Reimplementing getElementsByClassName using Recursion - Javascript - javascript

I'm currently working on learning recursion and am trying to reimplement the getElementsByClassName function by walking the DOM using recursion. I finally feel like I've grasped the concepts but I'm having issues when I push the matching elements into a results array. Heres my code:
var getElementsByClassName = function(className){
var results = [];
var domWalker = function(node) {
for (var i=0; i<node.children.length; i++) {
if (node.children[i].classList.contains(className)) {
if (node.children[i].children.length > 0) {
return results;
Basically, I need the results array to hold the matching elements it finds in HTML format like so:
[<div class="title"></div>, <button class="click"></button>]
... yet when I push these elements into my results array they change to the: [div.title,] format.
I added the console.log statement above the call to results.push to see if the results appear in the proper format before they are pushed to the array which they do. The results being pushed to the array are the results I'm looking for, they just appear in the wrong format.
Why is push causing the format of my results to change and how can I get around this issue?

I solved this problem once upon a time. Although I haven't read through your solution, here is mine, heavily commented. I hope it helps:
var getElementsByClassName = function(className, node){
// The empty results array, which gets created whenever the function is
// called.
var results = [];
// Default the node to the document's body if it isn't set. This way, we can
// call the function recursively with child elements, but never have to
// worry about it the first time around.
node = node || document.body;
// If the node contains the class list in question, let's push it into the
// results array.
if (node.classList && node.classList.contains(className)) {
// Now, let's fetch the child nodes of the current node.
var children = node.childNodes;
// If child nodes exist, then we proceed here.
if (children) {
// Let's now loop over all child nodes of the current node in question. This
// way, we'll be able to perform checks on each child node.
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Fetch the i child node.
var child = children[i];
// At this point, we want to pass the child node back into the function,
// implementing recursion. The same checks above will occur, and if the
// node has the class name, it will be added to the results array from
// that function call.
// This returns an array, and we need to merge it with the current set
// of results, so we concat it.
results = results.concat(getElementsByClassName(className, child));
// We then return the combined results array from all the recursive function
// calls!
return results;

node.children[i] holds a reference to the HTML element
console.log() applies an implicit .toString() method giving what you see.
you need this additional code (to be extended to all possible tagNames you find):
var el = node.children[i];
el = '<' + el.tagName + (el.className ? ' class="' + el.className + '"': '') + '/>';


Fill an array recursively walking a DOM tree

I have to fill an array of strings as I walk a generic tree recursively from one node to all his children. In practice at each node that match from a node to a leaf, insert a string in the DOM tree.
I know it is a trivial problem but I could not solve.
This is the code that I wrote:
function operationsToInsert(node) {
var operations = [];
operationsToInsertRec(node, operations);
return operations;
function operationsToInsertRec(node, operations) {
var childNodes = node.childNodes;
operations.push("i(" + node.nodeName + ") ");
for(var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
operationsToInsertRec(childNodes[i], operations);
operations.push("i(" + childNodes[i].nodeName + ")");
But there is the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined at line operations.push("insert(" + node.nodeName + ") ");
How can I fix?
Here's a way to walk a tree using the handy Array.prototype.reduce function using a trick that lets it work on array-likes:
function flatten(ops, n) {
ops.push("i(" + n.nodeName + ") ");
if (n.childNodes && n.childNodes.length) {
[], flatten, ops);
return ops;
var node = document.getElementById("start_here");
var ops = [node].reduce(flatten, []);
The problem is you have only one function, and it isn't what you think it is! You redefined it, so when you call what you thought was the first one you provided only one argument, and the remaining arguments are implicitly undefined.
Here is your same code, reduced to a demonstratable example:
function operationsToInsert(node) {
console.log("Definition #1");
function operationsToInsert(node, operations) {
console.log("Definintion #2");
You need to change the name of one of your functions so that you don't have a collision.
Edit to address new question:
I think you are saying that your new issue is most nodes appear in the list twice. Trace through the code and you'll see that you process every node except the root node twice. In operationsToInsertRec() you put the node in the list (childNodes[i]), then you pass it to operationsToInsertRec() where it puts it in the list (node).
Here is a simple change to address that:
function operationsToInsert(node) {
var operations = [];
operations.push("i(" + node.nodeName + ") ");
operationsToInsertRec(node, operations);
return operations;
function operationsToInsertRec(node, operations) {
var childNodes = node.childNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
operationsToInsertRec(childNodes[i], operations);
operations.push("i(" + childNodes[i].nodeName + ")");
In operationsToInsert() I push the root node. Then operationsToInsertRec() only handles the children, and so handles each node only once.
In a comment on a different answer I see you touch on the topic of traversal order. When traversing a tree, there are several different classifications of these algorithms: depth-first, which is subdivided into pre-order, in-order, and post-order, and breadth-first. You can find more information in the wikipedia article on tree traversal.

Is there a non loop-every-single-list-item approach to find unique list items?

I know I could use the loop-every-single-list-item approach to filter out unique elements in a given list, but I feel like there's probably a neat, quick way to do it.
How can I find unique list items in JavaScript, without looping through and filtering them manually?
Lately I was working on event handling patch and needed fast method for filtering out unique function handlers in a callback lists which got to be run quite frequently.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Array.prototype.unique = (function () {
// main Array#unique method
var uni = function uni () {
return this.filter(uni.x);
// attach a helper for resolving unique elements
// if element is at current position, not before,
// it's unique one, pass `true` flag to .filter()
uni.x = function (node, pos, ls) {
return pos === ls.indexOf(node);
// save
return uniq;
// sample list:
// generate ~1K long list of integers:
// get the keys of string object of length 32,
// map every item to key-list itself,
// flatten, shuffle..
var ls =
Object.keys(new String('1'.repeat(32)))).
map(function (node, pos, list) { return list; }).
sort(function () { return Math.random() < Math.random(); });
// run each function 1K times fetching unique values
for (
it = -1,
l = 1000,
// record iteration start
tm =;
++it < l;
No. If you have a list, you will need to look at least once at every single item to determine whether it is unique.
If you need something faster, don't use a list.
Btw, even on a list you can implement a unique-algorithm in less than the O(n²) that you currently have. See Easiest way to find duplicate values in a JavaScript array for some clever approaches.
I was working on event handling patch and needed fast method for filtering out unique function handlers in a callback list which got to be run quite frequently.
Then you don't want to put them in that list in the first place. Don't check the list for duplicates when you run it (which as you say is frequent), but when you insert a new handler.
If you think that using .indexOf to find a handler in the list is still too slow, you can mark every function object that it is already contained in the list. Choose a unique (per list) property name, and put a value on that property of each function that is in the list. You can then check in constant runtime for duplicates.
If you have a unique key, using a dictionary is a good option. However, if you have some logic that needs to be executed to perform your filtering, I'd go with UnderscoreJS. Check out the _.filter method. It's a great library with lots to offer in this area.
I don't think there is a way to get unique list of items without iterating through each item. If you're looking for a built-in library function, I don't think there is one in Angular.
It would be simple enough to create one:
function unique(array, fn) {
var hash = [];
var list = [];
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
var key = fn(array[i]);
if (key && !hash[key]) {
hash[key] = key;
return list;
var myList = [ { id:1, name="oranges"},
{ id:2, name="apples" },
{ id:1, name="oranges"},
{ id:3, name="pears" },
{ id:3, name="pears" } ];
var uniqueList = unique(myList, function(item) { return; });

change array passed to function

I pass 2 arrays to a function and want to move a specific entry from one array to another. The moveDatum function itself uses underscorejs' methods reject and filter. My Problem is, the original arrays are not changed, as if I was passing the arrays as value and not as reference. The specific entry is correctly moved, but as I said, the effect is only local. What do I have to change, to have the original arrays change as well?
Call the function:
this.moveDatum(sourceArr, targetArr, id)
Function itself:
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) {
var ds = _(srcDS).filter(function(el) {
return el.uid === uid;
srcDS = _(srcDS).reject(function(el) {
return el.uid === uid;
return this;
Thanks for the help
As mentioned in the comments, you're assigning srcDS to reference a new array returned by .reject(), and thus losing the reference to the array originally passed in from outside the function.
You need to perform your array operations directly on the original array, perhaps something like this:
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) {
var ds;
for (var i = srcDS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (srcDS[i].uid === id) {
ds = srcDS[i];
return this;
I've set up the loop to go backwards so that you don't have to worry about the loop index i getting out of sync when .splice() removes items from the array. The backwards loop also means ds ends up referencing the first element in srcDS that matches, which is what I assume you intend since your original code had trgDS.push(ds[0]).
If you happen to know that the array will only ever contain exactly one match then of course it doesn't matter if you go forwards or backwards, and you can add a break inside the if since there's no point continuing the loop once you have a match.
(Also I think you had a typo, you were testing === uid instead of === id.)
Copy over every match before deleting it using methods which modify Arrays, e.g. splice.
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) { // you pass an `id`, not `uid`?
var i;
for (i = 0; i < srcDS.length; ++i) {
if (srcDS[i].uid === uid) {
srcDS.splice(i, 1);
// optionally break here for just the first
i--; // remember; decrement `i` because we need to re-check the same
// index now that the length has changed
return this;

Create an array with tree elements in Javascript

I need to create an array from tree elements in Javascript and being a newbie I don't know how to achieve this.
pseudo-code :
function make_array_of_tree_node(tree_node)
for (var i = 0; i < tree_node.childCount; i ++) {
var node = tree_node_node.getChild(i);
if (node.type ==0) {
// Here I'd like to put a link (node.title) in an array as an element
} else if (node.type ==6) {
// Here the element is a folder so a I need to browse it
// Some code
// Here I'd like to have access to the array containing all the elements node.title
You can declare an array like this:
var nodes = [];
Then you can add things to it with:
That adds to the end of the array; in that sense it's kind-of like a list. You can access elements by numeric indexes, starting with zero. The length of the array is maintained for you:
var len = nodes.length;
What you'll probably want to do is make the array another parameter of your function.
edit — To illustrate the pattern, if you've got a recursive function:
function recursive(data, array) {
if ( timeToStop ) {
array.push( data.whatever );
else {
recursive(data.subData, array);
Then you can use a second function to be the real API that other code will use:
function actual(data) {
var array = [];
recursive(data, array); // fills up the array
return array;
In JavaScript, furthermore, it's common to place the "recursive" function inside the "actual" function, which makes the recursive part private and keeps the global namespace cleaner.

Is it possible to get element's numerical index in its parent node without looping?

Normally I'm doing it this way:
for(i=0;i<elem.parentNode.length;i++) {
if (elem.parentNode[i] == elem) //.... etc.. etc...
function getChildIndex(node) {
return, node);
This seems to work in Opera 11, Firefox 4, Chromium 10. Other browsers untested. It will throw TypeError if node has no parent (add a check for node.parentNode !== undefined if you care about that case).
Of course, Array.prototype.indexOf does still loop, just within the function call. It's impossible to do this without looping.
Note: If you want to obtain the index of a child Element, you can modify the function above by changing childNodes to children.
function getChildElementIndex(node) {
return, node);
Option #1
You can use the Array.from() method to convert an HTMLCollection of elements to an array. From there, you can use the native .indexOf() method in order to get the index:
function getElementIndex (element) {
return Array.from(element.parentNode.children).indexOf(element);
If you want the node index (as oppose to the element's index), then replace the children property with the childNodes property:
function getNodeIndex (element) {
return Array.from(element.parentNode.childNodes).indexOf(element);
Option #2
You can use the .call() method to invoke the array type's native .indexOf() method. This is how the .index() method is implemented in jQuery if you look at the source code.
function getElementIndex(element) {
return [], element);
Likewise, using the childNodes property in place of the children property:
function getNodeIndex (element) {
return [], element);
Option #3
You can also use the spread operator:
function getElementIndex (element) {
return [...element.parentNode.children].indexOf(element);
function getNodeIndex (element) {
return [...element.parentNode.childNodes].indexOf(element);
You could count siblings...
The childNodes list includes text and element nodes-
function whichChild(elem){
var i= 0;
while((elem=elem.previousSibling)!=null) ++i;
return i;
There is no way to get the index of a node within its parent without looping in some manner, be that a for-loop, an Array method like indexOf or forEach, or something else. An index-of operation in the DOM is linear-time, not constant-time.
More generally, if list mutations are possible (and the DOM certainly supports mutation), it's generally impossible to provide an index-of operation that runs in constant time. There are two common implementation tactics: linked lists (usually doubly) and arrays. Finding an index using a linked list requires a walk. Finding an index using an array requires a scan. Some engines will cache indexes to reduce time needed to compute node.childNodes[i], but this won't help you if you're searching for a node. Not asking the question is the best policy.
I think you've got it, but:
make sure that variable "i" is declared with var
use === instead of == in the comparison
If you have a collection input elements with the same name (like <textarea name="text_field[]"…) in your form and you want to get the exact numeric index of the field that triggered an event:
function getElementIdxFromName(elem, parent) {
var elms = parent[];
var i = 0;
if (elms.length === undefined) // there is only one element with this name in the document
return 0;
while((elem!=elms[i])) i++;
return i;
Getting numeric id of an element from a collection of elements with the same class name:
function getElementIdxFromClass(elem, cl) {
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName(cl);
var i = 0;
if (elems.length > 0) {
while((elem!=elems[i])) i++;
return i;
return 0;
Try this:
let element = document.getElementById("your-element-id");
let indexInParent =;
