How can I use a Javascript object/map as queue - javascript

Right now I have a queue (JS array) that is used to store players waiting for a game. I need the FIFO property of a queue so that players who were added to the queue first, get put in a new game first. The problem with a queue is that it doesnt have constant time lookup. It would be great if I could have a map that kept track of the order of insertion (i know that relying on a map to do this is JS is not reliable). If I give the property a value for its insertion order, it would need to be updated if someone leaves the queue, so that isnt helpful either. Anyway around this? A way to get constant lookup and maintain insertion order?

If you don't have memory constraints, maybe you can maintain a map with the queue implemented as a double linked list. Here is a sample implementation:
function Queue() {
var oldestRequest,
map = {};
this.addUser = function(userID) {
var newRequest = { userID: userID };
map[userID] = newRequest;
// Set this as the oldest request if it is the first request
if (!oldestRequest) {
oldestRequest = newRequest;
// If this isn't the first request, add it to the end of the list
if (newestRequest) { = newRequest;
newRequest.previous = newestRequest;
newestRequest = newRequest;
this.nextUser = function() {
// If we don't have any requests, undefined is returned
if (oldestRequest) {
var request = oldestRequest;
oldestRequest =;
delete map[request.userID];
// Make sure we don't hang on to references to users
// that are out of the queue
if (oldestRequest) {
delete oldestRequest.previous;
// This is the last request in the queue so "empty" it
if (request === newestRequest) {
newestRequest = undefined;
return request;
this.removeUser = function(userID) {
var request = map[userID];
delete map[userID];
if (request.previous) { =;
if ( { = request.previous;
return this;

You can use a map together with a queue to provide constant time access. Below is the implementation in TypeScript 4.2. Map is used instead of Object to provide better performance in addition and removal of values.
// TypeScript typing
export type KeyValuePair<K, V> = [ K, V ]
interface ValueData<V> {
value: V
refCount: number
// Public classes
export class MapQueue<K, V> {
readonly #queue: Array<KeyValuePair<K, V>>
readonly #map: Map<K, ValueData<V>>
constructor () {
this.#queue = []
this.#map = new Map()
get length (): number {
return this.#queue.length
unshiftOne (pair: KeyValuePair<K, V>): number {
const [key, value] = pair
const valueData = this.#map.get(key)
if (valueData !== undefined) {
if (valueData.value !== value) {
throw new Error(`Key ${String(key)} with different value already exists`)
} else {
this.#map.set(key, {
refCount: 1
return this.#queue.unshift(pair)
pop (): KeyValuePair<K, V> | undefined {
const result = this.#queue.pop()
if (result !== undefined) {
const valueData = this.#map.get(result[0])
if (valueData !== undefined) {
if (valueData.refCount === 0) {
return result
get (key: K): V | undefined {
return this.#map.get(key)?.value


Simplify forEach in forEach React

I have a function where I have to return for each "subcontractor" its response for each selection criteria.
Subcontractor object contains a selectionCriteria object. selectionCriteria object contains an array of data for each selectionCriteria a user has responded to.
Each array item is an object, that contains files, id, request (object that contains info about selection criteria user is responding to), response (contains value of the response).
Here is an example of how a subcontractor looks:
This is the function I come up with, but it's quite complex:
const { subcontractors } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
const { t } = useTranslation();
const submittedSubcontractors = subcontractors.filter(
(s) => s.status === 'submitted'
const subcontractorsResponsesToSelectionCriteria: Array<ISubcontractor> = [];
let providedAnswersResponded: boolean | null = null;
let providedAnswersFiles: Array<IFile> | [] = [];
let providedAnswersRequiresFiles: boolean | null = null;
submittedSubcontractors.forEach((u) => {
u.selectionCriteria.forEach((c) => {
if ( === criteriaId) {
if (c.response && 'answer' in c.response) {
if (typeof c.response.answer === 'boolean') {
providedAnswersResponded = c.response.answer;
} else {
providedAnswersResponded = null;
} else {
providedAnswersResponded = null;
providedAnswersFiles = c.files;
providedAnswersRequiresFiles = c.request.are_files_required;
subcontractorsResponsesToSelectionCriteria.push(u as ISubcontractor);
How could I simplify this code by using .reduce() method, or maybe even better ideas?
You should start working on reducing the level of nesting in your if/else like so:
function getProvidedAnswersResponded(response: any) {
if (response && ('answer' in response) && (typeof response.answer === 'boolean')) {
return response.answer;
return null;
submittedSubcontractors.forEach(u => {
u.selectionCriteria.forEach(c => {
if ( !== criteriaId) {
providedAnswersResponded = getProvidedAnswersResponded(c.response);
providedAnswersFiles = c.files;
providedAnswersRequiresFiles = c.request.are_files_required;
The strategy followed was basically to invert the special cases (such as === criteriaId) and exit the function immediately.
Also, extracting the "provided answer responded" function seems atomic enough to move it to a separate block, giving it more verbosity about what that specific code block is doing.

How do I "update" a required file during the node process?

So I have been trying to make a system with "memory". I used a JSON file for this, but it never refreshes the file. I looked it up and I got a function showing this
function requireUncached(module) {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)];
return require(module);
but they didn't show any syntax. Do I only put it at the top instead of const whatever = require(file)? Do I do it in every function it needs to be refreshed in? I have no idea. The reason I need this is so that it is all automatic and I don't have to do node . every time.
Warning, using Proxy and fs.writeFileSync() is slow
Here's a convenient function that uses a Proxy to automatically write changes back to disk whenever the object in memory is updated:
const fs = require('fs');
const storage = (path, encoding = 'utf8', space = null) => {
const object = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, encoding));
let immediate = null;
const scheduleWriteFile = () => {
immediate = setImmediate(() => {
fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(object, null, space), encoding);
const handler = {
get(target, property) {
const value = Reflect.get(target, property);
if (Object(value) === value) {
const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property);
if (descriptor === undefined || descriptor.configurable || descriptor.writable) {
return new Proxy(value, handler);
return value;
...Object.fromEntries(['defineProperty', 'deleteProperty', 'set'].map(
(key) => [key, (...args) => {
const result = Reflect[key](...args);
if (result) {
return result;
return new Proxy(object, handler);
Example usage:
const settings = storage('config.json', 'utf8', 2);
// automatically schedules call to
// fs.writeFileSync('config.json', JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2), 'utf8')
// after updating object
settings.users[].banned = true;
The advantage of using setImmediate() is that if multiple properties are updated synchronously on settings, it only schedules one call to fs.writeFileSync(), and it will occur after the event loop processes currently pending I/O events.
Because the proxy object recurses, you can treat settings exactly as a normal object, keep variable references to object or array properties, and read primitive values from it as usual.
The only restriction is that the JSON file must begin with { or [ in order for the object to be allowed as the target of a Proxy.

Eloquent Javavascript, Chapter 11 (Asynchronous Programming), Question on path finding algorithm

I'm having a problem understanding a line of code from Eloquent Javascript ebook, Chapter 11 (Message Routing section). In it the author tries to explain how message routing in a supposed network might work (by incorporating promises and other async concepts). He constructs different types of functions that handle different actions (sending request, receiving it, responding,...). But then there is this implementation of route finding algorithm that I think I don't quite understand.
requestType("connections", (nest, {name, neighbors},
source) => {
let connections = nest.state.connections;
if (JSON.stringify(connections.get(name)) ==
JSON.stringify(neighbors)) return;
connections.set(name, neighbors);
broadcastConnections(nest, name, source);
function broadcastConnections(nest, name, exceptFor = null) {
for (let neighbor of nest.neighbors) {
if (neighbor == exceptFor) continue;
request(nest, neighbor, "connections", {
neighbors: nest.state.connections.get(name)
everywhere(nest => {
nest.state.connections = new Map();
nest.state.connections.set(, nest.neighbors);
function findRoute(from, to, connections) {
let work = [{at: from, via: null}];
for (let i = 0; i < work.length; i++) {
let {at, via} = work[i];
for (let next of connections.get(at) || []) {
if (next == to) return via;
if (!work.some(w => == next)) {
work.push({at: next, via: via || next});
return null;
function routeRequest(nest, target, type, content) {
if (nest.neighbors.includes(target)) {
return request(nest, target, type, content);
} else {
let via = findRoute(, target,
if (!via) throw new Error(`No route to ${target}`);
return request(nest, via, "route",
{target, type, content});
requestType("route", (nest, {target, type, content}) => {
return routeRequest(nest, target, type, content);
My question is, in the findRoute function, why is there || [] in the inner for loop? Is it there for appropriate consequent error handling (in case somehow there is no nest specified as having neighbours in the connections property, but is regardless of that listed as someones neighbouring nest)?
connections.get(at) may return null or undefined, depending on the api, and you can't do a for...of loop over null or undefined, so he replaces that value with an empty array in that case

vsCode refresh tree when adding new Item

I use the following code to show tree items,
The items which is shown in the tree is related to a file, if the file changed the number of the tree items should be changed accordingly(using createFileSystemWatcher which works ok), currently I’ve add the code of the file watcher and when debug it stops there (on the getChildren function when I'm changing the file) and I see that I’ve provided the new updated entries (in the code),however the tree doesn’t refreshed with the new data, any idea what am I missing here ? somehow the new updated data is not reflected in the tree. as I new to this topic maybe I miss something. if the code is OK and there is a bug or this is not supported please let me know.
export class TaskTreeDataProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<TreeItem> {
private _onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.EventEmitter<TreeItem | null> = new vscode.EventEmitter<TreeItem | null>();
readonly onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.Event<TreeItem | null> = this
private eeake: Promise<TreeItem[]> | undefined = undefined;
private autoRefresh: boolean = true;
constructor(private context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
this.autoRefresh = vscode.workspace
let filePath = this.fileName;
let fileWatcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(filePath);
fileWatcher.onDidChange(() => (this.eeake = this.getChildren()), this.refresh());
refresh(): void {;
public async getChildren(task?: TreeItem): Promise<TreeItem[]> {
let tasks = await vscode.tasks
.fetchTasks({ type: “run” })
.then(function (value) {
return value;
let entry: TreeItem[] = [];
if (tasks.length !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
entry[i] = new TreeItem(
command: “sView.executeTask",
title: "Execute",
arguments: [tasks[i]]
return entry;
getTreeItem(task: TreeItem): vscode.TreeItem {
return task;
class TreeItem extends vscode.TreeItem {
type: string;
type: string,
label: string,
collapsibleState: vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState,
command?: vscode.Command
) {
super(label, collapsibleState);
this.type = type;
this.command = command;
this.iconPath = getIcon();
If there is something missing please let me know and I add, I'm really stuck with it.
If there is another way to refresh the tree please let me know
Last line in constructor looks suspicious to me.
fileWatcher.onDidChange(() => (this.eeake = this.getChildren()), this.refresh());
I believe you mean:
fileWatcher.onDidChange(() => {
this.eeake = this.getChildren();
Your original code actually immediately invokes this.refresh() in constructor and pass the return value as the 2nd arg to fileWatcher.onDidChange(). this.refresh() wasn't part of the listener passed as 1st arg to onDidChange().

Combine Observables A and B: Should only trigger if A has data; take from B if data or default

I have an application communicating with a device via serial port. Every sent command is answered by a data event containing the status/answer. Basically there are commands changing the device and a command which just returns the status. Every time the last command has been answered (so upon receiving data) the app should send the next command or as a default query the status. I'm trying to model this with rxjs.
My idea here is that there is a command observable and a data observable derived from the data event. These two should be combined in such a way, that the resulting observable only emits values, when there is data and combine it with a command or the default command (request status), if no command came down the command stream.
data: ---------d---d-----d---------d------d-------
command: --c1---c2----------------------c3-----------
combined ---------c1--c2----dc--------dc-----c3
dc is the default command. Also no commands should be lost.
Currently I have an implementation with a anonymous subject, implementing the observable and observer myself. Collecting commands from the command stream in an array, subscribing to the data event, publish the data by hand with onNext and sending the next command from the array or the default. This works, but I have the feeling this could be expressed more elegantly with rxjs.
One approach was to have a separate default_command stream, repeating the default command every 100ms. This was merged with the command stream and then zipped with the data stream. The problem here was the merged command stream, because it piled up default commands, but the default command should only apply, if there is no other command.
Only thing I can think of is to:
subscribe to the command stream and queue the results (in an array)
Apply a mapping operation to the data stream which will pull from the queue (or use default if the queue is empty).
We can wrap this up into a generic observable operator. I'm bad with names, so I'll call it zipWithDefault:
Rx.Observable.prototype.zipWithDefault = function(bs, defaultB, selector) {
var source = this;
return Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) {
var sourceSubscription = new Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable(),
bSubscription = new Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable(),
subscriptions = new Rx.CompositeDisposable(sourceSubscription, bSubscription),
bQueue = [],
mappedSource = {
return selector(value, bQueue.length ? bQueue.shift() : defaultB);
function(b) {
return subscriptions;
And use it like so:
combined = dataStream
.zipWithDefault(commandStream, defaultCommand, function (data, command) {
return command;
I think the sample operator would be your best bet. Unfortunately, it does not come with a built in default value, so you would have to roll your own from the existing operator:
Rx.Observable.prototype.sampleWithDefault = function(sampler, defaultValue){
var source = this;
return new Rx.AnonymousObservable(function (observer) {
var atEnd, value, hasValue;
function sampleSubscribe() {
observer.onNext(hasValue ? value : defaultValue);
hasValue = false;
function sampleComplete() {
atEnd && observer.onCompleted();
return new Rx.CompositeDisposable(
source.subscribe(function (newValue) {
hasValue = true;
value = newValue;
}, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () {
atEnd = true;
sampler.subscribe(sampleSubscribe, observer.onError.bind(observer), sampleComplete)
}, source);
You can achieve the queuing behavior using the controlled operator. Thus your final data chain would look like so:
var commands = getCommandSource().controlled();
var pipeline = commands
.sampleWithDefault(data, defaultCommand)
.tap(function() { commands.request(1); });
Here is a full example:
Rx.Observable.prototype.sampleWithDefault = function(sampler, defaultValue) {
var source = this;
return new Rx.AnonymousObservable(function(observer) {
var atEnd, value, hasValue;
function sampleSubscribe() {
observer.onNext(hasValue ? value : defaultValue);
hasValue = false;
function sampleComplete() {
atEnd && observer.onCompleted();
return new Rx.CompositeDisposable(
source.subscribe(function(newValue) {
hasValue = true;
value = newValue;
}, observer.onError.bind(observer), function() {
atEnd = true;
sampler.subscribe(sampleSubscribe, observer.onError.bind(observer), sampleComplete)
}, source);
var scheduler = new Rx.TestScheduler();
var onNext = Rx.ReactiveTest.onNext;
var onCompleted = Rx.ReactiveTest.onCompleted;
var data = scheduler.createHotObservable(onNext(210, 18),
onNext(220, 17),
onNext(230, 16),
onNext(250, 15),
var commands = scheduler.createHotObservable(onNext(205, 'a'),
onNext(210, 'b'),
onNext(240, 'c'),
onNext(400, 'd'),
.controlled(true, scheduler);
var pipeline = commands
.sampleWithDefault(data, 'default')
.tap(function() {
var output = document.getElementById("output");
pipeline.subscribe(function(x) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var text = document.createTextNode(x);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="output" />
This can be solved by using the scan function. In the accumulated value the commands are stored for which no data response has been received yet.
var result = Rx.Observable
.merge(data, command)
.scan(function (acc, x) {
if (x === 'd') {
acc.result = acc.commands.length > 0 ? acc.commands.shift() : 'dc';
} else {
acc.result = '';
return acc;
}, {result: '', commands: []})
.map(function (x) {
return x.result;
.filter(function (x) {
return x !== '';
Please find a complete more detail here:,js,console
