Why isn't my view re-rendered again as expected? - javascript

I created a custom control which includes a currentValue property. I defined it in metadata as below:
type: 'int',
defaultValue: 0
in my Main.controller.js I'm calling the custom control that I created and changed it's currentValue property as below.
var oCustomControl = this.getView().byId("customID1");
in this step in my control.js, I didn't create a setCurrentValue function. Because I know UI5 is creating it itself. But the currentValue property of my control couldn't been updated. So I'm thinking my control couldn't been rerendered. So I overwrote the currentValue setter and change it as below:
setCurrentValue : function(iCurrentValue)
this.setProperty("currentValue", iCurrentValue);
But still I couldn't see the value which I changed in my view.
Here is my renderer:
renderer :
render : function(oRm, oControl) {
var layout = oControl.createGauges();//I created layout
I am thinking now maybe it is because I'm rendering layout as a control?
and my other properties are related with d3.js. And I coded d3.js codes in my onAfterRendering function.

Actually your code looks fine.
Accept that you have specified:
bindable: 'bindable'
What should that do?
And what does rerender()?
The method to render a control is called renderer().
But you don't need to call it when you say:
this.setProperty("currentValue", iCurrentValue);
If you dont say true it will rerender the control.
It would be nice to know whats inside your renderer() function, or what happens when you call getCurrentValue().

It is solved by changing
oRm.writeControlData(layout); this line as follow:


Angular Highcharts hideNoData not working dynamically

I have trouble getting the hideNoData() and showNoData() to work with the official highcharts-angular component (https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-angular).
Here is a basic example in stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-highcharts-zvkcys?file=app%2Fapp.component.ts
This is a simplified version. In my real project I'm fetching data async, and while loading I show my custom (not the one highcharts provides) loading indicator. So initially I want to turn off the no Data Message but once the result comes back, depending on the result I might need to show the no Data Message.
I already tried using the [(update)]="updateFlag" on the chart component to trigger a change after calling hideNoData() but with no effect. Same goes for update(), reflow() or redraw().
I even manually called detectChanges to force a digest cycle but also with no effect.
With Highcharts, I find it's important for my components to know the charts reference, you can use the supplied Output callback, in highcharts-chart to do this. In your component you can do:
public callback = this.chartCallback.bind(this);
Where chartCallback is:
public chartCallback(chart: Highcharts.Chart)
this.chart = chart;
HTML will look like:
<highcharts-chart [Highcharts]="Highcharts" [options]="options
This allows us to grab the actual reference of the Highchart object, and use it like:
public hideNoData(): void
But ofcourse, once you have the reference to the chart, you can use it freely within the component.
See here for a full working example.
Additionally, if you never want the no data message to show. Then this might be your best route:
this.options = {
title : { text : 'simple chart' },
series: [{
data: [],
noData: null
ok I found the solution. Apparently Highcharts cannot handle it in the same digest cycle. if i call
setTimeout(() => {
It works and is correctly hidden. However now it briefly flashes in the beginning, the solution to that is disabling the automatic message completely. In the chart options add following:
chart: {
events: {
load(): void {
this.hasData = (): boolean => {
return true;

select2: Is it possible to pass custom input and access it in methods

I want to pass custom property while creating select2. Example (my custom property being myFilterEnabled):
myFilterEnabled: false, //Pass my initial state
query: function(query) {
var res = {
results: CityFilter.cities
And use it in the query or render functions. Like:
myFilterEnabled: false,
query: function(query) {
var fltEnabled = this.myFilterEnabled; //Read current state
var res = {
results: fltEnabled ? [] : CityFilter.cities
This is so that, there is an initial state for the variable. But, it can change externally, and I want to check that state during each re-render/query.
Edit: Seems I made a mistake before posting. Above code seems to work. I am planning to add a common prefix like 'my' or 'myProj' so that it doesn't conflict with any variables of select2 itself.
Edit2: As mentioned, passing initial state and reading current state are working. I still need a way to change that state from outside. If select2 doesn't have a method for that I could set a data attribute on the element.
This is the full cycle that I wanted:
Set custom state -> Read custom state during query/render -> Change custom state on user action -> Trigger re-render on state change
This is how I managed to do it as of now:
1) I can pass a custom parameter in options while setting up select2
myFilterEnabled: false,
query: function(query){ ...
2) I am able to read the custom parameter within the callbacks as
3) I can set the custom parameter from outside as
$('#s2id_<myId>').data('select2').opts.myFilterEnabled = true;
3) After setting the property as shown above, i want select2 to
re-apply the query function. I can trigger change on
input.select2-input. But, there is a check to prevent re-execution
of query while the text remains the same. So, I go a step further
and call the updateResults function with a 'true' argument. That
forces updateResult to proceed to run query again. Example:

ExtJs Two way binding between parent and child component

I have two components: A panel and a custom text field.
The panel has a viewmodel and I want to bind a value (called testData) from that viewmodel to a property (called test) of the custom text field.
That works fine ...basically.
But when the test property of the text field is changed, the testData in the viewmodel of the panel does not update accordingly. I mean when the test property of the child element (the textfield) is modified, the testData property of the panel's viewmodel should contain the same value that is in test, just like a normal two-way bind.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but here is what I've tried to far:
Ext.define('MyMain', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.main',
width: '100%',
bodyPadding: 10,
viewModel: {
data: {
testData: 'Example Data'
bind: {
title: '{testData}'
items: {
xtype: 'myField',
bind: {
test: '{testData}'
Ext.define('MyField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
alias: 'widget.myField',
fieldLabel: 'Data',
width: '100%',
config: {
test: null // when test is changed, it should also affect the {testData} bind of the main component, causing the title to change
setTest(value) {
this.test = value + ' modified!' // because of the bind, this /should/ automatically get appied to the viewmodel's `testData` and thus to the panel title
this.setValue(this.test) // whenever the `test` property is changed, we write the contents to the value of the text field (just to visualize the `test` property).
// But as you can see, the panel title will still just say `Example Data` and not `Example Data modified!` as it should.
return this.test
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
items: [{
xtype: 'main'
Update: (after reading your comments on other answers)
In general, mentioning the property in the config block and include it in publishes will make any property two-way bindable.
ExtJS will generate the getter and setter methods for it. The setter method takes care of binding. Now, whenever anyone updates the property value (using the setter), the new value will be passed on to the bound viewModel and in turn to the other components.
Accessing the property directly, this.test or this.viewModel.data.testData and assigning values to them will not be reflected in the controls bound to this property.
In case you are providing an implementation for the setter function (setTest) of a published property, ensure that this.callParent(...) gets called from it.
The usage of field's value property to display the contents of test caused the earlier confusion. Here is a fiddle with two-way bindable test property without any special handling in the MyField class.
Click on the 'Get test' button, the value should be 'Example Data' (from viewModel).
'Set testData' button will update the value in the viewModel. Use the 'Get test' button again to verify that the value of test has also been updated.
'Set test' button assigns a new value to the field's test property and this will be reflected in the panel's title.
Have a look at this forked fiddle.
In your implementation, the setTest method is directly changing the value of this.test to value + ' modified!'. This will not update the value of testData in viewModel as binding works via the getter and setter functions implemented of the properties specified in the config.
If you want to change title while changing Textfield then you have to bind value property because changing textfield's value only changes value property of field.
bind: {
test: '{testData}',
value : '{testData}'
If you don't want to bind it with value then on change event you have to set value of test property.
listeners : {
change : function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts ){
Please refer fiddle.
First of all, you need to make the test config twoWayBindable.
This object holds a map of config properties that will update their
binding as they are modified.
Secondly, you don't need to define getters and setters for the config object, in your case.
Each config item will have its own setter and getter method
automatically generated inside the class prototype during class
creation time, if the class does not have those methods explicitly
You might to, but it will override the default methods which take care of updating the binding, among other things.
By standardize this common pattern, the default generated setters
provide two extra template methods that you can put your own custom
logic into, i.e: an "applyFoo" and "updateFoo" method for a "foo"
config item, which are executed before and after the value is actually
set, respectively.
The twoWayBindable config relies on the update template method, and when you specify your own setter, the update method will never get called, and the binding won't be updated.
In other words, when leveraging the config feature, you mostly never
need to define setter and getter methods explicitly. Instead, "apply"
and "update" methods should be implemented where necessary.
So, in your example, here are the steps you need to take:
Remove the setTest and getTest method declarations.
Add the twoWayBindable config containing test.
twoWayBindable: ['test']`
Hook up any additional logic into the applyTest or updateTest template methods. For example, updating the field value after the test value gets set.
updateTest(testValue) {
Here is the working fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/20rs&view/editor
In order to be able to bind custom class properties you need to list these in the twoWayBindable config.
Don't modify the value to be set in the setter and don't call the setter recursively. It is better to write an update<Fieldname>() function. Those are meant to handle updates in your view and they usually don't modify your data structures.
Based on 2.): Override the view update function of the form field to catch changes done to the value.
Here is the complete fiddle:
Some things to note here:
after 3 seconds, the ViewModel testData value is updated
after 6 seconds, the setTest() setter of the field is called
after 9 seconds, the setValue() method from your input field is triggered
at the end, you could change the input field value to change the panel title
This is to illustrate the various scenarios.

How vuejs knows the depenedencies of computed property for caching?

I have this Vue.js code:
new Vue({
computed: {
myComputed: myFunction(){
return this['my' + 'Value']
As you can see the computed property will be cached and it is depended only on data.myValue. My question is how Vue.js caching system knows that run the computed function again only if myValue is changed?
If I change the myOtherValue variable, the myComputed function will use the cache, and will not be run again will I call it.
I thought about several ways how it is possible. But how Vuejs doing that?
I have read this article: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html and found no answer.
And what happen in this code, what it will be depeneded on?
const flag=2
new Vue({
computed: {
myComputed: myFunction(){
if (flag==1){
return this['my' + 'Value']
return this['my' + 'Other' + 'Value']
Bonus: I will appreciate I link to the relevant function in the VueJS code: https://github.com/vuejs/vue
I will address only the specific question how does vue.js know which dependencies affect which computed property?
The simple answer is that each time vue evaluates a computed property it creates a map of all the reactive properties that were accessed in the span of that call. The next time any of these reactive properties change they will trigger a reevaluation of the computed property.
If during the most recent evaluation of a computed property, one of its reactive dependencies is never reached (maybe because it is within the non-traveled path of an if/else construct), subsequent changes to that reactive property will not trigger a reevaluation of the computed property.
Observe this behavior by modifying the two reactive properties in this fiddle (by simply typing in their corresponding input boxes). A few things to note:
the called computed property is evaluated once on document load (it's triggered because it's rendered in the template).
because the path is set to 1 the reactive property that will be mapped as a dependency is val1. As a result it will be the only one that can trigger a reevaluation of called when it changes. The value of val2 can also change but will not have the same effect on called, even though it's clearly present in the function.
When you click on the "Change Path" button, path is toggled from 1 to 2.
right after the path switch, note that a change to val1 will affect called only once more. Because path has been set to 2 prior to that last reevaluation, val1 will not be reachable and will not be mapped as a dependency of called any longer. Subsequent changes to its value won't trigger a reevaluation of called from that point on. But then val2 has now been mapped as a dependency of called and changes to it trigger the reevaluation the same way they did for val1 earlier. It will be so until the next path toggle from 2 back to 1.
Here's the code.
let path=1
let count=0
const vm=new Vue({
computed: {
called: function(){
if (path==1){
if (path==2){
return "I was just called "+ ++count +" times"
methods: {
path = path==2 ? 1 : 2
and corresponding template
<div id="app">
<input v-model="val1"/> {{val1}}
<input v-model="val2"/> {{val2}}
<button #click="changePath">change path</button>
{{ called }}
It's the reactivity system of Vue.js, not a caching system.
The data in a component will be convert to getters and setters. When you access a value via a getter, the getter will add it to the dependencies, and when you modify the value via a setter, the setter will notify everyone who depends on the value.
Here is the source code, all the magic happens in this function: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/dev/src/core/observer/index.js#L131
From the docs it reads that:
Computed properties are cached, and only re-computed on reactive dependency changes.
However the following fiddle shows something a bit different.
From the fiddle if you set the flag to 2, the computed property will be re-evaluated and executed if you change myOtherValue, however this will not happen if the flag is set to 1. I think it keeps track of your if conditions.
In the docs usually you can find links to the relevant source code.
Here is the code for computed properties:

Adding new keys generated by a variable to a object in Vue

Building a project using Vue.js (and Laravel), the following (greatly simplified) code results in the below error:
Vue component:
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="main_object[item_id][my_answer_key]">
export default {
props: [
data() {
return {
main_object: {},
item_id: '1234',
my_answer_key: '5678'
ready: function () {
vm = this;
methods: {
Error received:
We know you can use the vm.$set() method to add properties to the object. However, we’re building the model path on the fly (item_id and my_answer_key change depending on various user options being selected). It seems like we have to write a method that determines if the object property is already set, and if it's not set, to then set it. Is there a better way to accomplish the above?
You could seemingly get around this by using the created hook and $set:
created: function () {
this.$set(this.item_id + "." + this.my_answer_key, "")
However, if item_id and my_answer_key can change, this approach will ultimately not work because Vue does not have dynamic two way binding. In other words, the binding in your v-model will be created once and will not change later if either of the item_id or my_answer_key values change.
So, to accomplish something like this, you might need to resort to a kludge like using a v-if and toggling it to destroy and recreate the input (and it's binding). That might work.
Sometimes, computed's can help with these situations. Bind your input to a simple attribute on your data model and use a computed to generate the actual nested data model you need elsewhere.
