Is using new Function considered a security risk? - javascript

I have a function to help me create ad hoc objects and save me time typing.
Additional EDIT: to clarify this function will only ever sit inside an anon function.
(function(){ // clarification of the functions location
var objectPump = function (props, defaults){
var str;
if(typeof defaults === "string"){
defaults = defaults.split(",");
if(typeof defaults === "undefined" || !defaults.isArray){
defaults =[];
if(props !== undefined){
if(typeof props === "string"){
props = props.split(",");
throw new TypeError("No properties defined for objectPump.");
// create function body
str = "var obj={};";
props.each( function(p,i) {
str += "obj." + p + "=";
if (typeof defaults[i] === "string") {
str += p + "===undefined?" + '"' + defaults[i] + '":';
} else
if (typeof defaults[i] === "number") {
str += p + "===undefined?" + defaults[i] + ":";
str += p + ";";
str += "return obj;";
str = "return new Function('" + props.join("','") + "','" + str + "')";
// Uses new Function to create the new function
return (new Function(str))(); // Is this dangerous???
})(); // wrapped in an anon function
Which lets me create objects without having to name all the properties and code in defaults.
Edit: Use of the above function.
var car = objectPump("colour,year,type", // objects property names
"white,2015,All Wheel Drive"); // object defaults
// or as arrays
var car = objectPump(["colour","year","type"], // objects property names
["white",2015,"All Wheel Drive"]); // object defaults
var cars = [
car("red",2011), // missing property defaults to All Wheel Drive
var aCar = car("blue",2015,"bike");
// same as
var aCar = {
}; // but saves me having to type out the property names for each new object
To me it looks very similar to using eval and a place a third party harker could get some malicious code in. So far it has been very handy and I am tempted to use new Function for other tasks.
Should I use new Function() to generate code or is it considered bad and/or dangerous for public code.

var car = objectPump("colour,script", // objects property names
"white,\" + alert(\"test\") + \""); // object defaults
console.log(new car('blue, but the nice one')); // throws alert
Do you mean like this dangerous?
To be honest, I don't really like objectPump function. There are other viable options you have:
Use TypeScript and its default values for functions (
Use typeof for defining default values even though it's more typing:
function foo(a, b)
a = typeof a !== 'undefined' ? a : 42;
b = typeof b !== 'undefined' ? b : 'default_b';
EDIT: The function objectPump does not give your attacker any advantage. 1) If your attacker can modify your JS file, then she will use eval straight away and she does not need any objectPump. 2) If you sanitize all input from your users, there is no problem here.
My primary concern here is that you will eventually shoot yourself in the foot, rather than an attacker will.


Evaluate variable in function before transforming function to string

I'm using pouchDb and to query the database it requires the creation of a map function (which is standard practice for couchDB)
This version is working:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type) {
and it results in:
"function mapFunction(doc) {
if (doc.type) {
However, I'm trying to change my function call to be more dynamic so I can pass a field through that the map function should be built on. With that in mind, I have a variable called field and I change my map function to this:
var field = '_id'
function (doc) {
if (doc[field]) {
the problem is, the string that's generated is like so:
"function mapFunction(doc) {
if (doc[field]) {
but I need to it to be:
"function mapFunction(doc) {
if (doc['_id']) { //or doc._id (I don't mind)
Is it possible to achieve this?
Edit: Worse case scenario, I write it as a string and do it that way but would prefer to have it as a readable function.
Perhaps a generator that takes a function, a variable name and a value and creates the string you want would do.
Something like
function functionGenerator(func, variable, value){
var r = new RegExp(variable,'gi');
return func.toString().replace(r, value);
function mapFunction(doc) {
if (doc[field]) {
var map = functionGenerator(mapFunction, 'field','\'_id\'');
You could define a new method on the Function prototype that performs a toString, but allows to pass a collection of variables in an object format -- where each key is the variable to use. Those variables are injected in the string representation of the function, as var declarations right after the function body opens with a brace.
Each variable gets the JSON representation of its original value. This, of course, has some limitations, as not all values can be represented as JSON (cyclic references, objects with methods, ...etc). But it certainly works with primitive values such as strings:
Function.prototype.toStringWith = function(vars) {
return this.toString().replace(/(\)\s*{)/,
'$1\n var ' + Object.keys(vars)
.map( key => key + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(vars[key]) )
.join(',\n ') + ';');
// Demo
var field = '_id'
var s = function mapFunction(doc) {
if (doc[field]) {
}.toStringWith({field}); // ES6 shortcut notation
If you would have more variables that the function needs to "know", like size, weight, brand, then you call .toStringWith({field, size, weight, brand}), ...etc.
NB: solutions that search for the variable name in the function source and replace it with the literal value will need to be careful: the variable name could occur in a quoted string (between single quotes, doubles quotes), or template literals, or be part of a larger name, where it should not be replaced.
I think the easiest solution is a simple regexp.
var field = '_id';
var a = function (doc) {
if (doc[field]) {
console.log(a.replace(/field/gi, field));
As I've commented, that's broad because you need to parse and re-generate this stringified function. I can't believe a plugin will force someone to stringify a function.
Since it's broad to do that replacement from field to __id (because of other identifiers, etc.) you can only re-declare this field with its initial value in the stringified function (assign its value at the top).
Not related-advice:
(Remind: var statement declares a variable in the entire scope, so the variable can be assigned before the var statement is present, too.)
//////////////// References //////////////////
var _stringify = JSON.stringify
//////////////// Variables //////////////////
var field = '__id'
/* Store the variables to be copied in the top here */
var locals = { field: field }
/* String to contain the variables */
var stringified_locals = '',
// thanks to this var length notation
// we'll separate the variables by commas
len = 0
/* Calculate the length of vars */
for (let prop in locals)
/* Also useful for the variable separation */
i = 0; var i
/* Only declare the 'var' statement if there's at least
* ONE var */
if (len)
stringified_locals = 'var '
/* Now generate the string of variables */
for (let prop in locals) {
let value = _stringify(locals[prop])
stringified_locals += prop + ' = ' + value
/* Add comma separator if neccessary */
if (i++ < (len - 1))
stringified_locals += ', '
/* And the complete stringified function */
stringified_locals + '\r\n' +
(function (doc) {
if (doc.type) {
Got result:
`var field = "__id"
function (doc) {
if (doc.type) {
You could do this:
"(function() {\n" +
"var field = " + JSON.stringify(field) + ";\n" +
"return " + mapFunction.toString() + ";" +
Caveat: There are rare cases where JSON.stringify doesn't produce valid javascript. I don't know exactly what those cases are or whether it would be possible for a malicious user to take advantage of them in some way. (Do you trust whoever is supplying the value of field?)

Issues looping through a list of arrays with null data

This is my first question here, hoping you can help. Currently I am trying to loop through an API list of 100 arrays all of which contain one string of data. My loop filters through for numerical data and prints it to a div id. However when I hit data with "#N/A" instead of digits, it breaks my loop. I have tried nesting an if statement that would check if data is null or not, but as it treats null data as an object, this does not work. I have included commented out code to show the things I have tried:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var URL = "";"GET", URL, false);
var statusResponseStringify = JSON.stringify(xhr.responseText, "", 2);
var statusResponseParse = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var Find = statusResponseParse.feed.entry;
for (var i = 0; i < Find.length; i++) {
var FTSEContent = statusResponseParse.feed.entry[i].content.$t;
document.getElementById("FTSEName").innerHTML+=FTSEContent + "<br><br>";
var text = FTSEContent;
var value = text.match(/(\d[\d\.]*)/g);
//var price = value[0];
//var change = value[1];
/*if (typeof value === "number") {
document.getElementById("Change").innerHTML+=value + "<br>";
else if (typeof value === null) {
document.getElementById("Change").innerHTML+="N/A" + "<br>";
else if (typeof value === "object") {
document.getElementById("Change").innerHTML+="Smell" + "<br>";
else {
document.getElementById("Change").innerHTML+="poo" + "<br>";
if (typeof value == "undefined") {
document.getElementById("Print").innerHTML+="N/A" + "<br>";
else {
document.getElementById("Print").innerHTML+=value[0] + "<br>";
This is the console I get back when I run this code
Could anyone help me with some code ideas to circumvent the null responses when looping. I would ideally like to print the numbers and print an N/A whenever there is a null or #N/A within the API data.
Thank you all!
Rewrite your check: instead of if (typeof value == "undefined") it should be...
if (value === null) { ... }
... as .match() returns null on non-matching, and not undefined.
As a sidenote, your code can be simplified a bit. First, you don't have to repeat the whole statusResponseParse.feed.entry... expression in FTSEContent, use Find instead:
var FTSEContent = Find[i].content.$t;
Second, my understanding is that you check for number in that content string. In this case, you can adjust your pattern a bit:
var value = FTSEContent.match(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/);
... so it won't consume such illegal numbers as '3..' and '3.14.15' (in the last case, only 3.14 will be matched), and doesn't have to match globally (you only process the first result anyway).

JavaScript String subclassing issue

I'm working on a simple browser mud-client, and i need to provide some basic functions to string processing. So, when some user casts a mass spell, it should be collapsed into a one string, i.e. CAST: User1 -> [target1, target2]. I wrote the code:
function CastGroup(caster, cast, targets, text) {
this.cast = cast || '';
this.targets = targets || [];
this.caster = caster || '';
this.text = text || '';
CastGroup.prototype = new String;
CastGroup.prototype.render = function(){
var targets = this.targets ? '[' + this.targets.join(', ') + ']' : '';
var text = '<b>CAST</b>: ' + this.caster + ' ' + this.cast + ' -> ' + targets + '\n';
this.text = text;
return new CastGroup(this.caster, this.cast, this.targets, this.text);
CastGroup.prototype.valueOf = function(){
return this.text;
CastGroup.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.render();
var c = new CastGroup('name', 'supercast', ['1', '2']);
console.log(typeof c); // object
var s = c.replace('name', 'nomnom');
console.log(typeof s); // string
Any string function, i.e. String.replace() replaces the original object. How can i avoid it?
I have a post-process highlighting "engine", that calls user's callbacks. User should think, that bundle has only strings. bundle is an array with raw text, plain text, and colorized text. User defines callbacks in user-space, that should do all the highlighting work.
function process_highlights(bundle){
if (!bundle || !bundle.length){
return bundle;
var highlight_result = bundle;
for (var i=0; i<HIGHLIGHTS.length; i++){
highlight_result = HIGHLIGHTS[i](highlight_result);
return highlight_result;
So, text process chain looks like: original_bundle -> subst_processor -> trigger_processor -> highlight_processor -> output_window. All of these processors takes and return a bundle, that should contain strings. I cannot change the design now.
If I understand your question correctly, you need to remove this: CastGroup.prototype = new String;
and do this: CastGroup.prototype = String.prototype;
This will give you the String methods without returning a new String object. To learn more about this (and about advanced Javascript in general), check out these slides.
I think I understand your question a little better now. The replace string method returns a new string, which is why it's overwriting your object.
You don't need to inherit from the String object at all. String methods won't even work on an object (so delete CastGroup.prototype = new String). What you want to do is just modify the object's values directly.
If you need to modify the 'text' value of your CastGroup, then declare another method:
CastGroup.prototype.modifyText = function (findValue, replaceValue) {
var text = this.text;
this.text = text.replace(findValue, replaceValue);
return this;
This worked for me.
CastGroup.prototype.replace = function() {
this.text = this.text.replace.apply(this.text, arguments);
return this;
Overwrite the prototype in your object, update the field that needs updating, then return the object.

Creating objects of unknown size NOT using eval

I'm currently using javascript eval() to check and create a multidimensional object that I have no idea of the depth.
Basically, I want to know if there's any way to create this multi-depth object. The object can be as deep as result['one']['two']['three']['four']['five']['six']['seven']. I know there are cases where using eval() is perfectly fine, but I'm also worried about performance. I thought about referencing each depth to a new variable, but I don't know how to do pointers in Javascript
create = function(fields, create_array){
var field;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++){
field = fields.slice(0, j).join('');
if (field){
// is there any way to do this without eval?
eval('if (typeof result' + field + ' == "undefined" || !result' + field + ') result' + field + ' = ' + (create_array?'[]':'{}') + ';');
How about
var deep = { one: { two: { three: { four: { five: { six: { seven: 'peek-a-boo!' }}}}}}};
I don't see what "eval()" has to do with this at all; there's no reason to "initialize" such an object. Just create them.
If you wanted to write a function with an API like you've got (for reasons I don't understand), you could do this:
function create(fields, create_array) {
var rv = create_array ? [] : {}, o = rv;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
o = o[fields[i]] = create_array ? [] : {};
return rv;
There doesn't seem to be any point to the "create_array" flag, since you're presumably always using strings for keys.
Never mind, found my way in. I used a recursive function to ensure that the object was created properly.
create = function(create_array, res, path){
var field = fields.shift();
if (field){
if (typeof res[field] == "undefined" || !res[field]) res[field] = (create_array?[]:{});
path.push('["' + field + '"]');
create(create_array, res[field], path);
var result = {}, strpath = [], fields[];
create(true, result, strpath);
eval('result' + strpath.join('') + ' = value;');
being variable "field" a variable outside the function, that contained the levels of the object. doing result["field"]["name"]["first"] = value without the ["field"] or ["name"] field existing or defined as an object, would throw an error and stop execution, that's why I'm pre-creating the object variable, either as an array or object.
I couldn't find another option for the second eval() though. There's no way to provide a way to access multiple properties on an object without knowing the depth.

Check if JSON keys/nodes exist

I'm using the Google Map API to retrieve city + state/region information from a postal code lookup. The issue is that in some cases a postal code lookup won't retrieve a city name. An example is 92625 (U.S).
var g = new GClientGeocoder();
g.getLocations('92625', function(response){
if (response) {
var place = response.Placemark[0];
var state = place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.AdministrativeAreaName;
var city = place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.SubAdministrativeArea.Locality.LocalityName;
GLog.write("City = "+city+" : State/Region = "+state+" : Country = " + g.getBaseCountryCode());
In certain cases, as mentioned above, there won't be a city name in the result so there will be an undefined error for city, because the key Locality does not exist. This error prevents the rest of the script from running.
I was able to remedy it by...
if (place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.SubAdministrativeArea.Locality != null)
var city = place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.SubAdministrativeArea.Locality.LocalityName;
var city = '';
...but this has me paranoid about a similar error for other keys. Eg: If AdministrativeArea is undefined the above IF statement would also cause an undefined error. So should I be checking to see if every Key/Node exists? Seems to be a messy approach because some of these keys are 5+ levels there an easier way to go about it, maybe some JQuery method I'm not familiar with?
Alternatively, you could make a function, that gives you defaults:
function valueOrDefault(val, def) {
if (def == undefined) def = "";
return val == undefined ? def : val;
And then use it like this:
var place = response.Placemark[0];
var state = valueOrDefault(place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.AdministrativeAreaName);
var city = valueOrDefault(place.AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.SubAdministrativeArea.Locality.LocalityName);
Personally, I think it's a little nicer to write, than p00ya's proposal, although it's a little hacky fiddling around in undefined objects ... one could maybe change it to this:
function drill(p, a) {
a = a.split(".");//add this
for (i in a) {
var key = a[i];
if (p[key] == null)
return '';
p = p[key];
return p;
var obj = {foo:{bar:{baz:"quux"}}};
var s = drill(obj, ""));//and you can use a simple property chain
You could use a function that "drills" down through all those nesting levels, defaulting to the empty string if it can't get that far.
function drill(p, a) {
for (i in a) {
var key = a[i];
if (p[key] == null)
return '';
p = p[key];
return p;
var obj = {foo:{bar:{baz:"quux"}}};
var s = drill(obj, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]));
I like back2dos' approach but I think it could be improved so as not to fail with ReferenceErrors:
function jPath(obj, a) {
a = a.split(".");
var p = obj||{};
for (var i in a) {
if (p === null || typeof p[a[i]] === 'undefined') return null;
p = p[a[i]];
return p;
// Tests
var a = {b:{c:'Hello World!'}, c:null};
console.log(jPath(a, 'b.c')); // Hello World
console.log(jPath(a, 'b.d')); // null
console.log(jPath(a, 'e.f.g')); // null
console.log(jPath(a, 'c')); // null
var z;
console.log(jPath(z, 'c')); // null
This kind of function is great for validating deep JSON return structures from AJAX services such as freebase or YQL.
You are looking at only the first result the geocoder gives you:
var place = response.Placemark[0];
getLocations() returns a list of several results. If the first one doesn't have it, one of the next few results almost certainly will.
