Recorded audio to text - javascript

I am implementing an web application that convert recorded audio to text that can run in chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. There are many api's that can be run only in chrome. I am not able to find such api or library that can be implemented in both. I am implementing my application in J2EE.
So can anybody tell me if this can be done using JavaScript or Java.


WebRTC Voice Activity Detection

I'm implementing a very simple WebRTC audio/video chat room using JavaScript and HTML.
It should run is all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge)
The application layout shows all the users currently collaborating, each one inside its own "square".
I would like to highlight the user that is currently speaking with a different square border color.
To the best of my knowledge the only way to implement this is using some built-in VAD API available and exposed to JS by the browser webrtc stack.
Could you please point me if this is possible, and if so, which API's should I be using ?
Code examples would be very useful.
I've never tried it, but I think you can extract the C++ code from WebRTC related to VAD and build it using WASM.

Javascript Audio Editor

Im trying to develop an javascript based audio editor. It should be possible to record, play and edit an audio file with. Its especially important to visualize the recording audio (realtime) and the selected/uploaded audio file (both of them).
I red alot about the Web-Audio-API and saw a few examples as well, but there are some problems - it only works in chrome/safari so far, it should be run on firefox as well, but it doesnt. So what Im looking for is an crossbrowser API or javascript/jquery libary which provides the called features.
Here are some examples to show u what I mean: (great tool, but there are many bugs as well) (as u can see web audio API doesnt work on firefox)
The Web-Audio-API is a fairly new standard and is steadily being adopted by the major browsers with varying levels of support. Currently Chrome and Safari have the best support and Firefox support is in it's draft stage. For the sort of application, with cross browser support, that you're wanting you will need to go to third party plugins/extensions/addons for the support you're after.
Welcome to the bleeding edge. :)

Can I use javascript to record voice on a web app?

It seems I can only use Flash or Java to record voice on a web app. Is there a way of doing it via JavaScript?
It can be done but the solution won't work across all platforms at the moment.
<input type="file" accept="audio/*;capture=microphone">
See HTML5 Media Capture
Currently Supported By:
Android 3.0 browser, Chrome for Android (0.16), Firefox Mobile 10.0, iOS6 Safari and Chrome (partial support)
Audio capturing with HTML5
Javascript cannot access your hardware directly. What you need, is a client side technology that can. Flash, for one.
Javascript can communicate quite easily with flash, so you can hide your flash recorder and construct your recorder ui with html/js/css.
Here's one example:
Here's another one:
I realize this is not EXACTLY what you need, but you didn't tell why you want a JS solution. This doesn't fix the flash dependency problem but it solves the UI problem since you can construct the UI without flash.
Another wellknow solution is WAMI, I know it's not pure javascript but maybe it can help.
"As of this writing, most browsers still do not support WebRTC's getUserMedia(), which promises to give web developers microphone access via Javascript. This project achieves the next best thing for browsers that support Flash. Using the WAMI recorder, you can collect audio on your server without installing any proprietary media server software."
Another example using node.js
This example application is written in JavaScript and uses Node and Express for the web server and framework. You will need all three installed on your web server in order for this to work, as well as the Node.js WebAPI Library.
nodejs voice recording example
Yes there is a pure HTML/JavaScript way but it only works in Firefox and Chrome:
Direct demo:

TTS in Chrome browser

How to do text to speech on Chrome using JavaScript without any use of extensions or plugins? For Firefox and IE it's working great. I don't know how to do it for Chrome. The hard part is to do it without any plugins and extensions in JavaScript?
You can use this jQuery function to do speech to text (but not text to speech).
$(document).find(':input[type=text]').attr('x-webkit-speech', "x-webkit-speech");
BTW: this only works in Chrome and not any other browsers
As far as I understand it, you can't simply embed Javascript into a page to provide this at the moment. You'll need to develop an extension, as chrome provides APIs but they require extension-level permissions:
The only other alternative I see is completely writing your own library using the Google audio API (part of chromium) that converts text into speech using FFT synthesis, and that could take years. The documentation for that API is here:

Create and use youtube embed object w/ javascript api on mobile web browsers

I'm trying to build a simple webapp that leverages the embedded youtube javascript api ( It works well on my Chrome, Safari, etc... but it fails to work on the Android and iOS web browsers because of its SWF object dependency. I'm hoping for mobile compatibility.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a is there a way to get around this?
(My requirements are as one would expect: I have a youtube video id that I'd like to use to create an embedded youtube video object w/ javascript api access.)
I'm not well versed with Android, but I know that iOS devices will recognize and convert a standard <object><embed></embed></object> Youtube embed code to a compatible player, as long as the object wasn't created with Javascript, such as with swfobject.
However, I'm not sure if the javascript controls will work in the mobile player. I've not tested this.
Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to interact with the html5 (<iframe>) embedded player. I'm not sure what the status is, but controlling the <iframe> player with javascript introduces some interesting challenges.
