Simple MEAN Stack issue - javascript

I have a express route;
router.get('/uni/:queryst', function (req, res) {
var choice = req.params.queryst);}
Where basically I use the queryst value from the URL to use it to query something in my database. On the front end, I need to have an input field where the user types the choice and hits submit and then it translates to something like /uni/valuehere on the browser and sending GET to express where it gets caught by the router I wrote above. I don't know how can I make the input field of HTML turn into a URL of the format /uni/valuehere .
As for testing the code initially I was directly typing the URL manually with the value I intended to verify to check if the data passed. Well, users are not going to type URL's directly to search, they will need a form and that is what I can't get my head around to how to turn the input field into a URL in a format /uni/WhateverTheUserHasTypedInTheFieldShouldAppearHere
Thanks in advance for the help. I am self learning the MEAN stack and have come a long way. I need support of experienced developers as I am currently stuck here.

While sending the request write (in controller):
// Write code using response
While on the server side write:
var choice= req.params.queryst
// Code ....


Preventing XSS Attack on Form

I have an issue with a project I am working on using C# MVC4
In the project, I am accepting a URL and other parameters from a user, then do some processing and send the result of the processing to the URL provided by the user.
The result is being sent using the following code:
var context = HttpContext.Current;
context.Response.Write(string.Format("<form name=\"myform\" method=\"post\" action=\"{0}\" >", postUrl));
context.Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.myform.submit();</script></body></html>");
Whenever a user attempts an XSS like passing a url value of javascript%3aalert('xss')%2f%2f, the JavaScript runs and the pop up shows up.
I've tried Antixss.HtmlEncode() to encode the URL before passing it into string.Format but still doesn't work. I've tried Antixss.UrlEncode() also, but this gives error as the form doesn't submit to the URL.
Please help me out, Is there something I am missing? What else can I do?
Thanks in advance.
You will need a three pronged approach to solve this issue.
Preventing XSS injection:
Note that if a user injected the url value
" /> <script>alert('xss')</script>
this would also leave you vulnerable:
<form name="myform" method="post" action="" /> <script>alert('xss')</script>" >
Therefore you should use the HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode function to solve this one.
However, don't stop there. As noted, you should project against javascript: style URLs. For this I would ensure that the URL begins with http:// or https://. If not, throw a SecurityException which you should be logging and handling server-side, and showing the user a custom error page.
Finally, you want to protect against Open Redirect Vulnerabilities. This is to stop phishing attacks by redirecting users to other domains. Again, use a whitelist approach and ensure that the domain redirected to is one of your own. Be careful on the parsing here, as it is easy to get it wrong - a URL of will pass the validation filter for on many badly written validation routines. I recommend using the Uri object in .NET and retrieving the domain through that rather than rolling your own string functions.
You could also check if the URL is a relative URL, and allow it if acceptable. Use something like this function which uses a built in .NET library to ensure that it is relative or not.
Just a thought - try putting this script in rather than just document.myform.submit (and remove the form's action property):
if("{0}".indexOf('http') !== 0) {
//this is some sort of injection, or it's pointing at something on your server. Should cover http and https.
//Specifically, it makes sure that the url starts with 'http' - so a 'javascript' url isn't going to work.
} else {
There is more you could do, but this should help.
Since you are adding the postUrl as an attribute "action" of the form tag, you can try using HtmlAttributeEncode method in the HttpUtility
public ActionResult Test(string url)
var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
context.Response.Write(string.Format("<form name=\"myform\" method=\"post\" action=\"{0}\" >", HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(url)));
context.Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.myform.submit();</script></body></html>");
return null;
http://localhost:39200/home/test? - Worked
http://localhost:39200/home/test?url=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27test%27)%3C%2Fscript%3E - Worked(Did not show alert)
It is always good practice to Validate the user input against a white list of inputs, to prevent XSS exploits.
try using HttpUtility.UrlEncode
something like Response.Write(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlString));
see How To: Prevent Cross-Site Scripting in ASP.NET for more steps =)

Send a user to a certain URL depending on his text field input

Basically I want the ff. done:
User inputs a text in my text field. If his text matches a text in my "list," he is sent to a certain URL once he hits the submit button.
I found a similar code on this site but his is just one specific text value. [ Get input text field from HTML into JavaScript and go to URL ]
I want mine to determine the user's text input from a list I provide. My list will have a lot of texts/urls and it will continue to grow, so manually inputting values into the script won't work for me.. I want to be able to edit the list (possibly in an admin panel or something?) instead of the js code.
input text: aaaa, go to URL1
input text: mmne, go to URL2
input text: lhfj, go to URL3
input text: tigf, go to URL4
input text: gred, go to URL5
Can anyone help me with this please? Thanks!
Hope this helps you
var Something =$("#TextBoxID").val();
if(Something == "aaaa")
window.location.href = 'URL1'; //Will take you to URL1
if you want to configure the list on an admin console you need to have some kind of server side technology like php (or node.js if you want to keep using javascript). You need to think of where this data will be stored. A possibility would be fetching the list of text/url pairs using ajax (e.g. with jQuery) and storing the data in some database or in your case also a plain text file probably would suffice. The functionality you are looking for is not possible with plain HTML and JavaScript on cient side.
Use a function like this, if you store your URLs on the client side (HTML/JS page):
function determineAndGoToURL(text) {
var url = "#";
switch(text) {
case "aaaa":
case "bbbb":
url = "";
url = "";
window.location.href = "http://" + url;
If you have an updated list of URLs on the server side, get them from server-side to client side, and iterate over them with a for statement.
I'd suggest, you'd get them from the server as JSON, and use JSON.parse(text) to create an object out of them, and then iterate.

Same URL - render different pages (EXPRESS)

Is it possible to render different pages for the same URL in express?
For example, if I click on #login1, I want to be sent to /login_page/. If I click on #login2, I should still be sent to /login_page/. Each time, I want to render different htmls depending on which #login I clicked.
So I want it to look like this.
app.get('/login_page/', users.login_page1); //if I clicked #login1
app.get('/login_page/', users.login_page2); //if I clicked #login2
Thanks a lot for any help.
Basically you need some field in the request to convey this information.
The simple thing: the URL, as the web was designed
If you're too cool to have the URLs be different, you can use the query string'/login_page?from=login2', '_parent');
If you're too cool for the query string, you could set a cookie
If you're too cool for a cookie, you could request the page via ajax with xhr.setRequestHeader
If you're tool cool for a custom ajax request header, you could add an image with a tracking pixel src attribute to the DOM just prior to loading the login_page and detect that in the server side session and render a different page accordingly
So in summary there are at least a half-dozen ways to technically achieve this. Only the URL and the query string are reasonable, IMHO.
if I got it correctly you just want to invoke different controllers upon the same request with no parameters?
you know you can just parametrise the url and get the result you need with small control logic on the server side.
I don't believe it's possible to do this without any parameters. One solution could look like this
app.get('/login_page/:id', function(req, res){ //if I clicked #login1
if( == 1){
} else {

Auto populate text_fields based on selected item from another collection_select in Rails 3

Hello people
I'm trying to figured this out, but I still can't do it.
I have a rails 3 app, I'm working with invoices and payments. In the form for payments I have a collection_select where I display all the invoices number (extracted from a postgres database), and what I'm trying to do is when i select an invoice autopopulate others text_fields (provider, address, etc.) without reloading the page, in the same form.
I know I should use ajax, js, jquery, but I'm a beginner in these languages, so i don't know how or where to start
hope you can help me... thanks
What you are going to want to do is route an ajax call to a controller, which will respond with json containing the information. you will then use jquery to populate the different fields.
In your routes:
get "invoice/:id/get_json", :controller=>"invoice", :action=>"get_json"
In your invoice_controller:
def get_json
invoice = Invoice.find(params[:invoice_id])
render :text => invoice.to_json
In your invoice model (if the default to_json method is not sufficent):
def to_json
json = "{"
json += "id:'#{}'"
json += ",date_created:'#{}'"
... //add other data you want to have here later
json += "}"
In your javascript file,
$("#invoice_selecter").change(function(){ //calls this function when the selected value changes
$.get("/invoice/"+$(this).val()+"/get_json",function(data, status, xhr){ //does ajax call to the invoice route we set up above
data = eval(data); //turn the response text into a javascript object
$("#field_1").val(data.date_created); //sets the value of the fields to the data returned
You are probably going to run into a few issues, i would highly recommend downloading and installing fire bug if you are not on google chrome.. and if you are, make sure you are using the development tools. I believe you can open them up by right clicking and hitting inspect element. Through this, you should be able to monitor the ajax request, and whether or not it succeeded and things.

Pass data to database using javascript Onclick

I am a real noob when it comes to javascript/ajax, so any help will be very appreciated.
In reference to this question:
Updating a MySql database using PHP via an onClick javascript function
But mainly concerned with the answer left by Phill Sacre. I am wondering if someone could elaborate on how we are(if we can?) passing values/data through his example, using jquery.
The code example left by him is as follows:
function updateScore(answer, correct) {
if (answer == correct) {
<a onclick="updateScore(this, correct)" ...> </a>
Say for example, we are wanting to pass any number of values to the database with php, could someone give me a snippet example of what is required in the javascript function? Or elaborate on what is posted above please?
Thanks again all.
The simplest example I can think of is this. Make your AJAX call in your if block like this:
$.get('updatescore.php', {'score': '222'}, function(d) {
alert('Hello from PHP: ' + d);
On your "updatescore.php" script, just do that: update the score. And return a plain text stating wether the update operation was successful or not.
Good luck.
P.S.: You could also use POST instead of GET.
What you would do is on the php server side have a page lets say its update.php. This page will be visited by your javascript in an Ajax request, take the request and put it in a database.
The php might look something like this:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table
(score) VALUES('$_GET["score"]') ")
Your javascript would simply preform an ajax request on update.php and send it the variables as get value "score".
Phil is not passing any values to the script. He's simply sending a request to the script which most likely contains logic to 'update' the score. A savvy person taking his test though could simply look at the HTML source and see the answer by checking to see what the anchor is doing.
To further nitpick about his solution, a set of radio buttons should be used, and within the form, a button or some sort of clickable element should be used to send the values to the server via an ajax request, and the values sent to the server can be analyzed and the status of the answer sent back to the page.
Since you're using jQuery, the code can be made unobtrusive as seen in the following example:
$('#submit_answer').click(function() {
var answer = 'blah' // With blah being the value of the radio button
{'value': answer},
function(d) {
alert('Your answer is: ' + d') // Where d is the string 'incorrect' or 'correct'
