button, where the number corresponds to the id of the prop. By using the : you're making it an expression, and it resolves to a unique reference.
As you can see the setup is completely different than you had before. Where the modal is a nested component of your table row. Once you start thinking of Components as recurring parts of look and functionality, but with unique data within it, things will click fast. Think of it as Model in Laravel.
After a long time of being told that you need to separate design (CSS), mark-up (HTML) and functionality (JS), it's weird to have it all sitting there in 1 file. But embrace it, and you'll fall in love with VueJS :D
And give Vuex a look! The second you get multiple components that use and manipulate the same dataset, it's a god-send!
Ow and finally: the second you start thinking of using things like fn.trigger and whatnot, you're approaching VueJS wrong. Keep that in mind :) It has all the tools necessary for you to work with the page, and then some!
Happy coding!
Since you're using one modal component and are attempting to change its content based on the specific button in the table clicked, the mounted hook is only going to fire once when the component is initially mounted.
What you want is for the content to update each time the modal is shown.
First of, it looks like your component only needs one email prop. Move the rest of the props to be in the data method for the component, since (I'm assuming) they aren't being passed into the component:
props: ['email'],
data: function() {
return {
token: null,
logs: null,
expires: null,
Then, I would create a new method called fetchData to put the $http.get call in:
fetchData: function() {
this.$http.get('http://localhost:2000/system/invites/' + + '/details')
.then(response => {
}, response => {
console.log('whoops something went wrong');
In your modal component's mounted hook, add a listener to the bootstrap modal's show event using jQuery. And be sure to remove the listener in the component's beforeDestroy hook:
mounted() {
$(this.$el).on('', this.fetchData);
beforeDestroy() {
$(this.$el).off('', this.fetchData);
Now, every time the modal's show event fires, the $http.get request will fire based on the current value of the component's email property.
Here's an example fiddle.

Get form contents from array of forms

I currently make a list of "forms" based on an array using twig in my html. It is kind of hard to explain what I am trying to do, but if you look at my code below it should be clear to see. Based on which pay button the user presses, I want to get the corresponding amount.
The problem I am having is that I cannot access the input (.payAmountForm) based on which pay button the user clicked. I tried using the selector in my js file, however I get the error provided at the bottom.
html table
<tr class="rowTable header">
<th class="cell">Date Submitted</th>
<th class="cell">Report Name</th>
<th class="cell">Details</th>
<th class="cell">Message</th>
<th class="cell">Amount</th>
<th class="cell">Pay</th>
{% for report in submittedReports.result %}
<tr class="rowTable">
<td class="cell">{{report.dateSubmitted}}</td>
<td class="cell">{{report.errorName}}</td>
<td class="cell">
<button type="button" class="displayDetailsModal detailsButton" data-toggle="modal"
data-target="#detailsModal" data-whatever="#getbootstrap"
<td class="cell">
<button type="button" class="messageButton" data-toggle="modal"
data-target="#messageModal" data-whatever="#getbootstrap"
<td class="cell">
<div class="input-group payInput">
<span class="input-group-addon">$</span>
<input type ="text" class="form-control payAmountForm" maxlength="11" data-id={{report.reportID}}>
<td class="cell">
<button data-ID={{report.reportID}} class="btn btn-success payButton" type="button" value="Pay">Pay</button>
{% endfor %}
js file contents
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".payButton").click(function(event) {
payInfo = [];
payInfo.amount = $(".payAmountForm [data-ID]=" + $(this).attr("data-ID")).val();
I am using jquery. The error I am getting is
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: .payAmountForm [data-ID]=1
Missing quotes around data-id attribute at html; also selector is incorrect , currently selecting child element of .payAmountForm ; try removing space between class selector and attribute selector ; adding quotes around data-id attribute at html
Also missing closing brackets at attributes selector
<input type ="text" class="form-control payAmountForm" maxlength="11" data-id="{{report.reportID}}">
payInfo is an Array at js at Question, not an Object ; try using Array.prototype.push()
$(".payAmountForm[data-id='" + $(this).attr("data-ID") +"']").val()
or to create an array of objects
{"amount": $(".payAmountForm[data-id='" + $(this).attr("data-ID") +"']").val()
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".payButton").click(function(event) {
payInfo = [];
// alert($(this).attr("data-ID"));
"amount": $(".payAmountForm[data-id='" + $(this).attr("data-ID")
+ "']").val()
console.log($(".payAmountForm[data-id='" + $(this).attr("data-ID") + "']")
, $(this).attr("data-ID")
, payInfo);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" class="form-control payAmountForm" maxlength="11" data-id="{{report.reportID}}" value="">
<button data-ID="{{report.reportID}}" class="btn btn-success payButton" type="button" value="Pay">Pay</button>

My Angular view is not updated with data form server

I am using Angularjs and i make a call form server to retrieve data. Data are successfully retrieved but my view is not updated. I don't understand why. Here are the code i use.
Angularjs and html code :
<div class="row custom-margin" ng-controller="ListCtlr" ng-init="initData()">
<form class="form-inline" role="form" id="formId" name="formId">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="searchInput">Data to search</label>
<input ng-model="searchInput" placeholder="Enter term to search">
<button type="submitSearch" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="search()">Go</button>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
<tr class="info">
<th colspan="4" class="centertext">Name</th>
<th colspan="3" class="centertext">Age</th>
<tr ng-repeat="person in persons">
Controller code :
function ListCtlr($scope, $http, $location,$filter) {
$scope.formId = {searchInput: ''};
$ = function () {
var url='server/search/'+this.searchInput;
.success(function (data) {
$scope.persons = data;
$scope.error = data;
When i inspect the data retrieved form server i get the following JSON data :
What's missing please ?
<tr ng:repeat="person in persons">
<tr ng-repeat="person in persons">
The problem is that your ListCtlr controller is placed on a div that does not contain your ng-repeat.
To solve this, create an outer div, put the ng-controller on that div:
<div ng-controller="ListCtlr">
... (place contents of your html here) ...
This ensures that ListCtlr's scope includes the ng-repeat.
Note: Be sure to remove the ng-controller="ListCtlr" defined in your inner div.
