Remove array value if already exists javascript - javascript

I've got an array of values that i show with an ng-repeat. When i click over one of it, i add this value in another array. If already exists i remove it. It works well here. But i have a button that push all array in the second. It's working but i can push the whole array infite times even if a value already exists. Of course, if i check one or two value and then i push "Select all" it must select all values also the values already select with the single selection. By thge way this is the code with a jsfiddle:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.all_titles = [
"Title 1",
"Title 2",
"Title 3",
"Title 4"
$scope.getSelectedItem = function getSelectedItems(title) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title);
// is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
// is newly selected
else {
if(Array.isArray(title)) {
for(var i=0;i<title.length;i++) {
} else {
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<button data-ng-click="getSelectedItem(all_titles)">
Select all
<div ng-repeat="title in all_titles">
<a ng-click="getSelectedItem(title)">{{title}}</a>

You scenario is not quite clear to me.
If you want the select all button to behave like all links are click, then this is your solution:
$scope.getSelectedItem = function getSelectedItems(title) {
if(Array.isArray(title)) {
for(var i=0;i<title.length;i++) {
} else {
$scope.pushIt = function pushIt(title) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title);
// remove if already in array
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
If you want the select all button to add the remaining items, then this is your solution:
$scope.getSelectedItem = function getSelectedItems(title) {
if (Array.isArray(title)) {
for (var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title[i]);
// don't add if already in the array
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title);
// is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
} else {

Your code is work, but you need to create a else
for(var i=0;i<title.length;i++) {
var n_idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title[i]);
if( n_idx == -1){
$scope.selection.splice(n_idx, 1);
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.all_titles = [
"Title 1",
"Title 2",
"Title 3",
"Title 4"
$scope.getSelectedItem = function getSelectedItems(title) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title);
// is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
// is newly selected
else {
if(Array.isArray(title)) {
for(var i=0;i<title.length;i++) {
var n_idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(title[i]);
if( n_idx == -1){
$scope.selection.splice(n_idx, 1);
} else {

Netzach is right concerning the bug.
Also I would optimise your code by using hash instead of looping over the array. Then the code excluding/including the value will look like:
delete $scope.selection[title];
} else {
$scope.selection[title] = true;
Here is jsfiddle to a working example:


jQuery autocomplete strange behavior

I've got an issue with jQuery's autocomplete. What I am trying to do is show a suggestions list based on input. So, for instance, on input class="font" I want to have a list of font sizes and on input class="color" to have a list of color predictions.
Here is what I have:
function suggestions(input, element) {
var suggestions = [];
if (element.hasClass("color") !== -1) {
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
suggestions.push("color" + i.toString()); // for testing purpose
} else {
var nr = 1;
while (nr < 1025) {
suggestions.push(nr.toString() + "px");
nr = nr + 1;
minLength: 1,
source: function (request, response) {
var counter = 0;
var filteredArray = $.map(suggestions, function (item) {
if (item.startsWith(request.term) && counter < 10) {
counter = counter + 1;
return item;
} else {
return null;
autoFocus: true
The thing is, it works perfectly when I test it for inputs having any class except 'color'. When it detects a class with 'color', it will build the suggestions array accordingly but will refuse to get into the anonymous function inside autocomplete - source. Which is odd to me, 'cause the array is always constructed and the autocomplete should always be hit.
Any ideas?
jQuery's .hasClass() returns boolean value, so you code should look like:
if (element.hasClass("color")) { ... }
Try this JSFiddle (type symbol "c")

Auto Nested Tree Auto Expand not working in IE11 but is working in Chrome

I have a nested tree which is an html table with buttons on each elements to get the child table via AJAX. This works when done manually in IE and in chrome but I have a link to "Expand All" which selects all down arrow images on the page and .click()'s them. This happens on a 600 millisecond loop until all images are clicked and tables are opened. Here is the code for the auto click loop.
function autoClick(searchElement, clickElement) {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($(searchElement).length > 0) {
$(searchElement).each(function () {
}, 600);
return ($(searchElement).length);
It doesn't even to click the first levels of the tree because when I watch for the ajax calls on the network monitor, none are fired. Here is the expand and collapse functions which utilize the autoclick loop.
function expandClick() {
if (!collapseExecuting) {
expandExecuting = true;
numOfExpandElements = autoClick('img[src="../Images/details_open.png"]', '#expandLink');
if (numOfExpandElements == 0) {
expandExecuting = false;
function collapseClick() {
if (!expandExecuting) {
collapseExecuting = true;
numOfCollapseElements = autoClick('img[src="../Images/details_close.png"]', '#collapseLink');
if (numOfCollapseElements == 0) {
collapseExecuting = false;
Here's the Click event handler:
$('#requestsTable tbody td img[data-description="toggle"]').live('click', function () { //alt="expand/collapse"
// var nTr = this.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentid =;
var item = this;
if (parentid == "requestsTable") {
getChild("request", requestTable, item, "RequestCustomers?RequestID=" + $(this).data("request"));
else if (parentid == "customerTable") {
getChild("customer", requestTable, item, ".." + $(this).data('url') + "?RequestID=" + $(this).data("customer"));
else if (parentid == "accountTable") {
getChild("account", requestTable, item, ".." + $(this).data('url') + "?AccountNum=" + $(this).data("account") + "&RequestID=" + $(this).data("request"));
If you need to see get child here it is too:
function getChild(details, rTable, item, getCall) {
var row = item.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentid =;
var rowClass = 'accountDetails';
if (item.src.match('details_close')) {
/* This row is already open - close it */
item.src = "../Images/details_open.png";
$(item).attr('title', 'Expand');
else {
/* Open this row */
item.src = "../Images/details_close.png";
$(item).attr('title', 'Collapse');
//set the class of the row based on the model being returned.
if (details == 'request') {
rowClass = 'requestDetails';
} else if(details == 'customer') {
rowClass = 'customerDetails';
$.get(getCall, function (response) {
rTable.fnOpen(row, response, rowClass);
if (response.BatchComplete) {
$('#batchStatus').value('Batch Completed. Click here to send batch.');
I found what was happening. In my ExpandClick and CollapseClick functions I was selecting the elements via relative URLs in the SRC attribute. Apparently in IE (at least IE 11) these relative URLs are mapped and then displayed in the source as absolute URLs. In chrome it keeps the relative URLs as is in the source so my selector was able to target in Chrome but not IE.
Changed my selectors that I pass to the autoClick function and it worked:
function expandClick() {
if (!collapseExecuting) {
expandExecuting = true;
numOfExpandElements = autoClick('img[title="Expand"]', '#expandLink');
if (numOfExpandElements == 0) {
expandExecuting = false;
function collapseClick() {
if (!expandExecuting) {
collapseExecuting = true;
numOfCollapseElements = autoClick('img[title="Collapse"]', '#collapseLink');
if (numOfCollapseElements == 0) {
collapseExecuting = false;

How to make expand all/collapse all button in this certain script?

i would like to ask for help in a simple task i really need to do at my work (I am a javascript newbie). I made a simple collapsible list with script provided by this guy but what i need right now are two simple buttons as stated in the title: expand all and collapse whole list. Do you guys know if something like that can be implemented in this certain script? Please help :)
var CollapsibleLists = new function () {
this.apply = function (_1) {
var _2 = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _3 = 0; _3 < _2.length; _3++) {
if (_2[_3].className.match(/(^| )collapsibleList( |$)/)) {
this.applyTo(_2[_3], true);
if (!_1) {
var _4 = _2[_3].getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _5 = 0; _5 < _4.length; _5++) {
_4[_5].className += " collapsibleList";
this.applyTo = function (_6, _7) {
var _8 = _6.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var _9 = 0; _9 < _8.length; _9++) {
if (!_7 || _6 == _8[_9].parentNode) {
if (_8[_9].addEventListener) {
_8[_9].addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) {
}, false);
} else {
_8[_9].attachEvent("onselectstart", function () {
event.returnValue = false;
if (_8[_9].addEventListener) {
_8[_9].addEventListener("click", _a(_8[_9]), false);
} else {
_8[_9].attachEvent("onclick", _a(_8[_9]));
function _a(_c) {
return function (e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var _d = ( ? : e.srcElement);
while (_d.nodeName != "LI") {
_d = _d.parentNode;
if (_d == _c) {
function _b(_e) {
var _f = _e.className.match(/(^| )collapsibleListClosed( |$)/);
var uls = _e.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _10 = 0; _10 < uls.length; _10++) {
var li = uls[_10];
while (li.nodeName != "LI") {
li = li.parentNode;
if (li == _e) {
uls[_10].style.display = (_f ? "block" : "none");
_e.className = _e.className.replace(/(^| )collapsibleList(Open|Closed)( |$)/, "");
if (uls.length > 0) {
_e.className += " collapsibleList" + (_f ? "Open" : "Closed");
It is important to understand why a post-order traversal is used. If you were to just iterate through from the first collapsible list li, it's 'children' may (will) change when expanded/collapsed, causing them to be undefined when you go to click() them.
In your .html
function listExpansion() {
var element = document.getElementById('listHeader');
if (element.innerText == 'Expand All') {
element.innerHTML = 'Collapse All';
} else {
element.innerHTML = 'Expand All';
<div class="header" id="listHeader" onClick="listExpansion()">Expand All</div>
<div class="content">
<ul class="collapsibleList" id="hubList"></ul>
In your collapsibleLists.js
var CollapsibleLists =
new function(){
// Post-order traversal of the collapsible list(s)
// if collapse is true, then all list items implode, else they explode.
this.collapse = function(collapse){
// find all elements with class collapsibleList(Open|Closed) and click them
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('collapsibleList' + (collapse ? 'Open' : 'Closed'));
for (var i = elements.length; i--;) {

How to make random selector only pick shown items?

Yeah not very familiar with JQuery and I'm trying to make a random lunch picker for our web team.
I want to hide certain items. For example when you hit the "Quick Eats" button it only displays 4 options and when you hit "EAT ME" it still selects the LI's that are hidden. Is there any way to allow it only to select options that are visible?
$(document).ready(function() {
function random() {
var menuItems = $("ul#list li");
var numItems = menuItems.length;
if(window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.getItem("selected")) {
previous = Number(window.sessionStorage.getItem("selected"));
} else {
previous = -1;
var selected = Math.floor(Math.random()*numItems);
while(selected === previous && numItems > 1) {
selected = Math.floor(Math.random()*numItems);
if(window.sessionStorage) window.sessionStorage.setItem("selected", selected);
$("ul#list li:nth-child("+(selected+1)+")").addClass("selected");
You can use the :visible selector:
function random() {
var menuItems = $("#list li").filter(':visible');
var numItems = menuItems.length;
// ...
Please note that I have replaced the $("ul#list li:nth-child("+(selected+1)+")") with the cached collection + eq() method.
here you go. I just added tracking of menu preference. Also added $(".food").show(); in line 9 to correct a bug.
$(document).ready(function() {
var user_choice = ".food";
user_choice = "li:not(.unhealthy)";
user_choice = ".food";
user_choice = ".fast";
function random(user_choice) {
var menuItems = $(user_choice);
var numItems = menuItems.length;
if(window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.getItem("selected")) {
previous = Number(window.sessionStorage.getItem("selected"));
} else {
previous = -1;
var selected = Math.floor(Math.random()*numItems);
while(selected === previous && numItems > 1) {
selected = Math.floor(Math.random()*numItems);
if(window.sessionStorage) window.sessionStorage.setItem("selected", selected);

jquery - filtering of html elements on page issue

I have created a javascript filter that is working but not all the time. To first see this in action, visit the following link. On the left side, click on the Bridgestone e6 link under "Brand Model". It returns nothing, but in reality it should return 3 products in the view.
The way the filter works is as follows. I grab the value of the item clicked on the sidebar, then I search the html elements in the main view to see if there are any matches. If there are, I only show those products in the view and hide the rest.
The javascript that takes care of this is (also you can see it here):
Is it some whitespace issue or something incorrect in my JS? I tried to use the jQuery trim function to no avail.
The javascript:
var noProductMatches = jQuery('.no-products-found');
jQuery('#filter-by-brand li a').click(function()
var brandNameSelected = jQuery(this).html();
var productVendorFromCollection = jQuery("#product-vendor");
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (brandNameSelected == 'All Brands' )
var results = jQuery(".productBoxWrapper")
return jQuery(this).html().indexOf(brandNameSelected) > -1 || jQuery(this).html().indexOf(productVendorFromCollection) > -1;
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
jQuery('#filter-by-model li a').click(function()
var brandNameSelected = jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).html());
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (brandNameSelected == 'Any Model' )
var results = productContainer
return jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(brandNameSelected) > -1;
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
jQuery('#filter-by-price li a').click(function()
var priceRangeSelectedItem = jQuery(this).html();
var minSelectedPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).attr("name") );
var maxSelectedPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).attr("title") );
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (priceRangeSelectedItem == 'Any Price')
var results = jQuery(".productBoxWrapper")
var minProductPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).find("#lowestPriceRange").html() );
var maxProductPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).find("#highestPriceRange").html() );
return (minProductPrice >= minSelectedPrice && maxProductPrice <= maxSelectedPrice);
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
The problem is that it is mixed case. In the menu it says Bridgestone e6 but on the page it says Bridgestone E6, with an uppercase E. Either you have to make everything lowercase when you search our make sure they are equal in the menu and on the page.
