What is a SOAP JavaScript proxy? - javascript

I would like to call a WSDL web service from JavaScript using https://github.com/doedje/jquery.soap.
When I use the above library, it run into CORS problems, and the documentation says if i install some kind of proxy I can override that problem. My question is what is a proxy and how does it work? My intention is to call Escapia (https://beta.escapia.com) using jQuery.

A proxy would reside on your server, the same server you serve your pages from.
jQuery would send a request to your proxy (e.g., your server). The proxy would make the request to the WSDL web service and pass it back to your jQuery. This avoids the cross-site issue.


Is it safe to use php proxy to do https request in javascript?

As you know you can not make http requests to sites that do not have the http header that allows it using JavaScript in browsers because of CORS. I need to make https requests containing sensitive data. I do not want to get in touch with this sensitive data, in fact all this will be client side with javascript, only for the reason mentioned above I need to use a php proxy such as CORS Anywhere or my own, the question is: if I use these proxies to make https requests directly to the direct interested server, will the proxy have any information regarding the data sent? Sorry for my bad english, I use the translator.

CORS Angular JS

I'm a beginner learning node and angular but running into many issues. I have Angular running on Node, and my code in Angular makes http requests to retrieve json from an API on another web server (this web server is something I add routes to and I'm not allowed to enable CORS on it). I'm getting 'CORS blocked' due to my http request although I know this resource is accessible. I understand that you have to enable CORS in the web server but in this case that is not an option. There is another web app (not running on the same origin as the resource) that is doing a similar thing to mine but instead he uses node to retrieve the json data and then I think he sends that to angular to process. Is this a possible work around?
Yes it is. If you can't enable cors headers on the server then the only thing you can do is access the server from your nodejs or any other type of server. If you eventually plan to run your angular in cordova you could make a direct $http request because cordova does not block corsable requests.

BackBone.js CORS Connection

I have tried a lot to connect to some other domain using backbone.js.
But couldn't be able to perform.
I tried to override sync method, even tried ajax call in backbone.js, tried java script also. but couldn't succeed.
I don't know how to proceed further. any help will be appreciable..
Seems like CORS problem, you could not sove this with client side only.
To test API CORS support you can use test CORS
So you can solve this by:
Implement CORS support on API server side.
Proxy requests from your app server side to API.
Use another techies to cross-origin policy like(JSONP, etc..)

Could client side javascript act as a web spider?

Could ajax be used on the client side javascript to function as an in-the-background web spider? You'll have to excuse the vagueness of this post because I really have no idea where to begin technically in terms of the code and there is nothing online about a program like this.
You can use a cors proxy type script in order to do these Ajax requests client side via javascript. Look on Github for 'cors proxy', and set that up in your Node.js environment, then pass all of your ajax calls client side through this proxy.
Yes its possible but with some restrictions, meant only to be done from a specially-configured browser, not for arbitrary users to just run:
For chrome, open it using the command-line parameter --disable-web-security.
now you can do cross domain and such.
I assume you just want it for using yourself as a server and not on a public web page.
You cannot make ajax requests to different hosts, so no.

Use JavaScript to call a SOAP web service that requires authentication

Can I call a SOAP web service from JavaScript? The SOAP web service in question is a member of the Exchange Web Services platform. I have found the Exchange Web Services OSX Widget but that uses Curl to do the actual SOAP call. So I am wondering if there is a limitation in the JavaScript abilities to interface with SOAP using authentication.
Javascript isn't very good at web services because of the same origin policy which means you're only allowed to request resources from the same domain as the page you call from.
You could work around this by setting up a proxy on your server to hand the request off to elsewhere. The problem with this is you'd have to build the SOAP message yourself as I very much doubt anyone has ever bothered to write a js SOAP library due to the afore mentioned limitations.
Instead, I would pick your favourite server side SOAP library and expose an interface to be called via AJAX.
