I am downloading some images from facebook just for learning HTML and JS. But I don't want the filename to be some long string (contains some long string of numbers and chars ).
For eg I am using HTML5 download attribute
<a href="https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlt1/v/t1.0-9/12109181_503948273111743_2421725301227286538_n.jpg?oh=08c71f2236eaacc243ccd36475b4634e&oe=56BAA86C&__gda__=1459095933_f07fc4bb7bf54f48ac0b9286f8bc92c6"
Download Image
Or this is JSFiddle of above code
When I click this link the file is download but with different name. My question is how do I change the filename something like images.jpg
Is it possible? If yes how should I go further.
The default filename is sent by the server through HTTP header:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='somefile'
Code that runs on the client has very limited control over files for security reasons. The only fix I can see is to have some server code which downloads the file from the other domain and then send it back with a new filename. So no, JS can't fix that for you.
I am relatively sure that the download attribute will only rename files that you are hosting, and not remote files.
You question is similar to this one:
Using download attribute with remote file
There is a workaround solution mentioned in that answer, but it's probably out of scope for just simple learning exercise.
I am trying to create a simple download link
The file I want to download is a .pdf that the user can upload, and now I want to make it possible to download. With the pop-up box, you know, or just on the chrome download bar
I've tried what every answer says:
Download PDF
But that leads to "Failed - no file", even though when I check
if(file_exists($GUIDELINES_PDF_DIR . $projectId . '.pdf'))
it returns true!
Some other notes:
I'm pretty shaky on server things, so maybe the same link doesn't work on PHP and on HTML? In that case, how can I find the file?
This link is within a <form>, so I don't really want to create another <form> inside it, or do anything that compromises the info that the user has inputed
Thank so much :)
$GUIDELINES_PDF_DIR is a directory on your server's hard disk.
The resulting path you are creating is relative to the root of your server's hard disk and not to the DocumentRoot of your web server.
You need to account for that difference when generating your URL.
Use a right headers:
I have an app, that allows users to upload an image, crop it and with other data save it all as html file to be used as a footer for emails. The image is given to them as base64.
Howver turns out this is not supported by Outlook, since it doesnt accept b64 data as img source.
So my idea was to save the cropped image to a file, let's say /public/avatars/avatar.png and link it's directory as a source. However I'm having trouble finding a way how to save images to to a file using JS. My allowed stack is JS and React, no node.js.
How would I do that? I can have the file as either b64 ot canvas element, so i'm flexible here, as long as it's saved to file.
I'm open to other solutions too.
You can't save a file with client language only. You have to save it to a server, own server or external server or a service like AWS.
The best solution without server-side (strangly) is to use a API for save image and get link from this API. Then you can use this link to Outlook.
You can use https://aws.amazon.com/fr/cloudfront/ free for one year with 50Go and 2 millon request monthly.
If you do not exceed 300,000 images per year you can use this service : https://cloudinary.com/pricing
You can also use https://www.deviantart.com/developers/ but that's not really the point of service.
Weird solution :
Be careful, the login and password of your FTP user will be available in the source of your code. Minimum rights must be administered.
You can use this script for talk to FTP server from JS (not tested but seems worked) : http://www.petertorpey.com/files/ae/scripts/FTPConnection.jsx
You can try something like that :
var ftp = new FtpConnection("ftp://URL") ;
ftp.login("username", "password");
ftp.cd("FOLDER") // For move to folder
ftp.put(file,"FILE.PNG") ; // File must be a File JS Object
ftp.close() ;
Everyone know when upload a file by ajax we must add the direct link to the php file which will upload the file, ex: url: site.com/upload.php.
What I want is that this link site.com/upload.php will not be the direct link to upload the file, but it will be just redirection to the up.php file which will be upload the file actually.
The aim is I want to disappear the link which responsible for upload the client file.
Is this idea can be implemented ?
IMHO If your target with that is security, You're targeting the wrong phase.
Instead of protecting the PHP File location, you can protect the file itself.
the UP.PHP can have some "filename" protection using mod rewrite (How to remove .php or .html extension from single page?)
The UP.PHP can have authentication and authorization through your site auth/autho system, and if you want it public, do it keeping FORM ID pair or something.
The address of the UP.PHP will look something like: site.com/upload/receiver and will point to your file, if you want to protect even this address, you should use anything else but JS Ajax, like flash, java, or anything else.
Just follow any how to do it step-by-step.
Use SSL encryption...
I have this situation where we have media files stored on a global CDN. Our web app is hosted on it's own server and then when the media assets are needed they are called from the CDN url. Recently we had a page where the user can download file attachments, however some of the file types were opening in the browser instead of downloading (such as MP3). The only way around this was to manually specify the HTTP response to attach the file but the only way I could achieve this was to download the file from CDN to my server and then feed it back to the user, which defeats the purpose of having it on the global CDN. Instead I am wondering if there is some client side solution for this?
EDIT: Just found this somewhere, though I'm not sure if it will work right in all the browsers?
function downloadme(x){
myTempWindow = window.open(x,'','left=10000,screenX=10000');
<a href=javascript:downloadme('/test.pdf');>Download this pdf</a>
RE-EDIT: Oh well, so much for that idea -> Does execCommand SaveAs work in Firefox?
Does your CDN allow you to specify the HTTP headers? Amazon cloudfront does, for example.
I found an easy solution to this that worked for me. Add a URL parameter to the file name. This will trick the browser into bypassing it's built in file mappings. For examaple, instead of http://mydomain.com/file.pdf , set your client side link up to point to http://mydomain.com/file.pdf? (added a question mark)
Lets assume I have a file on a CDN (Cloud Files from Rackspace) and a static html page with a link to that file. Is there any way I can force download this file (to prevent it from opening in the browser -- for mp3s for example)?
We could make our server read the file and set the corresponding header to:
header("Content-Type: application/force-download")
but we have about 5 million downloads per month so we would rather let the CDN take care of that.
Any ideas?
There’s no way to do this in HTML or JavaScript. There is now! (Ish. See #BruceAldrige’s answer below.)
The HTTP Content-Disposition header is what tells browsers to download the files, and that’s sent by the server. You have to configure the CDN to send that header with whichever files you want to browser to download instead of display.
Unhelpfully, I’m entirely unfamiliar with Rackspace’s Cloud Files service, so I don’t know if they allow this, nor how to do it. Just found a page from December 2009 that suggests not thought, sadly:
Cloud Files cannot serve a file with the 'Content-Disposition: attachment' HTTP header. Therefore, a download link that would work perfectly in any other service may result in the browser rendering the file directly. This was confirmed by Rackspace engineers. :-(
I know that you can with Amazon’s CloudFront service, as it’s backed by S3 (see e.g. http://blog.cloudberrylab.com/2009/06/how-to-set-custom-http-headers-for.html)
You can use the download attribute:
<a href="http..." download></a>
However, it’s not currently supported by Safari (7) or IE (11).
Yes, you can do this through the cloudfiles API. Using the method stream allows you to stream the contents of files in - setting your own headers etc.
A crazy idea: download via XMLHttpRequest and serve a data: URL with the content type you want? :P