JavaScript game loop does not display canvas - javascript

In the following code I program a canvas and display a red block that grows in width as the game progresses. It all worked too! Until, I added a simple game loop to my originally (simpler) game loop. The original just updated, rendered, and restarted. The modern newer one Counts ticks and keeps it running at a consistent speed, no matter how fast the computer/browser. Can anyone explain why this is?
Here is the plain html to set up everything:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Christmas Town</title>
canvas {
display: block;
position: fixed;
margin: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
<script src="game.js"></script>
And here is the JavaScript which is supposed to create the canvas and Game Loop:
var canvas, context, keyState;
var width = 0;
function tick() {
"use strict";
console.log(5 + 6);
if (width < canvas.getWidth()) {
width += 1;
function render() {
"use strict";
context.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
context.fillRect(canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0);;
context.fillRect(width, 15, 0, 0);
function getTimeMillis() {
"use strict";
return window.performance && ? : new Date.getTime();
var FPS = 60, startTime, dt = 0, lastTime = getTimeMillis(), targetTime = 1 / FPS;
function frame() {
"use strict";
startTime = getTimeMillis();
dt = dt + Math.min(1, ((startTime - lastTime) / 1000));
while (dt < targetTime) {
dt -= targetTime;
lastTime = startTime;
window.requestAnimationFrame(frame, canvas);
function main() {
"use strict";
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 500;
canvas.height = 500;
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
window.requestAnimationFrame(frame, canvas);
The weird part is it's not even logging to the console, and there are no errors! But, I cant seem to figure out why tick is not being called without there being any errors. Please help!

Not sure if this is what you wanted but check it out.
Couple things i changed.
context.fillRect( 0, 0, width, 15);
The parameters for fillRect are fillRect(x,y,width,height). You had it as (width,height,x,y);
I reversed the less than sign to greater than. Tick() wasn't being called until i did this.
(dt > targetTime)
You mentioned the animation restarting or something so i added this.
if (width < canvas.width)
width += 1;
width = 0;


Issue related to event listener on canvas object within a canvas & additional issue

Main Issue:
l essentially want to figure the issue with my event listener as it is aligning with the canvas object, which is the image '', in the middle of the canvas however, the Y areas below it are still clickable and the X areas on the right of it are still clickable.
l would like to eliminate this issue, which l believe is being caused by my IF statement and the DRAWIMAGE conditions, in relation to my canvas. There is a reproducible demo, fullscreen/expand it to see.
Another issue:
Another thing to note, which would be much appreciated, is the canvas object not truly sticking in one position on the canvas when you resize the browser window. It simply moves off into a different direction even though it should be stuck in one area of the canvas no matter what size my browser's window is - meaning that the canvas object somehow needs to dynamically resize along with how my browser resize + the event listener needs to see it. Again this would be highly appreciated as l really want to understand the error of my logic as l might using the wrong coordinate system,i don't really know :/
var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var the_button = document.getElementById("the_button");
var the_background = document.getElementById("the_background");
var button_imageX = 600;
var button_imageY = 390;
window.onload = function() {
ctx.drawImage(the_background, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function initialize() {
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
function drawButton() {
/* l belive this is partly responsible aswell for the issue */
ctx.drawImage(the_button, button_imageX, canvas.height - button_imageY, 170, 100);
function redraw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(the_background, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
the_button_function = (paramater1) => {
/* Problem lies here in the IF statement aswell, that's my guess */
if ((paramater1.x > (canvas.width - button_imageX)) && (paramater1.x < canvas.width) && (paramater1.y > (canvas.height - button_imageY)) && (paramater1.y < canvas.height)) {
canvas.addEventListener('click', (e) => the_button_function(e));
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
border: 0;
overflow: hidden;
display: block;
<canvas id="c"></canvas>
<img style="display: none;" id="the_button" src="" />
<img style="display: none;" id="the_background" src="" />
To stop clicks responding to the right of and below the button, take into account the width and height of the button!
Fixing this, and knowing where the image was previously drawn on the canvas should fix the second issue. To debug the problem the snippet code below replaces
button_imageX with button_imageLeft - how many pixels from canvas left to draw the image.
button_imageY with button_imageBottom - how many pixels from canvas bottom to draw the top of the image. (This seemed to be how the posted code was positioning the button in the y direction.)
[image_bottonLeft and image_buttonBottom values were modified for seeing results on Stack Overflow.]
And introduced
button_offsetX - x position of where the left hand side of the button was last drawn
button_offsetY - y position of where the top of the button was last drawn
button_imageWidth and button_imageHeight values for button height and width, replacing hard coded values function drawButton.
var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var the_button = document.getElementById("the_button");
var the_background = document.getElementById("the_background");
var button_imageLeft = 100;
var button_imageBottom = 150;
var button_imageWidth = 170;
var button_imageHeight = 100;
var button_offsetX, button_offsetY;
window.onload = function() {
ctx.drawImage(the_background, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function initialize() {
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
function drawButton() {
button_offsetX = button_imageLeft;
button_offsetY = canvas.height - button_imageBottom;
ctx.drawImage(the_button, button_offsetX, button_offsetY, button_imageWidth, button_imageHeight);
function redraw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(the_background, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
the_button_function = (event) => {
const {x,y} = event;
if( (x >= button_offsetX && x < (button_offsetX+button_imageWidth))
&& (y >= button_offsetY && y < (button_offsetY+button_imageHeight))) {
canvas.addEventListener('click', (e) => the_button_function(e));
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
border: 0;
overflow: hidden;
display: block;
<canvas id="c"></canvas>
<img style="display: none;" id="the_button" src="" />
<img style="display: none;" id="the_background" src="" />

Using variable font inside WEBGL canvas, p5 js

I have a WEBGL canvas in which I am loading a 3d model. I also have a text in variable font which I create with createP. The problem is that I need the text to be between the background and the 3d model. But I can only have the text in front of the canvas (on top of 3d model). Is there any way I can achieve this?
Ps. Creating the text with text() does not allow me to have variable weight value.
let kalameh;
var cnv;
let img;
function preload(){
img = loadImage('assets/lines.png');
kalameh = loadModel('kalameh.obj');
function setup() {
cnv = createCanvas(700, 700, WEBGL);
var x = (windowWidth - width) / 2;
var y = (windowHeight - height) / 2;
cnv.position(x, y);
wordA = createP('my text');
function draw() {
background(220, 220, 220);'font-size', '110px');'font-weight', '200');'font-stretch', '200%');'align', 'center');
image(img, -1*windowWidth/2, -1*windowHeight/2, windowWidth, windowHeight);
translate (0,0,100);
pointLight(255,255,255, -350,0,400);
pointLight(255,255,255, 350,0,400);
scale (0.25);
You could create two sketches (and thus two canvases) and assign z-index properties of -1 and 1 to make them foreground and background sketches, respectively. You can then sandwich the paragraph element that you created between the two canvases by giving it a z-index of 0. You can then make the foreground sketch transparent by calling clear() at the beginning of the draw loop.
In the code snippet below, the 3D object is in front of the text paragraph, whereas the white square of the "background" is behind the text.
let testP;
new p5(function(p){
p.setup = function() {
const foregroundCanvas = p.createCanvas(400, 400, p.WEBGL);"foregroundSketch");
foregroundCanvas.position(0, 0);
testP = p.createP("In front of background / behind object ")
testP.position(95, 115);"sandwichedParagraph")
p.draw = function() {
//drag to move the world.
// p.orbitControl();
let rotateAngle = p.sin(p.frameCount/50);
p.rotateZ(rotateAngle);, 100, 40);
}, "foregroundSketch");
new p5(function(p){
p.setup = function() {
const backgroundCanvas = p.createCanvas(400, 400);
// backgroundCanvas.parent("wrapper")
backgroundCanvas.position(0, 0);"backgroundSketch")
p.draw = function() {
let shiftAmount =, -1, 1, 80, 310);
p.rect(shiftAmount, 120, 40, 40);
}, "backgroundSketch");
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* The sketch with the white square has z-index of -1 (background!) */
#backgroundSketch {
z-index: -1;
position: absolute;
/* The <p> has z-index of 0 (sandwiched between both sketches)*/
#sandwichedParagraph {
z-index: 0;
position: absolute;
/* The sketch with the object has z-index of 1 (foreground!)*/
#foregroundSketch {
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="sketch.js"></script>

I want to be able to pause a block in place when I click on it

Here is the website with the game/source code and want to try and see if i can pause a block as it falls when i left click it with my mouse but not sure the proper function for it. ( )
You must clearTimeout() to make it paused, I have implemented a toggle on click of box i.e play/pause.
(function() {
"use strict"
window.addEventListener("load", setupAnimation, false);
var gl,
paused = false;
function setupAnimation(evt) {
window.removeEventListener(evt.type, setupAnimation, false);
if (!(gl = getRenderingContext()))
rainingRect = new Rectangle();
timer = setTimeout(drawAnimation, 17);
.addEventListener("click", playerClick, false);
var displays = document.querySelectorAll("strong");
scoreDisplay = displays[0];
missesDisplay = displays[1];
status = displays[2];
var score = 0,
misses = 0;
function drawAnimation() {
gl.scissor(rainingRect.position[0], rainingRect.position[1],
rainingRect.size[0], rainingRect.size[1]);
rainingRect.position[1] -= rainingRect.velocity;
if (rainingRect.position[1] < 0) {
misses += 1;
missesDisplay.innerHTML = misses;
rainingRect = new Rectangle();
// We are using setTimeout for animation. So we reschedule
// the timeout to call drawAnimation again in 17ms.
// Otherwise we won't get any animation.
timer = setTimeout(drawAnimation, 17);
function playerClick(evt) {
// We need to transform the position of the click event from
// window coordinates to relative position inside the canvas.
// In addition we need to remember that vertical position in
// WebGL increases from bottom to top, unlike in the browser
// window.
var position = [
evt.pageX -,
gl.drawingBufferHeight - (evt.pageY -,
// if the click falls inside the rectangle, we caught it.
// Increment score and create a new rectangle.
var diffPos = [position[0] - rainingRect.position[0],
position[1] - rainingRect.position[1]
if (diffPos[0] >= 0 && diffPos[0] < rainingRect.size[0] &&
diffPos[1] >= 0 && diffPos[1] < rainingRect.size[1]) {
score += 1;
scoreDisplay.innerHTML = score;
// rainingRect = new Rectangle();
if (!paused) {
paused = true;
status.innerHTML = 'Paused';
} else {
timer = setTimeout(drawAnimation, 17);
paused = false;
status.innerHTML = 'Playing';
function Rectangle() {
// Keeping a reference to the new Rectangle object, rather
// than using the confusing this keyword.
var rect = this;
// We get three random numbers and use them for new rectangle
// size and position. For each we use a different number,
// because we want horizontal size, vertical size and
// position to be determined independently.
var randNums = getRandomVector();
rect.size = [
5 + 120 * randNums[0],
5 + 120 * randNums[1]
rect.position = [
randNums[2] * (gl.drawingBufferWidth - rect.size[0]),
rect.velocity = 1.0 + 6.0 * Math.random();
rect.color = getRandomVector();
gl.clearColor(rect.color[0], rect.color[1], rect.color[2], 1.0);
function getRandomVector() {
return [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()];
function getRenderingContext() {
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") ||
if (!gl) {
var paragraph = document.querySelector("p");
paragraph.innerHTML = "Failed to get WebGL context." +
"Your browser or device may not support WebGL.";
return null;
gl.viewport(0, 0,
gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return gl;
body {
text-align: center;
canvas {
display: block;
width: 280px;
height: 210px;
margin: auto;
padding: 0;
border: none;
background-color: black;
button {
display: block;
font-size: inherit;
margin: auto;
padding: 0.6em;
<p>You caught
You missed
<canvas>Your browser does not seem to support
HTML5 canvas.</canvas>
As you can see in the code the function drawAnimation() is calling itself every 17ms using setTimeout() JavaScript function (and this is what creates steady animation).
function drawAnimation() {
timer = setTimeout(drawAnimation, 17);
In order to pause/stop the animation you would need to use JavaScript function clearTimeout(timer). Since you want to stop/pause the animation on click event you could just reuse the function playerClick (evt) { ... } from the code you already have and put the function clearTimeout(timer) there.
function playerClick (evt) {
If you want to be able to continue with animation after you have paused it you'll need to implement some switch-logic (pause if it is already playing, play if it is already paused) inside your function playerClick (evt) or to use timers to continue the animation after some time, for example.

HTML5 Canvas 100% height and width

I'm trying to make this raindrop canvas script take up 100% width and height, but nothing I seem to do works. I tried changing the CSS, and height/width in the Canvas area, but it either doesn't change anything, or it makes it not work at all. The one time I tried something that actually made it full size, it seemed to have a weird effect on the raindrops, they became all blurry and much larger, so it must have actually stretched the canvas instead of making it larger. Here's the code for the default 800x800 pixel canvas.
article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, section { display: block; }
Script for canvas
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = null;
var context = null;
var bufferCanvas = null;
var bufferCanvasCtx = null;
var flakeArray = [];
var flakeTimer = null;
var maxFlakes = 200; // Here you may set max flackes to be created
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById('canvasRain');
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
bufferCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
bufferCanvasCtx = bufferCanvas.getContext("2d");
bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width = context.canvas.width;
bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height = context.canvas.height;
flakeTimer = setInterval(addFlake, 200);
setInterval(animate, 30);
function animate() {
function addFlake() {
flakeArray[flakeArray.length] = new Flake();
if (flakeArray.length == maxFlakes)
function blank() {
bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)";
bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width, bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height);
function Update() {
for (var i = 0; i < flakeArray.length; i++) {
if (flakeArray[i].y < context.canvas.height) {
flakeArray[i].y += flakeArray[i].speed;
if (flakeArray[i].y > context.canvas.height)
flakeArray[i].y = -5;
flakeArray[i].x += flakeArray[i].drift;
if (flakeArray[i].x > context.canvas.width)
flakeArray[i].x = 0;
function Flake() {
this.x = Math.round(Math.random() * context.canvas.width);
this.y = -10;
this.drift = Math.random();
this.speed = Math.round(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
this.width = (Math.random() * 3) + 2;
this.height = this.width;
function Draw() {;
for (var i = 0; i < flakeArray.length; i++) {
bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "white";
bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(flakeArray[i].x, flakeArray[i].y, flakeArray[i].width, flakeArray[i].height);
context.drawImage(bufferCanvas, 0, 0, bufferCanvas.width, bufferCanvas.height);
And finally here's the body
<body onload="init()">
<canvas id="canvasRain" width="800px" height="800px">Canvas Not Supported</canvas>
body, #canvasRain {width:100%; height:100%; margin:0px;} will set your size properly but your problem is that your canvas height/width you're using to do your drawing doesn't pick up the proper px values when setting them with %'s. And that's where the scaling comes in with the fuzzy flakes. It takes some default canvas size and stretches to 100% of the view. Adding something like
bufferCanvas.width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
bufferCanvas.height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
seems to do the trick. And you might want/need to handle resize events to recalculate it. Here is a sample. I couldn't get jsFiddle to work for me, so it's just the whole thing.
I've set up a fiddle that shows how to resize the canvas using some simple CSS.
"height": window.innerHeight,
"width": window.innerWidth
I've also went ahead and updated your animation to use requestAnimationFrame. This probably what caused your Flakes to be fuzzy: The animation lagged since setTimeout doesn't scale to when the browser is actually ready to draw another frame.
window.requestAnimFrame = (function () {
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
function animate() {
Read a little more about why you should use requestAnimationFrame at:

How to move an image depending on mouse location using JS?

I would like an image to move to the left if the mouse is to the left of the screen and to the right if the mouse to the right of the screen, using javascript, here is the code I have so far:
var dirx = 0;
var spdx = 35;
var imgLeftInt;
var imgTopInt;
var imgHeight;
var imgWidth;
var divWidth;
var divHeight;
var t;
var tempX;
var tempY;
So I'm pretty sure I'm not missing any variables...
function animBall(on) {
imgLeftInt = parseInt(document.images['logo'].style.left);
imgTopInt = parseInt(document.images['logo'];
imgHeight = parseInt(document.images['logo'].height);
imgWidth = parseInt(document.images['logo'].width);
divWidth = parseInt(document.images['container'].width);
if (tempX > 779){
dirx = 1;
else if(tempX < 767){
dirx = 2;
else {
spdx = 0;
So if tempX, which should be the x coordinate of the mouse location, is bigger than 779, which is the halfway point of the div tag, the image should go right. If it's less than that, it should go left, and otherwise, the speed should be zero, as in it should stay still.
if(dirx == 1){
} else if(dirx == 2) {
function getMouseXY(e) {
tempX = e.clientX;
tempY = e.clientY;
I found hundreds of different ways to get the mouse location, but this was off W3C so I assume it works.
function goRight() {
document.images['logo'].style.left = imgLeftInt+spdx +"px";
if (imgLeftInt > (divWidth-imgWidth)){
dirx = 2;
spdx= 20;
function goLeft() {
document.images['logo'].style.left = (imgLeftInt-spdx) +"px";
if (imgLeftInt < 5){
dirx = 1;
spdx= 20;
So that's my whole script.
<div id="container" onmousemove="getMouseXY(event);" width="1546" height="423">
Start Animation Stop Animation <br />
<img src="" style="position:absolute;left:10px;top:20px;" id="logo" />
I left the dependency on the mouse location to the very end so the animation script works fine (or at least worked, unless I broke something trying to get it to read the mouse location).
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong??
If it's any help, I've hosted the code here.
I went to your link and tried debugging your code. I get an error on line 21 because your document has no "container" image ("container" is a div).
At the start of your question, you said you wanted to know mouse position relative to center of "screen". For that, you'd probably want to use window.innerWidth instead of the width attribute that you set on your div.
Well that needed a whole load of work, anyway, I have done some of it for you and you can now see things partially working, but you will need to play with it on jsfiddle. Perhaps you can now open some specific questions regarding getting this to work.
<div id="container" width="1546" height="423"> <a id="start" href="#">Start Animation</a> <a id="stop" href="#">Stop Animation</a>
<br />
<img src="" style="position:absolute;left:10px;top:20px;" id="logo" />
/*jslint sub: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4, browser: true */
/*global */
(function () {
"use strict";
var start = document.getElementById("start"),
stop = document.getElementById("stop"),
container = document.getElementById("container"),
logo = document.getElementById("logo"),
dirx = 0,
spdx = 35,
function getMouseXY(e) {
tempX = e.clientX;
tempY = e.clientY;
function goRight() { = imgLeftInt + spdx + "px";
if (imgLeftInt > (divWidth - imgWidth)) {
dirx = 2;
spdx = 20;
function goLeft() { = (imgLeftInt - spdx) + "px";
if (imgLeftInt < 5) {
dirx = 1;
spdx = 20;
// attribute on unused
function animBall(on) {
imgLeftInt = parseInt(, 10);
imgTopInt = parseInt(, 10);
imgHeight = parseInt(logo.height, 10);
imgWidth = parseInt(logo.width, 10);
divWidth = parseInt(container.width, 10);
if (tempX > 779) {
dirx = 1;
} else if (tempX < 767) {
dirx = 2;
} else {
spdx = 0;
if (dirx === 1) {
} else if (dirx === 2) {
function startAnim() {
t = setInterval(animBall, 80);
start.addEventListener("click", startAnim, false);
function stopAnim() {
stop.addEventListener("click", stopAnim, false);
container.addEventListener("mousemove", getMouseXY, false);
Why don't you usee the html5 canvas and gee.js
Here's the js fiddle result (it may take a while to load, but that's fault of jsfiddle, the script will load much faster once on your website):
and here's the much simpler code to make it work:
var g = new GEE({
width: 500,
height: 423,
container: document.getElementById('canvas')
var img = new Image(); // Create new img element
img.onload = function () {
img.src = ''; // Set source path
function demo(g) {
var style = "left"
g.draw = function () {
if (g.mouseX > g.width / 2 && style == "left") styleRight()
else if (g.mouseX < g.width / 2 && style == "right") styleLeft()
function styleLeft() {
style = "left"
g.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, g.width, g.height)
g.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0)
function styleRight() {
style = "right"
g.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, g.width, g.height)
g.ctx.drawImage(img, g.width - img.width, 0)
