How to Use or Import jQuery custom builder in a Notepad, Sublime etc... - javascript

I just want to ask how to use the jquery custom builder since i separate the folder of jquery custom builder to the Login Folder. Here is the folder path for the jquery custom builder
And here is for the Login Folder
I have tried this kind of syntax for getting the Directory of the js file and to other files to but it doesn't seems to work.
<script src = "‪../htdocs/WebSite/jslib/jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom/jquery-ui.js"></script>
i hope you can help me with this since i'm just starting jquery i also read the guide for using jquery i follow the instruction but it's still the same.

Where is the html file that imports jquery script tag? It seems like just path problem. Usually, URI paths are based on app server root. There are so many ways managing URI, but XAMPP might let file resource paths show up same as URI paths.
When app server root is located on c:/foo/bar/:
c:/foo/bar/lib/jquery.js -> http://localhost:xxxx/lib/jquery.js
c:/foo/bar/index.html -> http://localhost:xxxx/index.html
So in index.html, import resource as this way.
<script src="‪lib/jquery.js"></script>


can´t load resource javascript with relative path ${pageContext.request.contextPath}

im trying to load a script from a folder i defined in the classpath into a jsp page like this
<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/asset/javascript/formToJson.js"></script>
but i got a 404 error and the url seems good based on the local location of the folder inside the project.
In the classpath i added the asset folder which contain a package called javascript.
this is the first time that i work with relative paths is probably im missing something in my configuration
Any advice will be appreciated
Try changing to:
<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/WEB-INF/asset/javascript/formToJson.js"></script>
Generally, resources under /src/main/webapp/ is deployed in Web application's context path.

import jQuery ui i18n

Problem: I have jQuery datepicker in react app, which has to be localised in different languages(30 lang). I downloaded all the i18n file from the link ( but it has to be included as <script> tag.
Question: Is there a way to import this file? using webpackand commonjs?. I am using es6 import. Is there a way to bundle them all and import in the on file?
any suggestions are appreciated.
Yes there's a way:
You can create a javascript function that takes the path as a parameter and creates these HTML lines:
<script src="js/datepicker-in-all-languages/datepicker-af.js"></script>
<script src="js/datepicker-in-all-languages/datepicker-ar-DZ.js"></script>
<script src="js/datepicker-in-all-languages/datepicker-ar.js"></script>
...................and for all other 30 languages................
And you'll just have to call this:
Also take a loot at Grunt which is meant for the same purpose.You can setup grunt to watch the folder of the scripts and concat/minify them into a single file, then you just have to include that in your HTML file.:
GRuntJS usage(According to their official page): With literally hundreds of plugins to choose from, you can use Grunt
to automate just about anything with a minimum of effort.
There is also a minified file of jQuery ui i18n which is being hosted by google. You can use it in single <script> tag : . I found it in answers here here.

Proper way to require external js and css libraries in ember js?

I have been playing around with ember 1.13 and I can see that in some online tutorials they require js and css via index.html while some uses ember-cli-build.js or brocfile.js for older versions. I find it requiring properly when I use ember-cli-build.js but then I am not sure what exactly the use of index.html
It depends.
If you have a ember-cli-plugin it will add the files to the vendor files by itself normally. Like with ember-cli-materialize.
If you are installing a random bower package like Ladda, you would need to add the files you need manually to ember-cli-build.js:
module.exports = function(defaults) {
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
return app.toTree();
This will then be merged into your vendor.css and vendor.js which are linked to from index.html.
Also when you build the app the bower_components won't be available unless you've explicitly included something, so you cannot just link to them from index.html. It would also be a waste of network resources to include files separately. You shouldn't have to include anything in index.html unless it's an external resource.
brocfile.js is the old name for ember-cli-build.js since they've stopped using broccoli. Just use the newer one.

Where can I put my client file in derbyjs

I'm new to derbyjs and I want to know where I can put my client js file in derbyjs ?
Can I place it into the /public/js folder ? or in components folder /ui ?
Thanks :)
If you mean static files (for example bootstrap's css and js files), you often put these into the /public folder - I think they are served from here by default, but it might have been changed.
For further reference you can see where a folder is specified for serving static files. Instead of expressApp.use(express.static(options.static)) you could probably use something like expressApp.use(express.static(__dirname + '/yourstaticfolder')) instead.
The ui folder is basically an example of how a component can be included and used in your application.

Including JS files in Derby.js

I am trying to learn Derby.js and I am having a lot of trouble. I know I can include packages such as jQuery through npm and add it to the node_modules folder, but this isn't quite what I want to do. I want to be able to include these files like I do in normal HTML.
So I want to do something like <Head:> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>. This does not work though because it cannot find the js directory. I expect this has something to do with the way node.js runs an app and that the app itself will not hold the js directory.
Any help would be appreciated!
Derby offers the Script: tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
The components directory is because of the usage of bower. Put the components directory into the public directory. According to the express FAQ, the static routes search below the given directory (which is public in derby's example application). Configure bower to put the files under public/components (Choose bower install directory).
The public directory is configured at lib/server/index.js: .use(gzippo.staticGzip(publicPath, {maxAge: ONE_YEAR})), where publicPath is configured above to path.join(root, 'public').
Be aware that the "idea behind the inline script is that it runs immediately, before any of the external scripts are loaded. This should only be used in rare cases where the script should run before the page is displayed in the browser, such as sizing something to the window or autofuocusing an element in browsers that don't support the "autofocus" attribute." Nate Smith in the derby google group.
Inline scripts should be placed in inline.js, located in the same directory as the application's index.js.
If you require jQuery to do something on the loaded page, following code snipped worked at my side (Firefox, Chrome) in inline.js:
window.onload = function() {
