I have an each statement which make separate AJAX requests and adds them to an array like:
var promises = [];
$items.each(function(k, v) {
url: ...,
$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() { ... });
It seems that, I don't know the reason, for the first time when loading the page, or when it is deployed (I use ASP.NET MVC), the ajax is already executed for the first item when it reaches this breakpoint:
promises.push($.ajax ...
If I refresh the page, then everything works fine, and $.when correctly executes the ajax requests. However, if I deploy application, then the problem persists.
Why, for the first time, is the ajax request already called (not in $,.when)? Where is my mistake? I have no errors in JavaScript.
If the code isn't any more complex than the example, you can do something like this
var get_promises = function() {
var promises = [];
return function () {
if (promises.length === 0) {
$items.each(function(k, v) {
url: ...,
return promises;
$.when.apply($, get_promises()).done(function() { ... });
I can't believe I suggested the following!! But I'm going to own it :D
One way to do what you want is with so called "lazy" promises
a Promise/A+ polyfill - for Internet Explorer mainly (up to and including 11 - Edge, or whatever it's called in Windows 10, has native Promise)
<script src="https://www.promisejs.org/polyfills/promise-6.1.0.js"></script>
A lazy promise implementation, based on - https://github.com/then/lazy-promise - but modified to work with browser native promises - note, only tested in firefox, YMMV
var inherits = (function() {
if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {
return function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
ctor.super_ = superCtor
ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: ctor,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
} else {
return function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
ctor.super_ = superCtor;
var TempCtor = function () {};
TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
ctor.prototype = new TempCtor();
ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;
inherits(LazyPromise, Promise);
function LazyPromise(fn) {
var promise;
if (!(this instanceof LazyPromise)) {
return new LazyPromise(fn);
if (typeof fn != 'function') {
throw new TypeError('fn is not a function');
this.then = function(onResolved, onRejected) {
return (promise = promise || new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
try { fn(resolve, reject) }
catch (e) { reject(e) }
}, 0);
})).then(onResolved, onRejected);
Now to changes in your code - very minimal
var promises = [];
$items.each(function(k, v) {
new LazyPromise(function(resolve, reject) { // wrap the (broken) jQuery "promise" in a Lazy Promise
url: ...,
.then(resolve, reject); // I assume $.ajax is "thenable", so resolve the wrapping Lazy promise;
}) // end of Lazy Promise wrapper
$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() { ... });
This is probably overkill, but it should do exactly what you requested in your question
I wish to call dealCardSelectableAI(), have it chooseCards(), then use the output to set an observable system.star.cardList(), then call setCardName(). Once all this is done I want saveGame() to execute.
However, setCardName() is not completing before saveGame() is called, so apparently I can't push it into my deferredQueue via a .then().
I'm using jQuery due to working within an ES5 environment.
var setCardName = function (system, card) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
require(["cards/" + card[0].id], function (data) {
var cardName = loc(data.summarize());
system.star.ai().cardName = cardName;
return deferred.promise();
var dealCardSelectableAI = function (win, turnState) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
// Avoid running twice after winning a fight
if (!win || turnState === "end") {
var deferredQueue = [];
_.forEach(model.galaxy.systems(), function (system, starIndex) {
if (
model.canSelect(starIndex) &&
system.star.ai() &&
system.star.ai().treasurePlanet !== true
) {
inventory: inventory,
count: 1,
star: system.star,
galaxy: game.galaxy(),
addSlot: false,
}).then(function (card) {
deferredQueue.push(setCardName(system, card));
$.when(deferredQueue).then(function () {
} else {
return deferred.promise();
dealCardSelectableAI(false).then(function () {
saveGame(game, true);
I tried resolving this by changing the function calls so setCardName() was chained following dealCardSelectableAI(). However, it relies on system.star.cardList() having been written, which in some circumstances had not yet been done.
Given the dependency system.star.cardList() has on chooseCards(), I cannot figure out how to make sure it has been written to before calling setCardName() in a way which blocks saveGame() until everything is done.
I have the following nodeJS code.I need to get the machines for each service from the redis database. I am using the 'q' library to simplify the callback problem. However I do not get the output.
I am new to node/callbacks/q. Where is my mistake in the code?
I have a controller.js file with the following code
function getMachines(services) {
var machines = Q.fcall(function() {});
services.forEach(function(service) {
var value = function() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
redisDB.readfromRedis(service, function(result) {
return deferred.promise;
return machines;
testController.js(calling the getMachines function from the controller.js )
var services = ['dashDb22', 'service1', 'service2', 'service3']
var output = controller.getMachines(services)
function readfromRedis(key, callback) {
client.smembers(key, function(error, value) {
if (error) {
throw error;
console.log('VALUE IS: = ' + value);
Your getMachines() doesn't do much, machines is useless and inside your forEach(), you're storing a function you never execute. Your code being simple, you don't really need to use Q, nodejs has a native Promise support.
function getMachines(services) {
// create an array of promises
var myPromises = services.map(function (service) {
// for each service, create a Promise
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
redisDB.readfromRedis(service, function (result) {
// takes an array of promises and returns a promise for when they've all
// fulfilled (completed successfully) with the values as the result
return Promise.all(myPromises);
getMachines(services).then(function (machines) {
// use machines here
You could also make readfromRedis() a promise to make it simpler to use.
I've been using Bluebird a lot recently on a HAPI API development. I've just run into my first real problem, that perhaps my understanding or naivety has me stumped.
The following code is an example of what I am facing:-
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
stuff = require('../stuff');
module.exports = {
getSomething: function(request, reply) {
var p = Promise.resolve();
p = p.then(function() {
return db.find() //etc. etc.
p = p.then(function(resultFromPromise) {
//problems begin here
var data = stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction(resultFromPromise);
return data;
p.then(function(data) {
//no data here.
I've commented where the problems usually begin. the stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction() returns an object (using more promises concidently) and it's this object I want to access, but //no data here always fires before data returns. stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction() continues to run regardless and completes successfully, but after the code goes async, I don't know how to promise that function's return value back.
Can anyone offer any guidance? Please accept my apologies for any naivety in the question!
Help as always, is appreciated
NB just for clarity, stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction() does not return a Promise itself. Although, I did try return new Promise(reject, resolve) { }); manual wrap. It is simply a function that uses promises itself (successfully) to get data.
Update 1
stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction() is too big to post directly, but it does something like this:-
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
rp = require('request-promise');
module.exports = {
doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction: function() {
var p = Promise.resolve();
p = p.then(function() {
return db.find() //etc. etc.
p.then(function() {
//get some data from remote location
}).then(function(dataFromService) {
//do some jiggery pokery with said data
var marshalledData = dataFromService;
Field: 'something'
}).exec(function(err, saved) {
return marshalledData;
}).catch(function(err) {
Update 2
Thank you Justin for your help. Here is the actual code, perhaps this may help?
.then(function() {
if(typeof utils.intTryParse(place) !== 'number') {
return foursquare.createPlaceFromFoursquare(sso, place, request, reply);
} else {
return { Place: { PlaceId: place }};
}).then(function(placeObj) {
console.log('Place set as', placeObj); //always returns undefined, despite function actually completing after async op...
If your doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction is really running asynchronously, then it doesn't make sense to run it the way you have setup.
Edit - Here's a simple explanation of the way your code looks to be running vs a refactored version. It's been simplified , so you'll need to fill in the relevant sections with your actual implementation.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
function myAsync() {
return 'done sleeping';
}, 2000);
//The way your code is running
return 'hello';
return myAsync(); //your error is here
return 'hello';
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
resolve('done sleeping');
}, 2000);
just for clarity, stuff.doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction() does not return a Promise itself.
And that's your problem. As it does something asynchronous and you want to get its result, it should return a promise. In fact, that's the case for every asynchronous function, especially then callbacks! It should be something like
module.exports = {
doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction: function() {
return db.find()
// ^^^^^^
.then(function() {
return rp(options).then(function(response){
// ^^^^^^
//get some data from remote location
}).then(function(dataFromService) {
//do some jiggery pokery with said data
var marshalledData = dataFromService;
return db.something.create({
// ^^^^^^
Field: 'something'
}).catch(function(err) {
Your getSomething method has the same issues, and should look like this:
var createPlace = Promise.promisify(foursquare.createPlaceFromFoursquare);
module.exports = {
getSomething: function(request) {
var p;
if (typeof utils.intTryParse(place) !== 'number')
p = createPlace(sso, place, request); // this returns a promise!
p = Promise.resolve({Place: {PlaceId: place}});
return p.then(function(placeObj) {
// ^^^^^^
console.log('Place set as', placeObj);
See also these generic rules for promise development.
doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction needs to look like this:
doSomeReallyLongAndBoringFunction: function(param) {
var resolver = Promise.defer();
* do some asynchronous task and when you are finished
* in the callback, do this:
return resolver.promise;
I a promise in such fashion,
function getMode(){
var deferred = Promise.defer();
return checkIf('B');
return checkIf('C');
return deferred.promise;
checkIf returns a promise, and yes checkIf cannot be modified.
How do I break out of the chain at the first match? (any way other than explicitly throwing error?)
Any way other than explicitly throwing error?
You may need to throw something, but it does not have to be an error.
Most promise implementations have method catch accepting the first argument as error type (but not all, and not ES6 promise), it would be helpful under this situation:
function BreakSignal() { }
.then(function () {
throw new BreakSignal();
.then(function () {
// Something to skip.
.catch(BreakSignal, function () { })
.then(function () {
// Continue with other works.
I add the ability to break in the recent implementation of my own promise library. And if you were using ThenFail (as you would probably not), you can write something like this:
.then(function () {
.then(function () {
// Something to skip.
.then(function () {
// Continue with other works.
You can use
return { then: function() {} };
return { then: function() {} }; // end/break the chain
return checkIf('B');
The return statement returns a "then-able", only that the then method does nothing.
When returned from a function in then(), the then() will try to get the result from the thenable.
The then-able's "then" takes a callback but that will never be called in this case. So the "then()" returns, and the callback for the rest of the chain does not happen.
I think you don't want a chain here. In a synchronous fashion, you'd have written
function getMode(){
if (checkIf('A')) {
return 'A';
} else {
if (checkIf('B')) {
return 'B';
} else {
if (checkIf('C')) {
return 'C';
} else {
throw new Error();
and this is how it should be translated to promises:
function getMode(){
checkIf('A').then(function(bool) {
if (bool)
return 'A';
return checkIf('B').then(function(bool) {
if (bool)
return 'B';
return checkIf('C').then(function(bool) {
if (bool)
return 'C';
throw new Error();
There is no if else-flattening in promises.
I would just use coroutines/spawns, this leads to much simpler code:
function* getMode(){
if(yield checkIf('A'))
return 'A';
if(yield checkIf('B'))
return 'B';
if(yield checkIf('C'))
return 'C';
throw undefined; // don't actually throw or reject with non `Error`s in production
If you don't have generators then there's always traceur or 6to5.
You could create a firstSucceeding function that would either return the value of the first succeeded operation or throw a NonSucceedingError.
I've used ES6 promises, but you can adapt the algorithm to support the promise interface of your choice.
function checkIf(val) {
console.log('checkIf called with', val);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, [val, val === 'B']), 0);
var firstSucceeding = (function () {
return function (alternatives, succeeded) {
var failedPromise = Promise.reject(NoneSucceededError());
return (alternatives || []).reduce(function (promise, alternative) {
return promise.then(function (result) {
if (succeeded(result)) return result;
else return alternative();
}, alternative);
}, failedPromise).then(function (result) {
if (!succeeded(result)) throw NoneSucceededError();
return result;
function NoneSucceededError() {
var error = new Error('None succeeded');
error.name = 'NoneSucceededError';
return error;
function getMode() {
return firstSucceeding([
checkIf.bind(null, 'A'),
checkIf.bind(null, 'B'),
checkIf.bind(null, 'C')
], function (result) {
return result[1] === true;
getMode().then(function (result) {
console.log('res', result);
}, function (err) { console.log('err', err); });
i like a lot of the answers posted so far that mitigate what the q readme calls the "pyramid of doom". for the sake of discussion, i'll add the pattern that i plunked out before searching around to see what other people are doing. i wrote a function like
var null_wrap = function (fn) {
return function () {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
if (arguments[i] === null) {
return null;
return fn.apply(null, arguments);
and i did something totally analogous to #vilicvane's answer, except rather than throw new BreakSignal(), i'd written return null, and wrapped all subsequent .then callbacks in null_wrap like
then(null_wrap(function (res) { /* do things */ }))
i think this is a good answer b/c it avoids lots of indentation and b/c the OP specifically asked for a solution that doesn't throw. that said, i may go back and use something more like what #vilicvane did b/c some library's promises might return null to indicate something other than "break the chain", and that could be confusing.
this is more a call for more comments/answers than a "this is definitely the way to do it" answer.
Probably coming late the party here, but I recently posted an answer using generators and the co library that would answer this question (see solution 2):
The code would be something like:
const requestHandler = function*() {
const survey = yield Survey.findOne({
_id: "bananasId"
if (survey !== null) {
console.log("use HTTP PUT instead!");
try {
//saving empty object for demonstration purposes
yield(new Survey({}).save());
console.log("Saved Successfully !");
catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to save with error: ${error}`);
.then(() => {
You would pretty much write synchronous code that would be in reality asynchronous !
Hope it helps!
Try to use libs like thisone:
.then(pb((data) => {
if (!data.someCheck()) {
// All other '.then' calls will be skiped
return pb.BREAK;
.then(pb(() => {
.then(pb(() => {
.catch((error) => {
I have this class:
"use strict";
var FileRead = function() {
p.read = function(file) {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
var deferred = $.Deferred();
fileReader.onload = function(event) {
fileReader.onerror = function() {
return deferred.promise();
lx.FileRead = FileRead;
The class is called in a loop:
var self = this;
$.each(files, function(index, file){
self.fileRead.read(file).done(function(fileB64){self.fileShow(file, fileB64, fileTemplate);});
My question is, is there a way to call a method once the loop has completed and self.fileRead has returned it's deferred for everything in the loop?
I want it to call the method even if one or more of the deferred fails.
$.when lets you wrap up multiple promises into one. Other promise libraries have something similar. Build up an array of promises returned by fileRead.read and then pass that array to $.when and hook up then/done/fail/always methods to the promise returned by .when
// use map instead of each and put that inside a $.when call
$.when.apply(null, $.map(files, function(index, file){
// return the resulting promise
return self.fileRead.read(file).done(function(fileB64){self.fileShow(file, fileB64, fileTemplate);});
}).done(function() {
//now everything is done
var self = this;
var processFiles = function (data) {
var promises = [];
$.each(files, function (index, file) {
var def = data.fileRead.read(file);
return $.when.apply(undefined, promises).promise();
//do stuff
$.when says "when all these promises are resolved... do something". It takes an infinite (variable) number of parameters. In this case, you have an array of promises;
I know this is closed but as the doc states for $.when: In the multiple-Deferreds case where one of the Deferreds is rejected, jQuery.when immediately fires the failCallbacks for its master Deferred. (emphasis on immediately is mine)
If you want to complete all Deferreds even when one fails, I believe you need to come up with your own plugin along those lines below. The $.whenComplete function expects an array of functions that return a JQueryPromise.
var whenComplete = function (promiseFns) {
var me = this;
return $.Deferred(function (dfd) {
if (promiseFns.length === 0) {
} else {
var numPromises = promiseFns.length;
var failed = false;
var args;
var resolves = [];
promiseFns.forEach(function (promiseFn) {
try {
promiseFn().fail(function () {
failed = true;
args = arguments;
}).done(function () {
}).always(function () {
if (--numPromises === 0) {
if (failed) {
//Reject with the last error
dfd.reject.apply(me, args);
} else {
} catch (e) {
var msg = 'Unexpected error processing promise. ' + e.message;
console.error('APP> ' + msg, promiseFn);
dfd.reject.call(me, msg, promiseFn);
To address the requirement, "to call the method even if one or more of the deferred fails" you ideally want an .allSettled() method but jQuery doesn't have that particular grain of sugar, so you have to do a DIY job :
You could find/write a $.allSettled() utility or achieve the same effect with a combination of .when() and .then() as follows :
var self = this;
$.when.apply(null, $.map(files, function(index, file) {
return self.fileRead.read(file).then(function(fileB64) {
self.fileShow(file, fileB64, fileTemplate);
return fileB64;//or similar
}, function() {
return $.when();//or similar
If it existed, $.allSettled() would do something similar internally.
Next, "in myMethod, how to distinguish the good responses from the errors?", but that's another question :)