While loop and setInterval() - javascript

I am trying to mix the initial string and randomly compare the string's elements with the right elements on the right indexes, and if true push them into a set, to reconstruct the initial string. Doing this I met the problem that while loop does nothing just crushng the browser. Help me out with this.
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("inp").value;
var a = [];
var i = 0;
while (a.length < text.length) {
var int = setInterval((function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
if (text[rnd] === text[i]) {
}), 100)
P.S. I need the setInterval() function because I need the process to happen in exactly the same periods of time.

So, you stumbled into the pitfall most people hit at some point when they get in touch with asynchronous programming.
You cannot "wait" for an timeout/interval to finish - trying to do so would not work or block the whole page/browser. Any code that should run after the delay needs to be called from the callback you passed to setInterval when it's "done".
In my answer its doing exactly what you want - creating exactly the same string by randomly mixing the initial, and also using setInterval. You didn't write where you want the result, so you have it written in the console and also in another input field with id output_string.
<input id="input_string" value="some_text" />
<input id="output_string" value="" readonly="readonly" />
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("input_string").value;
var result = '';
// split your input string to array
text = text.split('');
var int = setInterval((function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
// add random character from input string (array) to the result
result += text[rnd];
// remove used element from the input array
text.splice(rnd, 1);
// if all characters were used
if (text.length === 0) {
document.getElementById("output_string").value = result;
}), 100);

Honestly, I have no idea what you are trying to do here, but you seem to have lost track of how your code is operating exactly.
All your while loop does, is creating the interval, which is ran asynchronous from the loop itself.
In other words, the only way your while condition equates to false, is after multiple 100ms intervals have elapsed. 100 miliseconds is an eternity when comparing it to the speed of 1 loop iteration. We're looking at 1000s of iterations before your first setInterval even triggers, not something a browser can keep up with, let alone wait several of these intervals before you change a.length.
Try more like this:
function checker() {
var text = document.getElementById("inp").value;
var a = [];
var i = 0;
// start to do a check every 100ms.
var interv = setInterval(function() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * text.length);
if (text[rnd] === text[i]) {
// at the end of each call, see if a is long enough yet
if(a.length > text.length){
clearInterval(interv); // if so, stop this interval from running
alert(a); // and do whatever you need to in the UI.
}, 100);


Why does generating a random number outside of a loop, causes it to be always the same?

When I create a random number inside a while loop as a local variable everything works, but when I generate a random number as a global variable then I get stuck in an infinite loop.
I don't understand how and why this should make any difference.
Goal is to output all the random numbers that are less than 0.7 with a While Loop.
Here is the code that creates an infinite loop:
let rnd = Math.random();
let continue = true;
while (continue) {
if (rnd > 0.7) {
continue = false;
alert(rnd + ' is bigger than 0.7!');
Here is the code that works (only thing that is changed is that the random number is generated within the while loop).
let continue = true;
while (continue) {
let rnd = Math.random();
if (rnd > 0.7) {
continue = false;
alert(rnd + ' is bigger than 0.7!');
I'm not interested in creating this with another kind of loop, I'm just trying to understand the While Loop better.
let rnd = Math.random();
let continue = true;
while (continue) {
if (rnd > 0.7) {
continue = false;
alert(rnd + ' is bigger than 0.7!');
Here, the random number generator will only execute one time, before the while loop. If th random number isnĀ“t > 0.7, continue would be always true and it will be an infinite loop.
However, if the random number is generated locally in the while loop, in each loop a new number will be generated so you only need to wait for a rnd number > 0.7.
It is because when you declare Math.random() as a variable it creates a binding with a random value which doesn't change. Example: 0.8.
And if it is less than or equal to 0.7 then it would result in an infinite loop because the value doesn't change with each iteration.
In the second example it works fine because it is declared locally and it's value changes with each iteration.
Hope you understood.

Creating a for loop that loops over and over =

So I have a weird problem (as I can do this using dummy code, but cannot make it work in my actual code) -
The concept is simple - I need a for loop that upon hitting its max "I" number reverts "I" to 0 again and creates a loop over and over -
if(i === 10){
i = 0
Now for the longer code (sorry)
function reviewF(){
// add ID to each of the objects
reviews.forEach((e, i)=>{
e.id = i
// get the elements to be populated on page
var name = document.querySelector('p.name');
var date = document.querySelector('p.date');
var rating = document.querySelector('.rating_stars');
var review = document.querySelector('p.review_content_text');
// reverse the array - so the newest reviews are shown first (this is due to how the reviews where downloaded)
var reviewBack = reviews.slice(0).reverse();
// start the loop - go over each array - take its details and apply it to the elements
* **/
for (let i = 0; i < reviewBack.length; i++) {
(function(index) {
setTimeout(function() {
// document.getElementById('reviews').classList.remove('slideOut')
name.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_name;
date.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].Date;
rating.innerHTML = '';
review.innerHTML = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_short_testimonial;
if(reviewBack[i].aditional_info_short_testimonial === 'none'){
var numberOfStars = reviewBack[i].aditional_info_rating;
var star = document.createElement('p');
// document.getElementById('reviews').classList.add('slideOut')
}, i * 10000)
// should create a infinite loop
console.log('Loop A')
// both functions are running as they should but the time out function for the delay of the transition is not?
EDITS >>>>>>>>
Ok so I have found a hack and slash way to fix the issue - but its not dry code and not good code but it works.....
this might make the desiered effect easier to understand
reviewF(); // <<< this is the init function
// this init2 function for the reviews waits until the reviews have run then
// calls it again
}, reviews.length*1000)
// this version of the innit doubles the number of reviews and calls it after that amount of time
}, (reviews.length*2)*1000)
From trying a bunch of different methods to solve this issue something I noticed was when I placed a console.log('Finished') at the end of the function and called it twice in a row (trying to stack the functions running..... yes I know a horrid and blunt way to try and solve the issue but I had gotten to that point) - it called by console.log's while the function was still running (i.e. the set time out section had not finished) - could this have something to do with it.
My apologies for the rough code.
Any help here would be really great as my own attempts to solve this have fallen short and I believe I might have missed something in how the code runs?
Warm regards,
Why not simply nest this for loop inside a do/while?
var looping = True
do {
if (someEndCondition) {
looping = False;
while (looping);
I would think that resetting your loop would be as simple as setting "i = 0" like in the dummy code. So try putting the following into your code at the end of the for loop:
if(i === 10){
i = 0;

Javascript : setInterval and ClearInterval on one click?

I'm trying to have the numbers 1-6 quickly flash on the screen when a button is clicked, then stop and display the random generated number. If I put clearInterval into the function it just displays the random Number and doesn't display the flashes up numbers before hand.
<div id='dice'>
<div id='number'>0</div>
<div id='button'>
<button onclick='roll()'>Roll Dice</button>
let rollButton = document.querySelector('button');
let diceNumber = document.getElementById ('number');
function roll(){
diceSides = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
var i = 0;
let shuffleDice = setTimeout(function(){
diceNumber.innerHTML = diceSides[i++];
if(diceNumber == diceSides.length){
i = 0;
}, 500);
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceNumber.innerHTML = random;
Maybe this works for you
hint: you can use i as a counter variable OR use your approach (define an array with numbers and use index to find them and put them in number tag)
<div id='dice'>
<div id='number'>0</div>
<div id='button'>
<button onclick='roll()'>Roll Dice</button>
let rollButton = document.querySelector('button');
let diceNumber = document.getElementById ('number');
function roll(){
diceSides = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
var i = 6;
let shuffleDice = setInterval(function(){
diceNumber.innerHTML = i;
if(i == 0){
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceNumber.innerHTML = random;
}, 1000);
SetTimeout only executes once. Also your variable is changed by the interval!
After its over, you have to clear the interval with clearInterval.
let rollButton = document.querySelector('button');
let diceNumber = document.getElementById ('number');
function roll(){
diceSides = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
var i = 0;
var shuffleDice = setInterval(function(){
diceNumber.innerHTML = diceSides[i++];
//use i
if(i == diceSides.length){
i = 0;
// moved because the interval will change it
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
diceNumber.innerHTML = String(random);
}, 500);
<div id = 'dice'>
<div id = 'number'>0</div>
<div id = 'button'>
<button onclick = 'roll()'>Roll Dice</button>
I suggest something like this:
var diceNumber = document.getElementById ('number');
const diceSides = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
function roll(){
let arr = [...diceSides,diceSides[Math.floor(Math.random() * diceSides.length)]];
function cycle(element,arr,delay) {
if (arr.length > 0)
Given that you know precisely the list you want to iterate through, and thus the fixed number of iterations you want to execute, this seems cleaner and more concise than setInterval, which you would have to explicitly stop when you reach the end of the list. I like setInterval for things that will run an indeterminate period of time (for instance, until stopped by a user action).
What this says is: "Take this list of numbers (the last one being the random one). Show the first one and remove it from the list. Then wait a while and do it again, until you're out of numbers."
A couple other fine points here:
innerText rather than innerHTML, since you're just setting string content.
You want to use your random number as a key against your array of die faces, not directly - used directly, you get [0-5], not [1-6].
Use the length of your array, rather than hard-coding '6' - always avoid magic numbers when you can. By referring everything back to your constant array, changing the values on the faces of the die (or the number of them) becomes trivial; just change the array and everything else will still work.
Normally, there are stack-size concerns with recursive code. In this case, that wouldn't be a problem because of the small size of the array. But beyond that, the fact that the recursion is going through setTimeout means that each one is a seprate entry on the queue, and the prior isn't waiting for the next to complete before it can exit.

How to generate a new random number (that's different from the previous random number)

I'm trying to change the following (that currently returns a random number from an array), so that each random number is different from the last one chosen.
function randomize(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];
oracleImg = [];
for (var i=1;i<=6;i++) {
randOracleImg = randomize(oracleImg);
I tried the following, but it's not always giving me a number different from the last number.
function randomize(arr) {
var arr = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length);
if(arr == this.lastSelected) {
else {
this.lastSelected = arr;
return arr;
How can I fix this?
Your existing function's recursive randomize() call doesn't make sense because you don't pass it the arr argument and you don't do anything with its return value. That line should be:
return randomize(arr);
...except that by the time it gets to that line you have reassigned arr so that it no longer refers to the original array. Using an additional variable as in the following version should work.
Note that I've also added a test to make sure that if the array has only one element we return that item immediately because in that case it's not possible to select a different item each time. (The function returns undefined if the array is empty.)
function randomize(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) return arr[0];
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length);
if(num == this.lastSelected) {
return randomize(arr);
} else {
this.lastSelected = num;
return arr[num];
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
Note that your original function seemed to be returning a random array index, but the code shown in my answer returns a random array element.
Note also that the way you are calling your function means that within the function this is window - not sure if that's what you intended; it works, but basically lastSelected is a global variable.
Given that I'm not keen on creating global variables needlessly, here's an alternative implementation with no global variables, and without recursion because in my opinion a simple while loop is a more semantic way to implement the concept of "keep trying until x happens":
var randomize = function () {
var lastSelected, num;
return function randomize(arr) {
if (arr.length < 2) return arr[0];
while (lastSelected === (num = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)));
lastSelected = num;
return arr[num];
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
Below code is just an example, it will generate 99 numbers and all will be unique and random (Range is 0-1000), logic is simple just add random number in a temporary array and compare new random if it is already generated or not.
var tempArray = [];
var i=0;
while (i != 99) {
var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 999) + 0);
if (tempArray.indexOf(random)==-1) {
} else {
here is a version which will ensure a random number that is always different from the last one. additionally you can control the max and min value of the generated random value. defaults are max: 100 and min: 1
var randomize = (function () {
var last;
return function randomize(min, max) {
max = typeof max != 'number' ? 100 : max;
min = typeof min != 'number' ? 1 : min;
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
if (random == last) {
return randomize(min, max);
last = random;
return random;
If you want to ALWAYS return a different number from an array then don't randomize, shuffle instead!*
The simplest fair (truly random) shuffling algorithm is the Fisher-Yates algorithm. Don't make the same mistake Microsoft did and try to abuse .sort() to implement a shuffle. Just implement Fisher-Yates (otherwise known as the Knuth shuffle):
// Fisher-Yates shuffle:
// Note: This function shuffles in-place, if you don't
// want the original array to change then pass a copy
// using [].slice()
function shuffle (theArray) {
var tmp;
for (var i=0; i<theArray.length;i++) {
// Generate random index into the array:
var j = Math.floor(Math.random()*theArray.length);
// Swap current item with random item:
tmp = theArray[i];
theArray[j] = theArray[i];
theArray[i] = tmp;
return theArray;
So just do:
shuffledOracleImg = shuffle(oracleImg.slice());
var i=0;
randOracleImg = shuffledOracleImg[i++]; // just get the next image
// to get a random image
How you want to handle running out of images is up to you. Media players like iTunes or the music player on iPhones, iPads and iPods give users the option of stop playing or repeat from beginning. Some card game software will reshuffle and start again.
*note: One of my pet-peeves is music player software that randomize instead of shuffle. Randomize is exactly the wrong thing to do because 1. some implementations don't check if the next song is the same as the current song so you get a song played twice (what you seem to want to avoid) and 2. some songs end up NEVER getting played. Shuffling and playing the shuffled playlist from beginning to end avoids both problems. CD player manufacturers got it right. MP3 player developers tend to get it wrong.

Generating random unique data takes too long and eats 100% CPU

WARNING: CPU Usage goes to 100%, be careful.
Link to the jsFiddle
This script has been written to design a dynamic snake and ladder board. Everytime the page is refreshed a new board is created. Most of the time all of the background images do not appear, and the CPU usage goes up to 100%. But on occasion all of them appear and the CPU usage is normal.
Opera shows some of the background images, Firefox lags and asks me if I wish to stop the script.
I believe that the problem is with these lines of code:
for(var key in origin) // Need to implement check to ensure that two keys do not have the same VALUES!
if(origin[key] == random_1 || origin[key] == random_2 || key == random_2) // End points cannot be the same AND starting and end points cannot be the same.
valFlag = 1;
Your algorithm is very ineffective. When array is almost filled up, you literally do millions of useless iterations until you're in luck and RNG accidentally picks missing number. Rewrite it to:
Generate an array of all possible numbers - from 1 to 99.
When you need a random numbers, generate a random index in current bounds of this array, splice element and this random position, removing it from array and use its value as your desired random number.
If generated numbers don't fit some of your conditions (minDiff?) return them back to array. Do note, that you can still stall in loop forever if everything that is left in array is unable to fit your conditions.
Every value you pull from array in this way is guaranteed to be unique, since you originally filled it with unique numbers and remove them on use.
I've stripped drawing and placed generated numbers into array that you can check in console. Put your drawing back and it should work - numbers are generated instantly now:
var snakes = ['./Images/Snakes/snake1.png','./Images/Snakes/snake2.jpg','./Images/Snakes/snake3.gif','./Images/Snakes/snake4.gif','./Images/Snakes/snake5.gif','./Images/Snakes/snake6.jpg'];
var ladders = ['./Images/Ladders/ladder1.jpg','./Images/Ladders/ladder2.jpg','./Images/Ladders/ladder3.png','./Images/Ladders/ladder4.jpg','./Images/Ladders/ladder5.png'];
function drawTable()
// Now generating snakes.
var uniqNumbers = []
for(var idx = 1; idx < 100; idx++){ uniqNumbers.push(idx) }
var results = []
function generateRand(arr,flag)
var valFlag = 0;
var minDiff = 8; // Minimum difference between start of snake/ladder to its end.
var temp;
for(var i = 0; i< arr.length; ++i) {
var valid = false
// This is the single place it still can hang, through with current size of arrays it is highly unlikely
do {
var random_1 = uniqNumbers.splice(Math.random() * uniqNumbers.length, 1)[0]
var random_2 = uniqNumbers.splice(Math.random() * uniqNumbers.length, 1)[0]
if (Math.abs(random_1 - random_2) < minDiff) {
// return numbers
} else {
valid = true
} while (!valid);
if(flag == 0) // Snake
if(random_1 < random_2) // Swapping them if the first number is smaller than the second number.
var temp = random_1; random_1 = random_2; random_2 = temp
else // Ladders
if(random_1>random_2) // Swapping them if the first number is greater than the second number.
var temp = random_1; random_1 = random_2; random_2 = temp
// Just for debug - look results up on console
results.push([random_1, random_2])
I had a problem like this using "HighCharts", in a for loop - "browsers" have an in-built functionality to detect dead scripts or infinite loops. So the browsers halts or pop-ups up a message saying not responding. Not sure if you have that symptom!
This was resulted from a "loop" with a large pool of data. I wrote a tutorial on it on CodeProject, you might try it, and it might be your answer.
