logic to create pop up menu in html - not working [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am having a button on my html page, i want a pop-up menu to be appear when button is clicked.
Please see the attached image.
I am not javascript expert.
Please suggest how can i create a pop up menu in html ?

You can use dropdowns from bootstrap framework, you can check this link

HTML is only used to structure the page, so you can't make something appear/disappear using only html.
You will have to use javascript for that.
I did find a html 5 way of adding stuff to the context menu (right-click):
but it's currently only supported in firefox.


How to get css , javascript of a html element in a website [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I saw a slider in a website and I want to get the CSS and javascript of that element so I can use in my website. How can I accomplish that?
To read and use code from a website, you use an "Inspect Editor" which is integrated in the browser. An example of Firefox Inspect Editor:
There you can call up the HTML Editor and the Style Editor.

Is it possible to override the button style of a generated javascript code snippet? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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A js generated code snippet from a third party places a fixed button on the top of the page and when the button is clicked it shows a modal of a form. I'd like to create a custom button to replace the look of the provided from the snippet but still call the form on the click event. Is that possible?
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://pluginInfoandIds"></script>
If the button has an id (I assume it has) you should be able to just override the stylesheet information with your own. Through js you should also be able to add/remove classes (provided your script runs after theirs).

How to open a new box when clicked on a link [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a beginner in web developing world.
I have a table of data fetched from mysql database shown in php. Now I want to create a link on each row which on click will open up a new box (not window) of specific width-height and will show detailed information.
How can i do this ?
Think you searching for modals windows.
Here is example https://raventools.com/blog/create-a-modal-dialog-using-css-and-javascript
Create a div with css display:none;, and use javascript to toggle the visiblity. That might work.

How to open programatically bootstrap mobile navbar? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to discover the way to open the bootstrap mobile navbar when a button is clicked.
// Magic code goes here!
No matters is I need to use jQuery.
The responsive navbar uses the collapse plugin, you can use a link with the href attribute, or a button with the data-target attribute of the button in your navbar. Here's an example
If you want to do it via jQuery you can call the collapse methods: .collapse('toggle'), .collapse('show') or .collapse('hide')
I updated the example.

I want to modify a jquery plugin for bootstrap [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am in need of using a mini calendar for picking up dates. I cannot find a suitable plugin for twitter bootstrap but what i have found is a plugin for selecting dates (http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker/) which involves firing up a calender when the calender button is clicked. I want to know whether is there any way possible that we do not need to click a button; rather the calendar is displayed permanently and we can then select a date and use its info. There must be!
Would really appreciate any help.
Sure, you can use .datepicker('show') to display datepicker without clicks. Also there are events('hide') you can track to prevent its hiding. All needed info you can find on the page you provided(http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker/). Hope it helps!
