I'm having trouble setting up a test config with Karma + Browserify for some React components. Mentioning code is written in ES6 and I've upgraded to latest Babel version (6+), which I assume is the root of all evil in this config.
Since Babel is now split and has this plugin-based approach (presets), I'm not sure how I should specify this in the karma.conf file.
My current config looks like this:
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
frameworks: ['browserify', 'jasmine'],
files: [
preprocessors: {
'app/js/**/*': ['browserify'],
'app/__tests__/**/*': ['browserify']
browserify: {
debug: true,
transform: ['babelify']
singleRun: true
However this fails with a bundle error (Unexpected token while parsing file...). Also I get You need to include some adapter that implements __karma__.start method! error message.
It's funny that this happens for some very simple components.
Eg simple React file:
import React from 'react';
class FooterComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
This is the application's footer
export default FooterComponent;
And the test file doesn't even import it. It's just an always passing test like:
describe('Testing `Footer` component.', () => {
describe('Method: none', function() {
it('Should be a passing test', function() {
The Babel/Browserify related packages in package.json are:
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.0.15",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.0.15",
"babelify": "^7.2.0",
"browserify": "^12.0.1",
Any ideas are appreciated. Especially since this used to work before upgrading to Babel 6+.
Add a .babelrc file to your root directory:
presets: ['es2015', 'react']
I have some test files with tests I'd like to run against my app.
I am attempting to use karma, karma-webpack, karma-babel-preprocessor, karma-chrome-launcher, and jasmine in my testing. My app depends on many things, including backbone, marionette, etc. My app is built using webpack, and I am attempting to use webpack to bundle my files together for testing. (I initially wanted to see if I could skip this step, i.e. simply import a file to be tested, but it seems this is impossible.)
My test script looks like
package.json (scripts section)
"test": "./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start",
The rest of the files:
var webpackConfig = require('./config/webpack/webpack.test.conf.js');
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
{ pattern: 'test/**/*.spec.js', watched: true },
{ pattern: 'test/*.spec.js', watched: true }
exclude: [
preprocessors: {
'test/**/*.spec.js': ['webpack'],
'test/*.spec.js': ['webpack']
webpack: webpackConfig,
webpackMiddleware: {
stats: 'errors-only'
reporters: ['progress'],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['Chrome'],
singleRun: false,
concurrency: Infinity
test/test.spec.js This file is seen
describe("A suite", function () {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function () {
describe("Another suite", function () {
it("contains another spec with an expectation", function () {
test/models/devicegroup.spec.js This file is not seen
import backbone from 'backbone';
describe("backbone", function () {
it("containsasdfasdfasdfasdfspec with an expectation", function ()
My folder structure is:
- karma.conf.js
- test/
- - test.spec.js
- - models/
- - - devicegroup.spec.js
- public/
- - js/
- - - app.js
When my files don't have import statements at the top, karma will run and pass/fail as expected. Putting an import statement at the top will cause karma to ignore the file. No errors are thrown.
How can I make karma / karma-webpack run my tests that have import statements / what is the karma-safe way to import modules into my tests?
When test/models/devicegroup.spec.js does not have an import statement:
// import backbone from 'backbone';
describe("backbone", function () {
it("contains with an expectation", function () {
the terminal output is: (notice one less test is run)
When test/models/devicegroup.spec.js does have an import statement:
import backbone from 'backbone';
describe("backbone", function () {
it("contains with an expectation", function () {
the terminal output is:
I see no errors in the browser Karma opens.
I have experimented by adding my source files to the files and preprocessors attributes in my karma.conf.js file, as per this repo example. There was no change in behavior other than a massively increased testing time.
files: [
{ pattern: 'public/js/**/*.js', watched: true},
{ pattern: 'test/**/*.spec.js', watched: true },
// each file acts as entry point for the webpack configuration
preprocessors: {
// add webpack as preprocessor
'public/js/**/*.js': ['webpack'],
'test/**/*.spec.js': ['webpack'],
For the sake of experimentation (and based off this person's struggles), I have tried the above karma.conf.js in every possible combination - only test files in files and preprocessors, only source files, test files in one but not the other, source files in one but not the other, none, both. No good results, though occasionally new errors.
Little late, but I ran into the same problem, and was searching for hours, why my imports prevent the test suite from being executed. karma-webpack-4.0.0-rc.2 brought the enlightenment by providing error messages!!
I my case a couple of modules where not found, angular-mock, jquery, angular and more.
How to fix
Put there modules into the files array in your karma.config like:
files = [
{ pattern: "test/**/*.ts", watched: false }
I hope, this helps someone.
My current versions of the testing related packages:
"#types/jasmine": "^2.8.8",
"jasmine": "^3.2.0",
"jasmine-core": "^3.2.1",
"jasmine-reporters": "2.3.2",
"jasmine-ts": "^0.2.1",
"karma": "3.0.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-jasmine": "1.1.2",
"karma-junit-reporter": "1.2.0",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "1.0.4",
"karma-sourcemap-loader": "^0.3.7",
"karma-spec-reporter": "0.0.32",
"karma-webpack": "^4.0.0-rc.2",
"typescript": "3.0.3",
"webpack": "4.17.2",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.0",
"webpack-dev-server": "3.1.8"
I am trying to unit test (with Karma + Jasmine + karma-typescript) my TypeScript project. The project structure is as follows:
|- src/*.ts //all TypeScript source files
|- tests/unit/*.spec.ts //all spec (test) files
|- karma.conf.js
|- tsconfig.json
My karma.conf.js looks like following:
module.exports = function (config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine', "karma-typescript"],
karmaTypescriptConfig: {
tsconfig: "./tsconfig.json"
files: [
exclude: [],
preprocessors: {
"**/*.ts": ["karma-typescript"]
reporters: ["progress", "karma-typescript"],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['Chrome'],
singleRun: false,
concurrency: Infinity
My spec file looks like below:
import 'aurelia-polyfills'; //<- importing this, as the project have dependency on Aurelia
// import "babel-polyfill";
import "reflect-metadata";
import "jasmine";
import { Utility } from './../../src/Utility';
describe("this is a try to set up karma-jasmine-webpack test (TS)", () => {
it("utility_test", () => {
const result = Utility.doSomething();
const expected = Expected_Result;
But when I run karma start, I get
Chrome 55.0.2883 (Windows 10 0.0.0) ERROR
Uncaught TypeError: Reflect.getOwnMetadata is not a function
at C:/Users/spal/AppData/Local/Temp/karma-typescript-bundle-16376WqjdFvsYtjdI.js:2325
I assume, that it is because of pollyfill(s) is/are not being loaded in the browser. However, I have imported aurelia-pollyfills in my spec file.
Please suggest how this can be corrected.
Update: Anyone looking at this for answer, might also face issues with source map (Error: Could not find source map for:'') from karma-remap-istanbul trying to generate coverage report.
One way to avoid this problem is to simply remove the problematic reporter plugin. For example, change reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage', 'karma-remap-istanbul'] to reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage'].
Other solution would be to generate the source maps. In case you can't specify the same in your tsconfig.json, you can specify that in karma.conf.js if you are using karma-typescript:
karmaTypescriptConfig: {
tsconfig: "./tsconfig.json",
compilerOptions: {
sourceMap: true
Lastly, I ended up with reporters: ["mocha", "karma-typescript"], as it shows which test passed, and which failed, as well as generate a coverage report.
You are probably missing the reflect-metadata import:
$ npm install --save-dev reflect-metadata
Then add the following to your files:
files: [
{ pattern: "node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js", include: true },
{ pattern: "src/*.ts", include: true },
{ pattern: "tests/**/*Spec.ts", include: true }
I'm converting a javascript project with Angular 1.x to WebPack and TypeScript (using ts-loader). I got it mostly working, but I'm running into trouble when ts-loader seems to be optimizing my scripts out of the bundle when the exports are not directly used.
Here's a sample project demonstrating the issue (npm install, webpack, then load index.html and watch the console).
The logging from ClassA is showing up, but angular is reporting ClassB missing (provider). If you look in bundle.js you'll notice ClassB missing entirely. The difference is ClassA begin use directly after importing, and ClassB is only referenced by type for compilation.
Is it a bug, or is there a way to force ClassB to be included? Or am I going about it wrong? Angular 2 would probably solve this issue, but that's a step too large right now.
Relevant scripts from the project above:
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "^1.7.5",
"ts-loader": "^0.8.1"
"dependencies": {
"angular": "1.4.9"
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: './src/entry.ts'
output: {
filename: './dist/bundle.js'
resolve: {
root: [
extensions: ['', '.ts', '.js']
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.tsx?$/,
loader: 'ts-loader'
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs"
"exclude": [
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="dist/bundle.js"></script>
declare var require: any;
'use strict';
import ClassA = require('ClassA');
import ClassB = require('ClassB');
var a:ClassA = new ClassA(); // direct use, this works
var angular = require('angular');
angular.module('myApp', []).
// this compiles as it should, but in runtime the provider will not be packaged and angular will throw an error
run(function(myProvider: ClassB) {
// this line will be logged just fine
console.log('ClassA.ts: if you see this, then ClassA.ts was packaged properly');
class ClassA {
export = ClassA;
declare var require: any;
// this line is never logged
console.log('ClassB.ts: if you see this, then ClassB.ts was packaged properly');
class ClassB {
var angular = require(angular);
angular.module('myApp').service(new ClassB());
export = ClassB;
Turns out you have to signal WebPack to explicitly include a module by adding an extra require call without import statement.
I'm not ready to mangle my .ts files by adding duplicate imports, so I made a generic solution for that using the preprocessor loader:
"line": false,
"file": true,
"callbacks": {
"fileName": "all",
"scope": "line",
"callback": "(function fixTs(line, fileName, lineNumber) { return line.replace(/^(import.*(require\\(.*?\\)))/g, '$2;$1'); })"
As a proof of concept, this regex version is very limited it only support the following format:
import ClassA = require('ClassA');
// becomes
require('ClassA');import ClassA = require('ClassA');
But it works for me. Similarly, I'm adding the require shim:
"fileName": "all",
"scope": "source",
"callback": "(function fixTs(source, fileName) { return 'declare var require: any;' + source; })"
I made a sample project with this solution.
I have a simple JavaScript project that uses Babel to transpile ECMAScript 6 to ES5 and then needs Browserify to take advantage of ES6's Modules.
As so, I came up with this Gruntfile.js to compile it:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
"use strict";
"babel": {
options: {
sourceMap: true
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js"
"browserify": {
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js"
grunt.registerTask("default", ["babel", "browserify"]);
grunt runs just fine without any errors. However, I get the following errors:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word on export
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word on import
Basically what I'm doing in the main file is the following:
export class Game {
And then importing it like:
import {Sprite, Game} from "lib/pentagine";
I'm doing all the code according to ECMAScript 6. However, the export/import does not seem to be working and is instead colliding with JavaScript reserved words (despite me having browserify.js working).
Shouldn't you browserify the files created after the babel task? Note that the property name is the destination file and the value after the : is the source file. (I assume that your ES6 files are called filename.js instead of filename_babel.js)
files: {
"destination_file": "src_file"
Which leads to:
"babel": {
options: {
sourceMap: true
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine_babel.js": "lib/pentagine.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState.js"
"browserify": {
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine_browserified.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_browserified.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js"
or just lib/pentagine_babel.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js" to browserify the same file.
I've written my React app with ES6. Now I would like to write my tests also with ES6. So the challenge here is to configure karma.
Together with google I came this far with karma.config.js (I've omitted parts of the config file which are the same!):
files: [
preprocessors: {
'app/**/*.jsx': ['react-jsx', 'babel'],
'test/**/*.jsx': ['react-jsx', 'babel']
'babelPreprocessor': {
options: {
sourceMap: 'inline'
filename: function(file) {
return file.originalPath.replace(/\.jsx$/, '.es5.js');
sourceFileName: function(file) {
return file.originalPath;
What I think this setup should do: 1) compile the JSX to JS and next babel should transform ES6 to ES5. This together with the polyfill I expected it should run in phantomjs for example. But no, here is the output from karma when I run it:
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X) ERROR
SyntaxError: Parse error
at Projects/ES6/app/js/app.jsx:35
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X): Executed 0 of 0 ERROR (0.027 secs / 0 secs)
[20:36:59] Karma has exited with 1
Line 35 of app.jsx contains the actual JSX part. So, for some reason the preprocessors seems to do not so much. Any help with the preprocessors would be appreciated ?
UPDATE: I have this almost working nog. Turns out that the preprocessors I had should be swapped like this
'../app/**/*.jsx': ['babel', 'react'],
'../test/**/*.jsx': ['babel', 'react']
Now, when I run this, I get:
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
I thought I had a polyfill for that :(
I use ES6 with Browserify and JSX. For compilation I use Babel. The following configuration works for me.
frameworks: ['browserify', 'jasmine'],
files: [
'Component.js', // replace with your component
preprocessors: {
'Component.js': 'browserify',
'./__tests__/Component-test.js': 'browserify'
browserify : {
transform : ['babelify']
var React = require('react/addons');
var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
var Component = require('../Component.js');
describe('Component', () => {
it('should work', () => {
var component = <Component />;
If you have any questions let me know.
#zemirico answer did not work for me and is slightly outdated.
Here is my own setup that you can use for karma.conf.js:
frameworks: ['jasmine', 'browserify'],
files: [
preprocessors: {
'src/*': ['browserify'],
'tests/*': ['browserify']
browserify: {
debug: true,
transform: ['babelify']
It uses babelify instead of reactify, and has other dependencies. Thus, .babelrc in the project root is also needed:
presets: ['es2015', 'react']
The setup also requires the dependencies below to be included in package.json file:
"devDependencies": {
"babel-preset-react": "^6.5.0",
"babelify": "^7.2.0",
"browserify": "^13.0.0",
"jasmine-core": "^2.4.1",
"karma": "^0.13.22",
"karma-browserify": "^5.0.3",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.2.3",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.3.8",
"watchify": "^3.7.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0",
"react": "^15.0.1",
"react-addons-test-utils": "^15.0.1",
"react-dom": "^15.0.1"
Create a new React component in src/my-element.jsx:
import React from 'react';
export default class MyElement extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {isActive: false};
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
onClick() {
this.setState({isActive: !this.state.isActive});
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.onClick}>{this.state.isActive ? "I am active!" : "I am not active :("}</div>
Then, test it as such by creating spec in tests/my-element-spec.js:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils';
import MyElement from '../src/my-element.jsx';
describe('MyElement', () => {
// Render a checkbox with label in the document
const element = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MyElement />);
const elementNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(element);
it('verity correct default text', () => {
expect(elementNode.textContent).toEqual('I am not active :(');
it ('verify text has been changed successfuly after click', () => {
// Simulate a click and verify that it is now On
// Verify text has been changed successfully
expect(elementNode.textContent).toEqual('I am active!');
Working example on GitHub.