How to create Javascript Blackjack - javascript

I'm having trouble creating a Blackjack program to display in an HTML page using an external Javascript file.
I don't need to label my cards, and I've created a dealer that will always be between 17-21 in score.
I'm unsure of what parts of my code is completely wrong and what needs a bit of tweaking. I believe I've done something that has broken the program.
EDIT: I've edited some of the fixes that many of you have helped with, an error I get when running the program is that if I do use an alert to display the score/outcome, the alert does not appear when running.
My goal is to display my the score/cards from my Javascript code into my HTML code which looks like this:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JavaScript Blackjack</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSSedit.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="Blackjack.js">
<h1>Javascript Blackjack</h1>
<p>Player's Hand: </p>
<p>Dealer's Score: </p>
<p>Player's Score: </p>
<p>Game Results: </p>
My javascript code:
//function that returns a random card
var deal = function() {
card = Math.floor(Math.random()*52+1);
return card;
//function that returns dealers hand between 17-21
var dealerhand = function(x, y) {
cardDealer = Math.floor(Math.random()*(21 - 17 + 1)+17);
return cardDealer;
//declaring variables
var card1 = deal();
var card2 = deal();
var dealer = dealerhand();
var x = 17;
var y = 21;
//retrieving the value of the cards from the deal function
var getValue = function(card) {
if(card % 13 === 0 || card % 13 === 11 || card % 13 === 12){
return 10;
if(card % 13 === 1){
return 11;
return card % 13;
//scoring the cards dealt and determining the outcome
//using the if and else if statements
function score() {
if ((getValue(card1) + getValue(card2)) > 22){
return "Busted!";
else if (getValue(cardDealer) > getValue(card1) + getValue(card2)){
return "You lose!";
else if (getValue(cardDealer) === getValue(card1) + getValue(card2)){
return "Draw!";
return getValue(card1) + getValue(card2);
//Need to display results onto HTML page
//alert("You have card " + card1 + " / " + card2 +
// " Score: " + score(card1, card2);

You have a syntax error on your deal function
//function that returns dealers hand between 17-21
var dealerhand = function(17, 21) {
card = Math.floor(Math.random()*(21 - 17 + 1)+17);
return cardD; //should be return card;
Use the console in your browser (accessible through dev tools) to help spot errors in your application, errors like this show up bright as day.

There is a syntax error on line 14:
var dealerhand = function(17, 21) {
You can only pass variables as arguments to a function and 17 and 21 are not variables. An easy fix would be:
var a = 17;
var b = 21;
var dealerhand = function(a, b) {
Hopefully ES6's argument defaults will clear some confusion in this area.
You have another error on line 41:
if (getValue(card1) + getValue(card2) > 22{
Should be
if ((getValue(card1) + getValue(card2)) > 22) { ... }
Edit 2:
An another one. Functions should be declared before using references in the variables and thus these two functions should come before your declaring variables comment.
// function that returns a random card
var deal = function() {
card = Math.floor(Math.random()*52+1);
return card;
// function that returns dealers hand between 17-21
var dealerhand = function(a, b) {
card = Math.floor(Math.random()*(21 - 17 + 1)+17);
return cardD;


How to fix [objectHTMLButtonElement] problem in JavaScript

Sorry to bother all of you. I know, this question has been asked multiple times. However, I just couldn't fix my problem.
So, I've been trying to create a tennis scoring system that shows the score when you click one of two buttons, the win button or the lose button. I have a button where they can add their name to the scoring system. When one player wins two sets the match is over. I then try to print their name saying, ____ won the match. When I try using the variable that printed their name before I get something that says: [objectHTMLButtonElement]. I've been trying for a long time to fix this and I don't know how to.
Here is the code:
document.getElementById("youName").onclick = function() {
var youName = prompt("Enter your name");
document.getElementById("youOutput").innerHTML = youName + ":";
let points = 0;
function win() {
points += 1;
document.getElementById("points").innerHTML = points;
if (points == 2) {
document.getElementById("finish").innerHTML = youName + " won the match";
<button id="youName">Your name</button>
<p id="youOutput"></p>
<button onclick="win()">Won the point</button>
<p id="points"></p>
<p id="finish"></p>
Thanks in advance.
Try to declare yourName in a global context
let yourName = null;
document.getElementById("youName").onclick = function () {
yourName = prompt("Enter your name");
document.getElementById("youOutput").textContent = `${yourName}`;
let points = 0;
function win() {
points += 1;
document.getElementById("points").innerHTML = points;
if (points == 2) {
).textContent = `${yourName} won the match`;

How can I alter an HTML button's output based on time of day?

I have click counters set to work during different times of day. I'm trying to have the counters all respond from the same HTML input, in my case it's a button. Essentially if the button is pressed during timeN (shown below), it should output via Slot 1. If it's not clicked during that period, it should output via Slot 3.
I already have the code for different counters, and the times of day set to variables. I try calling them similarly to what's shown in my example below:
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
let Slot1Cntr = document.getElementById('SL1').innerHTML;
let Slot2Cntr = document.getElementById('SL2').innerHTML;
let Slot3Cntr = document.getElementById('SL3').innerHTML;
function addCntS1(){
document.getElementById('SL1').innerHTML = Slot1Cntr;
function addCnt2(){
document.getElementById('SL2').innerHTML = Slot2Cntr;
function addCnt3(){
document.getElementById('SL3').innerHTML = Slot3Cntr;
const timeN = now.getHours() === 19;
const timeNN = now.getHours() === 20;
function switchCounter() {
if (timeN) {
return addCntS1();
} else if (timeNN) {
return addCntS2();
} else {
return addCnt3();
<button onClick="switchCounter()" type="submit">Destruct Earth</button>
<h1><i>Slot 1</i></h1>
<h1><span id="SL1">0</span></h1>
<h1><i>Slot 2</i></h1>
<h1><span id="SL2">0</span></h1>
<h1><i>Slot 3</i></h1>
<h1><span id="SL3">0</span></h1>
I'd like it if a press of the Destruct Earth button yields to "Slot 3" unless the time is aligned with const's timeN and timeNN, which would be 7 & 8 PM respectively. Any feedback would be appreciated
I did this with your javascript and it worked for me.
let Slot1Cntr = "";
let Slot2Cntr = "";
let Slot3Cntr = "";
Slot1Cntr = document.getElementById('SL1').innerHTML;
Slot2Cntr = document.getElementById('SL2').innerHTML;
Slot3Cntr = document.getElementById('SL3').innerHTML;
function addCntS1(){
document.getElementById('SL1').innerHTML = Slot1Cntr;
function addCnt2(){
document.getElementById('SL2').innerHTML = Slot2Cntr;
function addCnt3(){
document.getElementById('SL3').innerHTML = Slot3Cntr;
var now = new Date();
const timeN = now.getHours() === 19;
const timeNN = now.getHours() === 20;
function switchCounter() {
if (timeN) {
return addCntS1();
} else if (timeNN) {
return addCntS2();
} else {
return addCnt3();

JavaScript button not running function or disappearing after clicked

EDIT: the issue was a typo, this should have been caught and is not a good question. Sorry about that
So I've been working on making one of my own projects in JS, and it involves lots of buttons. I have one button (The one with the ID of "firstbuildmulti1") which should run the function "build1multi1" But I don't think it is doing that. I've looked over it multiple times and I'm not sure why it won't work. Any help is appreciated! (Side note: the button only appears after you click the third building button, this is intentional). EDIT: I ran the code on here and it said:
"message": "Uncaught ReferenceError: b1m1cost is not defined",
"filename": "",
"lineno": 183,
"colno": 17
My code is:
//declare variables for points, multiplier, buy upgrade, b1 2 and 3 cost and count, make point updater
var points = 9999;
var pointMulti = 1;
var buyupgrade = 0;
var b1cost = 200;
var b1count = 0;
var b2cost = 1000;
var b2count = 0;
var b3cost = 2000;
var b3count = 0;
var b1m1cost = 1500;
var currentpoints = setInterval(pointupdate, 500);
//clicking on main button to add points
function addPoints() {
points += pointMulti;
var pointsArea = document.getElementById("pointdisplay");
pointsArea.innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
if(points >= 100 && buyupgrade == 0) {
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "inline";
//make logic for doubling addpoints
function firstx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 0) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 100;
var multiplierArea = document.getElementById("multidisplay");
multiplierArea.innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti;
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "none";
//logic for displaying first building upgrade
if (buyupgrade == 1) {
var firstbuild = document.getElementById("firstbuild"); = "inline";
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + b1cost;
var show2ndx2 = document.getElementById("secondx2"); = "inline";
//displays total points
function pointupdate() {
document.getElementById("pointdisplay").innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
//what happens when you click first building button
function build1() {
if (points >= b1cost) {
points -= b1cost;
b1cost *= 1.10;
var b1multi = 1;
var b1pps = b1count * b1multi;
document.getElementById("b1").innerHTML = "You have " + b1count + " of building 1! Making " + b1pps + " points per second."
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + Math.round(b1cost);
var build1add = setInterval(build1points, 1000);
//display second building
var secondbuild = document.getElementById("secondbuild"); = "inline";
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + b2cost;
//what happens when you click second building button
function build2() {
if (points >= b2cost) {
points -= b2cost;
b2cost *= 1.10;
var b2multi = 1;
var b2pps = (b2count * 4) * b2multi;
document.getElementById("b2").innerHTML = "You have " + b2count + " of building 2! Making " + b2pps + " points per second."
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + Math.round(b2cost);
var build2add = setInterval(build2points, 1000);
//display third building
var thirdbuild = document.getElementById("thirdbuild"); = "inline";
thirdbuild.innerText = "Building 3. Cost " + b3cost;
//what happens when you click third building button
function build3() {
if (points >= b3cost) {
points -= b3cost;
b3cost *= 1.10;
var b3multi = 1;
var b3pps = (b3count * 10) * b3multi;
document.getElementById("b3").innerHTML = "You have " + b3count + " of building 3! Making " + b3pps + " points per second."
thirdbuild.innerText = "Building 3. Cost " + Math.round(b3cost);
var build3add = setInterval(build3points, 1000);
//first building first multiplier
var firstbuildmulti1 = document.getElementById("firstbuildmulti1"); = "inline";
firstbuildmulti1.innerText = "Building 1 x2 multiplier. Cost: " + b1m1cost + "."
//add points for build1
function build1points() {
points += 1;
//add points for build2
function build2points() {
points += 4;
//add points for build3
function build3points() {
points += 10;
//second x2, display multiplier
function secondx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 1 && points >= 1000) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 1000;
document.getElementById("multidisplay").innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti; = "none";
function build1multi1() {
if (points >= b1m1cost) {
points -= b1m1cost;
b1multi *= 2;
var build1multi1 = document.getElementById("build1multi1"); = "none";
<p>Click to get started!</p>
<!--Link to all CSS files -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="buttons.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="displayscores.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="layout.css">
<!-- make all buttons -->
<button id="addpoints" onclick="addPoints()" background-color:red>Add points</button>
<button id="firstbuild" onclick="build1()" style="display:none;">Building 1. Cost x</button>
<button id="secondbuild" onclick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
<button id="thirdbuild" onclick="build3()" style="display:none;">Building 3. Cost x</button>
<button id="btn_multiply" onclick="firstx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 100</button>
<button id="multiply2" onclick="secondx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 1000</button>
<button id="firstbuildmulti1" onclick="build1multi1()" style="display:none;">Building 1 x2 multiplier. Cost x</button>
<!-- make a div around all paragraphs displaying stats and display them -->
<div class="displayscores">
<p id="pointdisplay"></p>
<p id="multidisplay"></p>
<p id="b1"></p>
<p id="b2"></p>
<p id="b3"></p>
First things first, as discussed in the comments, anytime you're stuck with the code, you can try using console.log() (If you're new to it, research a bit on using the Console for debugging)
function build1multi1() {
console.log("Entered function"); //If this is printed in console, that means the function is called
if (points >= b1m1cost) {
console.log("Entered condition"); //If this is not printed in console, it means condition points >= b1m1cost fails.
// console.log(b1m1cost); // You can check b1m1cost value in the console
// console.log(points); // You can check points value in the console
points -= b1m1cost;
b1multi *= 2;
var build1multi1 = document.getElementById("build1multi1"); = "none";
Problem 1 : b1m1cost is not defined
b1m1cost is not defined in the global scope. It is only declared in one of the functions. Hence, the condition inside build1multi1() must be failing.
Problem 2 : Can't read property style of null (Doesn't hide the button)
This is happening inside the build1multi1() function.
Which means var build1multi1 inside that function is null.
Which means document.getElementById("build1multi1"); is unable to find any element with id build1multi1.
If you want to hide the button then the id should be firstbuildmulti1 which is the id for the button. So, change it to document.getElementById("firstbuildmulti1");

How to force loop to wait until user press submit button?

I have simple function which checks if entered pin code is valid. But i don't know how to force for-loop to wait until i enter code again to check again it's validity.
So how it should be - i type PIN code, then click OK button and it checks whether it's correct (if it is, i can see my account menu; if it's not i have to type it again and i have 2 chances left). My code fails, because PIN when code is wrong program should wait until i type new code and press OK button again.
I tried setTimeout(), callback(), but it doesn't work. This is what i have - a function with for-loop that just runs 3 times (as it is suppose to, but not instantly) without giving a chance to correct the PIN code.
That's whole, unfinished yet, code:
Only function with for-loop, which checks validity of PIN code:
var submitKey = function(callback)
console.log("digit status" + digitStatus);
if (digitStatus == 0)
correctPIN = 1234;
var onScreen = document.getElementById("screen");
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
if (onScreen.innerHTML.slice(15, onScreen.innerHTML.length) == correctPIN)
setTimeout(accountMenu, 1250);
onScreen.innerHTML += "<br> Błędny kod PIN! Wpisz PIN ponownie. <br> Pozostało prób: " + (2-i);
//cardInserted = function(function(){console.log("Ponowne wpisanie PINu");});
if (i=2) console.log("blokada");
else if (digitStatus == 1)
Your approach is wrong. You should not make the user wait!!! You need 2 more variables at the top of your programm pincount=0 and pininputallowed. Increase pincount in the submit key function by 1 and then check if pincount<3.
Here is a corrected version of your code.
var pinCount=0,
var submitKey = function()
console.log("digit status" + digitStatus);
if (digitStatus == 0)
correctPIN = 1234;
var onScreen = document.getElementById("screen");
if(pinCount >= 3) {
pinAllowed = false;
onScreen.innerHTML = "<br>blokada";
if (onScreen.innerHTML.slice(15, onScreen.innerHTML.length) == correctPIN)
setTimeout(accountMenu, 1250);
onScreen.innerHTML += "<br> Błędny kod PIN! Wpisz PIN ponownie. <br> Pozostało prób: " + (3-pinCount);
inputLength = 0;
document.getElementById("screen").innerHTML += "<br>Wpisz kod PIN: ";
//cardInserted = function(function(){console.log("Ponowne wpisanie PINu");});
else if (digitStatus == 1)
You need to create much more variables to control your machine. Your add/delete digit function had conditions that were badly written and only worked if the text on the screen was short enough.
var inputLength = 0;
addDigit = function(digit){
//numKeyValue = numKeyValue instanceof MouseEvent ? this.value : numKeyValue;{
if (inputLength < pinLength) {
onScreen.innerHTML += this.value;
//if (onScreen.innerHTML == 1234) console.log("PIN został wprowadzony");
delDigit = function(){
if (inputLength >= 0) {
onScreen.innerHTML = onScreen.innerHTML.slice(0, -1);
If you want to empty the screen at any moment you can insert onScreen.innerHTML = ''; anywhere
ps: Thanks for the exercise and nice automat you made there.

Taking var with JS prompt - how can I make it through HTML form?

I've been learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript for a couple of weeks now, and I am currently practicing on a mini project, which consists of letting people answer math questions, and validating their answers.
My current progress can be seen at
I know I am probably not using the best strategy to develop this mini game, so any advice would be useful on that. However right now, the problem is that I am taking the user answer with a variable through JS prompt, and I want to do it via an HTML form (less annoying).
In my source code you can see this line within the function:
var userInput = prompt(numb1 + symbol + numb2);
Then, still in the same function, I have an if/else structure to compare the user's answer with the right answer. The code works, I just don't know how to make the prompt HTML-based instead. I've tried an html form with an ID and in the JS using getElementById, document.write and some other stuff but I never got it to work for that part.
(Here's all the JS)
var number1 = function() {
var numb1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numb1;
var number2 = function() {
var numb2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numb2;
var userAnswer = function() {
var numb1 = number1();
var numb2 = number2();
var randomSymbol = Math.random();
if (randomSymbol > 0.5) {
var symbol = "+";
} else {
var symbol = "-";
// add the math question in the html bubble
document.getElementById('bubble').innerHTML = numb1 + symbol + numb2;
// Prompts the user to give an answer. Change this to HTML.
var userInput = prompt(numb1 + symbol + numb2);
//var userInput = document.getElementById('tw').value;
if (symbol == "+" && userInput == (numb1 + numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Congratulations!";
} else if (symbol == "+" && userInput !== (numb1 + numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Wrong!";
} else if (symbol == "-" && userInput == (numb1 - numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Congratulations!";
} else if (symbol == "-" && userInput !== (numb1 - numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Wrong!";
} else {
alert("Something wrong happened. Try again.");
return userInput;
(The HTML)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/stylesheet.css" />
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
<title>Improve Your Math Skills!</title>
<button onclick="userAnswer()">PLAY NOW!</button>
<div id="bubble"></div>
<div id="feedback"></div>
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
Thank you
You can use an input tag instead of the prompt. Change the HTML just as in Dinesh's answer;
<div id="bubble"></div>
<div id="inp" style="display: none;">
<input type="text" id="ans"></input> <button id="subBtn">Submit</button>
<div id="feedback"></div>
Now, for the JavaScript, there a few things to consider. Firstly, you have
var number1 = function() {
var numb1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numb1;
var number2 = function() {
var numb2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numb2;
Both functions do exactly the same thing; you don't need two separate functions to get two separate random numbers. So, only one function will suffice.
var number = function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
Secondly, now we have two functions. userAnswer to post a new question when 'Play Now!' is clicked and, say, evalAnswer to evaluate the answer written in the input field when 'Submit' is clicked.
In userAnswer, you generate two new random numbers and figure out which operation will be conducted on them. At this point, you can simply evaluate the answer yourself and store it in a global variable. This makes things easier when you evaluate the answer, you only need to do a simple comparison.
Other than that, you update innerHTML for bubble and display the div inp.
In evalAnswer, you get the value from ans and compare it with the previously computed value of the current answer, and then accordingly update feedback.innerHTML.
Here's the code;
//variable to maintain the current answer
var curAns = 0;
//Here, I get all the DOMElements I will use
var playBtn = document.getElementById('playBtn');
var bubble = document.getElementById('bubble');
var inp = document.getElementById('inp');
var ans = document.getElementById('ans');
var subBtn = document.getElementById('subBtn');
var feedback = document.getElementById('feedback');
//I add the event listeners
//This is equivalent to using 'onclick'
//in the HTML, and doing it this way is only
//my personal preference
playBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {userAnswer();}, false);
subBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {evalAnswer();}, false);
//Function to get random number
var number = function() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
//This function will be executed when 'Play Now!' is clicked.
var userAnswer = function() {
//Get two separate random numbers in
//numb1 and numb2
var numb1 = number();
var numb2 = number();
var symbol = '';
var randomSymbol = Math.random();
//Determine the operation to be used
//and compute the corresponding correct answer for the current
if (randomSymbol > 0.5) {
symbol = "+";
curAns = numb1+numb2;
} else {
symbol = "-";
curAns = numb1-numb2;
//Add math question to bubble
bubble.innerHTML = 'What is ' + numb1 + ' ' + symbol + ' ' + numb2 + '?';
feedback.innerHTML = '';
//Make inp div visible = 'block';
//Reset input value to ''
ans.value = '';
//This function will be executed when 'Submit' is clicked
var evalAnswer = function() {
//Simply compare input value with computed
//answer and update feedback
if(parseInt(ans.value) !== curAns) {
feedback.innerHTML = 'Wrong answer, try again!';
else {
feedback.innerHTML = 'You got it right, congratulations!';
Here's a working example.
Hope that helped!
What I understand from your question is that you need the same functionality in HTML itself rather than driven by JS in a prompt box, if so,the below additions to your code should help:
HTML adition:
<div id="bubble"></div>
<div id="check_ans_div" style="display:none;">
<input type="text" id="txt_answer" />
<input type="submit" value="Check Answer" onclick="checkanswer()" />
<div id="feedback"></div>
JS changes:
var number1 = function() {
var numbx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numbx;
var number2 = function() {
var numby = Math.floor(Math.random() * 41) + 10;
return numby;
var numb1=0; var numb2=0;
var userAnswer = function() {
numb1 = number1();
numb2 = number2();
var randomSymbol = Math.random();
if (randomSymbol > 0.5) {
var symbol = "+";
} else {
var symbol = "-";
// add the math question in the html bubble
document.getElementById('bubble').innerHTML = numb1 + symbol + numb2;
function checkanswer(){
var userInput= document.getElementById('txt_answer').value;
if (symbol == "+" && userInput == (numb1 + numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Congratulations!";
} else if (symbol == "+" && userInput !== (numb1 + numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Wrong!";
} else if (symbol == "-" && userInput == (numb1 - numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Congratulations!";
} else if (symbol == "-" && userInput !== (numb1 - numb2)) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Wrong!";
} else {
alert("Something wrong happened. Try again.");
