I've used D3 to place some data onto a Leaflet map. Now, I am trying to enable the "click to zoom" function.
There's an example here by Mike Bostock which does it only on D3
There's an example here which does it only on Leaflet.
How should I go about combining these functions?
Here I am trying to draw a gauge graph according to the following design. So far I have found a couple of examples from codepen on drawing gauge graph
But I was not able to find any documentation for styling these graphs.
I'm looking for a way to achieve those inner shadow overlays inside the circle on hover.
I have a map where i used the leafet-geojson-vt plugin (https://github.com/brandonxiang/leaflet-geojson-vt/tree/leaflet1.0.0) to draw GEOJSON data in a canvas layer with geojson-vt.
I'm able to add the layer to the map, however, I don't know how to add popups on click for each polygon/tile/feature in the layer. I've tried searching for examples but cannot find ones using the geojson-vt plugin.
How can I add such functionality using the example in the link above?
Any help is appreciated.
I'm using leaflet.js for display world map. i want to draw directed graph with nodes that is my location and link between them as arc on leaflet map.
I look at leaflet plugin and choose d3svgoverlay to draw graph on leaflet.
I search about directed graph with d3.js and find some example like this.
how can i overlay above example on the leaflet?
Note: i don't want animate graph. i want just click on node to hide other path and i want put text on arcs and nodes.
Is it possible to use D3 for polylines in Leaflet?
What I am trying to achieve is a less accurate, but more stylised, route display. I'd like to use d3's interpolation('monotone') on a line (or path) which runs through each marker point in Leaflet and creates a smooth, curved line.
The only example I have found close to this is http://erasmus.ahoi.in which creates nice smooth arcs using d3 and canvas.
Does anyone know of any examples of this?
I have created a fiddle with some markers on a Leaflet map in case someone wants to give it a shot: http://fiddle.jshell.net/zw8TR/10/
Mike Bostock (the creator of D3) has written a nice tutorial on how to use D3 in combination with Leaflet. He uses GeoJSON polygons in his example but they can easily be swapped with GeoJSON linestrings, which you would be needing.
See: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/leaflet/
I am familiar with how to draw circles and polygons on a Google Map using the javascript API. However, I've been looking at some android apps that allow you to "touch and draw" a freehand area on a map, not a collection of polyline/points or geometric shapes.
Is this functionality accessible to the js API? If so, how? I only find documentation on the polygons etc.
Note: this type of functionality is not what I'm looking for! Clicking at multiple points to define an area is fine, but I'm trying to do a real "drawing" style.