Reload page with javascript only one time for load cookies - javascript

I have a function that request a data for the user one time. I need reload the page after save these data in a cookie and server read these cookie, but i dont know if these cookie are defined or not. ¿How i reload only one time if i dont have a counter and dont like use parameter? the referrer dont change with reload.
I now have this methot, but i like change for remove parameters:
function getURLParameter(name) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [, ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null
if (getURLParameter('reload') != 'true') {
//here have function for load cookie
window.location = window.location.href + '?reload=true';

HTTP is a stateless protocol, which mean there is not way - within the protocol - to know the state of a request. For instance : is it the first time it's launched or the second time ?
Usual workarounds are adding a parameter to the request, as you suggests or using a cookie on the browser's side. This is how sessions are implemented in platforms like Java EE or PHP.
Why don't you test for another cookie like 'never been reloaded', if it does not exists : create this cookie and reload the page.
The tricky part is when should you delete the cookie, ie : when does your business logic wants you to reload the page again ? That's up to you to decide.


I am using window.location.replace take time to render the reponse?

The actual scenario is like I have 6k table rows which coming after the new action call. Below is call
var url = parent.getActionURL('fullExpand') + '?object=' + getTableBeanName();
if (typeof levels !== 'undefined') {
url += '&expandTo=' + levels;
The reponse is coming from server but it is not rendering in ui if we touch any dom element then reponse is rendering.if we change window.location.replace to window.location.href = url. Then problem get resolved for first time the behaviour is not consistent
The question is not totally clear, but they both navigate to the URL. replace() replaces the current document and it doesn't add a record to history, the behavior should be consistent in both cases.
With replace(), when the user clicks the back button they are returned to the page before the page that they were redirected from, this might cause your confusion. (read here)
You should use what is best for your use case.

How clear all session elements when user log out in ASP .NET MVC 5?

I follow below code :
function My_Function() {
var x;
if (confirm("Exit?") == true) {
x = "Ok";
window.location.href = '#Url.Action("Login", "Account")';
} else {
x = "Cancel";
I want to prevent is that , after logging out , then I click the back navigation button , I don't want to go back to the previous page.
Browsers can cache content locally. So no matter what you are doing on your server, after logging out, if the user clicks on the Back button, the browser can decide to get the last page from the local cache and display it.
In order to prevent this behavior you could serve all controller actions that require authentication with cache disabled. This can be achieved by decorating them with a custom [NoCache] filter. This filter will ensure that the proper response headers are set when serving actions that require authentication to prevent the browser from caching them.
This being said, please note that the Session.Abandon(); call should be done on your server - inside your Logout controller action that is supposed to clear the authentication cookies and session state.
Session.Clear and Session.RemoveAll are identical; the latter just calls the former. They immediately remove all items stored in the session, but the session itself survives. Session_OnEnd does not fire.
Session.Abandon doesn't actually clear the values immediately, it just marks the session to be abandoned at the end of the current request. You can continue to read the values for the rest of the request. If you write to the session later in the request, the new value will be quietly discarded at the end of the request with no warning. Session_OnEnd fires at the end of the request, not when Abandon is called.

how to jump between pages with params while not changing the url

recently,i met with a problem that.
there is one page:pageA,there are some in it. the url of which will lead u to another page:pageB .
however ,i want to jump with some params or data while not changing the url of the pageB. is there any good solutions? i'm using react,but not a single page project.
There are couple of ways of doing it like using cookies, spring webflow(if its spring application ) or using Local/Session Storage
Web Storage is a feasible and an easy approach
In page A you can store the value in a local storage using key & value
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
localStorage.setItem("anyunique Key Name ", "value which you want to store");
} else {
// Sorry! No Web Storage support..
In page B use same LocalStorage's getItem() method to retrieve the value
document.getElementById("someDOM").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("key");

Make an ajax request to get some data, then redirect to a new page, passing the returned data

I want to redirect after a successful ajax request (which I know how to do) but I want to pass along the returned data which will be used to load an iframe on the page I just redirected to.
What's the best way to pass such data along and use it to open and populate an iframe in the page I just redirected to?
I am passing a GET variable but am having to use the following to access it for use in my iframe src attribute:
function $_GET(q,s) {
s = (s) ? s :;
var re = new RegExp('&'+q+'=([^&]*)','i');
return (s=s.replace(/^\?/,'&').match(re)) ? s=s[1] : s='';
var d = $_GET('thedata');
I assume there isn't really a more straightforward way to access the GET vars?
If it's not too much data, you could pass it as a get parameter in the redirect:
document.location = "/otherpage?somevar=" + urlescape(var)
Remember that urls are limited to 1024 chars, and that special chars must be escaped.
If it is beyond that limit your best move is to use server side sessions. You will use a database on the server to store the necessary information and pass a unique identifier in the url, or as a cookie on the users computer. When the new page loads, it can then pull the information out of the database using the identifier. Sessions are supported in virtually every web framework out of the box.
Another alternative may be to place the data as a hidden attribute in a form which uses the post method (to get around the 1024 char limit), and simulating a submission of the form in javascript to accomplish the redirect, including the data.

Some cookies not sent to server

I am attempting to set a cookie on a particular page to be read on another page. I wish to know why the other page is not being sent the cookie. Examining what is going on shows that the cookie is being set, but is not being sent to the server. My understanding was that if the path of a cookie is not set, the cookie will be sent to any page on the domain, though I tried adding path=/ to the cookie in case that would help anyhow. Opera has the cookie tagged as "Only sent to creator" for whatever reason. I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
<script type="text/javascript">
function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)
var exdate=new Date();
document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+((expiredays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toGMTString());
</script> - Cookie set here - Cookie should be sent here. Why isn't it?
As you said yourself, add the path:
document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+((expiredays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+" ;path=/");
If it's not working, clear all cookies and start again. Old cookies without the path set might be messing something up.
It certainly won't work without explicitly setting path; it certainly should work if you are setting the path.
