I have some idea for WebTorrent. I have some experience with JavaScript and jQuery, but I never use Node.js or Browserify. Could someone explain me how to use the following simple code?
var client = new WebTorrent()
var torrentId = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6a9759bffd5c0af65319979fb7832189f4f3c35d'
client.add(torrentId, function (torrent) {
// Torrents can contain many files. Let's use the first.
var file = torrent.files[0]
// Display the file by adding it to the DOM. Supports video, audio, image, etc. files
Should I attach a <script src="webtorrent.min.js"></script> and convert the code from above by Browserify (browserify app.js > bundle.js)? Or maybe I need to use npm install webtorrent and attach some Browserify code?
After using the code npm install webtorrent and just doing Ctrl + c + Ctrl + v, this example from above in <script> tag showed up player. Magic :) But I do something in my VM and now Chrome say that the require('webtorrent') is not definied.
It would be great if I could use WebTorrent as simple as jQuery.
With the code you posted, you don't need to require. If you use the standalone minified version, you can use use var client = WebTorrent()and start using it.
Here's an old example: http://jsfiddle.net/fr090taa/ when I answered this: How to use webtorrent.io
Don't use node/npm/browserify. Just use the minified version.
Check https://github.com/DiegoRBaquero/BTorrent (there's also a clean compiled version to view in JS instead of Coffee)
I'm a WebTorrent project contributor.
I am doing bundling and minification for javascript files. I am doing this using gulp. Now I want that if I make any change in any of my file and hit gulp then it generate a new bundled and minified file with version number like:
<script src="https://cdn.test.com/bundle-1.0.0-min.js/"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.test.com/bundle-1.0.1-min.js/"></script>
I want to do this using gulp because I am already using gulp for other purposes. And one more thing if this is possible then is there any way that I don't specify version no in my html page every time I make a change and my html page get the latest version by its own somehow.
This is just a rename of the file in general. But this should really not be an automated task to increment the version number. Otherwise you will be quickly getting a version like 1.0.2092 what is not helpful. I would suggest to read the version out of the package.json and use it for the name of the file. Should be pretty easy, if you already worked with gulp.
If you don't want to use the global version (version entry) of your package.json, you could add an own entry for your bundle version. Or even use a different file than package.json. You could even use that as config for which files should be bundled, to have everything in one place:
"bundle": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"files": [
Just a quick example:
var pkg = require("./package.json");
var gulp = require("gulp");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
.pipe(rename(function(path) {
path.extname = "-" . pkg.bundle.version + "-min" + path.extname;
Note: instead of rename you can just set the concat name, but I like to split this. But just to be complete:
.concat("bundle-" + pkg.bundle.version + "-min.js")
About the second parts of your question, to replace things in your files:
This would be possible if you build your html pages too, and replace/inject the relevant path into it. You could use the version of the package.json again, to build it and replace. Or use tools like gulp-inject. That simple tool can add js and css files into your html templates. Just create an area where they should be placed in the html file, like: <!-- inject:js --><!-- endinject -->. Afterwards it is a simple gulp taks too:
var pkg = require("./package.json");
var gulp = require("gulp");
var inject = require("gulp-inject");
.pipe(inject("bundle-" + pkg.bundle.version + "-min.js"))
I have a really simple website (ASP.NET core) that is a single .html static page and 6 .js files.
In one of the js files are some data that is based on my configuration:
right now, it's hardcoded for my localhost.
Is there way that I can build/package the simple app so that if i say dev or prod in some command line arg, it replaces those values with something from somewhere else?
in main.js:
var environment = "localhost";
var rooturl = "https://localhost:43210";
and lets imagine i wish to build to my dev server...
var environment = "dev";
var rooturl = "https://pewpew.azurewebsites.com";
Is this possible? To keep things simple, assume I know nothing of JS tools and processes. (it's actually the truth, but lets not tell anyone that).
Update (further clarifications):
with 1x static html file and 6x static JS files, I have a static website. So i'm hoping to generate the js files as static files (still) but with the environment data already compiled in it.
you can use some build tools like grunt. where you can define build task which takes the environment parameter and change the variables to the desired values.
another (more simple) way is to dynamicaly create main.js (with dependency on the environment) file with your backend and the frontend will load it when it starts. src of the script tag can be the asp script, where the output is javascript
This is a snippet from a project in which I do just that. I replace various place holders with values stored in the environment variables.
This example is based on a linux environment, so I used sed to modify the file in-place, however you could just as easily read the file into memory, do the replace and write it back to disk.
grunt.task.registerTask('secretkeys', 'Replace various keys', function() {
var oauth;
oauth = JSON.parse(process.env.oauthKeys).oauth;
oauth = {google:{}};
var replaces = {
'==GOOGLECLIENTID==':oauth.google.client_id || '{**GOOGLECLIENTID**}',
'==GOOGLESECRETKEY==':oauth.google.client_secret || '{**GOOGLESECRETKEY**}',
'==SECRETKEY==':oauth.secret || '{**SECRETKEY**}',
const child = require('child_process');
grunt.file.expand('bin/**/*.json').forEach(function(file) {
grunt.log.write(`${file} \n`);
for(var key in replaces){
var cmd = 'sed -i s~{{orig}}~{{new}}~g {{file}}'
grunt.log.write(` - ${key} \n`);
//grunt.log.write(` ${cmd} \n`);
Hopefully you can modify to your purposes.
EDIT : I am reconsidering my answer, you are modifying javascript on a windows environment. You are likely better using PowerShell
(gc script.js) `
.replace("==GOOGLECLIENTID==",$Env:GoogleClientId) `
.replace("==SECRETKEY==",$Env:SecretKey) `
> script-build.js
So after re-reading your question, I realize there is a better solution that I have used in the past. My other answer is still relevant, so I'll leave it.
It may be simplest to just create a config file in the same folder.
<script type="text/javascript" src="config.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js" ></script>
ask me your questions, bridgekeeper
var config = {
'colour': 'yellow'
var user = prompt("What is your favourite colour?", "");
if(user !== config.colour){
alert("No BLUE! Ahhh....");
alert("You may pass");
This is the technique I use when developing simple HTA apps for use around the office.
Check out envify. You can run it from the command line. https://github.com/hughsk/envify
sudo npm install -g envify
Say you have
var myVar = process.env.MYVAR;
Run from the command line
MYVAR=somevalue envify input.js > output.js
and the output js file should have
var myVar = 'somevalue';
I need to include a NodeJS library manually for our config, and I downloaded this library: https://github.com/squaremo/amqp.node/
and I tried to include the library with
var amqp = require("amqp.node-master");
I ended up getting exceptions for
Cannot find module './defs'
I look in connection.js and it has this at the beginning:
'use strict';
var defs = require('./defs');
var constants = defs.constants;
var frame = require('./frame');
var Mux = require('./mux').Mux;
Looking at it, I don't see any defs folder or def.js in the library. Am I missing something?
If you look at their source, you'll see that def.js is generated during build.
That means you can't install it directly from GitHub; you need to install a version that ran make.
While working on many differente Node.js projects, I began having common code that I want to move out in a new Node.js package in order to not rewrite the same code multiple times. I've a new Node.js module and I'm using it in my projects using npm link.
Now, I'm a bit confused as to how to structure this common library in order to properly modularize it. This is what I have right now in my common library:
// "my-common-lib"'s app.js
module.exports = {
math: require("./math/mathLib"),
network: require("./network/networkLib")
exports.pi = 3.14;
This works, I can do the following in another node.js project:
var commonLibrary = require("my-common-lib");
var commonMath = commonLibrary.Math;
console.log("Pi: " + commonMath.pi);
While this solves the issue, I would prefer something similar to how lodash does it:
var commonMath = require("my-common-lib/math");
console.log("Awesome pi: " + commonMath.pi);
I can't quite figure out how lodash does it, and I would definitely like to avoid having a humongous main js file.
TL;DR I want to modularize a node.js module so I can require submodules (require("my-common-lib\myCommonMathLib")), how can I do this?
lodash does it with a dedicated modular build. Look at the ES6 build for example. Every "sub-project" has a dedicated module, in a dedicated '.js' file. The aggregating file (lodash.js) simply imports all other modules.
If you want the nice lib/module convention, simply have a your lib.js file (aggregator) at the top level, next to a directory by the same name where all internal modules are kept.
Another option for the require("lib") part is to have a "main": "lib.js" configuration in your package.json
If you want to use lodash/array for example, LoDash has an array.js file, with the following:
module.exports = {
'chunk': require('./array/chunk'),
'compact': require('./array/compact'),
So you can easily have math.js inside your main folder, which has something like:
module.exports = {
pi: 3.14
// OR
pi: require('./math/pi'); // and have file pi.js inside math folder
This way you can use it as a short:
var math = require('my-common-lib/math');
math.pi; // 3.14
Using a version of what grunt-contrib-watch recommends for compiling only changed files in here: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch#compiling-files-as-needed
var changedFiles = Object.create(null);
var onChange = grunt.util._.debounce(function() {
grunt.config('jshint.all.src', Object.keys(changedFiles));
changedFiles = Object.create(null);
}, 200);
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
changedFiles[filepath] = action;
This works fine (again with a variation I wrote for it here: https://gist.github.com/pgilad/6897875)
The problem is when using include inside Jade templates, meaning you are including other Jade templates in order to build the complete html file.
Using the singular solution for compile doesn't work because if a .jade file you are working on is embeded using include current_working_jade.jade - the including file won't get recompiled.
Are there any workarounds for this besides compiling all of your jade files from scratch? This causes a problem when you have around ~60 large jade files to compile every time.
The only possible solution I can think of is either mapping jade templates dependencies either externally or with directories, but I don't know any tools/plugins which do that...
After already starting to work on a scaffold that will generate a sortof jade sourcemap I found this great project, that already solves this issue:
Jade Inheritance
Usage is as follows:
Install package using: npm install jade-inheritance --save-dev
Where you want to get a list of dependent files from a jade:
var JadeInheritance = require('jade-inheritance');
var inheritance = new JadeInheritance(file, basedirname, {basedir:basedirname});
Then when you want to get the file:
depenedentFiles = inheritance.files;
The project also demonstrates how to apply the concept with grunt.watch in order to compile only changed jade files with their dependents, exactly what I needed:
Using jade-inheritance with grunt watch
I imagine something like checking all jade files and if they include your changed file then recompile that as well. Shouldn't be too hard. Pseudo code:
var allFiles = getAllJadeFileWithIncludesAndProjectPathMap();
//allFiles now contains something like this
'jade/index.jade': ['jade/menu.jade', 'jade/home.jade'],
'jade/about.jade': ['jade/menu.jade']
var rootFiles = [];
_.each(allFiles, function (includes, parent) {
_.each(includes, function (includePath) {
var parent;
while (parent = getParentPath(includePath)) {
//nothing needed if getParentPath returns null for files that aren't included
if (rootFiles.indexOf(parent) !== -1) {
Now add these files to the compile task.