Is there a library of sound effects in Javascript? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm just looking for a relatively large Javascript object where key/value pairs would be string/audiofile, such that key 'lion' would give me value 'roar.mp3'? I looked at but aside from the few demo sounds, I didn't see much else.

You can try:
The are pretty good...


Resources for 2Dimensional Arrays [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Anyone got any some good resources for working with 2dimensional arrays. Everytime I look at them I go brain dead and don't know what I'm looking at or what to do. gone to a few websites but they don't really provide much example or have examples that are to simple.

What's this loading effect named? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I wonder what is this loading effect named? Thanks. I want to use this technique but don't know what's the keyword to google.
Skeleton screens with progressive loading

JavaScript Presentation/Deck [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been to a couple of talks recently where the speaker had a presentation/deck with a live code window and a console output. I've got to do a JS presentation and I thought it would be really useful to do live code.
Does anyone know any apps I can use for this? Thanks
There are many, many options:

Alternatives to Amplify.js [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I was looking for a good abstraction for localstorage and came across amplify.js, but it seems it is no longer being developed. Is there a good alternative? I like the extras that come with amplify (pubsub/ajax) but it is the localstorage (preferably with fallbacks) that I am most concerned about.

nullege alternatives for node examples [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any alternatives to nullege (which is for Python) for your_favorite_programming_language ? I am mainly interested in JavaScript examples to make my code more idiomatic.
GitHub may also be very useful (I am not sure if Koders searches in it)
Also searching on google may provide you with good results
