RxJS sequence equivalent to promise.then()? - javascript

I used to develop a lot with promise and now I am moving to RxJS. The doc of RxJS doesn't provide a very clear example on how to move from promise chain to observer sequence.
For example, I usually write promise chain with multiple steps, like
// a function that returns a promise
.then(function(result) {
// do something
.then(function(result) {
// do something
.then(function(result) {
// do something
.catch(function(err) {
// handle error
How should I rewrite this promise chain in the RxJS style?

For data flow (equivalent to then):
.flatMap(function(result) {
// do something
.flatMap(function(result) {
// do something
.subscribe(function onNext(result) {
// end of chain
}, function onError(error) {
// process the error
A promise can be converted into an observable with Rx.Observable.fromPromise.
Some promise operators have a direct translation. For instance RSVP.all, or jQuery.when can be replaced by Rx.Observable.forkJoin.
Keep in mind that you have a bunch of operators that allows to transform data asynchronously, and to perform tasks that you cannot or would be very hard to do with promises. Rxjs reveals all its powers with asynchronous sequences of data (sequence i.e. more than 1 asynchronous value).
For error management, the subject is a little bit more complex.
there are catch and finally operators too
retryWhen can also help to repeat a sequence in case of error
you can also deal with errors in the subscriber itself with the onError function.
For precise semantics, have a deeper look at the documentation and examples you can find on the web, or ask specific questions here.
This would definitely be a good starting point for going deeper in error management with Rxjs : https://xgrommx.github.io/rx-book/content/getting_started_with_rxjs/creating_and_querying_observable_sequences/error_handling.html

A more modern alternative:
import {from as fromPromise} from 'rxjs';
import {catchError, flatMap} from 'rxjs/operators';
flatMap(result => {
// do something
flatMap(result => {
// do something
flatMap(result => {
// do something
catchError(error => {
// handle error
Also note that for all this to work, you need to subscribe to this piped Observable somewhere, but I assume it's handled in some other part of the application.

Update May 2019, using RxJs 6
Agree with the provided answers above, wished to add a concrete example with some toy data & simple promises (with setTimeout) using RxJs v6 to add clarity.
Just update the passed id (currently hard-coded as 1) to something that does not exist to execute the error handling logic too. Importantly, also note the use of of with catchError message.
import { from as fromPromise, of } from "rxjs";
import { catchError, flatMap, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
const posts = [
{ title: "I love JavaScript", author: "Wes Bos", id: 1 },
{ title: "CSS!", author: "Chris Coyier", id: 2 },
{ title: "Dev tools tricks", author: "Addy Osmani", id: 3 }
const authors = [
{ name: "Wes Bos", twitter: "#wesbos", bio: "Canadian Developer" },
name: "Chris Coyier",
twitter: "#chriscoyier",
bio: "CSS Tricks and CodePen"
{ name: "Addy Osmani", twitter: "#addyosmani", bio: "Googler" }
function getPostById(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const post = posts.find(post => post.id === id);
if (post) {
console.log("ok, post found!");
} else {
reject(Error("Post not found!"));
}, 200);
function hydrateAuthor(post) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const authorDetails = authors.find(person => person.name === post.author);
if (authorDetails) {
post.author = authorDetails;
console.log("ok, post hydrated with author info");
} else {
reject(Error("Author not Found!"));
}, 200);
function dehydratePostTitle(post) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
delete post.title;
console.log("ok, applied transformation to remove title");
}, 200);
// ok, here is how it looks regarding this question..
let source$ = fromPromise(getPostById(1)).pipe(
flatMap(post => {
return hydrateAuthor(post);
flatMap(post => {
return dehydratePostTitle(post);
catchError(error => of(`Caught error: ${error}`))
Output Data:
ok, post found!
ok, post hydrated with author info
ok, applied transformation to remove title
{ author:
{ name: 'Wes Bos',
twitter: '#wesbos',
bio: 'Canadian Developer' },
id: 1 }
The key part, is equivalent to the following using plain promise control flow:
.then(post => {
return hydrateAuthor(post);
.then(post => {
return dehydratePostTitle(post);
.then(author => {
.catch(err => {

If I understood correctly, you mean consuming the values, in which case you use sbuscribe i.e.
const arrObservable = from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]);
arrObservable.subscribe(number => console.log(num) );
Additionally, you can just turn the observable to a promise using toPromise() as shown:

if getPromise function is in a middle of a stream pipe you should simple wrap it into one of functions mergeMap, switchMap or concatMap (usually mergeMap):
mergeMap(data => getPromise(data)),
if you want to start your stream with getPromise() then wrap it into from function:
import {from} from 'rxjs';

As far as i just found out, if you return a result in a flatMap, it converts it to an Array, even if you returned a string.
But if you return an Observable, that observable can return a string;

This is how I did it.
public fetchContacts(onCompleteFn: (response: gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>) => void) {
const request = gapi.client.people.people.connections.list({
resourceName: 'people/me',
pageSize: 100,
personFields: 'phoneNumbers,organizations,emailAddresses,names'
}).then(response => {
onCompleteFn(response as gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>);
// caller:
this.gapi.fetchContacts((rsp: gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>) => {
// handle rsp;
public fetchContacts(): Observable<gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>> {
return from(
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resourceName: 'people/me',
pageSize: 100,
personFields: 'phoneNumbers,organizations,emailAddresses,names'
}).then(result => {
).pipe(map((result: gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>) => {
return result; //map is not really required if you not changing anything in the response. you can just return the from() and caller would subscribe to it.
// caller
this.gapi.fetchContacts().subscribe(((rsp: gapi.client.Response<gapi.client.people.ListConnectionsResponse>) => {
// handle rsp
}), (error) => {
// handle error

RxJS sequence equivalent to promise.then()?
For example
function getdata1 (argument) {
return this.http.get(url)
.map((res: Response) => res.json());
function getdata2 (argument) {
return this.http.get(url)
.map((res: Response) => res.json());
getdata1.subscribe((data1: any) => {
console.log("got data one. get data 2 now");
getdata2.subscribe((data2: any) => {
console.log("got data one and two here");


Angular using promise with generics inside promise

I need to interlace promises in my app:
protected scroll<T>(path: string, pageSize: number, filter: string, data: T[]): Promise<T[]> {
let promise = new Promise<T[]>(function(resolve, reject) {
.get<T[]>(this.appConfigService.buildApiUrl(path), { params })
.then(result => {
if (result) {
.catch(function(e) {
return promise;
My problem is that I receive following message:
'Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments'
How would I solve this?
I should not have removed the if condition from the example:
if (!filter) {
const params = new HttpParams()
.set('searchText', '')
.set('skip', data.length.toString())
.set('take', pageSize.toString());
const promise = new Promise<T[]>((resolve, reject) => {
.get<T>(this.appConfigService.buildApiUrl(path), { params })
.then(result => {
if (result) {
.catch(e => reject(e));
return promise;
// also returning a promise
return this.filter<T>(data, pageSize, filter, path);
There are a couple of problems there.
The error message is because you're using <T[]> on get and toPromise, which aren't generic functions. Just apply the type T to result in the then handler.
You're falling into the promise creation antipattern. You already have a promise (from this.httpClient), so you don't need new Promise.
You're using a traditional function for your new Promise callback, but then using this within it as though it were still referring to your class instance. If you were going to keep the new Promise, you'd want an arrow function instead, so it closes over this.
Instead (see *** comments):
protected scroll<T>(path: string, pageSize: number, filter: string, data: T[]): Promise<T[]> {
// *** Return the result of calling `then` on the promise from `toPromise`
return this.httpClient
// *** Don't use <T[]> on `get` and `toPromise`
.get(this.appConfigService.buildApiUrl(path), { params })
.then((result: T) => { // *** <== Note the `T`
// *** If it's really possible that `result` will be falsy and you don't want that
// to be valid, you can do this:
if (!result) {
throw new Error("appropriate error here");
return data.concat(result);
On the playground
I should not have removed the if condition from the example:
It doesn't matter, just put the body of the above into the if block:
protected scroll<T>(path: string, pageSize: number, filter: string, data: T[]): Promise<T[]> {
if (!filter) {
const params = new HttpParams()
.set('searchText', '')
.set('skip', data.length.toString())
.set('take', pageSize.toString());
return this.httpClient
// *** Don't use <T[]> on `get` and `toPromise`
.get(this.appConfigService.buildApiUrl(path), { params })
.then((result: T) => { // *** <== Note the `T`
// *** If it's really possible that `result` will be falsy and you don't want that
// to be valid, you can do this:
if (!result) {
throw new Error("appropriate error here");
return data.concat(result);
return this.filter<T>(data, pageSize, filter, path);

Promise.all response

Can I add Promise.resolve(value) and Promise.reject(error) at response of Promise.all().
For example,
function transferFRQ(fromUserId, fromCompanyDetails, toUserDetails, toCompanyDetails,) {
return Promise.all([
transferRFQCompany(fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails),
replaceRFQCreatedBy(fromUserId, toUserDetails)
.then(result => Promise.resolve(result))
.catch(error => Promise.reject(error));
function transferRFQCompany (fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
"company.id": fromCompanyDetails._id
}, {
$set: {
company: {
id: toCompanyDetails._id,
name: toCompanyDetails.name,
logo: toCompanyDetails.logo
}).then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
function replaceRFQCreatedBy (fromUserId, toUserDetails) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
"createdBy.id": fromUserId
}, {
$set: {
createdBy: {
id: toUserDetails._id,
firstName: toUserDetails.firstMame,
lastName: toUserDetails.lastName
}).then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
I don't know whether is it correct or not, but what I need is to handle the response of transferRFQ properly because I will need to add transferRFQ in another Promise.all() to handle the error properly.
Am I doing in the wrong way? if so, How to do it correctly
Any additional advice is welcome!
I advice that you should not use unnecessary Promise wrappers, & avoid javascript hoisting.
You should try to do something like this instead
// Note that this is declared before used, to avoid javascript hoisting
function transferRFQCompany (fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails) {
return Request.updateMany({ // updateMany already returns a promise right? no need to wrap it in another promise
"company.id": fromCompanyDetails._id
}, {
$set: {
company: {
id: toCompanyDetails._id,
name: toCompanyDetails.name,
logo: toCompanyDetails.logo
// Note that this is declared before used, to avoid javascript hoisting
function replaceRFQCreatedBy (fromUserId, toUserDetails) {
return Request.updateMany({ // updateMany already returns a promise right? no need to wrap it in another promise
"createdBy.id": fromUserId
}, {
$set: {
createdBy: {
id: toUserDetails._id,
firstName: toUserDetails.firstMame,
lastName: toUserDetails.lastName
function transferFRQ(fromUserId, fromCompanyDetails, toUserDetails, toCompanyDetails,) {
return Promise.all([
transferRFQCompany(fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails),
replaceRFQCreatedBy(fromUserId, toUserDetails)
// Sample usage async/await style
(async () => {
try {
// put your params, of course
const result = await transferFRQ(...params);
// `result` is result of .then()
} catch (e) {
// `e` is result of .catch()
// or use it in promise-style

Promise not being executed in Jest test

I'm currently creating a new React component for one of our projects and I'm pretty much stuck with writing a proper test for it. I've read quite a few docs and blog posts and more but I can't seem to get it running.
To me, it seems the Promise is not executed. When I run the test with a debugger, it won't stop in the Promise's function and neither in the then() function. It will, however, stop in the then/catch functions in the test itself.
The Code
So, the component is actually fairly simple. For the time being it is supposed to search for a location via an API. The test for it looks like this:
import axios from 'axios';
import React from 'react';
import {shallowWithIntl} from "../../../Helpers/react-intl-helper";
import Foo from "../../../../src/Components/Foo/Foo";
import {mount} from "enzyme";
const queryTerm = 'exampleQueryTerm';
const locationAgs = 'exampleLocationKey';
const fakeLocationObject = {
search: '?for=' + queryTerm + '&in=' + locationAgs
jest.mock('axios', () => {
const exampleLocations = [{
data: {"id": "expected-location-id"}
return {
get: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(() => {
return Promise.resolve(exampleLocations)
let fooWrapper, instance;
beforeEach(() => {
global.settings = {
"some-setting-key": "some-setting-value"
global.URLSearchParams = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
get: function(param) {
if (param === 'for') return queryTerm;
else if (param === 'in') return locationAgs;
return '';
fooWrapper = shallowWithIntl(<Foo location={fakeLocationObject} settings={ global.settings } />).dive();
instance = fooWrapper.instance();
it('loads location and starts result search', function() {
return instance
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
So, as you can see the test is supposed to call searchLocation on the Foo component instance, which returns a Promise object, as you can (almost) see in its implementation.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { injectIntl } from "react-intl";
import {searchLocationByKey} from "../../Services/Vsm";
class Foo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
location: null,
searchingLocation: false,
searchParams: new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search)
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (!prevProps.settings && this.props.settings) {
searchLocation() {
searchingLocation: true
const key = this.state.searchParams.get('in');
return searchLocationByKey(key)
.then(locations => {
this.setState({ location: locations[0], searchingLocation: false })
.catch(error => console.error(error));
render() {
// Renders something
export default injectIntl(Foo);
Enter searchLocationByKey:
function requestLocation(url, resolve, reject) {
axios.get(url).then(response => {
let locations = response.data.map(
location => ({
id: location.collectionKey || location.value,
rs: location.rs,
label: location.label,
searchable: location.isSearchable,
rawData: location
}).catch(error => reject(error));
export const searchLocationByKey = function(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let url = someGlobalBaseUrl + '?regional_key=' + encodeURIComponent(key);
requestLocation(url, resolve, reject);
The Problem
This is the output of the test:
Error: expect(received).toBe(expected)
Expected value to be (using ===):
[Error: expect(received).not.toBeNull()
Expected value not to be null, instead received
I have to admit that I'm pretty new to Promises, React and JavaScript testing, so I might have mixed up several things. As I wrote above, it seems that the Promise is not executed properly. When debugging, it will not stop in the then() function defined in Foo.searchLocation. Instead, apparently, both the then() and catch() functions defined in the test are executed.
I've spent way too much time on this issue already and I'm clueless on how to go on. What am I doing wrong?
Update 1: done() function
As El Aoutar Hamza pointed out in an answer below, it is possible to pass a function (usually called "done") to the test function. I've done exactly this:
it('loads location and starts result search', function(done) {
return instance
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
But I end up getting this error:
Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
Inside requestLocation you are trying to access response.data, and when mocking axios.get, you are returning a Promise resolved with an array ! you should instead return a Promise resolved with an object with data property (that contains the array).
jest.mock('axios', () => ({
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({
data: [{ "id": "expected-location-id" }]
Another point is that when testing asynchronous code, the test will finish before even calling the callbacks, that's why you should consider providing your test an argument called done, that way, jest will wait until the done callback is called.
describe('Foo', () => {
it('loads location and starts result search', done => {
return instance
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
So like I mentioned in my latest comment under El Aoutar Hamza's answer, I have found a solution thanks to a colleague who was able to help me.
It seems that it is not possible to return the Promise from Foo.searchLocation on to the test. What we needed to do was to wrap the code getting and handling the Promise from searchLocationByKey into yet another Promise, which looks like this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { injectIntl } from "react-intl";
import {searchLocationByKey} from "../../Services/Vsm";
class Foo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
location: null,
searchingLocation: false,
searchParams: new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search)
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (!prevProps.settings && this.props.settings) {
searchLocation() {
searchingLocation: true
const key = this.state.searchParams.get('in');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(locations => {
this.setState({ location: locations[0], searchingLocation: false });
.catch(error => {
render() {
// Renders something
export default injectIntl(Foo);
Only then was Jest able to properly hook into the promise and everything worked as I expected it to be in the first place.
I still didn't understand why the promise cannot simply be returned and needs to be wrapped in another Promise, though. So if someone has an explanation for that it would be greatly appreciated.

Javascript Promise.all() method to fire after all errors and success – surprised that finally() doesnt do this [duplicate]

Let's say I have a set of Promises that are making network requests, of which one will fail:
// http://does-not-exist will throw a TypeError
var arr = [ fetch('index.html'), fetch('http://does-not-exist') ]
.then(res => console.log('success', res))
.catch(err => console.log('error', err)) // This is executed
Let's say I want to wait until all of these have finished, regardless of if one has failed. There might be a network error for a resource that I can live without, but which if I can get, I want before I proceed. I want to handle network failures gracefully.
Since Promise.all doesn't leave any room for this, what is the recommended pattern for handling this, without using a promises library?
Update, you probably want to use the built-in native Promise.allSettled:
Promise.allSettled([promise]).then(([result]) => {
//reach here regardless
// {status: "fulfilled", value: 33}
As a fun fact, this answer below was prior art in adding that method to the language :]
Sure, you just need a reflect:
const reflect = p => p.then(v => ({v, status: "fulfilled" }),
e => ({e, status: "rejected" }));
reflect(promise).then((v) => {
Or with ES5:
function reflect(promise){
return promise.then(function(v){ return {v:v, status: "fulfilled" }},
function(e){ return {e:e, status: "rejected" }});
Or in your example:
var arr = [ fetch('index.html'), fetch('http://does-not-exist') ]
var success = results.filter(x => x.status === "fulfilled");
Similar answer, but more idiomatic for ES6 perhaps:
const a = Promise.resolve(1);
const b = Promise.reject(new Error(2));
const c = Promise.resolve(3);
Promise.all([a, b, c].map(p => p.catch(e => e)))
.then(results => console.log(results)) // 1,Error: 2,3
.catch(e => console.log(e));
const console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>"};
<div id="div"></div>
Depending on the type(s) of values returned, errors can often be distinguished easily enough (e.g. use undefined for "don't care", typeof for plain non-object values, result.message, result.toString().startsWith("Error:") etc.)
Benjamin's answer offers a great abstraction for solving this issue, but I was hoping for a less abstracted solution. The explicit way to to resolve this issue is to simply call .catch on the internal promises, and return the error from their callback.
let a = new Promise((res, rej) => res('Resolved!')),
b = new Promise((res, rej) => rej('Rejected!')),
c = a.catch(e => { console.log('"a" failed.'); return e; }),
d = b.catch(e => { console.log('"b" failed.'); return e; });
Promise.all([c, d])
.then(result => console.log('Then', result)) // Then ["Resolved!", "Rejected!"]
.catch(err => console.log('Catch', err));
Promise.all([a.catch(e => e), b.catch(e => e)])
.then(result => console.log('Then', result)) // Then ["Resolved!", "Rejected!"]
.catch(err => console.log('Catch', err));
Taking this one step further, you could write a generic catch handler that looks like this:
const catchHandler = error => ({ payload: error, resolved: false });
then you can do
> Promise.all([a, b].map(promise => promise.catch(catchHandler))
.then(results => console.log(results))
.catch(() => console.log('Promise.all failed'))
< [ 'Resolved!', { payload: Promise, resolved: false } ]
The problem with this is that the caught values will have a different interface than the non-caught values, so to clean this up you might do something like:
const successHandler = result => ({ payload: result, resolved: true });
So now you can do this:
> Promise.all([a, b].map(result => result.then(successHandler).catch(catchHandler))
.then(results => console.log(results.filter(result => result.resolved))
.catch(() => console.log('Promise.all failed'))
< [ 'Resolved!' ]
Then to keep it DRY, you get to Benjamin's answer:
const reflect = promise => promise
where it now looks like
> Promise.all([a, b].map(result => result.then(successHandler).catch(catchHandler))
.then(results => console.log(results.filter(result => result.resolved))
.catch(() => console.log('Promise.all failed'))
< [ 'Resolved!' ]
The benefits of the second solution are that its abstracted and DRY. The downside is you have more code, and you have to remember to reflect all your promises to make things consistent.
I would characterize my solution as explicit and KISS, but indeed less robust. The interface doesn't guarantee that you know exactly whether the promise succeeded or failed.
For example you might have this:
const a = Promise.resolve(new Error('Not beaking, just bad'));
const b = Promise.reject(new Error('This actually didnt work'));
This won't get caught by a.catch, so
> Promise.all([a, b].map(promise => promise.catch(e => e))
.then(results => console.log(results))
< [ Error, Error ]
There's no way to tell which one was fatal and which was wasn't. If that's important then you're going to want to enforce and interface that tracks whether it was successful or not (which reflect does).
If you just want to handle errors gracefully, then you can just treat errors as undefined values:
> Promise.all([a.catch(() => undefined), b.catch(() => undefined)])
.then((results) => console.log('Known values: ', results.filter(x => typeof x !== 'undefined')))
< [ 'Resolved!' ]
In my case, I don't need to know the error or how it failed--I just care whether I have the value or not. I'll let the function that generates the promise worry about logging the specific error.
const apiMethod = () => fetch()
.catch(error => {
throw error;
That way, the rest of the application can ignore its error if it wants, and treat it as an undefined value if it wants.
I want my high level functions to fail safely and not worry about the details on why its dependencies failed, and I also prefer KISS to DRY when I have to make that tradeoff--which is ultimately why I opted to not use reflect.
There is a finished proposal for a function which can accomplish this natively, in vanilla Javascript: Promise.allSettled, which has made it to stage 4, is officialized in ES2020, and is implemented in all modern environments. It is very similar to the reflect function in this other answer. Here's an example, from the proposal page. Before, you would have had to do:
function reflect(promise) {
return promise.then(
(v) => {
return { status: 'fulfilled', value: v };
(error) => {
return { status: 'rejected', reason: error };
const promises = [ fetch('index.html'), fetch('https://does-not-exist/') ];
const results = await Promise.all(promises.map(reflect));
const successfulPromises = results.filter(p => p.status === 'fulfilled');
Using Promise.allSettled instead, the above will be equivalent to:
const promises = [ fetch('index.html'), fetch('https://does-not-exist/') ];
const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
const successfulPromises = results.filter(p => p.status === 'fulfilled');
Those using modern environments will be able to use this method without any libraries. In those, the following snippet should run without problems:
"status": "fulfilled",
"value": "a"
"status": "rejected",
"reason": "b"
For older browsers, there is a spec-compliant polyfill here.
I really like Benjamin's answer, and how he basically turns all promises into always-resolving-but-sometimes-with-error-as-a-result ones. :)
Here's my attempt at your request just in case you were looking for alternatives. This method simply treats errors as valid results, and is coded similar to Promise.all otherwise:
Promise.settle = function(promises) {
var results = [];
var done = promises.length;
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
function tryResolve(i, v) {
results[i] = v;
done = done - 1;
if (done == 0)
for (var i=0; i<promises.length; i++)
promises[i].then(tryResolve.bind(null, i), tryResolve.bind(null, i));
if (done == 0)
var err;
promiseOne().catch(function(error) { err = error;}),
promiseTwo().catch(function(error) { err = error;})
]).then(function() {
if (err) {
throw err;
The Promise.all will swallow any rejected promise and store the error in a variable, so it will return when all of the promises have resolved. Then you can re-throw the error out, or do whatever. In this way, I guess you would get out the last rejection instead of the first one.
I had the same problem and have solved it in the following way:
const fetch = (url) => {
return node-fetch(url)
.then(result => result.json())
.catch((e) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fetch(url)), timeout));
tasks = [fetch(url1), fetch(url2) ....];
In that case Promise.all will wait for every Promise will come into resolved or rejected state.
And having this solution we are "stopping catch execution" in a non-blocking way. In fact, we're not stopping anything, we just returning back the Promise in a pending state which returns another Promise when it's resolved after the timeout.
This should be consistent with how Q does it:
if(!Promise.allSettled) {
Promise.allSettled = function (promises) {
return Promise.all(promises.map(p => Promise.resolve(p).then(v => ({
state: 'fulfilled',
value: v,
}), r => ({
state: 'rejected',
reason: r,
Instead of rejecting, resolve it with a object.
You could do something like this when you are implementing promise
const promise = arg => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(arg != 2)
return resolve({success: true, data: arg});
throw new Error(arg)
return resolve({success: false, error: e, data: arg})
}, 1000);
Promise.all([1,2,3,4,5].map(e => promise(e))).then(d => console.log(d))
Benjamin Gruenbaum answer is of course great,. But I can also see were Nathan Hagen point of view with the level of abstraction seem vague. Having short object properties like e & v don't help either, but of course that could be changed.
In Javascript there is standard Error object, called Error,. Ideally you always throw an instance / descendant of this. The advantage is that you can do instanceof Error, and you know something is an error.
So using this idea, here is my take on the problem.
Basically catch the error, if the error is not of type Error, wrap the error inside an Error object. The resulting array will have either resolved values, or Error objects you can check on.
The instanceof inside the catch, is in case you use some external library that maybe did reject("error"), instead of reject(new Error("error")).
Of course you could have promises were you resolve an error, but in that case it would most likely make sense to treat as an error anyway, like the last example shows.
Another advantage of doing it this, array destructing is kept simple.
const [value1, value2] = PromiseAllCatch(promises);
if (!(value1 instanceof Error)) console.log(value1);
Instead of
const [{v: value1, e: error1}, {v: value2, e: error2}] = Promise.all(reflect..
if (!error1) { console.log(value1); }
You could argue that the !error1 check is simpler than an instanceof, but your also having to destruct both v & e.
function PromiseAllCatch(promises) {
return Promise.all(promises.map(async m => {
try {
return await m;
} catch(e) {
if (e instanceof Error) return e;
return new Error(e);
async function test() {
const ret = await PromiseAllCatch([
(async () => "this is fine")(),
(async () => {throw new Error("oops")})(),
(async () => "this is ok")(),
(async () => {throw "Still an error";})(),
(async () => new Error("resolved Error"))(),
console.log(ret.map(r =>
r instanceof Error ? "error" : "ok"
).join(" : "));
I think the following offers a slightly different approach... compare fn_fast_fail() with fn_slow_fail()... though the latter doesn't fail as such... you can check if one or both of a and b is an instance of Error and throw that Error if you want it to reach the catch block (e.g. if (b instanceof Error) { throw b; }) . See the jsfiddle.
var p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('p1_delayed_resolvement'), 2000);
var p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reject(new Error('p2_immediate_rejection'));
var fn_fast_fail = async function () {
try {
var [a, b] = await Promise.all([p1, p2]);
console.log(a); // "p1_delayed_resolvement"
console.log(b); // "Error: p2_immediate_rejection"
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR:', err);
var fn_slow_fail = async function () {
try {
var [a, b] = await Promise.all([
p1.catch(error => { return error }),
p2.catch(error => { return error })
console.log(a); // "p1_delayed_resolvement"
console.log(b); // "Error: p2_immediate_rejection"
} catch (err) {
// we don't reach here unless you throw the error from the `try` block
console.log('ERROR:', err);
fn_fast_fail(); // fails immediately
fn_slow_fail(); // waits for delayed promise to resolve
I just wanted a polyfill that exactly replicated ES2020 behaviour since I'm locked into node versions a lot earlier than 12.9 (when Promise.allSettled appeared), unfortunately. So for what it's worth, this is my version:
const settle = (promise) => (promise instanceof Promise) ?
promise.then(val => ({ value: val, status: "fulfilled" }),
err => ({ reason: err, status: "rejected" })) :
{ value: promise, status: 'fulfilled' };
const allSettled = async (parr) => Promise.all(parr.map(settle));
This handles a mixed array of promise and non-promise values, as does the ES version. It hands back the same array of { status, value/reason } objects as the native version.
Here's my custom settledPromiseAll()
const settledPromiseAll = function(promisesArray) {
var savedError;
const saveFirstError = function(error) {
if (!savedError) savedError = error;
const handleErrors = function(value) {
return Promise.resolve(value).catch(saveFirstError);
const allSettled = Promise.all(promisesArray.map(handleErrors));
return allSettled.then(function(resolvedPromises) {
if (savedError) throw savedError;
return resolvedPromises;
Compared to Promise.all
If all promises are resolved, it performs exactly as the standard one.
If one of more promises are rejected, it returns the first one rejected much the same as the standard one but unlike it waits for all promises to resolve/reject.
For the brave we could change Promise.all():
(function() {
var stdAll = Promise.all;
Promise.all = function(values, wait) {
return stdAll.call(Promise, values);
return settledPromiseAll(values);
CAREFUL. In general we never change built-ins, as it might break other unrelated JS libraries or clash with future changes to JS standards.
My settledPromiseall is backward compatible with Promise.all and extends its functionality.
People who are developing standards -- why not include this to a new Promise standard?
I recently built a library that allows what you need. it executes promises in parallel, and if one fails, the process continues, at the end it returns an array with all the results, including errors.
I hope and it is helpful for someone.
const { createPromise } = require('promise-ax');
const promiseAx = createPromise();
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(4);
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(reject, 100, new Error("error")));
const promise3 = Promise.reject("error");
const promise4 = promiseAx.resolve(8);
const promise5 = promiseAx.reject("errorAx");
const asyncOperation = (time) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (time < 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
const promisesToMake = [promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4, promise5, asyncOperation(100)];
promiseAx.allSettled(promisesToMake).then((results) => results.forEach((result) => console.log(result)));
// Salida esperada:
// 4
// Error: error
// error
// 8
// errorAx
// 100
I would do:
var err = [fetch('index.html').then((success) => { return Promise.resolve(success); }).catch((e) => { return Promise.resolve(e); }),
fetch('http://does-not-exist').then((success) => { return Promise.resolve(success); }).catch((e) => { return Promise.resolve(e); })];
.then(function (res) { console.log('success', res) })
.catch(function (err) { console.log('error', err) }) //never executed
I've been using following codes since ES5.
Promise.wait = function(promiseQueue){
if( !Array.isArray(promiseQueue) ){
return Promise.reject('Given parameter is not an array!');
if( promiseQueue.length === 0 ){
return Promise.resolve([]);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
let _pQueue=[], _rQueue=[], _readyCount=false;
promiseQueue.forEach((_promise, idx) =>{
// Create a status info object
_rQueue.push({rejected:false, seq:idx, result:null});
_pQueue.forEach((_promise, idx)=>{
let item = _rQueue[idx];
item.resolved = true;
item.result = result;
item.resolved = false;
item.result = error;
if ( _rQueue.length === _readyCount ) {
let result = true;
The usage signature is just like Promise.all. The major difference is that Promise.wait will wait for all the promises to finish their jobs.
I know that this question has a lot of answers, and I'm sure must (if not all) are correct.
However it was very hard for me to understand the logic/flow of these answers.
So I looked at the Original Implementation on Promise.all(), and I tried to imitate that logic - with the exception of not stopping the execution if one Promise failed.
public promiseExecuteAll(promisesList: Promise<any>[] = []): Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>
let promise: Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>;
if (promisesList.length)
const result: { data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[] = [];
let count: number = 0;
promise = new Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>((resolve, reject) =>
promisesList.forEach((currentPromise: Promise<any>, index: number) =>
(data) => // Success
result[index] = { data, isSuccess: true };
if (promisesList.length <= ++count) { resolve(result); }
(data) => // Error
result[index] = { data, isSuccess: false };
if (promisesList.length <= ++count) { resolve(result); }
promise = Promise.resolve([]);
return promise;
- Loop over the input promisesList and execute each Promise.
- No matter if the Promise resolved or rejected: save the Promise's result in a result array according to the index. Save also the resolve/reject status (isSuccess).
- Once all Promises completed, return one Promise with the result of all others.
Example of use:
const p1 = Promise.resolve("OK");
const p2 = Promise.reject(new Error(":-("));
const p3 = Promise.resolve(1000);
promiseExecuteAll([p1, p2, p3]).then((data) => {
data.forEach(value => console.log(`${ value.isSuccess ? 'Resolve' : 'Reject' } >> ${ value.data }`));
/* Output:
Resolve >> OK
Reject >> :-(
Resolve >> 1000
You can execute your logic sequentially via synchronous executor nsynjs. It will pause on each promise, wait for resolution/rejection, and either assign resolve's result to data property, or throw an exception (for handling that you will need try/catch block). Here is an example:
function synchronousCode() {
function myFetch(url) {
try {
return window.fetch(url).data;
catch (e) {
return {status: 'failed:'+e};
var arr=[
console.log('array is ready:',arr[0].status,arr[1].status,arr[2].status);
<script src="https://rawgit.com/amaksr/nsynjs/master/nsynjs.js"></script>
Promise.all with using modern async/await approach
const promise1 = //...
const promise2 = //...
const data = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2])
const dataFromPromise1 = data[0]
const dataFromPromise2 = data[1]
I don't know which promise library you are using, but most have something like allSettled.
Edit: Ok since you want to use plain ES6 without external libraries, there is no such method.
In other words: You have to loop over your promises manually and resolve a new combined promise as soon as all promises are settled.

Promise.allSettled in babel ES6 implementation

I'm using babel to transpile my node.js#0.10.x code and I'm stuck with promises.
I need allSettled-type functionality that I could use in q and bluebird or angular.$q for example.
On babel's core-js Promise, there is no allSettled method.
Currently I'm using q.allSettled as a workaround:
import { allSettled } from 'q';
Is there something like that in babel polyfill? Alternatively, which is a good algorithm for me to try to implement?
2019 Answer
There was a proposal to add this function to the ECMAScript standard, and it has been accepted! Check out the Promise.allSettled docs for details.
Original Answer
If you take a look at the implementation of q.allSettled you'll see it's actually quite simple to implement. Here's how you might implement it using ES6 Promises:
function allSettled(promises) {
let wrappedPromises = promises.map(p => Promise.resolve(p)
val => ({ status: 'fulfilled', value: val }),
err => ({ status: 'rejected', reason: err })));
return Promise.all(wrappedPromises);
2020 answer:
What the other answers are trying to do is to implement Promise.allSettled themselves. This was already done by the core-js project.
What you need to do is to make babel polyfill Promise.allSettled for you via core-js. The way you configure it to do so is through #babel/preset-env like so:
presets: [
['#babel/preset-env', {
useBuiltIns: 'usage',
corejs: {version: 3, proposals: true},
In your build artifact this will add a call to require("core-js/modules/esnext.promise.all-settled") which monkeypatches the .allSettled function to the promises API.
const allSettled = promises =>
Promise.all(promises.map(promise => promise
.then(value => ({ state: 'fulfilled', value }))
.catch(reason => ({ state: 'rejected', reason }))
Or if you insist on polyfilling it:
if (Promise && !Promise.allSettled) {
Promise.allSettled = function (promises) {
return Promise.all(promises.map(function (promise) {
return promise.then(function (value) {
return { state: 'fulfilled', value: value };
}).catch(function (reason) {
return { state: 'rejected', reason: reason };
Taken from here
Alternatively, which is a good algorithm for me to try to implement?
create a new promise with an executor function
use a counter/result array in the scope of the executor
register a then() callback with each parent promise saving the results in the array
resolve/reject promise from step 1 when counter indicates that all parent promises are done
Here's my attempt at something similar, I have Newsletter service and in my case I wanted my allSettled promise to resolve with an array of all the results (rejections and resolutions), IN ORDER, once all the email_promises are settled (all the emails had gone out):
Newsletter.prototype.allSettled = function(email_promises) {
var allSettledPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Keep Count
var counter = email_promises.length;
// Keep Individual Results in Order
var settlements = [];
settlements[counter - 1] = undefined;
function checkResolve() {
if (counter == 0) {
function recordResolution(index, data) {
settlements[index] = {
success: true,
data: data
function recordRejection(index, error) {
settlements[index] = {
success: false,
error: error
// Attach to all promises in array
email_promises.forEach(function(email_promise, index) {
email_promise.then(recordResolution.bind(null, index))
.catch(recordRejection.bind(null, index));
return allSettledPromise;
my implementation will be below
Promise.prototype.myAllSettled = function (arr = []) {
return new Promise(function processIterable(resolve, reject) {
let result = [];
arr.forEach((item) => {
.then((value) => {
result.push({ status: "fulfilled", value: value });
if (arr.length === result.length) resolve(result);
.catch((err) => {
result.push({ status: "rejected", reason: `${err}` });
if (arr.length === result.length) resolve(result);
Here's another take at the same functionality: spex.batch
The source code would be too much to re-post here, so here's just an example from the batch processing of how to use it:
var spex = require('spex')(Promise);
// function that returns a promise;
function getWord() {
return Promise.resolve("World");
// function that returns a value;
function getExcl() {
return '!';
// function that returns another function;
function nested() {
return getExcl;
var values = [
.then(function (data) {
console.log("DATA:", data);
}, function (reason) {
console.log("REASON:", reason);
This outputs:
DATA: [ 123, 'Hello', 'World', '!' ]
Now let's make it fail by changing getWord to this:
function getWord() {
return Promise.reject("World");
Now the output is:
REASON: [ { success: true, result: 123 },
{ success: true, result: 'Hello' },
{ success: false, result: 'World' },
{ success: true, result: '!' } ]
i.e. the entire array is settled, reporting index-bound results.
And if instead of reporting the entire reason we call getErrors():
console.log("REASON:", reason.getErrors());
then the output will be:
REASON: [ 'World' ]
This is just to simplify quick access to the list of errors that occurred.
