Possible React Antipattern: Setting initial state from props - javascript

I've read up on this a bit but have not received a satisfactory answer. Granted I'm very new to React.
Suppose I have two components, Parent and Child. Parent passes a property to Child, and Child wishes to set a state to that property, as follows:
// in child
getInitialState: function() {
return ({
filters: this.props.filters
Then, this.state.filters gets modified through the UI, and upon clicking a "Save" button of some sort, saves the updated filters through a Flux-like model via a Store/Dispatcher up through to the Parent, which then re-renders and propagates down the updated this.props.filters down to Child again. This is kind of silly, as Child already has the updated data in its state, but whatever.
In order to check if the "Save" button should be active, I check in Child if:
this.state.filters === this.props.filters
If they are not equal, then the state has been changed from the original default prop. Thus, the "Save" button is activated. Otherwise, the state is identical to the original default prop, and the "Save" button is disabled.
My question is, is this flow an anti-pattern? Seems like it must be.

Within your component you want to know if a value has been modified from the last known value. This approach feels quite reasonable to me. Obviously there are other ways to do this, but I don't see anything wrong with this approach.
About this: "...saves the updated filters through a Flux-like model via a Store/Dispatcher up through to the Parent." Think of it more as stepping out of the rendering flow and into a state-updating flow in your app. The one-way nature of the flux pattern can be a bit more typing, but leads to more manageable code in the long run (e.g. if more than one component needs the updated state).
You are right that the Child already has the soon-to-be official state which will be received again from the Parent as props shortly. The Child can/should render based on that new state even though it's not been saved to the server yet - this is called Optimistic Updates https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tutorial.html#optimization-optimistic-updates.
As long as the output of the render method doesn't change in the Child component after the new props are received from the Parent, React won't tell the browser to re-render the DOM. This means that your UI renders your desired state, but does so more quickly.


Prevent unnecessary re-renders of components when using useContext with React

I've seen a few questions related to this topic, but none that tackle the issue head-on in a pure way. useContext is a great tool for minimizing prop-drilling and centralizing key data needed across your app; however, it comes at a cost that I'm trying to minimize.
The closest issue to the one I'm describing here was asked two years ago here. The question didn't gain a lot of traction and the only answer basically says call the context in a parent container and pass values down through props (defeats the purpose of context) or use Redux. Maybe that's the only way, but I wanted to bring the question back to the collective to see if there is a better answer that's not dependent on external libraries.
I've set up a code sandbox here to illustrate the issue. Re-renders are console logged out to make seeing them easier.
In short, when a state changes in context, every app accessing data from that context re-renders, even if it's not utilizing the state data that changed (because it's all ultimately passed through the value object). React.Memo does not work on values accessed from context the same way it does for properties.
For example, in the code sandbox linked above, in App.js if you comment out <AppContainerWithContext /> and load <AppContainer />, there are two states managed in the container, one called titleText and the other called paragraphText. titleText is passed as a prop to component called TitleText and paragraphText is passed to a component called ParagraphText. Both components are wrapped in React.memo(). There are two buttons called in the AppContainer and each has a function that changes the text back and forth based on the value of separate boolean states.
Here is the function that toggles the titleText, the one for paragraph text is the same logic:
const changeTitleHandler = useCallback(() => {
const title = listTitleToggle ? "Title B" : "Title A";
setListTitleToggle((pV) => !pV)
}, [listTitleToggle]);
Since the titleText component and paragraphText components are wrapped with React.useMemo, they only re-render when the corresponding value passed to them changes. Perfect.
Now in App.js if you comment out the <AppContainer /> component and enable the <AppContainerWithContext /> component, the rendered output and result of button clicks is identical; however, the states that change and are rendered on the screen are now managed by AppContext (called contextTitleText and contextParagraphText and passed to the TitleText component and ParagraphText component via useContext.
Now, if you click on the button to toggle the title, the ParagraphText component re-renders too, even though it doesn't use the contextTitleText state. My understanding of why this happens is because the value object changes when the contextTitleText is updated, causing any component accessing that value object through useContext to re-render.
My question is this:
Is there a way to utilize useContext without causing re-renders on all components accessing the context. In the example above, can we utilize useContext to manage the contextTitleText and the contextParagraphText but only re-render the components where the state from context being accessed changes?

How to enable tracking deep changes in component props

I have a component who initialized like this
<custom :opts="{map: false}"></custom>
and there is HTML similar to this
<template id="custom">
<div v-if="opts.map">
I'm awesome
<button v-on:click="show"></button>
function show(){
this.opts = {map:true} // (1) <-- This is working and I could see hidden div
this.opts.map = true // (2) <-- For some reason not working
Vue.set(this.opts, 'map', true) // (3) <-- Still not working
So my question is why variant 2 doesn't work and what should I change to make my control react to value reset on a button click. Or a proper explanation why (1) is working, but (2) isn't - also will be accepted as an answer.
The real problem with the code (all 3 versions) is changing a component's property from within a component. In idiomatic Vue, only the parent should change properties. If a component needs to effect a change, it should emit an event to the parent and let the parent make the necessary changes. Otherwise, there is ambiguity in which component "owns" the property.
One Way Data Flow
All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around.
Sending Messages to Parents with Events
Can be off base here but I believe this happens because in vue component props are not reactive, so their objects are not being observed in depth. Or rather they are "a little bit reactive", reassigning the root prop does cause the DOM update but is not expected to be done manually and you'll see a warning when doing such on development build:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "..."
And for as why props are not completely reactive in the first place: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-props.html#One-Way-Data-Flow
To work around the whole issue you must pass any necessary props to the component data and if those props were passed as nested objects you might also want to completely avoid mutating them from within the component since it will propagate to the parent which, unless clearly mentioned, can be a source of bad news.

React State management

I am very new to React. On going through the React tutorial, I understand the need to lift the state to the parent component which ensures that the children components can stay in sync and can feed off the major chunk of data residing in the state of the parent. But then , with changing data, won't the setState in the parent fire off the re-rendering of all the children components, decreasing UI performance ? Without using flux or redux, which is the best way to position the state in a react application ?
When you change a component's state, it triggers a re-render for that component.
The re-render will create a new set of virtual elements (returned from the render function), which React uses to represent the new state of the DOM. However, unless there are differences between the virtual DOM and the real DOM, nothing will be changed.
The fact that React's virtual elements are simply lightweight object representations of actual HTML elements makes it fast enough that in most cases, you don't even need to think about the performance cost of calling render for child components.
If, however, you do find yourself with a child component that has a particularly expensive render function—you can prevent it from always re-rendering by implementing shouldComponentUpdate. This allows you to specify with fine grained control, which changes in props or state will actually trigger a component to update.
The other approach is to build a custom state management solution which explicitly ties your components together.
let state = { count: 0 };
let listenForState = null;
function ComponentA() {
let onClick = () => {
state.count += 1;
if (listenForState) listenForState(state);
return <button onClick={onClick}>+</button>;
class ComponentB extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = state;
componentWillMount() {
listenForState(state => this.setState(state));
render() {
return <span>{this.state.count}</span>;
However this quite quickly gets out of hand, and there aren't many situations where it would be better than just lifting state up to a shared parent.
If you find that your state driven child components are nested too deeply in the stateful parent, then it's time to look at Redux instead.
Yes, your mostly right. But you dont need to pass the state of the component to the children, you r passing only props, its not actually the same, because changing of props doesnt need to rerender your component.
There is amazing method in the component lifecycle, called shouldComponentUpdate, default its return true if only shallow equality of states objects are false (if refs are different - thats why mutate of state will not rerender component). And you can also implement this method by yourself, comparing your props to check if you need an update or not. There is a scheme how would it work.
And also, react will not rerender element if the virtual DOM was not changed. So this way you can rerender component if only his props is changed, but if you need to change props of its children - you must rerender current.
Basicly, because of these there is an advice to pull the state of application from top to the leafs component (which returns most of html). You can read about optimization more here.
And must to say :
Your code must become a spaghetti
If you will have a lot of components, which have a lot of events, based on state, so if you need some complex architecture, use Redux or some other global state manager.
If you are looking only for a State Management library, check Duix (https://www.npmjs.com/package/duix).
Redux solves a lot of problems (adding complexity). If you only want to improve the State Management, just take a look at Duix.
PS.: I created that library

One-Way Data Flow: Child component doesn't update when prop is asynchronously updated by parent

All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and
the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to
the child, but not the other way around. This prevents child
components from accidentally mutating the parent’s state, which can
make your app’s data flow harder to reason about. In addition, every
time the parent component is updated, all props in the child component
will be refreshed with the latest value. - One-Way Data Flow
The Vue2 Component Docs suggests doing the following to use props as an initial value:
// via https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#One-Way-Data-Flow
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return { counter: this.initialCounter }
So in my code I mimicked those instructions here.
However data() in Note.vue isn't being updated even though the prop value is received according to vue-devtools.
Haven't had success setting the values with the mounted or created lifescyle methods.
When I use static data, this seems to work fine, how can I ensure the child component reacts to receiving props when it comes from a remote source?
When you are passing initialNote as prop for initial value, but I see initialNote is being populated asynchronously in getNote method, so it will not be present initially when the component will be mounted. It will be populated after some time by the time initialisation would have already happened.
In the example give in vue documentation, initialCounter is static value which will perfect as it will have same value from beginning.

React/Flux implementation technique is unclear for when a parent component needs to pull strings on child component

I have a situation which isn't too contrived, and I'm having trouble implementing it using the React best practices. In particular it produces this error:
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: setProps(...): You called setProps on a component with a parent. This is an anti-pattern since props will get reactively updated when rendered. Instead, change the owner's render method to pass the correct value as props to the component where it is created.
The situation is like this. The parent contains a child component. The parent has event handlers for UI and for the behavior to work, something inside the child component needs to render its HTML with a CSS change to the height style. Therein lies the wrinkle, usually the information flows upward or stays put, but here I need to change something in the child.
Parent component (Widget) renders this:
<div class="Widget">
<div class="WidgetGrabBar" onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown}>
<WidgetDetails heightProp={this.props.detailsHeight} />
And elsewhere in Widget I've got
componentDidMount: function() {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);
componentDidUnmount: function() {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);
handleMouseDown: function(e) {
this.props.actuallyDragging = true;
handleMouseUp: function(e) {
this.props.actuallyDragging = false;
handleMouseMove: function(e) {
if (this.props.actuallyDragging) {
// update the prop! I need to send an urgent package of information to my child!! jQuery or findDOMElement() followed by DOM traversal is forbidden!!!
detailsHeight: this.props.detailsHeight + e.deltaY
And I had WidgetDetails' render() render something like:
<div class="WidgetDetails" style={height: this.props.heightProp}>
I figured that rolling out the jQuery to grab .WidgetDetails to fiddle with its style attr is the wrong thing, the non-React way to go about it. The real anti-pattern.
But now I'm being told that I can't change my props. Or I have to throw out everything including the bathwater in order to have new props. I'm not doing that; my props contain the contents of the detail items. Maybe it is expensive to make another entirely new copy of this.
I'm trying to let React participate in this rendering work to put the new height in. How am I supposed to even do this? Is this error basically enforcing that Props are supposed to be immutable now? The error is telling me that I have to involve this height even farther up on the component chain. I can conceivably do so with a callback from up above, but this feels very wrong. I need to pass information downward, not upward.
Maybe I'm supposed to use state. But changing state forces Widget, the parent component to render. That is not what I desire. Only one singular place in the DOM needs to re-render, that is the child component's div's style attr.
There are two approaches. Either
call handlers on the parent. Then Pass the new props to the child via props. If I recall correctly, that's the approach the react hello world tutorial takes.
Mutate state in the view via setState.
In your case, it seems that approach 2 really makes sense. You are basically trying to track view data.
Never, by the way, update state directly. Use setState. The whole point of reacts virtual dom is that it's optimized for spurious updates, so you will be fine. There is also the life cycle method componentShouldUpdate in case you want finer control.
For completeness I should add that there's a third way of using a global store. That's what react flux adds. But again, in your case that's probably over kill.
