Chartjs Customize Scale Numbers - javascript

Is there any way in ChartJS to change the 0 (1st number on the Y axis Scale) into a dollar sign? -> $
I manage to customize it but I cant figure out how to change 1 number into a different symbol.
var options = {
pointDotRadius : 6,
pointDotStrokeWidth : 2,
datasetStrokeWidth : 12,
scaleOverride: true,
scaleSteps: 2,
scaleStepWidth: 500,
scaleStartValue: 0
I ve read somewhere about scaleLabel. But I can't understand how it works or even if thats what I need. Or should I just write scaleStartValue: null and just add it with html and css? (I mean thats the solution if ChartJS doesnt have such feature)
Could someone help me out? In case the scaleLabel is to be used, please do not just write the answer but I will need an explanation for how to use it. It will be needed for my future projects.
Thank you in advance.

You can keep track of the minimum value and set the label to $ if the value passed into the scaleLabel function is the minimum value.
Your code should look something like this :
var min = Infinity;
var myBarChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(data, {
scaleLabel: function(e) {
if (Number(e.value) < min)
min = Number(e.value);
return (Number(e.value) === min) ? '$' : e.value;
If you actually know your minimum value, you could just check for that instead.
See also this Fiddle!


How can I change x-axis position in dygraph?

I am new to dygraph and I have one issue: while creating dygraph using Javascript negative values of the y-axis are displayed above the x-axis 0 value.
Here is my code :
g6 = new Dygraph(document.getElementById('smooth-line'),
labels: ['Year', 'First','Second'],
series: {
First: {
plotter: smoothPlotter,
color: '#26a69a ',
strokeWidth: 2
Second: {
plotter: smoothPlotter,
color: '#e57373 ',
strokeWidth: 2
legend: 'always',
gridLineColor: '#ddd',
//valueRange: [1.0, 30.0],
//yRangePad :[-20.0,20.0]
and the output of this code is:
Output of the code
As in the image x-axis is below to -ve values of y-axis so how to set position of x-axis at the 0 value of y-axis?
First a comment. Posting examples that are not self-contained takes a lot longer to troubleshoot.
This link: provides a reasonable approximation to your code that can be tested.
You actually had the solution already in your code, valueRange is what you need. You can even use valueRange: [0, null] to automatically calculate the upper bound.
Correction: I just realized that you actually wanted to have the x axis with labels moved into the middle of the graph, my solution does not address this, but for your example picture it still works, because valueRange can set the lower end of the y range to zero, so that the x axis is at y = 0.

x axis on c3 chart shows only first and last value

I'm using c3 chart for js. My code is below:
data: {
columns: [
axis: {
x : {
type: 'categories',
count: 12
I have one problem. On x axis is showed only first and last value(12th).
It's a known bug in c3 where if the tick is due to occur at a fractional x value (i.e. the number of ticks means it should pop up say every 2.06666 categories) then it doesn't render -->
There's a fix that's offered there to run before you generate your chart -->
c3.chart.internal.fn.categoryName = function (i) {
var config = this.config, categoryIndex = Math.ceil(i);
return i < config.axis_x_categories.length ? config.axis_x_categories[categoryIndex] : i;
But I find while it now shows the right number of ticks, it often still doesn't line up the labels and ticks nicely to the data points (they're positioned partway in between).
On that point, it's better, if you can, to set the number of ticks (-1) to divide without a fraction into the number of data points (-1) you're wanting to show and they'll both avoid your initial issue and line up nicely.
e.g. (datapoints - 1)/(no.of.ticks - 1) == whole number

Show a tick every n value

How can I setup an axis that it shows not 5 or 10 or whatever number of ticks but rather show a tick each n units. In this case if a dataset looks like this:
The ticks will be on 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 if I configure it to show a tick for every 5th step.
How can it be achieved?
Here is a real example I am working on
I want on x axis show a tick after each 20 years, so it should be not 0, 10, 20, 30, ..., n, but 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, ..., n.
For y axis I need values to be 500k stepped, so it should be 0, 500k, 1m, 1.5m, ..., n.
I have found a simple working solution. I call an axis via `.call(yAxis) as usual, then I find go through created ticks and check if their datum has a remainder when I divide their values by the step number I need. If there is no remainder, then I set opacity to 1, otherwise hide them by setting opacity to 0. Here is an example:
opacity: function (d, i) {
return d % 500000 ? 0 : 1;
It's not an ideal solution, because it can't add the ticks that are in the middle of existing ones by value, like on this image, if I want to use 0, 15, 30, 45 and so on, just show/hide those that are already there. In the case I need to add ticks for other values, I need to make a custom axis or use the solution suggested by Lars Kotthoff.

How to disable approximation in HighchartJS?

I have this now:
I need to draw graph of this function:
-3.6 * Math.exp(-3.5 * Math.pow(x, 2)) * Math.sign(Math.cos(31 * x - 7));
I decided to use HighchartJS. There are no problems with it, but I am not sure, that it is correct to approximate function (highchartJS does this).
You can find my results here, on jsFiddle.
You can see, that values of the graph are "jumping" with some amplitude, highchartJS approx it and I am getting continious line. Actually, graph of my function differs from this result. You can see that here, for example.
Also, you can see the result on image below:
Line is interrupting. The question is how I can get same result with highchartJS (or maybe I should use another library?) ?
If graph is not running on Chrome try this, please
Firs of all, you are using Math.sign method which is not part of official standards (just draft). Simply add your method to get working example in chrome:
Math.sign = function(x){
if( +x === x ) {
return (x === 0) ? x : (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
return NaN;
Now, The problem is that Highcharts connects all points with lines. In your case better solution is to use scatter type - since you have enough points to display expected result:
series: [{
type: 'scatter',
name: 'Values',
data: data,
marker: {
radius: 2

How do I set a minimum upper bound for an axis in Highcharts?

I'm trying to set a minimum upper bound, specifically:
The Y axis should start at 0
The Y axis should go to at least 10, or higher (automatically scale)
The upper bound for the Y axis should never be less than 10.
Seems like something Highcharts does, but I can't seem to figure out how. Anybody have experience with this?
Highcharts doesn't seem to have an option for doing this at chart creation time. However, they do expose a couple methods to interrogate the extremes and change the extremes, getExtremes() and setExtremes(Number min, Number max, [Boolean redraw], [Mixed animation]) found in their documentation.
So, a possible solution (after chart creation):
if (chart.yAxis[0].getExtremes().dataMax < 10) {
chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(0, 10);
yAxis[0] references the first y-axis, and I'm assuming that you only have one axis in this case. The doc explains how to access other axes.
This isn't ideal, because the chart has to redraw which isn't too noticeable, but it's still there. Hopefully, Highcharts could get this sort of functionality built in to the options.
A way to do this only using options (no events or functions) is:
yAxis: {
min: 0,
minRange: 10,
maxPadding: 0
Here minRange defines the minimum span of the axis. maxPadding defaults to 0.01 which would make the axis longer than 10, so we set it to zero instead.
This yields the same results as a setExtreme would give. See this JSFiddle demonstration.
Adding to Julian D's very good answer, the following avoids a potential re-positioning problem if your calculated max varies in number of digits to your desired upper bound.
In my case I had percentage data currently going into the 20's but I wanted a range of 0 to at least 100, with the possibility to go over 100 if required, so the following sets min & max in the code, then if dataMax turns out to be higher, reassigns max up to it's value. This means the graph positioning is always calculated with enough room for 3-digit values, rather than calculated for 2-digits then broken by squeezing "100" in, but allows up to "999" before there would next be a problem.
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
events: {
load: function(event) {
thisSetMax = this.yAxis[0].getExtremes().max;
thisDataMax = this.yAxis[0].getExtremes().dataMax;
if (thisDataMax > thisSetMax) {
this.yAxis[0].setExtremes(0, thisDataMax);
alert('Resizing Max from ' + thisSetMax + ' to ' + thisDataMax);
title: {
text: 'My Graph'
xAxis: {
categories: ['Jan 2013', 'Feb 2013', 'Mar 2013', 'Apr 2013', 'May 2013', 'Jun 2013']
yAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 100,
title: {
text: '% Due Tasks Done'
HigtCharts has a really good documentation of all methods with examples.
In your case I think you should the "min" and "max" properties of "yAxis".
min : Number
The minimum value of the axis. If null the min value is automatically calculated. If the startOnTick option is true, the min value might be rounded down. Defaults to null.
max : Number
The maximum value of the axis. If null, the max value is automatically calculated. If the endOnTick option is true, the max value might be rounded up. The actual maximum value is also influenced by chart.alignTicks. Defaults to null.
If you are creating your chart dynamically you should set
max=10 , if your all data values are less then 10
only min=0, if you have value greater then 10
Good luck.
Try setting the minimum value of the axis and the interval of the tick marks in axis units like so:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container'
yAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 10,
tickInterval: 10
Also don't forget to set the max value.
Hope that helps.
