I am implementing a Call list Where LOAD need a flame already Made is need list and Place checkbox Mark que um not been present . However NOT Giving .
I use a cursor idea , EO Bank Used And IndexedDB data , I do a Search All Students " , " the code " student " to equal When the " student " code in Table Presence , the problem happens here! HE DOES NOT When paragraph are a Correct ANSWER , he continues to test everyone.
The code below :
db.transaction ("tbl_PESSOAS"). ObjectStore ("tbl_PESSOAS"). get (cursor.value.COD_IDENT_PESSO) .onsuccess = function (event) {
$ wrapper = document.querySelector ('# check_presenca');
HTMLTemporario = $ wrapper.innerHTML;
= event.target.result person;
if (pessoa.FLG_IDENT_PESSO == "A" && cursor.value.FLG_IDENT_PESSO == "M") {
var w_codigo_reuniao = sessionStorage.getItem ("w_codigo_reuniao");
w_aux var = 01;
var bd = db.transaction ("tbl_PRESENCA"). ObjectStore ("tbl_PRESENCA")
index = bd.index ("COD_IDENT_REUNI");
index.openCursor (w_codigo_reuniao) .onsuccess = function (event) {
var = vector event.target.result;
if (vector) {
if (pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO == vetor.value.COD_IDENT_PESSO) {
HTMLNovo = '<li class = "item-item checkbox uib_w_69 widget" data-UIB = "ionic / checkbox" data-view = "0"> <label class = "checkbox"> <input class = "check" type = " checkbox "name =" '+ pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO +' "checked> <input id =" codigoPessoaPresente "value =" '+ pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO +' "type =" hidden "> </ label> '+ pessoa.TXT_NOMEX_PESSO +' </ li> ';
HTMLNovo = HTMLNovo + HTMLTemporario;
$ wrapper.innerHTML = HTMLNovo;
} else {
HTMLNovo = '<li class = "item-item checkbox uib_w_69 widget" data-UIB = "ionic / checkbox" data-view = "0"> <label class = "checkbox"> <input class = "check" type = " checkbox "name =" '+ pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO +' "> <input id =" codigoPessoaPresente "value =" '+ pessoa.COD_IDENT_PESSO +' "type =" hidden "> </ label> '+ pessoa.TXT_NOMEX_PESSO +' </ li > ';
HTMLNovo = HTMLNovo + HTMLTemporario;
$ wrapper.innerHTML = HTMLNovo;
vetor.continue ();
You will need to provide a key range if you want to filter the data.
You can find some more info over here and about the different IDBKeyRanges here
Having a tuff time figuring this out. I am building a front-end WooCommerce cart component that will add multiple products to the cart by passing the product ID into the URL. The URL structure will ultimately look like this http://cleancolor.staging.wpengine.com/?add-to-cart=2998,3339,2934 where the 2998,3339,2934 are the WooCommerce Product ID's.
Here is a live working version (without the append) http://studiorooster.com/dojo/cleancolor/ - just click on a "5 Pack" or "10 Pack" and select an addon. I have the product id's appended to the Addon name to the right side list and have the attribute named data-itemid
Here is my html block
<div class="col-md-3 clearfix" id="order_summary_box">
<div class="summary-box">
<div class="heading-total">Order Summary : <span class="color-txt" id="order_total"><span>$</span>0</span>
<div class="summary-basic-pack">
<h5>Whats in Your Bundle</h5>
<ul class="entree-add" id="entree-add">
<li id="no-entrees">No Entrees Added</li>
<ul class="pack-add" id="pack-add">
<li id="no-addons">No Addons Selected</li>
<div class="orderbtn-area">
<div class="order-btn-cont"><i class="fa fa-check-circle-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Subscribe Now !</div>
$('#get-started').delegate('.check-opt', 'click', function () {
let cost = '0';
let itemname = '';
let first = '';
let itemid = ''
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
cost = $(this).attr('data');
itemid = $(this).attr('data-itemid');
order_additional_options += Number(cost);
itemname = $(this).attr('value');
first = itemname.slice(0, itemname.indexOf(" "));
$(".pack-add").append("<li data-cost='" + cost + "' data-id='item_" + first + cost + "' data-itemid='" + itemid + "'>" + itemname + itemid + "</li>");
} else { // minus unchecked value
cost = $(this).attr('data');
itemname = $(this).attr('value');
first = itemname.slice(0, itemname.indexOf(" "));
order_additional_options -= Number(cost);
$('[data-id=item_' + first + cost + ']').remove();
// on click order button submit the form
$('#order_btn_id').on("click", function () {
$('a').attr("href", "http://cleancolor.staging.wpengine.com/?add-to-cart=");
Determine whether the window has a push stat
Find all elements that are added to the .pack-add and extract their number
Compile a , delimited string
The following sections that starts and end with //*************
in the snip below should do the trick. Probably you can refactor it into a function.
// add and remove check box items on summary
$('#get-started').delegate('.check-opt', 'click', function () {
let cost = '0';
let itemname = '';
let first = '';
let itemid = ''
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
cost = $(this).attr('data');
itemid = $(this).attr('data-itemid');
order_additional_options += Number(cost);
itemname = $(this).attr('value');
first = itemname.slice(0, itemname.indexOf(" "));
$(".pack-add").append("<li data-cost='" + cost + "' data-id='item_" + first + cost + "' data-itemid='" + itemid + "'>" + itemname + itemid + "</li>");
// ********************* INSERTED CODES
var all_values=""
all_values+=$(this).attr('data-itemid')+" "
console.log(all_values.trim().replace(" ",","));
var query_string="?add-to-cart="+all_values.trim().replace(/ /g,",");
if (history.pushState) {
var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + query_string;
// **********************END OF NEW CODES
} else { // minus unchecked value
cost = $(this).attr('data');
itemname = $(this).attr('value');
first = itemname.slice(0, itemname.indexOf(" "));
order_additional_options -= Number(cost);
$('[data-id=item_' + first + cost + ']').remove();
// ********************* INSERTED CODES
var all_values=""
all_values+=$(this).attr('data-itemid')+" "
console.log(all_values.trim().replace(" ",","));
var query_string="?add-to-cart="+all_values.trim().replace(/ /g,",");
if (history.pushState) {
var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + query_string;
I have the following code :
var currentuuid = $('#UUIDTOSEND').val();
html1 = '';
type: "GET",
url: "database/Emarps/websrvc/websrvc.php?task=getData&UUID=" + currentuuid + "&DataGt=stitrtmnt",
dataType: "JSON",
success: function (data) {
client_history_list = $('#clinical_history_tbody').empty();
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
html1 += '<tr>\n\
<td class = "form-group">\n\
<input type = "text" class = "form-control facility_name col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 " readonly="" name="facility_name[]" id = "facility_name" value="' + data[i].facility_name + '" placeholder = "Facility Name">\n\
<td class = "form-group">\n\
<input type = "text" class = "form-control activity_timestamp col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 " readonly="" name="activity_timestamp[]" id = "activity_timestamp" value="' + data[i].activity_timestamp + '" placeholder = "Visit Date">\n\
<td class = "form-group">\n\<input type = "text" class = "form-control clinical_visit_id' + data[i].id + ' " readonly="" name="clinical_visit_id[]" id = "clinical_visit_id" value="' + data[i].id + '" placeholder = "Visit ID">\n\
<button id="view_more' + data[i].id + '" class="form-control view_more' + data[i].id + '" >Select/View More</button>\n\
$("#clinical_history_tbody").on("click", ".view_more" + data[i].id, function () {
var clinic_visit_ids = $("#" + this.id.replace("view_more", "clinical_visit_id")).val();
Which generates an auto table with data from the database.
I want to get the value of id from the button when I click the Select/View More button, which runs the following the $("#clinical_history_tbody").on("click", ".view_more" + data[i].id, function () { function on the script. How can I get the value of the button id and replace it so that I can use it in the clinic visit ? (When I alert I get an undefined).
The input for "clinical_visit" is never assigned a numeric value at the end of its id.
<input type = "text" class = "form-control clinical_visit_id' + data[i].id + ' " readonly="" name="clinical_visit_id[]" id = "clinical_visit_id" value="' + data[i].id + '" placeholder = "Visit ID">
it is instead concatenated to its class.
this goes wrong when you are tring to fetch the "clinical visit" field, since you are looking for an id with value "clinical_visit_id[number]".
It isn't there, so you end up with an empty value :
var clinic_visit_ids = $("#" + this.id.replace("view_more", "clinical_visit_id")).val();
try this :
<input type = "text" class = "form-control clinical_visit_id' + data[i].id + ' " readonly="" name="clinical_visit_id[]" id = "clinical_visit_id'+data[i].id+'" value="' + data[i].id + '" placeholder = "Visit ID">
look for the "clinical_visit" input by class instead of id (keep in mind you still need to sanitize your HTML, since two elements should never have the same id
That would look like this :
$("#clinical_history_tbody").on("click", ".view_more" + data[i].id, function () {
var clinic_visit_ids = $("." + this.id.replace("view_more", "clinical_visit_id")).val();
You can use this script to get the id,
$("#clinical_history_tbody").on("click", "[class^=view_more]", function () {
the above script wll bind click event to all the elements whose class name starts eith view_more. Then it will alert the current clicked elements id.
This is how you change the id of the button:
$("#clinical_history_tbody").on("click", function () {
var clinic_visit_ids = $(this).attr('id', "clinical_visit_id");
Attach event to that button onClick
in Html and then define in JS
function giveMeID(id){
//Do whatever you want
Here's Example JSBIN DEMO
<button id="exa" onclick="genExamp()">Generate Example</button>
<div id="ex"></div>
function genExamp(){
var divEx = document.getElementById("ex");
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var childBtn='<button id="view_more'+i+'" onclick="giveMeID('+i+');">View/More'+i+'</button>';
//On Click:Gets ID and Replace it
function giveMeID(obj){
var origID="view_more"+obj;
var btn=document.getElementById('view_more'+obj);
var new_id=btn.id;
alert("Original ID:"+origID+"\n"+"New ID:"+new_id);
I am working on a script to add a row to a form using js.
this is the js script I have.
jQuery(function($) {
var $button = $('#add-row'),
$row = $('.timesheet-row').clone();
$button.click(function() {
Then my form's elements are set up like this.
<div class="form-group col-lg-2">
<label>In Time</label>
<input class="form-control" type="datetime" id="intime" name="intime[]">
My problem is I cant seem to figure out how to retrieve the values of the form fields
here is the jfiddle
Updated jfiddle to revised code to post to php file
$pos= $_POST['position'];
$position = json_decode($pos);
echo $position;
echo "This should work";
If anymore than one line is found no response is returned.
Basically you'll need to iterate through the elements to get their values.
.each() will help you in that.
select an element input or select with their name and call .each() on it.
In .each() fetch the value of current element and store it.
Here's the updated jsFiddle.
I took the liberty of adding a button(id = "get-row-values") on whose click you'll see an alert with all the values of your inputs and selects in .timesheet-row.
Also I removed [] from the names of your inputs and selects.
$("#get-row-values").click(function () {
var position = "";
var unit = "";
var employee = "";
var intime = "";
var outtime = "";
$(".timesheet-row select[name=position]").each(function () {
position += " " + $(this).val();
$(".timesheet-row select[name=unit]").each(function () {
unit += " " + $(this).val();
$(".timesheet-row select[name=employee]").each(function () {
employee += " " + $(this).val();
$(".timesheet-row input[name=intime]").each(function () {
intime += " " + $(this).val();
$(".timesheet-row input[name=outtime]").each(function () {
outtime += " " + $(this).val();
alert("Positions : " + position + "\nUnits : " + unit + "\nEmployees : " + employee + "\nIntimes : " + intime + "\nOuttimes : " + outtime);
I have a problem, i searched for the solution all over the internet, but i couldn't find it out :S
The problem is:
I'm creating file inputs on button click, but i can't handle these javascript made inputs because they aren't in my $_FILES array after i click on submit..
My code is:
<form name = "galleryupload_form" method = "post" action = "#" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<ul id = "formul">
<input type="button" value="Még egy kép feltöltése" onClick="addInput('formul');">
<input name = "galleryupload_submit" type = "submit" value = "Küldés"/>
var counter = 0;
var limit = 5;
function addInput(ulName) {
if (counter == limit) {
alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs");
} else {
var newli = document.createElement('div');
newli.innerHTML = "<label for = ''>Fájl " + (counter + 1) + "</label><input type='file' name='files[]'>";
If you now the solution, please let me know. Thank you.
Referring to the question before editing:
File inputs appear in $_FILES not $_POST.
After editing, I cannot reproduce the problem.
check this code .
<form name = "galleryupload_form" method = "post" action = "" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<ul id = "formul">
<input type="button" value="My textbox goes" onClick="addInput('formul');">
<input name ="galleryupload_submit" type ="submit" value ="Click Add"/>
var counter = 0;
var limit = 5;
function addInput(ulName){
if (counter == limit) {
alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs");
}else {
var newli = document.createElement('div');
newli.innerHTML = "<label for = ''>New TexBOx " + (counter + 1) +"</label><input type='file' name='files[]'>";
My script is in just HTML and Javascript and I can't find what's wrong. I have a html-page that contains 8 products all with the same html-style. But when I click on product 2 or 8 it always only list the first product on the list. And I can't figure out what I need to do to get it to work. (some text in scripts are in my home language Swedish)
HTML code
<div id="Tama">
<img src="images/trummor/tama.jpg">
<p>TAMA Superstar. </p>
<p>Pris: 25000 kr</p>
<hr style="border: 1px solid #000;">
<form name="order">
<input type="hidden" id="IDnumber" value="004">
<input type="hidden" id="pris" value="25000">
<input type="hidden" id="item" value="Tama Superstar">
Välj antal:
<input type="text" id="antal" value="1" name="antal" onChange="this.value=CKquantity(this.value)" style="width:30px;" maxlength="1"> |
<input type="button" value="Köp" onclick="addElement(this.form);">
<hr style="border: 1px solid #000;">
Tillbaka till produkter
Javascript Cart File
function CKquantity(checkString) {
var strNewQuantity = "";
for ( i = 0; i < checkString.length; i++ ) {
ch = checkString.substring(i, i+1);
if ( (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") || (ch == '.') )
strNewQuantity += ch;
if ( strNewQuantity.length < 1 )
strNewQuantity = "1";
// -- ADD TO CART -- //
// still problem - only enter the first item on the list either you click on the
second or last product
function addElement(thisForm)
var itemId = document.getElementById('IDnumber').value
var itemName = document.getElementById('item').innerHTML;
var antal = document.getElementById('antal').value;
var pris = document.getElementById('pris').value;
var parent = document.getElementById('cart');
var newElement = document.createElement('li');
var sum = antal * pris;
newElement.innerHTML = "("+itemId+") "+ antal + " x " + itemName + " - " + pris + " kr, Totalt: " + sum + " kr";
JavaScript is Case Sensitive scripting language, which means its keywords should be written in the right-case. You should write function instead of FUNCTION.
Try This:
function addElement()
var itemName = document.getElementById('item').innerHTML;
var antal = document.getElementById('antal').value; // 'value' not 'VALUE'
var parent = document.getElementById('cart');
var newElement = document.createElement('li');
newElement.innerHTML = antal + " x " + itemName;