Maximum number of characters in search field - javascript

I have search field and it doesn't have that typical submit button. It looks like this:
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="keyword" id="searchbox" onkeypress="return checkLength()"/>
<span class="btn btn-primary input-group-addon" onclick="checkLength()"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span>
I only added a span and not the input element for submit button. How do I validate if the user types or inputs not less than 2 characters? If the user types in 1 character only then presses that search button or just hit the enter key, there should be a red error message at the bottom of the search field saying "Keyword should be not less than 2 characters" or something like that.
I tried this code but it's not working:
function checkLength(){
var textbox = document.getElementById("searchbox");
if(textbox.value.length <= 10 && textbox.value.length >= 2){
} else {
alert("Keyword should be not less than 2 characters");
$(document).keypress(function (e) {
var keyCode = (window.event) ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (keyCode && keyCode == 13) {
return false;
Need help. Thanks.
After inputting keywords and hit the enter key, the page would redirect to a search results page, but that should be prevented from happening if the inputted keyword does not have 2 or more characters, hence, displaying a red text error message below the search field. How to do it?

You can use pattern attribute in HTML5 input, and you can validate the text with just CSS:
.error {
display: none;
font: italic medium sans-serif;
color: red;
input[pattern]:required:invalid ~ .error {
display: block;
<input type="text" name="pattern-input" pattern=".{2,}" title="Min 2 characters" required>
<input type="submit">
<span class="error">Enter at least two characters</span>
Here is the Fiddle
Note: This would work with all modern browsers, IE9 and earlier doesn't seems to have support for :invalid, :valid, and :required CSS pseudo-classes till now and Safari have only partial support.

Jquery Validation plugin can be used. it is very simple.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<form id='registerForm' name='registerForm' method='post' action='' > <p>
Search <input type='text' name='name' id='name' minlength="2" class='required' />
Ref :

Try utilizing .previousElementSibling to select span .nodeName to select input set div .innerHTML to empty string "" or "Keyword should be not less than 2 characters" , using input event
var msg = document.getElementById("msg");
function checkLength(elem) {
var el = elem.type === "text" ? elem : elem.previousElementSibling
, len = el.value.length < 2;
msg.innerHTML = len ? "Keyword should be not less than 2 characters" : "";
$(el).one("input", function() {
#msg {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="keyword" id="searchbox" />
<input type="button" class="btn btn-primary input-group-addon" onclick="checkLength(this)" value="X" />
<div id="msg"></div>

I made a jsfiddle that might be close to what you want.
Take a gander and see what you can make of it.
Don't hesitate to ask questions about it.
My best explanation is:
There is an event handler on both the input and the submit button that test the input's value. Based on the conditions that I have assumed from your question, either a success alert or an error message is shown. The success alert could be replaced with an ajax call or to trigger a form submission.


JavaScript - detect input change on any input/select field on current modal

I have a modal with ~20 input and select fields that the user is supposed to complete. I would like to a quick JavaScript check whether the field is empty or not after the user is navigating away / changing / etc. the field, but want to avoid having to copy paste the code below 20 times and personalize it for each field.
<!-- Holidex -->
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></span>
<input type="text" class="form-control" maxlength="5" placeholder="What is your Holidex code?" id="addHolidex" name="addHolidex" style="text-transform:uppercase" />
<!-- /.Holidex -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#addHolidex').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
Is there any way to have the code above check for any select / input field on my NewUserModal?
Thank you!
So I fiddled around with the suggested codes below but only the following managed to halfway work:
$('.input-group').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
Empty fields are being flagged correctly now, but fields with content do not have the has-success class added. Note that I have to apply this class to the <div class="input-group"> element instead of the input select fields.
Any suggestions? I am running on bootstrap 3 if that helps.
Still no result and quite frankly have had enough for today.
- select fields are either ignored or incorrectly flagged with has-error if pre-populated
- individual input fields seem to work more or less
- grouped input fields nestled in one div all turn red if one field is empty (eg. phone number + phone country both turn red of there is not country code entered)
// highlight empty fields in red
$('.input-group input, select').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste',function(){
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
I basically would have to redo the whole design of my modal and I quite frankly dont want to go down that road. Not a fan of JS/ Jquery today.
Not really sure this is what you're looking for but, why do not simply make your code more universal:
$('input').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
If you would like to specify a precise form, add an ID to your form :
<form id="myForm">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></span>
<input type="text" class="form-control" maxlength="5" placeholder="What is your Holidex code?" id="addHolidex" name="addHolidex" style="text-transform:uppercase" />
$('#myForm input').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
Add a new class to the input
<input type="text" class="form-control Input-to-verify" maxlength="5" placeholder="What is your Holidex code?" id="addHolidex" name="addHolidex" style="text-transform:uppercase" />
and then in javascript:
if ($(this).val() == '') {
} else {
I hope this works

How to only show a div if a certain entry field is filled in (but not submitted)?

Relatively new to html coding, and very new with javascript. On this page, I don't want the option to email an editor to become visible until a tripID is filled in (but form not submitted yet). Here is the form so far without that option added yet:
<input type='text' id='atripid' name='atripid' size='6' maxlength='6' /><br><br>
<input type='text' id='aport' name='aport' size='6' maxlength='6' /><br><br>
<div id=acheckbox><br> E-mail editor? </b>
<input type='checkbox' name='acheck' onchange='copyTextValue(this);'/><br>
<div id='div' style='display:none'>
<br> <b>Subject:</b> <input type='text' id='asubject' name='asubject' size='70' maxlength='75'/><br><br>
<textarea name='aemailbody' cols='85' rows = '10'>Explain any packaging or labeling mistakes here...</textarea>
function copyTextValue(bf) {
document.getElementById('div').style.display = 'block';
var atext = 'Frozen Sample Error Notice: '+ document.getElementById('atripid').value;
document.getElementById('div').style.display = 'none';
var atext = '';
document.getElementById('asubject').value = atext
Now to hide the email editor option until tripid is filled in, I got something like this to work on jfiddle:
<form action="">
tripid:<input type="atripid" id="atripid" value="">
port:<input type="aport" id="aport" value="">
<div id="acheckbox" style="display:none">
This is where the email options (subject and textbox) would appear.
if($(this).val()) {
} else {
But for some weird reason, it won't work anywhere else, so I can't figure out how to incorporate it into what I already have. Does anyone have any ideas that could help me? Thanks!
You can do something like this with pure javascript:
<input type="atripid" id="atripid" value="" onkeyup="keyupFunction()">
And define your keyupFunction().
See jsfiddle
The code you attempted on jsfiddle requires that you import jquery.js files. An alternate way of doung what you intend to do is
<input type='text' id='atripid' name='atripid' size='6' maxlength='6' onkeyup="toggleCheckBox(this)" />
<input type='checkbox' name='acheck' id="acheckbox" style="display:none;" onchange='copyTextValue(this);'/>
with js
function toggleCheckBox(element) {
if(element.value=='') {
document.getElementById('acheckbox').style.display = 'none';
else {
document.getElementById('acheckbox').style.display = 'block';
The issue is the .keyup() method, which is not consistent across browsers and does not account for other means of user input. You would rather, use an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) that will detect the propertychange of the input field in question and then to fire the desired event if the condition is met. But for the purposes of simplicity, and the fact that I'm not as well versed enough in IIFE syntax, simply bind some events to the input field, like so:
$("#atripid").on("keyup change propertychange input paste", (function(e) {
if ($(this).val() === "") {
} else {
#acheckbox {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<form action="">
<input type="atripid" id="atripid" value="">port:
<input type="aport" id="aport" value="">
<div id="acheckbox">
<br>This is where the email options (subject and textbox) would appear.

Do not trigger form.$invalid on first load

Having such form
<div ng-controller="FormController as f_ctrl">
<form ng-submit="f_ctrl.submit()" name="myForm">
<input type="text" ng-model="f_ctrl.user.username"
<input type="text" ng-model="f_ctrl.user.password"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">
and such controller
.controller('FormController', [function() {
var self = this;
self.submit = function() {
console.log('User submitted form with ' + self.user.username)
I have a problem: when page first loads it immediately shows red border on username field, even before I start typing anything.
I need to highlight invalid fields only after first submission. Can this be done using form.$invalid ?
You have to use $pristine for that. It is true when form controller is not changed. so when you change textbox data its comes false.
Small example for you.
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : userForm.password.$invalid && !userForm.password.$pristine }">
<input id="passAnime" type="password" name="password" ng-model="user.password" class="form-control input-md" placeholder="Password" tabindex="5" ng-maxlength="25" ng-minlength="6" required>
<span ng-show="userForm.password.$dirty && userForm.password.$invalid">
<p ng-show="userForm.password.$error.required" class="error-messages">
Your password is required.
<p ng-show="userForm.password.$error.minlength" class="error-messages">
Your password is too short. Minimum 6 chars.
<p ng-show="userForm.password.$error.maxlength" class="error-messages">
Your password is too long. Maximum 25 chars.
Angular has helpers that tell you if the form (or form field) is $dirty (user has typed something) or if the form is $touched (the blur event has been triggered on the input). See this demo.
I need to highlight invalid fields only after first submission.
Unfortunately, Angular doesn't support that. But you could implement it yourself rather easily:
function FormController() {
var vm = this;
vm.submitAttempted = false;
vm.submit = function(isValid) {
if (isValid) {
// do stuff
else {
vm.submitAttempted = true;
<div ng-app='app'>
<div ng-controller='FormController as vm'>
<form name='fooForm' ng-submit='vm.submit(fooForm.$valid)' novalidate>
ng-class="{'invalid': vm.submitAttempted && fooForm.username.$invalid}">
<br /><br />
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
.invalid {
border-color: red;
I have a problem: when page first loads it immediately shows red border on username field, even before I start typing anything.
That's probably because you have the following CSS class:
.ng-invalid {
border-color: red;
Angular will always apply the ng-invalid class to fields that are invalid, and there's nothing you could do about that. So if you don't always want invalid fields to have a red border, you can't use that class and you should do it in a way similar to what I proposed above.
Also, check out ngMessages.
You can disable the default styling on the input field that is adding the red border by default, by adding the following CSS:
input:required {
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
Then if you want to highlight the field when the form is submitted, you will need to ensure that the form and form fields have relevant name attributes. Doing this will allow you to check if the field is valid or not and apply a class to your text field when it is invalid:
<input type="text" name="username" ng-class="{ 'invalid-field' : f_ctrl.myForm.username.$invalid && !f_ctrl.myForm.username.$pristine }" required />
f_ctrl.myForm and f_ctrl.myform.username will have additional properties that you can use/check to determine if the form or fields are invalid or not, or if they have been modified at any point (e.g. f_ctrl.myform.username.$dirty). You should be able to view these properties on your page by adding the follow HTML:
<pre>{{f_ctrl.myForm | json}}</pre>
Or, you could output self.myForm to the console from your controller to view it's properties

Form login button enabled after password field has focus

hello guys I have a login page with two inputs username and password and one button. I want to put a class on that button after password field has first character filled in. How can I do that , Thank's. If is possible to do that only with css will be awesome, or a small script to add a class on that button.
Username <input type="text" name="first" id="first" /><br/><br/>
Password <input type="text" name="last" id="last" />
<input class="crbl" type="submit" name="last" id="last" value="login button" />
/*Normal State*/
border:1px solid #555555;
/*after password field has one character filled in state*/
You can use toggleClass and keyup methods.
// caching the object for avoiding unnecessary DOM traversing.
var $login = $('.crbl');
$login.toggleClass('className', this.value.length > 0);
Note that IDs must be unique.
You can do that using javascript. FIrst thing you need to put on password input the following event
Password <input type="text" name="last" id="last" onkeyup="myFunction(this);"/>
Then you define the javascript function:
function myFunction(element) {
if (element.value != '') {
} else {
You may try like this demo
var password_length =jQuery("#last").val().length;
if(password_length >= 1){
This is the best way to handle the entire input, with the "on()" Jquery method.
Use the very first parent
<form id="former">
Username <input type="text" name="first" id="first" /><br/><br/>
Password <input type="text" name="last" id="last" />
<input class="crbl" type="submit" name="last" id="last_btn" value="login button" />
Then in Jquery
$("#former").on('keydown, keyup, keypress','#last',function(e){
var value = $(this).val();
if ( value.length > 0 ) {
With "on" method you can handle many event of the input as you can see...
make sure your ID is unique.. since you have two IDs with the same name in fiddle.. i changed the password id to 'password'...
use keyup() to check the key pressed.. and addClass() to add the class..
try this
$('#last').removeClass('newclassname'); //if empty remove the class
$('#last').addClass('newclassname'); // not not empty add
fiddle here
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#YourTextBoxId').keyup(function (e) {
if ($(this).val().length == 1) {
else if ($(this).val().length == 0) {
Test this:
Please consider using unique id for all form elements, and use unique input name also.
$("input[name=last]").keydown(function () {
if($(this).val().length > 0){
$(this).attr("class", "class");
//or change the submit button
$("input[type=submit]").attr("class", "class");
//or if you want to enable it if originally disbaled

How to validate radio and array before submitting form?

I need to validate two things on this form:
1. There are two radio buttons:
• OPTION 1 - On click function hides mm/dd/yyyy fields for OPTION 2
• OPTION 2 - On click function shows mm/dd/yyyy fields which aren't required.
2. Zip code field - Need to validate an array of acceptable zip codes.
I've got this form MOSTLY working aside from a few issues:
1. If you click submit without checking or filling out anything it replaces some of the text on the page with the word "Invalid" and vice versa when valid info has been filled in.
2. It does not go to the next page if valid info has been submitted.
3. It only validates the zipcode field and does not require the radio buttons.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Test page here:
If i have you understand you search for this:
I dont have write a Message with "invalid", i give an alert.
In your HTML add "onsubmit" to your form-Tag:
<form method="post" action="success.php" id="step1" onsubmit="checkdata();">
and add a submit-Button to your form or trigger on your pseudo-submit-button .submit() with jQuery.
In your Javascript you add following function:
function checkdata() {
if ($(":radio:checked").length < 1) {
alert('Please choose an Option!');
return false;
zipCodeOk = false;
zipCodes = new Array(75001, 75002, 75006); //Your Zip-Codes
for (var i = 0; i <= zipCodes.length; i++) {
if ($('#enterZip').val() == zipCodes[i]) {
zipCodeOk = true;
if (!zipCodeOk) {alert('Please enter a valid Zip-Code!');return false;}
A friend helped me out.. We ended up using the Jquery validate plugin - here's what we came up with:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.validator.addMethod("validZip", function(value) {
var zips=['12345', '23456', '34567', '45678', '56789', '67890', '78901', '89012', '90123', '01234'];
if ($.inArray(value,zips) > -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, "invalid zip");
rules: {
currentServiceStatus: "required",
enterZip: { validZip : true }
And here's the html:
<form method="post" action="success.php" id="step1">
<h1>CHOOSE *</h1>
<input name="currentServiceStatus" type="radio" value="Switch Me" /> OPTION 1
<input name="currentServiceStatus" type="radio" value="Move-In" /> OPTION 2 (reveals more fields on click)
<div id="dateInputs" class="moveInDates">
<h2>Move-In Date (not required)</h2>
<p><span class="mmddyyyy"><input name="moveInDateMonth" type="text" class="text" id="moveInDateMonth" /> / <input name="moveInDateDay" type="text" class="text" id="moveInDateDay" /> / <input name="moveInDateYear" type="text" class="text" id="moveInDateYear" /></span>
<h1>ZIP CODE *</h1>
<p>Enter one of the following acceptable Zip Codes:</p>
<p>12345, 23456, 34567, 45678, 56789, 67890, 78901, 89012, 90123, 01234</p>
<input name="enterZip" type="text" class="text" id="enterZip" />
<input type="image" id="submitButton" src="" />
<p><em>* Required</em></p>
