Authorization header using OAuth1.0A for Twitter API v1.1 - javascript

I am building a search engine as a start-up project in Web Development. The search engine takes a string and queries the Wiki and Twitter API. I have been working on it for days and, I believe, I have found a nice, clean way to implement it.
BoyCook's TwitterJSClient
In his code (which is beautifully written) he has set up a Twitter function which takes in a config variable and sets up the authorization for us. Is there something it is missing? I have been through it and it all looks great. I am new to Javascript and might be missing something..
My code:
var error = function (err, response, body) {
console.log('ERROR [%s]', err);
var success = function (data) {
console.log('Data [%s]', data);
var config = {
"consumerKey": "{Mine}",
"consumerSecret": "{Mine}",
"accessToken": "{Mine}",
"accessTokenSecret": "{Mine}",
"callBackUrl": ""
var Twitter = require('twitter-node-client').Twitter;
var twitter = new Twitter(config);
twitter.getSearch({'q':'Lebron James','count': 10}, error, success);
Can anyone help? Have you done this before and know an easier way? Has anyone been able to get it working using postMessage()?
And yes... the origin is using HTTPS protocol. See: JBEngine. My app permission (on Twitter) is set to read only.
[EDIT] Should probably also mention that I glob'd it all together with browserify and am running the script client-side.


How to get email content from documents app in app script

How can I get content from google docs for email body in Html format in app script as earlier I was using classic google sites for getting body content of the email and now the classic sites are shutting down. Or do you know any alternative for this . Earlier I was using code for getting content.
You may export the document as HTML. To do so you may use the following function:
function exportAsHtml(documentId) {
DriveApp.getRootFolder() // Makes Apps Script get the right permissions
const result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${documentId}/export?mimeType=text%2Fhtml`, {
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}`
const content = result.getContentText()
if (result.getResponseCode() >= 400) {
throw new Error("Exception when exporting as HTML")
return content
The first line of the function makes it so Apps Script grants you the necessary permissions. Alternatively you can manually set all the permissions you are using at the manifest.
It's worth noting that email HTML is not 100% the same as web HTML, so you may need to clean the result a bit depending on your use case.
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params) (Apps Script reference)
Files: export (Google Drive API reference)

"Illegal group end indicator...(not a group)" when decoding gtfs-r data

I'm trying to use a node.js app to regularly decode some gtfs-realtime data. It's mostly running fine, but every few hours I run into an error that crashes my app. The error message in my log says that there is an "Illegal group end indicator for Message .transit_realtime.FeedMessage 7 (not a group)"
I found this question/answer on StackOverflow but it doesn't seem to solve my particular problem. Here is an outline of the code I am using to decode the gtfs-r feed:
//process the response
var processBuffers = function(response) {
var data = [];
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
response.on('end', function () {
data = Buffer.concat(data);
var decodedFeedMessage = transit.FeedMessage.decode(data);
allData = decodedFeedMessage.entity;
//continues processing with allData...
NodeJs crashed issue basically happen every time, everydays that any kind of fatal error trigger. And since your received data from 3-rd party, It will very had to make sure the data always correct to prevent error as well.
The simple solution is using another system to deploy your NodeJS application. I recommend 2 tools that very popular today, PM2 and Passenger . (PM2 is very simple to use). Those tool will help to auto restart your NodeJS application once it crashed

How do I get intellisense for Javascript module in Atom or any other IDE?

I'm new to javascript and node js.
I've following code in my authentication.js file
I'm trying to get the intellisense working when I press client. ( and CTRL + space), I do not see anything.
How do I be able to see functions that are within auth.OAuth2 modules.
I remember in VS you can use /// reference paths. Not sure if that is the standard approach in ATOM as well. I looked over the internet and could not find any satisfactory answer.
How do people know what methods to use and what is their required signature without intellisense?
I'm literally crawling to make things work right now because of this. Do I have to read documentation for every modules/packages before I start using it? That'd take a lot of time.
Please also note that I have added all the packages like autocomplete, autocomplete-plus and so on for the intellisense to work magically but it doesn't. Intellisense does work but it displays everything else but not the functions of the modules I'm referring to in the example.
Any help/suggestion is much appreciated?
'use strict';
var config = require("../../config/config");
exports.verifyUser = function(req, res, next) {
var GoogleAuth = require('google-auth-library');
var auth = new GoogleAuth;
var client = new auth.OAuth2(config.clientID, config.clientSecret,config.callbackURL);
**client. //no intellisense**
// check header or url parameters or post parameters for token
var token = req.body.id_token || req.query.id_token || req.headers['id_token'];
if (token) {
function (err) {
if (err) {
res.send("Un authorized");
} else {
I've had great success using Visual Studio Code.
Its a lightweight IDE similar to Atom, its actually also built using Electron.
You can check out a tutorial about how to get things set up here.
You need to add an intellesense plugin for the language you're using. Atom isn't really suited to noobs though, you should try out netbeans if you want a fully featured editor.

Retrieve html code of skyscanner result using phantomjs

As it happens that skyscanner only provides their api to big commercial websites, I wanted to build a small application on my own to retrieve the results for multiple destinations for my own purpose (non commercial).
I found that getting the result of a flight search seems to be pretty difficult as the page takes a few seconds to complete the flight search and display the results.
Using wget, lynx, links2 or edbrowse didn't work for me, as I got the result that javascript is not enabled in my browser, even when links2 was compiled with javascript support. Maybe I did something wrong, I don't know.
However phantomjs provided the best effort so far and I tried multiple code-fragments to retrieve the flight search results.
Sources from:
Even with the time lag described in [Stackoverflow#4][5] it did not work.
The scripts resulted (in case of a successful return) only an error page of skyscanner, saying that they got a problem.
The last effort I tried which resulted in the described error-page was:
var page = new WebPage(),t, address;
var fs = require('fs');
var url = '';
address = encodeURI(url);, function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('FAIL to load the address');
} else {
f = null;
var markup = page.content;
try {
f ='htmlcode.txt', "w");
} catch (e) {
Did someone try something like that before and was successful? How did you get it working? I am trying to build a php-based and/or shell-script based solution on a gui-less Debian-Linux system.
I work in engineering at Skyscanner. This isn't an answer to your question but, if you end up on that error page (or a captcha page), it is likely that our bot-blocker is catching you. Which is kind of "by design" :)
I can get you an API key, with a conservative rate limit. Would that be of interest?

Calling an external API with a Node application (KeystoneJS)

I'm newer to Node and trying to learn how to modify my Keystone.JS app so it can call data from an API (JSON or XML) and display it in the view that is rendered.
The current code in my app is essentially a cloned version of this demo app except the view engine is Handlebars in my app. What I have tried to so far is is installing the request package and played around with code from the documentation in a my keystone.js file with no luck.
Then I created a model/api.js file, routes/api.js, routes/views/api.js and templates/views/api.hbs and again played with code examples in the request documentation but failed to even grasp what I was doing and how all of these new pages even worked within my app.
I would greatly appreciate figuring out how to call an API and display the requested info in one of the apps rendered views. Thank you in advance!
You could hit the api from your model logic like so You could use node's built in http library
// Below we call the Facebook api to fill in data for our model
Event.schema.pre('save', function(next) {
var myEvent = this;
var apiCall = 'your API string';
https.get(apiCall, function(res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function(d) { body += d; });
res.on('end', function() {
body = JSON.parse(body);
if (body.error) {
var err = new Error('There was an error saving your changes. Make sure the Facebook Event is set to "Public" and try again');
} else {
.on('error', function(e) {
If you want the data to be fetched in some other scenario try adding the http request to initLocals in routes/middleware.js.
