Run the script only onclick on chrome extension - javascript

Whenever my chrome extension icon is clicked, I want to run a script that would make certain changes to the current webpage.
I have tried using content_scripts in my manifest and it worked but the problem is , the script runs even if I did not clicked on the icon.
I have found that, I need to use background script.In my background.js file I have added
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
and it is not working.
Here is my manifest file.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Reveal Password",
"description": "Reveals password in password input field",
"version": "1.0",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
Plus I want to execute the script that I made that manipulates the current web page too.

Use chrome.tabs.executeScript() to execute code in a tab like this:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
code: 'alert("Hello")'
Instead of code, you could also use a file which contains the code :
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "content_script.js"});
NOTE : You need activeTab permissions to execute code in an active tab
"permissions": [


Chrome extension - Document.getelementbyId(...) evaluating to null?

In console I can input document.getElementById('...') and get a value back. Or even .textContent and get the string I want.
Once I pop this into my chrome extension and run it, it evaluates document.getElementById('...') as null. What's up?
"name": "CSUF RMP",
"version": "0.1",
"manifest_version" : 2,
"description": "Displays professor ratings on icon click",
"background" : {
"scripts" : ["background.js"]
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon16.png"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"js": ["script.js"]
"permissions": ["<all_urls>", "*://*/*", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"]
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "script.js"});
My script.js is literally what I posted at the top. The script is supposed to have access to the web page's DOM (thus I need a content script) and run it on click of the icon (hence the background.js)
I can get the page to run and show an alert or something, but that line isn't evaluating the page's dom, just null.
I think I know what is the problem here,
you are executing script.js just like a normal script, and a normal script can't interact with the page DOM, you can think about it as just runing a script from a file- it don't have the content script's privileges that way.
What you can do is open a new tab (with the url of the content script), and then pass to the content script at that new tab a message which tells him to run a specific function there.
You can test it without using message sending by setting the onload of the content script to something like: onload=alert(document.getElementById('...')); and than open a new tab from the background page: chrome.tabs.create({"url":""});
tell me how it goes :)
Edit: forgot to mention that you need the 'tabs' permission in your manifest file in order to open new tabs and test the thing out.

Chrome extension to load the script without clicking on icon

Hello all i want to load the script whether or not user clicks on my extension icon
This is my extension it works great but i want it to work without making the user click on the icon to load the scripts ..
Here is the code .
"name": "Injecta",
"version": "0.0.1",
"manifest_version": 2,
"description": "Injecting stuff",
"scripts": ["jquery.js","background.js"]
"browser_action": {
"default_title": "Inject!"
"permissions": [
This is my background.js
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function (tab) {
file: 'jquery.js'
file: 'inject.js'
i just want the extension to load all the scripts with the page load. currently user has to click on the icon to load the scripts..
What executeScript does is basically creating a Content Script dynamically. This is called Programmatic Injection.
An alternative method of working with content scripts is specifying them in the manifest. This achieves exactly what you're asking: content scripts are executed automatically when the page is loaded.
"content_scripts" : [
"js": ["jquery.js", "inject.js"],
"matches": ["*://*/*"]
Adjust the matches parameter to only include match patterns for pages you want it to run on.
Make sure to check out the documentation of run_at parameter if you need to fine-tune when injection happens.
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {}

Proper way to add HTML to the page and access Jquery as well as the users current tab?

I am trying to learn how to write a chrome extension. What I am looking for is the ability for to access the current page the user is on. I would like to append some of my own html to the current page the user is accessing. I then want to be able to see which element the user is currently clicking on the page.
I have figured out how to access the tab and run some javascript. But I am unclear how to append some HTML to that page. I also want to bring in jquery.
Here is what I have...
"background": {
"scripts": [ "jquery.min.js", "background.js"]
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon128.png",
"default_title": "Test"
"description": "Make API's from regular websites",
"icons": {
"128": "icon128.png",
"16": "icon16.png",
"48": "icon48.png"
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test",
"permissions": [ "tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ],
"version": "0.2"
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: "bookmarklet.js"})
(function() {
When I run the program I am finding that I do not have access to jquery. I thought adding it to background in scripts gives me access? I also am unsure how/where I would store the html I want to append to the tab.
First off, you can probably drop the scary permissions in favor of the activeTab permission.
Second, to have jQuery you need to inject it yourself before your other script. Since injecting is asynchronous, make sure you chain it properly:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: "jquery.min.js"}, function(){
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: "bookmarklet.js"});
Third, you probably want to generate the requisite HTML using jQuery in your content script, bookmarklet.js. Or at least store it there in a variable. It's easier to do it on the content script side, but if you have to do it in the background, you should check out Message Passing.

Chrome Extension get UI element from background script

I am starting to develop a chrome extension.
In my case I have the following manifest.json:
"name": "mY Notifier",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"background": {
"scripts": [
"persistent": false
"permissions": [
So, as you can see i have a default popup html page and a background script.
I need a Background script because I need to update the icon badge from time to time when the Extension is enabled (not just if the user clicks on the icon). This works fine.
In my popup.html i have a couple of checkboxes. Now in my background script i want to check which of the checkboxes are enabled. How can i do this? I cannot refer to my ui elements in popup.html using elementById. How can this be done?
You can't access to popup.html from myscript.js because popup.html don't loaded before the click on a button.
You can call functon of myscript.js from popup.html:
popup.js code:
var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();

Chrome Extension: Open tab, go to url, fill form and submit form

I am following a tutorial here
I can open fine a tab with a custom extension and load a url, and I would like to fill and submit a form with javascript on the page opened. For example, could I submit a search on
Here is what I have so far:
"name": "My First Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "The first extension that I made.",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
"background_page": "background.html",
"permissions": [
// get tab
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.create({'url': ""}, function(tab) {
// Tab opened. Wait until page loads, from here it is not working
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
Your jQuery code is getting executed in the background page not the new tab. Try using chrome.tabs.executeScript to execute the submit in the tab environment.
While you could do this using the chrome extension, I would suggest you to look into Selenium Browser Automation
It will also help you do the same in multiple browser instead of just chrome.
