I've been trying to make a request to a NodeJS API. For the client, I am using the Mithril framework. I used their first example to make the request and obtain data:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var stores = Model.getAll();
alert(stores); // The alert box shows exactly this: function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}
alert(stores()); // Alert box: undefined
view: function(controller) {
After running this I noticed through Chrome Developer Tools that the API is responding correctly with the following:
I can't find a way to obtain this data into the controller. They mentioned that using this method, the var may hold undefined until the request is completed, so I followed the next example by adding:
var stores = m.prop([]);
Before the model and changing the request to:
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"}).then(stores);
I might be doing something wrong because I get the same result.
The objective is to get the data from the response and send it to the view to iterate.
m.request is a function, m.request.then() too, that is why "store" value is:
"function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}"
"stores()" is undefined, because you do an async ajax request, so you cannot get the result immediately, need to wait a bit. If you try to run "stores()" after some delay, your data will be there. That is why you basically need promises("then" feature). Function that is passed as a parameter of "then(param)" is executed when response is ready.
Working sample:
You can start playing with this sample, and implement what you need:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://www.w3schools.com/angular/customers.php"});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var records = Model.getAll();
return {
records: records
view: function(ctrl) {
return m("div", [
ctrl.records().records.map(function(record) {
return m("div", record.Name);
m.mount(document.body, Component);
If you have more questions, feel free to ask here.
There is a situation that I have to get extra data after my first ajax (in mounted function) in vuejs, I have put the second ajax in if condition and inside success function of the first ajax!
It is working and I see data in Vue Devtools in chrome, but data is not rendered in view.
Pseudo Code:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#messages',
data: {
participants: [],
active_conversation: '',
messages: []
methods: {
getParticipants: function () {
return this.$http.post('message/get-participants').then(
function (response) {
vm.participants = response.data.participants;
// if there is a conversation_id param in url
if (getUrlParameterByName('conversation_id')) {
// Second Ajax Is Called Here inside First Ajax
return vm.getConversationMessages (getUrlParameterByName('conversation_id')); // this ajax call is getting data but not showing in view
getConversationMessages : function(conv_id){
// Second Ajax Call to get Conversation messages
// and showing them , works onClick
return this.$http.post('message/get-messages/' + conv_id).then(
function (response) {
if (response.data.status == 'success') {
vm.messages = response.data.messages;
mounted: function () {
The Second Ajax Call to get a specific conversation messages is responding to onclick event and showing messages, but when this function is used inside the First Ajax success response (getParticipants()), its getting data correctly nd I can see in DevTools VueJs Extension that messages are set but view does not show messages, I have tried vm.$set() but no chance.
The second Ajax is working with no errors and messages data property get filled (I checked Vue DevTools), The only problem is that view does not show the messages!! but when I do it manually by clicking on a conversation, second ajax is executed again and I can see messages!, I also tried vm.$forceUpdate() after second ajax with no chance.
Update2 html part(the bug is here!!)
<a vbind:id="conv.id" v-on:click="getMessages(conv.id)" onclick="$('#user-messages').addClass('active')">
the DOM is updated with messages with when you do the ajax request with only getConversationMessages and not placing
getConversationMessages in the success callback of the ajax request of getParticipants is the fact that an error is encountered at this line
this.participants = response.data.participants;
you are using a normal function in the success callback of the ajax request that's the reason this does not point to the vue instance
adnd this.participants gives you an undefined error. So use vm insteaad to point to the vue instance as you did in the rest of the program
vm.participants = response.data.participants;
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#messages',
data: {
participants: [],
active_conversation: '',
messages: []
methods: {
getParticipants: function () {
return this.$http.post('message/get-participants');
getConversationMessages : function(conv_id){
return this.$http.post('message/get-messages/' + conv_id);
mounted: function () {
this.getParticipants().then(function (response){
vm.participants = response.data.participants;
if (getUrlParameterByName('conversation_id')) {
return vm.getConversationMessages (getUrlParameterByName('conversation_id')); // this ajax call is getting data but not showing in view
if (response.data.status == 'success') {
vm.messages = response.data.messages;
Call second http request after first is completed using http callback or you can use Promise too.
return this.$http.post(function(response){
// first call
// Second call
new Vue({
el: '#messages',
data: {
participants: [],
active_conversation: '',
messages: []
methods: {
async getParticipants (id) {
var response = await this.$http.post('message/get-participants')
this.participants = response.data.participants
if (id) this.getConversationMessages(id)
async getConversationMessages (id) {
var response = this.$http.post('message/get-messages/' + id)
if (response.data.status === 'success') {
this.messages = response.data.messages;
created () {
The problem for me was in html, I added a custom onclick event to the div element previously and this event was conflicting with Vuejs events.
newbie here.
I am trying to understand how I need to structure asynchronous calls within my controller to fit my specific use case:
Consider the following code snippet from an Angular Module in "service.js" within my project:
function getSearchObjects(projectName, title) {
var payload = JSON.stringify({
"title": title
var request = $http({
method: 'post',
url: URL + '/search/' + projectName,
data: payload
return request.then(handleSuccess, handleError);
function runQuery(projectName, fromDate, toDate, sort, direction, columns) {
var from = Date.parse(fromDate);
var to = Date.parse(toDate);
var payload = JSON.stringify({
"fromDate": from,
"toDate": to,
"sort": sort,
"direction": direction,
"columns": columns
var request = $http({
method: 'post',
url: URL + '/query/' + projectName,
data: payload
return request.then(handleSuccess, handleError);
function handleSuccess(response) {
return response.data;
function handleError(response) {
if (!angular.isObject( response.data ) || !response.data.error) {
return( $q.reject( "An unknown error occurred." ) );
return $q.reject( response.data.error );
Within my controller, I am trying to troubleshoot the following function:
$scope.submit = function() {
var objectProperties = exportsStorageService.getSearchObjects($scope.selected.project.name, $scope.selected.search)
.then(function(result) {
exportsStorageService.runQuery($scope.selected.project.name, $scope.selected.start_date, $scope.selected.end_date, objectProperties.sort, objectProperties.direction, objectProperties.columns)
function(error) {
getSearchObjects matches a title ($scope.selected.search) selected in my UI and grabs the following more detailed object from an API call:
{ title: 'Duplication Example',
sort: '#_traac-timestamp',
direction: 'desc',
columns: [ '#_traac-remote_ip', 'c-platform-m-distinct-id_s', '_type' ] }
I am trying to grab the properties returned from getSearchObjects and pass them along with a few user selected values from my UI to runQuery, which then returns data from a database to the user, but when I check the values passed to runQuery using the above logic in my controller, I get the following values. All of the objectProperties values I am attempting to pass to runQuery are undefined:
project_name: "Example Project"
start_date: 1499770800000
end_date: 1499943600000
sort: undefined
direction: undefined
columns: undefined
I have been trying to debug this, but I am too new to using Angular and asynchronous calls to really understand what I am doing wrong. My best guess currently is that I am calling runQuery before the values retrieved from getSearchObjects are attached to objectProperties. Either that or I am incorrectly referencing the properties within the objectProperties variable.
Could someone help me troubleshoot this issue, and better understand what I am doing wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help!
When you do this:
var objectProperties = some async function...
You are assigning the promise of the async function to the variable, not the result of it.
The result is coming in the .then, like you declared:
.then(function(result) { ... }
So, instead of objectProperties.sort, objectProperties.direction, objectProperties.columns, try using result.sort, result.direction, result.columns :)
If you are new to Promises, take a look at this simple, but great tutorial.
Based on your comment, you are receiving, inside the response.data, the following object:
{"objectMatch": {
"title": "doc-event",
"sort": "#_traac-timestamp",
"direction": "desc",
"columns": [
So you have: response > data > objectMatch > properties you want.
The response.data you are extracting on your handleSuccess function:
function handleSuccess(response) {
return response.data;
So here, your result is response.data, containing the property objectMatch.
$scope.submit = function() {
var objectProperties = exportsStorageService.getSearchObjects($scope.selected.project.name, $scope.selected.search)
.then(function(result) {
If all of that is correct, you should be able to access the values you want using result.objectMatch.<sort, direction or columns>, like:
exportsStorageService.runQuery($scope.selected.project.name, $scope.selected.start_date, $scope.selected.end_date,
result.objectMatch.sort, result.objectMatch.direction, result.objectMatch.columns)
I have a problem with angular-ui typeahead component. It does not show values populated by angular resources, however using $http works well. I suppose I missing some trick here with asycn call and correct population of returned values.
Working code
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return $http.get('/api/contacts/search', {
params: {
q: val
return response.data.map(function(item){
return item.name;
Not working code
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return Contact.search({q: val}, function(response){
return response.map(function(item){
return item.name;
'use strict';
app.factory("Contact", function($resource, $http) {
var resource = $resource("/api/contacts/:id", { id: "#_id" },
'create': { method: 'POST' },
'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
'search': { method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: '/api/contacts/search', params: true },
'show': { method: 'GET', isArray: false },
'update': { method: 'PUT' },
'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }
return resource;
Pug template code
uib-typeahead='contact for contact in searchForContact($viewValue)'
|No Results Found
Angular resources are working fine, including search endpoint - I just output on page result returned by the search endpoint. In both results should be just an array with string values. What am I doing wrong?
The difference between $http.get and your Contact.search is that the first one returns a promise and the latter doesn't. Any $resource method will usually be resolved to the actual response. I'll show that with an example.
Getting data with $http
var httpResult = $http.get('http://some.url/someResource').then(function(response) {
return response.map(function(item) { return item.name });
The httpResult object contains a promise, so we need to use then method to get the actual data. Moreover, the promise will be resolved to the mapped array, which is the expected result.
Getting data with $resource
var someResource = $resource('http://some.url/someResource');
var resourceResult = someResource.query(function(response) {
return response.map(function(item) { return item.name });
The resourceResult isn't a promise here. It's a $resource object which will contain the actual data after the response comes from the server (in short, resourceResult will be the array of contacts - the original, not mapped, even though there is a map function). However, the $resource object contains a $promise property which is a promise similar to one returned by $http.get. It might be useful in this case.
I read in documentation that in order to make uib-typehead work properly, the $scope.searchForContact needs to return a promise. Instead of passing the callback function to search, I would simply chain it with the $promise from $resource object to make it work.
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return Contact.search({q: val}).$promise.then(function(response){
return response.map(function(item){
return item.name;
Let me know if it works for you.
I have functions like the getData function below.
I understand that $http returns a promise. In my current set up I am using $q so that I can do some processing of the results and then return another promise:
var getData = function (controller) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$http.get('/api/' + controller + '/GetData')
.success(function (data) {
var dataPlus = [{ id: 0, name: '*' }].concat(data);
data: data,
dataPlus: dataPlus
.error(function (error) {
data: error
return defer.promise;
Is there any way that I can do this without needing to use the AngularJS $q (or any other $q implementation) or is the code above the only way to do this? Note that I am not looking for a solution where I pass in an onSuccess and an onError to the getData as parameters.
As you say $http.get already returns a promise. One of the best things about promises is that they compose nicely. Adding more success, then, or done simply runs them sequentially.
var getData = function (controller) {
return $http.get('/api/' + controller + '/GetData')
.success(function (data) {
var dataPlus = [{ id: 0, name: '*' }].concat(data);
return {
data: data,
dataPlus: dataPlus
.error(function (error) {
return {
data: error
This means that using getData(controller).then(function (obj) { console.log(obj) });, will print the object returned by your success handler.
If you want you can keep composing it, adding more functionality. Lets say you want to always log results and errors.
var loggingGetData = getData(controller).then(function (obj) {
return obj;
}, function (err) {
return err;
You can then use your logging getData like so:
loggingGetData(controller).then(function (obj) {
var data = obj.data;
var dataPlus = obj.dataPlus;
// do stuff with the results from the http request
If the $http request resolves, the result will first go through your initial success handler, and then through the logging one, finally ending up in the final function here.
If it does not resolve, it will go through the initial error handler to the error handler defined by loggingGetData and print to console. You could keep adding promises this way and build really advanced stuff.
You can try:
Using an interceptor which provides the response method. However I don't like it, as it moves the code handling the response to another place, making it harder to understand and debug the code.
Using $q would be the best in that case IMO.
Another (better ?) option is locally augmented transformResponse transformer for the $http.get() call, and just return the $http promise.
MyClass = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '/apiurl/'+sessionValue+'',
defaults: {
data1: '',
data2: 1
var myobj = new MyClass ();
var myobjvalue = {
data1: "myvalue"
myobj.save(myobjvalue , {
success: function (myobj , response) {
error : function (myobj , response) {
var data = JSON.stringify(response);
in the above code, save function successfully calls the REST api. (200 OK). However even after that it enters in error block.
value printed in console
What should I be doing?
What worked
Instead of string, I had to return actual object as part of REST API. apprently, backbone expects class object along with HTTP status. so responseText contained full myobj.
What worked
Instead of string, I had to return actual object as part of REST API. apprently, backbone expects class object along with HTTP status. so responseText contained full myobj.