Recursive Return Statement - javascript

This is a program that I have wrote to solve a problem. Check if there exists a sum of elements that equal to the maximum number in the array, return true if so, false otherwise.
var found = "false";
var max;
function ArrayAdditionI(array) {
max = Math.max.apply(null,array);
var p = array.indexOf(max);
array.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;});
found = findSum(array, 0, 0);
return found;
function findSum(array, sum, startIndex){
for(var i = startIndex; i < array.length ; i++){
sum += array[i];
if(sum === max){
found = "true";
}else if(sum > max){
if(i+2 < array.length && sum < max){
findSum(array, sum, i+2);
if(startIndex < array.length && sum !== max){
return findSum(array, 0, startIndex+1);
return found;
I had to use global variable, found, to indicate where a sum has been found or not. The return statement always returned undefined.
Also, if I use a return statement in the following if statement, the code does not work properly.
if(i+2 < array.length && sum < max){
return findSum(array, sum, i+2);
This is not the optimal solution to the problem, but this is the version I got working.
My question is Why am I getting undefined if I use return statement within the if statement. Also, I tried not using global and use return true if sum === max and at the very end return false, it always returns false or undefined.
-- UPDATE 2: Code with error results --
function ArrayAdditionI(array) {
var max = Math.max.apply(null,array);
//remove max element from array
var p = array.indexOf(max);
//sort array
array.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;});
//call find sum function
return findSum(array, 0, 0, max);
function findSum(array, sum, startIndex){
for(var i = startIndex; i < array.length ; i++){
sum += array[i];
if(sum === max){
return true;
}else if(sum > max){
if(i+2 < array.length && sum < max){
**return** findSum(array, sum, i+2, max);
if(startIndex < array.length && sum !== max){
return findSum(array, 0, startIndex+1, max);
return false;
// calling the first function
ArrayAdditionI([ 7, 2,90, 31, 50 ]);
The start of the program is this call: ArrayAdditionI([ 7, 2,90, 31, 50 ]);
The return should be true.
Also, ArrayAdditionI([ 1,2,3,4 ]); is true.
However, ArrayAdditionI([ 1,2,3,100 ]); is false.
The return statement between ** **, when removed the code works, otherwise I either get false or undefined. I do not understand this part! Why does removing the return solves the problem, I thought every recursive call must be proceeded with a return statement.
Is the problem maybe due to multiple calls ? Am I using recursion in the improper way?

There are a few mistakes on your code that could lead to the error.
T.J. Crowder already said, use actual booleans instead of a string.
The found variable isn't defined inside your findSum function. That makes JavaScript assume you're setting a global variable.
Add var found = false; as the very first line of your findSum function.
Inside the last if inside your for there are a call to the findSum function but it's not returning it's value nor assigning it to the found variable.
Fix those and update your question with the results.

The following function should give you a true or false answer as to whether or not any combination of values inside an array produces the max figure.
var a = [
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 9
var b = [1,1,1,5]
function MembersHoldMaxSum(arr) {
var i, r = false, index, max = Math.max.apply(null, arr), index;
for (i = 0; i <= arr.length - 1; i++) {
for (index = 0; index <= arr.length - 1; index++) {
var new_arr = [], ct;
for (ct = 0; ct <= arr.length - 1; ct++) {
if (index != ct) { new_arr.push(arr[ct]) }
while (new_arr.length != 1) {
var sum = 0, ct2 = 0;
for (ct2 = 0; ct2 <= new_arr.length - 1; ct2++) {
sum += new_arr[ct2];
if (sum == max) { return true }
return r
var returns_true = MembersHoldMaxSum(a);
var returns_false = MembersHoldMaxSum(b);


What's the problem with this implementation of selection sort?

I am learning selection sort.
I am getting the correct output for some values, but not for all the values, don't know why??
Please find below code snippet:
function selectionSortRecursion(arr,p){
if( arr.length === 1){
return p;
for(var i =0;i<arr.length;i++){
if (arr[i]<min){
min = arr[i];
var minIdx=i;
return selectionSortRecursion(arr,p);
The problem is that the variable minIdx is not declared unless the body of the if statement inside the loop is executed. If the minimum element is at index 0, then arr[i] < min is never true and minIdx is undefined.
To solve it, write var minIdx = 0; before the loop, since min is initialised as the value at index 0. A couple of your other variables should be declared with var, too:
function selectionSortRecursion(arr, p) {
if(arr.length === 0) {
return p;
var min = arr[0];
var minIdx = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] < min) {
min = arr[i];
minIdx = i;
var temp = arr[0];
arr[0] = arr[minIdx];
arr[minIdx] = temp;
return selectionSortRecursion(arr, p);
Note that I've also changed the loop variable i to start at 1, since there's no need to compare index 0 with itself; and the base case of the recursion should be when arr.length is 0, not 1, to avoid losing the last element.

Find the number with the most digits in an array

Here we are. Stuck.
I've decided to create a function that finds the element with the most digits. If two of them have the same length, return the first one. Common sense tells us that it might be the highest number. Here is the code snippet:
function findLongest(array) {
var biggestNum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if(array[i] > biggestNum) {
biggestNum = array[i];
return biggestNum;
findLongest([111,1111,5555,10000,1,90000]); //returns 90000 instead of 10000.
However, I can't meet the second condition (if length of two is the same, return the first one).
Any idea?
If you want digit-length comparing, cast the items into string and use length of them.
function findLongest(array) {
var biggestNum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if(array[i].toString().length > biggestNum.toString().length) {
biggestNum = array[i];
return biggestNum;
console.log(findLongest([111, 1111, 5555, 10000, 1, 90000]));
You could take the integer value of the logarithm of 10 of the value for checking, because you get the count of digits (minus 1) for comapiring.
function findLongest(array) {
var biggestNum = array[0];
for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (Math.floor(Math.log10(array[i]) || 0) > Math.floor(Math.log10(biggestNum) || 0)) {
biggestNum = array[i];
return biggestNum;
console.log(findLongest([111, 1111, 5555, 10000, 1, 90000, 0]));
The second condition negates the first every time. The "highest number" right?
If you want the highest number why not sort and pop the last element as the returned value?
array[array.sort(function(a,b){return b - a}).length - 1]
Iteration of array is unnecessary

Calling a function inside another function in JavaScript

I have defined a function named larger to find the larger number between two arguments (num1, num2). Now I want to use this function inside another function called "largest" which gets an array and return the largest number of that array, but I`ve got stuck. Can anybody help me with that?
Here is my codes:
function larger(num1, num2){
var largerNumber = 0;
if (num1 > num2){
largerNumber = num1;
} else {
largerNumber = num2;
return largerNumber;
function largest(array){
for (var i = 0; i < array.length ; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < array.length ; j++){
if (array[i] != array[j]){
//I don`t know if I am doing it right
Just use Math.max:
function largest(array) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, array);
If you really want to use a custom binary larger function, consider [].reduce:
function larger(num1, num2) {
return num1 > num2 ? num1 : num2;
function largest(array) {
return array.reduce(larger, -Infinity);
The simpliest solution is tu use a max tmp value. This way, you only need to do one iteration over all your array.
function largest(array){
var max = array[0];
for (var i = 1; i < array.length ; i++) { // So we start at 1
max = larger(max, array[i]);
// Or use this : if(array[i] > max) max = array[i];
I didn't check the length of the array, the above solution work only if the array.length > 0.
Otherwise, you'll have to check it usingsomething like this instead of var max = array[0];
function largest(array){
var max = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length ; i++) { Start at 0
max = larger(max, array[i]);
It really depends on the ergonomics of your IHM.
Iterate through the array once, keeping only the largest:
function larger(num1, num2){
var largerNumber = 0;
if (num1 > num2){
largerNumber = num1;
} else {
largerNumber = num2;
return largerNumber;
function largest(array){
let largestNumber = array[0];
for (var i = 1; i < array.length ; i++){
largestNumber = larger(largestNumber, array[i]);
return largestNumber;
var test = [1, 53, 352, 22, 351, 333, 123, 5, 25, 96];
If you are just trying to find the maximal value, you should go with Oriol's answer: Math.max
If you are looking for a way to call one function from another you can do it like this:
function first_function() {
//code of first function
//call to the other function
function second_function() {
//code of second function
Set the first element of array to a variable, if next element in array is greater set variable to that element; continue process, return variable
function largest(array) {
if (!array.length) return;
for (var i = 0, curr = void 0; i < array.length ; i++) {
if (curr === void 0) curr = array[i];
else if (curr < array[i]) curr = array[i];
return curr

Factorize function javascript

I am having a little issue writing a function that factorizes numbers. The hard part is done. However I cannot seem to tell the function to return 1 when num is 0.
PS: which other ways would you write the same function in JavaScript?
var arrOfNum = [];
function factorialize(num) {
for(i = 1; i <= num; i++){
// push all numbers to array
// multiply each element of array
var result = arrOfNum.reduce(function(a,b){
return a * b;
You already have a for loop, in which you can calculate the factorial at once, without array and reduce.
function factorial(num) {
var result = 1;
for(i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
You can use the following method that uses the recursion:
function factorize(num){
if(num === 0){
return 1 ;
else {
return num = num * factorize(num-1);
Declaration of local variable i is missing
var i;
Declaration of other used variables are over the function distributed. A better way is to declare the variables at top of the function.
Array#reduce needs for this task an initialValue as the second parameter.
The first time the callback is called, previousValue and currentValue can be one of two values. If initialValue is provided in the call to reduce, then previousValue will be equal to initialValue and currentValue will be equal to the first value in the array. If no initialValue was provided, then previousValue will be equal to the first value in the array and currentValue will be equal to the second.
function factorial(num) {
var i,
arrOfNum = [],
for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
// push all numbers to array
// multiply each element of array
result = arrOfNum.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a * b;
}, 1);
document.write(num+'! = '+result + '<br>');
Simply return the value 1
function factorialize(num) {
if (num < 1) return 1; //this line is added
for(i = 1; i <= num; i++){
var result = arrOfNum.reduce(function(a,b){
return a * b;
If you give reduce an initial value of 1, everything will work fine even without an explicit check:
var result = arrOfNum.reduce(function(a,b){
return a * b;
}, 1);
function factorial(n) {
return Array.apply(0, Array(n)).reduce(function(x, y, z) {
return x + x * z; //1+(1*0), 1+(1*1),2+(2*2), 6+(6*3), 24+(24*4), ...
}, 1);
Here's a fairly streamlined function that returns an array of all factors of 'n'
You only need to look at candidates < sqrt(n)
For those of you who don't know the | 0; bit when getting sqrt(n) is a faster equivalent of Math.floor()
As factn is defined after some sanity checking the function will either return undefined or an array which is easy to check with something like if(factors = factorize(n) { success code } sorta structure
There are improvements that can be made to this but they're complex and were beyond the requirements when I wrote it - specifically I used this to calculate CSS sprite sizes from a large image by using factorize on the x + y dimensions of an image then creating a third array of shared factors (which gives you a list of all the possible square sprite sizes).
function factorize(n) {
n = Number(n);
if(n) {
if(n > 1) {
var sqrtn = Math.sqrt(n) | 0;
var factn = [1, n];
var ipos = 0;
for(i = 2; i <= sqrtn; i++) {
if((n % i) == 0) {
if((n / i) !== i) {
factn.splice(ipos, 0, i, n / i);
} else {
factn.splice(ipos, 0, i);
return factn;
Don't know why there are complicated answers. A very simple answer is:
var i;
function factorialOf(num) {
//Initially set factorial as number
var factorial = num;
//A for loop starting with 1 and running the times equal to num
for (i = 1; i < num; i++) {
//Set factorial to the number itself * i
factorial = factorial * i;
//Return factorial
return factorial;

Find first missing number in a sequence of numbers

I am trying to figure out how to find the first missing number of a sequence of numbers like this (1,2,3,5,6,9,10,15)
I want to put the first missing number, #4, into an variable for later use but don't know how to do so?
I have tried this but this only gives me the last number:
var mynumbers=new Array(1,2,3,6,9,10);
for(var i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
if(mynumbers[i] - mynumbers[i-1] != 1) {
alert("First missing number id: "+mynumbers[i]);
First of all it gives me the first number after an "hole" in the numbersequence, secondly it continues to alert all numbers comming after an "hole" if I don't insert an break. I only want the first missing number of an numbersequence from 1 - 32. How do i do so?
Hoping for help and thanks in advance ;-)
How about this
var mynumbers = new Array(1,2,3,6,9,10);
var missing;
for(var i=1;i<=32;i++)
if(mynumbers[i-1] != i){
missing = i;
The O(n) solutions are easy , but this is a common interview question and often we look for O(log n) time solution. Here is the javascript code. It's basically a modified binary search.
function misingNumInSeq(source, min = 0, max = source.length - 1){
if(min >= max){
return min + 1;
let pivot = Math.floor((min + max)/2);
// problem is in right side. Only look at right sub array
if(source[pivot] === pivot + 1){
return misingNumInSeq(source, pivot + 1, max);
} else {
return misingNumInSeq(source, min , pivot);
By if(mynumbers[i] - mynumbers[i-1] != 1), you mean to say the series will always be incrementing by 1?
var missing = (function (arr) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
if (i + arr[0] !== arr[i]) return i + arr[0];
if (i < 32) // if none missing inside array and not yet 32nd
return i + arr[0]; // return next
}([1,2,3,6,9,10])); // 4
You're going to need the break no matter what. That's what it's there for; to stop the loop from continuing on to the end. And you should use the length of the array instead of hardcoding 32 as the end condition, because your numbers only go up to 32, but there are possibly holes in the list so there will not be 32 elements in the array.
Since you know that each element should be 1 more than the previous element, then the number in the hole is clearly mynumbers[i - 1] + 1.
var mynumbers = new Array(1,2,3,6,9,10);
for(var i = 1; i < mynumbers.length; i++) {
if(mynumbers[i] - mynumbers[i-1] != 1) {
alert("First missing number id: " + (mynumbers[i - 1] + 1));
EDIT: This only holds true for the missing number not being 1. To catch that, you will need to check if (mynumbers[0] != 1)
function findFirstMissing(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i+1 !== array[i]) {
return i+1;
function findFirstMissing(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i+1] - array[i] !== 1) {
return array[i] + 1;
If you do it this way then storing it in a variable is easy:
var missing = findFirstMissing(array);
const firstNonConsecutive = arr => arr.find((el, i, arr) => (arr[i] - arr[i-1]) !== 1 && i !== 0)
this solution work for an array of positive numbers.
A solution using array.reduce to find the first positive missing integer.
function solution(A) {
return [...A].sort().reduce((acc, curr, i, arr) => {
if (acc > curr) {
return acc;
else if (arr[i + 1] - curr > 1 || arr.length === i + 1) {
return curr + 1;
return acc;
}, 1);
And here are few test cases:
console.log('solution([1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2])', solution([1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2]) === 5)
console.log('solution([1, 3, 2, 8, 4])', solution([1, 3, 2, 8, 4]) === 5)
console.log('solution([1])', solution([1]) === 2)
console.log('solution([-1])', solution([-1]) === 1)
console.log('solution([0])', solution([0]) === 1)
console.log('solution([-1, -4, -5, -6, -190343])', solution([-1, -4, -5, -6, -190343]) === 1)
Sometimes you just want simple if you know it's a small array:
let numbers = [1,2,3,6,9,10]
let m = 0
for (const i of numbers) if (i > ++m) break
console.log(m) // 4
Works if you remove 1 from start of array:
numbers = [2,3,6,9,10]
m = 0
for (const i of numbers) if (i > ++m) break
console.log(m) // 1
If the array can be contiguous, and if so you want the next highest number, then:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
m = 0
for (const i of numbers) if (i > ++m) break
if (m == Math.max(...numbers)) m++
console.log(m) // 10
Short and sweet!
//Find the missing number in a series
//output must be 12 in a table of 3 given in below series
let abc = [3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24];
var def = [],
ghi = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= abc.length; i++) {
if (i !== abc.length) {
var diff = abc[i] - abc[i - 1];
if (def.includes(diff) === false) {
} else {
var finalArr = [];
if (ghi.length > def.length) finalArr = ghi;
else finalArr = def;
var finaldiff = finalArr[0];
var finalVal = abc.find((e, i) => {
if (e !== abc.length) {
var diff = abc[i] - abc[i - 1];
return diff > finaldiff;
console.log(finalVal - diff);
for(var i = 1; i < mynumbers.length; i++) {
if(mynumbers[i] - mynumbers[i-1] != 1) {
alert("First missing number id: "+mynumbers[i-1]+1);
i = mynumbers.length; // Replace the break
If you want you can add an initial check : if (mynumbers[0] != 1) { ... }
I think this is the simplest and optimum form of just a 2-step solution.
I think no better solution can be possible for this problem than this one.
This code uses minimum no. of variables, loops, conditionals, built-in functions and all the shitty, sloppy, unnecessary code.
This code can handle array of any length.
var mynumbers = new Array(76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,125);
if(mynumbers.length > 1) {
for(var i=0; i<=mynumbers.length-1; i++) {
if(mynumbers[i+1] - 1 !== mynumbers[i]) {
alert("First Missing Term is : "+parseInt(mynumbers[i]+1));
