I have two object in threejs. And I would like them to share the value of scale vector
mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
mesh1.scale.x = 0.47;
mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
mesh2.scale=mesh1.scale; // This does not work
The last line has no effect. The documentation does not state that the scale property is readonly. I've taken a look at the source and found that that property is not defined as writable. Is there a bug in documentation or is this the way threejs works and there is no point in documenting it :-) ?
Is it possible to share scale (and other vector) between different meshes? Is the only way to do it by copying the values
mesh2.scale.copy(mesh1.scale); // Copy the vector over
UPDATE: This seemed to work in old versions of threejs - such as the one used in the following example. Was this functionality disabled on purpose?
Object3D's position, rotation, quaternion and scale properties are immutable.
See the source code file Object3D.js.
For example, you can no longer use the following pattern:
object.scale = vector;
Instead, you must use either
object.scale.set( x, y, z );
object.scale.copy( vector );
Similarly for the other properties mentioned.
three.js r.72
I would like to build a parallax effect from a 2D image using a depth map, similar to this, or this but using three.js.
Question is, where should I start with? Using just a PlaneGeometry with a MeshStandardMaterial renders my 2D image without parallax occlusion. Once I add my depth map as displacementMap property I can see some sort of displacement, but it is very low-res. (Maybe, since displacement maps are not meant to be used for this?)
My first attempt
import * as THREE from "three";
import image from "./Resources/Images/image.jpg";
import depth from "./Resources/Images/depth.jpg";
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 10, 10);
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial();
const spriteMap = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(image);
const depthMap = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(depth);
material.map = spriteMap;
material.displacementMap = depthMap;
material.displacementScale = 20;
const plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
Or should I use a Sprite object, which face always points to the camera? But how to apply the depth map to it then?
I've set up a codesandbox with what I've got so far. It also contains event listener for mouse movement and rotates the camera on movement as it is work in progress.
Update 1
So I figured out, that I seem to need a custom ShaderMaterial for this. After looking at pixijs's implementation I've found out, that it is based on a custom shader.
Since I have access to the source, all I need to do is rewrite it to be compatible with threejs. But the big question is: HOW
Would be awesome if someone could point me into the right direction, thanks!
I am trying to take any three.js geometry and subdivide its existing faces into smaller faces. This would essentially give the geometry a higher "resolution". There is a subdivision modifier tool in the examples of three.js that works great for what I'm trying to do, but it ends up changing and morphing the original shape of the geometry. I'd like to retain the original shape.
View the Subdivision Modifier Example
Example of how the current subdivision modifier behaves:
Rough example of how I'd like it to behave:
The subdivision modifier is applied like this:
let originalGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
let subdivisionModifier = new THREE.SubdivisionModifier(3);
let subdividedGeometry = originalGeometry.clone();
I attempted to dig around the source of the subdivision modifier, but I wasn't sure how to modify it to get the desired result.
Note: The subdivision should be able to be applied to any geometry. My example of the desired result might make it seem that a three.js PlaneGeometry with increased segments would work, but I need this to be applied to a variety of geometries.
Based on the suggestions in the comments by TheJim01, I was able to dig through the original source and modify the vertex weight, edge weight, and beta values to retain the original shape. My modifications should remove any averaging, and put all the weight toward the source shape.
There were three sections that had to be modified, so I went ahead and made it an option that can be passed into the constructor called retainShape, which defaults to false.
I made a gist with the modified code for SubdivisionGeometry.js.
View the modified SubdivisionGeometry.js Gist
Below is an example of a cube being subdivided with the option turned off, and turned on.
Left: new THREE.SubdivisionModifier(2, false);
Right: new THREE.SubdivisionModifier(2, true);
If anyone runs into any issues with this or has any questions, let me know!
The current version of three.js has optional parameters for PlaneGeometry that specify the number of segments for the width and height; both default to 1. In the example below I set both widthSegments and heightSegments to 128. This has a similar effect as using SubdivisionModifier. In fact, SubdivisionModifier distorts the shape, but specifying the segments does not distort the shape and works better for me.
var widthSegments = 128;
var heightSegments = 128;
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(10, 10, widthSegments, heightSegments);
// var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeoemtry(10,10); // segments default to 1
// var modifier = new THREE.SubdivisionModifier( 7 );
// geometry = modifier.modify(geometry);
I'm trying to clone and then scale a mesh, but scaling does not seem to be working immediately on the cloned object, for programming purposes using CSG ThreeBSP. I think I should call a function after the scaling to force the matrix or other internal variables to recalculate immediately and not to wait for the full update loop on render side.
My code looks something like this:
var someMesh2 = someMesh1.clone();
//It turns out that internally, someMesh2 still has the same properties (matrix?) as someMesh1 :(
What am I missing? Suggestions are also welcomed :)
object.matrix is updated for you by the renderer whenever you call renderer.render().
If you need to update the object matrix manually, call
and it will update the matrix from the current values of object.position, object.quaternion, and object.scale.
(Note that object.rotation and object.quaternion remain synchronized. When you update one, the other updates automatically.)
three.js r.84
In the end, my problem was that the CSG ThreeBSP object needed to work based on the Geometry of the object, not in the Mesh itself. I applied the scaling on the Geometry and it worked as expected.
There is a caveat though, that one should be careful as with the meshes and geometries instances, therefore is needed to do some cloning in order to keep the original objects as they were, as in the following example:
var clonedMesh = original.mesh.clone()
var clonedGeometry = clonedMesh.geometry.clone()
clonedMesh.geometry = clonedGeometry
var someBsp = new ThreeBSP( clonedMesh )
var newMesh = someBspBsp.toMesh()
someScene.add newMesh
For each mesh (THREE.Object3D) Three.js provide a very handy properties - boundingSphere and boundingSphere that have intersectsSphere and isIntersectionBox methods.
With all this I thought I can use it for simple collision detection but when I try it appears that collision happens all the time because (I tried boundingSphere) boundingSphere.center is always in (0, 0, 0); So If I want to check collisions between 2 meshes I should for each object - clone boundingSphere object and then get it world coordinates and only then to use intersectsSphere.
something like this:
var bs = component.object.geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
if (_bs.intersectsSphere(bs)){
is this how it suppose to be used or am I missing something and there are more convenient way of doing collisions detection based on boundingBox/boundingSphere?
If you want to do collision detection with bounding boxes you need the boxes in the world coordinate system. The bounding volumes in the intersectsSphere and isIntersectionBox properties of the mesh are in the local coordinate system of the object.
You can do like you did: clone the volumes and move them to the correct position in the world coordinate system, that is a good solution.
Otherwise you can also set a new box from your meshes and do collision using those boxes. Let's say you have a THREE.Mesh called mesh then you can do:
sphere = new THREE.Sphere.setFromPoints( mesh.vertices );
box = new THREE.Box3.setFromObject( mesh );
A little tip. During development it can be nice to see the bounding boxes in your scene, for this you can use the THREE.BoundingBoxHelper:
var helper = new THREE.BoundingBoxHelper( mesh );
scene.add( helper );
Adding new vertices to a three.js mesh goes by mesh.geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)), but how do I remove them?
"geometry" is an array, so I thought, I could remove vertices with:
mesh.geometry.vertices.splice(vertexIndex, 1)
mesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
But when I do that, that whole thing breaks with three.js internal error messages that say: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" inside three.min.js.
I searched their wiki, their github issues. And can't find an answer to this. The mesh is a simple BoxGeometry, so not even a custom one.
In threejs each face is made of 3 vertices. Here is an example to make it clearer. Here is how you create a geometry in r71 :
geometry=new THREE.Geometry();
geometry.vertices.push(// few vertices with random coordinates
new THREE.Vector3(12,15,5),//index:0 -- the numbers are (x,y,z) coordinates
new THREE.Vector3(10,15,5),//index:1
new THREE.Vector3(12,10,2),//index:2
new THREE.Vector3(10,10,2)//index:3
new THREE.Face3(0,1,2),//those numbers are indices of vertices in the previous array
new THREE.Face3(0,3,2)
geometry.computeFaceNormals();// we won't care about this here
(I did not care about the values so i do not know which shape it can give)
What you can see is that two arrays are built : vertices and faces. Now what happens at each frame is that each face is 'drawed' with the position of its vertices.
You ask what is wrong by deleting a vertex in the geometry.vertices array : let's imagine the second vertex above is deleted. The array now looks like this :
THREE.Vector3(12,10,2),//new index:1
THREE.Vector3(10,10,2)//new index:2
There is no more vertex at index 3. So when the GPU will draw the next frame, if a face points to it (here the second face) it will try to access its coordinates (first x before y and z). That is why the console returns that it cannot read x of undefined.
Here was a long explanation of the error. You can see the vertex deletion also shifted the array so faces do not have the correct shape, and their normals do not correspond anymore. The worst is that the buffer will have to change and that is simply not allowed, as stated there for example :
Dynamically Adding Vertices to a Line in Three.js
Adding geometry to a three.js mesh after render
The solution is to use tricks, as quoted : modify your vertex coordinates, hide faces... this depends on what you want to do.
If your scene has not much vertices you can also remove the previous mesh and create a new one with a new geometry, without one vertex and with a corrected face array.