Switching views in a tabpanel in Sencha Touch from a segmented button - javascript

I have an application created with Sencha Touch 2, I need to create a card layout with different views switched with a segmented button, (Following MVC concept) but It is not working..
My view:
config: {
layout: 'vbox',
items : [
xtype: 'header'
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'card',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'presence',
items: [
xtype: 'surveyHeaderBrands'
xtype: 'surveyEditorMatrix',
flex : 1
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'auxiliaryFields',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'button'
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'profiles',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'button2'
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'photos',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'button3'
In the controller I donĀ“t know what code should be the correct.. I have tested with this.control etcetera but It is not working... any clue, please!
Thank you

you can add ID to card container and then use setActiveItem on segmented button listener
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'card',
id: 'mynewid',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'presence',
items: [
xtype: 'surveyHeaderBrands'
xtype: 'surveyEditorMatrix',
flex : 1
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
itemId: 'auxiliaryFields',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'button'
then in your segmented button
xtype: 'button',
handler: function()
Definitely this is not the perfect answer since we are not using controller but it solve the problem.

I found the solution, I added 'flex:1' to the main container and now it is working..
Thank you for your help!


ExtJS 5: disable form fields in hidden card

I have a form panel with a radiogroup, and depending on the radiogroup selection, it will show some other components. If a radiofield is not selected, then its items will be hidden, as they're not part of the active card.
Now, if I have allowblank: false set on a field (and it's empty) within the hidden card, my form is still considered invalid. Being hidden means the user would not like to use it, so it should not be considered as part of the form. Here's an example.
In the example, I have 2 forms... the top form is the one that I'm curious about... is there a way to get this working without having to bind to disabled? I tried looking at hideMode, but that wasn't what I was looking for.
Ideally, I wouldn't have to create a formula for each card that I add... that seems silly. I realize I could create a generic formula, but once again, that just seems extraneous. Another option could be ditching the card layout, and binding each card to hidden and disabled, but I'm creating more formulas. Is there some sort of property I'm missing?
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function() {
Ext.define('MyController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
alias: 'controller.myview',
onValidityChange: function(form, isValid, eOpts) {
this.getViewModel().set('isFormValid', isValid);
Ext.define('MyViewModel', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
alias: 'viewmodel.myview',
data: {
activeItem: {
myInput: 0
formulas: {
activeCardLayout: function(getter) {
var myInput = getter('activeItem.myInput');
return parseInt(myInput);
Ext.define('MyForm', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
title: 'My Form',
controller: 'myview',
viewModel: {
type: 'myview'
layout: {
type: 'hbox'
listeners: {
validitychange: 'onValidityChange'
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'top',
layout: {
type: 'hbox'
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Save',
reference: 'saveButton',
disabled: true,
bind: {
disabled: '{!isFormValid}'
items: [{
xtype: 'radiogroup',
vertical: true,
columns: 1,
bind: {
value: '{activeItem}'
defaults: {
name: 'myInput'
items: [{
boxLabel: 'None',
inputValue: '0'
}, {
boxLabel: 'Something',
inputValue: '1'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'card',
flex: 1,
bind: {
activeItem: '{activeCardLayout}'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'fit'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'fit',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'hello',
allowBlank: false
Ext.define('MyViewModel2', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
alias: 'viewmodel.myview2',
data: {
activeItem: {
myInput: 0
formulas: {
disableSomethingCard: function(getter) {
return getter('activeItem.myInput') !== '1';
activeCardLayout: function(getter) {
var myInput = getter('activeItem.myInput');
console.log(myInput, 'here');
return parseInt(myInput);
Ext.define('MyForm2', {
extend: 'MyForm',
title: 'My Form 2 (works)',
viewModel: {
type: 'myview2'
items: [{
xtype: 'radiogroup',
vertical: true,
columns: 1,
bind: {
value: '{activeItem}'
defaults: {
name: 'myInput'
items: [{
boxLabel: 'None',
inputValue: '0'
}, {
boxLabel: 'Something',
inputValue: '1'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'card',
flex: 1,
bind: {
activeItem: '{activeCardLayout}'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'fit'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'fit',
bind: {
disabled: '{disableSomethingCard}'
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'hello',
allowBlank: false
Ext.create('MyForm', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Ext.create('MyForm2', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

Ext JS 4.2.1 Layout run failed

I just want to create a layout where i've defined my custom application header.. and them some content beneath.. e.g. a border layout...
Ext.define('app.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
xtype: 'app-main',
layout: { type: 'anchor' },
items: [
{ xtype: 'app-header' },
//xtype: 'container',
layout: 'border',
items: [{
region: 'west',
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'west',
width: 150
}, {
region: 'center',
xtype: 'tabpanel',
items: [{ ...
this code is always returning the error Layout run failed... When i change the layout of my second item which should be a border it works.. Somehow it doesnt get along with the border layout...
Can someone tell me why? A hint for a solution would be nice too :)
I am an ext js layout newb :(
To create a header with a top header:
new Ext.container.Viewport({
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'app-header'
}, {
flex: 1,
layout: 'border',
xtype: 'container',
items: [] // border stuff

fixed search bar with an accordion layout - EXT JS4

I need to have a fixed search bar at the top of my Menu Column. This is what I have so far:
Ext.define('Cam.view.menu.LeftSidebar', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.leftsidebar',
views: 'Cam.view.menu.Search',
defaults: {
// applied to each contained panel
bodyStyle: 'padding:0px;'
layout: {
// layout-specific configs go here
type: 'accordion',
titleCollapse: true,
animate: true,
activeOnTop: true
items: [
title: 'Menu Search',
items: [{xtype: 'menusearch'
xtype: 'menuhistory',
itemId: 'menuhistory'
title: 'Menu',
items: [{xtype: 'screenmenu'}]
So far, it collapses the way I want it but
xtype:'menusearch' is what I want fixed at the top.
xtype:'menuhistory' to be active one.
Any help on this?
You could do something like this:
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
width: 400,
height: 400,
renderTo: document.body,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Search'
}, {
flex: 1,
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'accordion',
items: [{
title: 'Item 1',
html: 'I1'
}, {
title: 'Item 2',
html: 'I2'
}, {
title: 'Item 3',
html: 'I3'

Sencha Touch 2 Filter a List Store

I have the following code as my main javascript file for displaying a list + buttons. It all shows properly and everything like adding items to the store works great, but is there a simple way to get the list to only display values where the name equals a certain value?
Ext.define("MyProject.view.Main", {
extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
requires: ['Ext.NavigationView', 'Ext.dataview.List'],
xtype: 'myproject-main',
config: {
items: [
title: 'List of Data',
layout: 'fit',
xtype: 'container',
itemId: 'listContainer',
items: [
xtype: 'list',
store: 'DataStuff',
itemTpl: '{name}',
emptyText: 'No data added yet'
xtype: 'container',
docked: 'bottom',
padding: '5px',
layout: 'hbox',
items: [{ xtype: 'button', itemId: 'addBtn', text: 'Add Data', ui: 'confirm', width: '50%', align: 'left' }, { xtype: 'button', itemId: 'updateBtn', text: 'Update Data', ui: 'action', width: '50%', align: 'right' }]
I had thought there was a simple filters: category I could add under the store but couldn't find anything that worked.
List displays items that provided by store. For controls list filter you should control his store fitlers.
var store = list.getStore();
store.filter('category', 'first');
var customFilter = function(record){
return soAnyCheckForRecods(record);
More information about filters look here http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/api/Ext.data.Store

ExtJs 4 MVC Nested Layouts

I'm trying to implement a simple framework for an app. The idea is to create a background viewport type 'layout' with a north region containing the page header and an interchangeable center region.
When my app starts, a Login form is shown. If the user/password is ok, the form is destroyed and the main layout should appear. The main layout should insert a nested layout in its center region.
This is my background layout code:
Ext.define('DEMO.view.BackgroundLayout', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
alias: 'widget.background',
requires: [
layout: {
type: 'border'
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [
region: 'north',
html: '<h1 class="x-panel-header">Page Title</h1>'
xtype: 'mainview',
region: 'center',
forceFit: false,
height: 400
The main layout is this:
Ext.define('DEMO.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
alias: 'widget.mainview',
requires: [
layout: {
type: 'border'
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [
xtype: 'mygridpanel',
region: 'center',
forceFit: false
xtype: 'container',
height: 38,
forceFit: false,
region: 'north',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
height: 34,
id: 'btnLogout',
action: 'logout',
text: 'Logout'
As you can see, the center region needs an xtype named "mygridpanel". This is the code for it:
Ext.define('DEMO.view.ui.MyGridPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
border: '',
height: 106,
title: 'My Grid Panel',
store: 'MyJsonStore',
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
viewConfig: {
columns: [
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'Id',
text: 'Id'
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'Name',
text: 'Name'
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'Sales',
text: 'Sales'
dockedItems: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'top',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
disabled: true,
id: 'btnDelete',
allowDepress: false,
text: 'Delete'
xtype: 'button',
disabled: true,
id: 'btnEdit',
allowDepress: false,
text: 'Edit'
My problem is that when I call Ext.create('DEMO.view.BackgroundLayout', {}); it only shows the nested layout, and the background layout is hidden, also I get this error in Chrome's console:
Uncaught Error: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3
What I'm doing wrong?.
Thanks in advance,
