Add javascript to Wordpress loop with class selection - javascript

I would like to add category icons to a Wordpress page, each icon animated with snap.svg.
I added the div and inside an svg in the loop that prints the page (index.php). All divs are appearing with the right size of the svg, but blank.
The svg has a class that is targeted by the js file.
The js file is loaded and works fine by itself, but the animation appears only in the first div of that class, printed on each other as many times it is counted by the loop (how many posts there are on the actual page from that category).
I added "each()" and the beginning of the js, but is not allocating the animations on their proper places. I also tried to add double "each()" for the svg location and adding the snap object to svg too, but that was not working either.
I tried to add unique id to each svg with the post-id, but i could not pass the id from inside the loop to the js file. I went through many possible solutions I found here and else, but none were adaptable, because my php and js is too poor.
If you know how should I solve this, please answer me. Thank you!
// This is the js code (a little trimmed, because the path is long with many randoms, but everything else is there):
jQuery(".d-icon").each(function() {
var dicon = Snap(".d-icon");
var dfirepath = dicon.path("M250 377 C"+ ......+ z").attr({ id: "dfirepath", class: "dfire", fill: "none", });
function animpath(){ dfirepath.animate({ 'd':"M250 377 C"+(Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 271))+ .....+ z" }, 200, mina.linear);};
function setIntervalX(callback, delay, repetitions, complete) { var x = 0; var intervalID = window.setInterval(function () { callback(); if (++x === repetitions) { window.clearInterval(intervalID); complete();} }, delay); }
var dman = dicon.path("m136 ..... 0z").attr({ id: "dman", class:"dman", fill: "#222", transform: "r70", });
var dslip = dicon.path("m307 ..... 0z").attr({ id: "dslip", class:"dslip", fill: "#196ff1", transform:"s0 0"});
var dani1 = function() { dslip.animate({ transform: "s1 1"}, 500, dani2); }
var dani2 = function() { dman.animate({ transform: 'r0 ' + dman.getBBox().cx + ' ' + dman.getBBox(0).cy, opacity:"1" }, 500, dani3 ); }
var dani3 = function() { dslip.animate({ transform: "s0 0"}, 300); dman.animate({ transform: "s0 0"}, 300, dani4); }
var dani4 = function() { dfirepath.animate({fill: "#d62a2a"}, 30, dani5); }
var dani5 = function() { setIntervalX(animpath, 200, 10, dani6); }
var dani6 = function() { dfirepath.animate({fill: "#fff"}, 30); dman.animate({ transform: "s1 1"}, 100); }
dani1(); }); });

I guess your error is here:
var dicon = Snap(".d-icon");
You are passing a query selector to the Snap constructor, this means Snap always tries to get the first DOM element with that class, hence why you're getting the animations at the wrong place.
You can either correct that in two ways:
Declare width and height inside the constructor, for example var dicon = Snap(800, 600);
Since you are using jQuery you can access to the current element inside .each() with the $(this) keyword. Since you are using jQuery instead of the dollar you could use jQuery(this).
Please keep in mind this is a jQuery object and probably Snap will require a DOM object. In jQuery you can access the dom object by appending a [0] after the this keyword. If var dicon = Snap( jQuery(this) ); does not work you can try with var dicon = Snap( jQuery(this)[0] );
Additionally, you have several .attr({id : '...', in your code. I assume you are trying to associate to the paths an ID which are not unique. These should be relatively safe since they sit inside a SVG element and I don't see you are using those ID for future selection.
But if you have to select those at a later time I would suggest to append to these a numerical value so you wont have colliding ID names.


Tooltips displayed for all charts when hovering over a point on a chart

I'm making charts using node.js and Chartist.js where I'm creating tooltips for the points using jQuery and CSS.
Now, the problem is the chart is being generated in the server and will always have the same root class ct-chart and same other classes as they are being generated by Chartist.js. Since I have multiple charts with my code, when I hover over a point on one chart it displays tooltips over all the charts rather than just that chart itself.
How can I fix this?
Here is my code:
var $tooltip = $('<div class="tooltip tooltip-hidden"></div>').appendTo($('.ct-chart'));
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.ct-point', function() {
var seriesName = $(this).closest('.ct-point').attr('ct:meta'),
value = $(this).attr('ct:value');
$(document).on('mouseleave', '.ct-point', function() {
$(document).on('mousemove', '.ct-point', function(event) {
left: event.offsetX - $tooltip.width() / 2,
top: event.offsetY - $tooltip.height() - 20
I think what's happening is that $tooltip variable contains a jquery array of all of your charts. So when you do $tooltip.removeClass('tooltip-hidden'); it is removing the class from all of them.
You need a way to distinguish between them - I'd suggest something like:
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.ct-point', function() {
var seriesName = $(this).closest('.ct-point').attr('ct:meta'),
value = $(this).attr('ct:value'),
index = $(this).index(); // get the index of the point
$tooltip.eq(index).removeClass('tooltip-hidden'); // use the index to remove only one class
I haven't tested this, but I think it should work. You'll have to apply this across all of your code.
I built this little test to show that when you use "appendTo", that variable gets populated with all of those elements you targeted.
You should see this in your console log as well.

Putting HTML code on JointJS link

I have worked with JointJS now for a while, managing to create elements with HTML in them.
However, I am stuck with another problem, is it possible to place HTML code, like
href, img etc, on a JointJS link and how do I do this?
For example, if I have this link, how do I modify it to contain HTML:
var link = new joint.dia.Link({
source: { id: sourceId },
target: { id: targetId },
attrs: {
'.connection': { 'stroke-width': 3, stroke: '#000000' }
Thank you!
JointJS doesn't have a direct support for HTML in links. However, it is possible to do with a little bit of JointJS trickery:
// Update position of our HTML whenever source/target or vertices of our link change:
link.on('change:source change:target change:vertices', function() { updateHTMLPosition(link, $html) });
// Update position of our HTML whenever a position of an element in the graph changes:
graph.on('change:position', function() { updateHTMLPosition(link, $html) });
var $html = $('<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul>');
$html.css({ position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(paper.el);
// Function for updating position of our HTML list.
function updateHTMLPosition(link, $html) {
var linkView = paper.findViewByModel(link);
var connectionEl = linkView.$('.connection')[0];
var connectionLength = connectionEl.getTotalLength();
// Position our HTML to the middle of the link.
var position = connectionEl.getPointAtLength(connectionLength/2);
$html.css({ left: position.x, top: position.y });
Bit of an old question, but thought I'd add some more ideas. You can add extra svg markup to the label in a link if you like by extending the link object and then setting attributes where needed. For example:
joint.shapes.custom.Link = joint.dia.Link.extend({
labelMarkup: '<g class="label"><rect /><text /></g>'
This code overrides the markup for the label, so you can add extra elements in there. You can also update attributes on these elements by:
link.attr('text/text', "new text");
However hyperlinks won't work (at least I haven't got them working in Chrome) and I believe this is because Jointjs listens for all events in the model. So what you should do is use inbuilt events in Jointjs to listen for connection clicks:
paper.on('cell:pointerclick', function(cellView, evt, x, y){

Raphaeljs path id inside a set attributes

I'm working on a map with Raphaeljs and I have the paths inside a set because I want all of them to have the same attributes and all is good but now I would like to set an id to each path and I did it to one but the attributes got lost, so my question is...Is there a way to have an inside a set with the set attributes? Thanks
Here is the file
var paper = Raphael(0,0,540, 615);
var newmexico = paper.set();
paper.path("M343.249,11.503l-1.658,3.554l-0.474,16.822c0,0-3.554-0.711-5.449-0.711 s-5.686,3.554-5.449,4.265c0.237,0.711-1.895,13.268-1.895,14.215s3.554,4.502,3.317,5.449c-0.237,0.948-0.711,3.554-0.474,4.502 c0.237,0.948,0.711,7.345,0.474,9.477c-0.237,2.132,0.948,11.846-1.658,13.268h42.883v5.449h38.855h37.197V73.103l1.303-1.303V1.239 L340.643,1.18v4.4L343.249,11.503z") = 'colfax';
fill: '#F7F0EA',
stroke: '#006599',
'stroke-width': 1,
cursor: 'pointer'
.hover(function () {
this.animate({fill: '#006599'}, 300);
function () {
this.animate({fill: '#F7F0EA'}, 300)
Here is a suggestion. Add Raphaels data() function to your on top of your attribute list.
for (var i = 0, i < 5, i++) { + 15 * i, 10, 10)
.attr({fill: "#000"})
.data("i", i)
.click(function () {
This little example is taken from here. data Adds or retrieves given value associated with given key. In this case "i" is a key and i is the value.
This is how I assign ids to my Raphael objects. Good Luck

How to update the source of an Image

I'm using the Raphaël Javascript lib (awesome stuff for SVG rendering, by the way) and am currently trying to update the source of an image as the mouse goes over it.
The thing is I can't find anything about it (it's probably not even possible, considering I've read a huge part of the Raphaël's source without finding anything related to that).
Does someone knows a way to do this ?
Maybe it can be done without directly using the Raphaël's API, but as the generated DOM elements doesn't have IDs I don't know how to manually change their properties.
I'm actually doing CoffeeScript, but it's really easy to understand. CoffeeScript is Javascript after all.
This is what I'm doing right know, and I would like the MouseOver and MouseOut methods to change the source of the "bg" attribute.
class Avatar
constructor: (father, pic, posx, posy) ->
#bg = father.container.image "pics/avatar-bg.png", posx, posy, 112, 112
#avatar = father.container.image pic, posx + 10, posy + 10, 92, 92
mouseOver = => #MouseOver()
mouseOut = => #MouseOut()
#bg.mouseover mouseOver
#bg.mouseout mouseOut
MouseOver: ->
#bg.src = "pics/avatar-bg-hovered.png"
alert "Hover"
MouseOut: ->
#bg.src = "pics/avatar-bg.png"
alert "Unhovered"
class Slider
constructor: ->
#container = Raphael "raphael", 320, 200
#sliderTab = new Array()
AddAvatar: (pic) ->
#sliderTab.push new Avatar this, pic, 10, 10
window.onload = ->
avatar = new Slider()
avatar.AddAvatar "pics/daAvatar.png"
This actually works, except for the "#bg.src" part : I wrote it knowing that it wouldn't work, but well...
var paper = Raphael("placeholder", 800, 600);
var c = paper.image("apple.png", 100, 100, 600, 400);
c.node.href.baseVal = "cherry.png"
I hope, you get the idea.
This works for me (and across all browsers):
targetImg.attr({src: "http://newlocation/image.png"})
I was using rmflow's answer until I started testing in IE8 and below which returned undefined for image.node.href.baseVal. IE8 and below did see image.node.src though so I wrote functions getImgSrc, setImgSrc so I can target all browsers.
function getImgSrc(targetImg) {
if (targetImg.node.src) {
return targetImg.node.src;
} else {
return targetImg.node.href.baseVal;
function setImgSrc(targetImg, newSrc) {
if (targetImg.node.src) {
targetImg.node.src = newSrc;
} else {
targetImg.node.href.baseVal = newSrc;

Shade entire page, unshade selected elements on hover

I'm trying to make a page inspection tool, where:
The whole page is shaded
Hovered elements are unshaded.
Unlike a lightbox type app (which is similar), the hovered items should remain in place and (ideally) not be duplicated.
Originally, looking at the image lightbox implementations, I thought of appending an overlay to the document, then raising the z-index of elements upon hover. However this technique does not work in this case, as the overlay blocks additional mouse hovers:
$(function() {
$('<div id="overlay" />').hide().appendTo('body').fadeIn('slow');
function () {
$(this).css( {"z-index":5} );
function () {
$(this).css( {"z-index":0} );
Alternatively, JQueryTools has an 'expose' and 'mask' tool, which I have tried with the code below:
$(function() {
$("a").click(function() {
alert("Hello world!");
// Mask whole page
// Mask and expose on however / unhover
function () {
function () {
Hovering does not work unless I disable the initial page masking. Any thoughts of how best to achieve this, with plain JQuery, JQuery tools expose, or some other technique? Thankyou!
What you can do is make a copy of the element and insert it back into the DOM outside of your overlay (with a higher z-index). You'll need to calculate its position to do so, but that's not too difficult.
Here is a working example.
In writing this I re-learned the fact that something with zero opacity cannot trigger an event. Therefore you can't use .fade(), you have to specifically set the opacity to a non-zero but very small number.
$(document).ready(function() { init() })
function init() {
$('.available').each(function() {
var newDiv = $('<div>').appendTo('body');
var myPos = $(this).position()
Sorry for the prototype syntax, but this might give you a good idea.
function overlay() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
position: "absolute",
left: "0px",
right: "0px",
top: "0px",
bottom: "0px",
backgroundColor: "#000000",
opacity: "0.2",
zIndex: "20"
$(document).observe('mousemove', function(e) {
var left = e.clientX,
top = e.clientY,
ele = document.elementFromPoint(left,top);
//from here you can create that empty div and insert this element in there
