How to extract correctly local variables from Javascript function? - javascript

Actually i have this code :
var options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 5000,
maximumAge: 0
function success(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
var lat = crd.latitude;
var lon = crd.longitude;
var acc = crd.accuracy;
console.log("latitude is ", lat);
var mydata = {latitude:lat, longitude:lon, accuracy:acc};
return mydata;
function error(err) {
console.warn('ERROR(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);
I have a lot of doubts about the scope management. How can i get the variables lat, lon and acc out of the function? with return doesn't work... I know that if i declare the variable without the var this will work but I've read that it is a bad practice. I want to extract those three variables for use it with another application like OpenStreetMap... or OpenWeather.
Thanks a lot.

this is a very common issue with handling async data in JavaScript.
The trick here is to create a named function and bind the context you want to update when the callback occurs :)
Here is an example of an observer that will automatically update when the property changes when the success, error or any other change occurs.
<div id="geolocation">
<div class="button default"></div>
<div class="button success">
<div class="button error"></div>
var success = function(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
this.default = "latitude is " + crd.latitude;
var mydata = {
latitude: crd.latitude,
longitude: crd.longitude,
accuracy: crd.accuracy
}; = mydata;
Here is the full working example:,js,output
Hope that helps!


how can i get data in API javascript?

I am using javascript to get data and display it. i created 2 functions, DATA and DISP. i then call DATA first, then call DISP...and am having trouble getting the data from fn DATA to be available globally for later. [i will use it on a weather map]
So i have tried to update with the suggestions, and although i can now force the order using ASYNCH, I still get temp=0 when accessed later, yet it displays fine insided the DATA routine.
---why isnt the global variable TEMP being changed in setup, so i can later display it by an alert with temp= what the temp is, and not temp=0
... note that it only works if i call the disp function inside of the setup, but i cant do this if i want to call multiple APIs to multiple cities
===== so here is the code===
var temp=0; //global
var longitude=0
function DATA()
alert(" in DATA ")
//function getWeather() {
let temperature = document.getElementById("temperature");
let description = document.getElementById("description");
let location = document.getElementById("location");
let api = "";
let apiKey = "f146799a557e8ab658304c1b30cc3cfd";
location.innerHTML = "Locating...";
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
function success(position) {
latitude = position.coords.latitude;
longitude = position.coords.longitude;
let url =
api +
"?lat=" +
latitude +
"&lon=" +
longitude +
"&appid=" +
apiKey +
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// console.log(data);
temp = data.main.temp;
temperature.innerHTML = temp + "° F";
//DISP() // only works here
location.innerHTML = + " (" + latitude + "°, " + longitude + "°) ";
description.innerHTML =[0].main;
function error() {
location.innerHTML = "Unable to retrieve your location";
function DISP()
alert("disp temp in disp "+ temp)
tempi.innerHTML =temp;
async function delayedGreeting() {
try to fix :
function displaydata(data){
Also if you are working with async functions ( maybe when you try to get data from the web) make sure you use await .
await holds the process until it get's the promise back.
Also it might be helpful the add some more of the code .

How do I update a textbox value using values from an array?

I'd like to use JavaScript to update a textbox value using values from an array:
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var pos = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude
alert(pos['lat'] + ', ' + pos['lng']);
data = pos['lat'] + ', ' + pos['lng'];
document.getElementById("address").value = data.value;
}, function() {
My problem is that the alert displays the lat and long coordinates correctly, but the textbox value gets updated to "undefined", meaning data.value is undefined.
How can I fix this? Thanks!
Note: I can't provide a code snippet for geolocation on stackoverflow it seems? *
try this:
document.getElementById("address").value = data;

show local weather using openweathermap api

I am going to make a web app that show local weather using openweathermap api.
When I click the button, an IP API was called to get the co-ordinate of my location(longitude and latitude). These information then was used with API key (I registered in the website to create URL to call weather info according to the APIdocs, then change the HTML element with the data got from the server. I doing this on codepen. I tried to do the simplest one but it doesn't work.
<h1>weather forcast</h1>
<button id="btn">view</button>
<p id ="test">change me</p>
<p id ="place">place</p>
<p id ="temp">temperature</p>
<p id ="description">description</p>
var getLocation = function(data) {
var lat =;
var lon = data.lon;
var apiKey = "[APIKEY]";
var url = '' + 'lat=' + lat + '&lon=' + lon + '&appid=' + apiKey;
//call back function to extract weather info.
var getWeather = function(data) {
var temp = data.main.temp;
var description =[0].description;
var place =;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btn").click(function() {
$.getJSON('', getLocation, 'jsonp')
$.getJSON(url, getWeather, 'jsonp');
$("#test").text("I AM CHANGED. THANKS!")
You have several issues. The first is that the $.getJSON calls are asynchronous, so the text() of the elements will be changed before any request completes. You need to place all code dependant on the values returned from the request in the callback functions.
Secondly you have issues with variable scope where you're defining your variables inside the function and then attempting to use them outside where they will be undefined.
With that said, you need to re-arrange your logic to something like this:
var getWeather = function(data) {
$.getJSON('', {
lon: data.lon,
appid: "[APIKEY HERE]"
}, showWeather, 'jsonp');
var showWeather = function(data) {
$("#test").text("I AM CHANGED. THANKS!")
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btn").click(function() {
$.getJSON('', getWeather)
Note that the function calls are chained from the event (ie the click makes the location AJAX request, which calls getWeather which then calls showWeather. Also note how the variables are now local and used within their own function scope.
Finally, check that you're using the correct data formats for the AJAX requests. is returning JSON, not JSONP.
You can get data about the location with use third-party API. for example:
You get your location weather data from OpenWeatherMap service using the ip-api. its help you to get visitor location weather.
var getIP = '';
var openWeatherMap = ''
$.getJSON(getIP).done(function(location) {
$.getJSON(openWeatherMap, {
lon: location.lon,
units: 'metric',
APPID: 'Your-Openweather-Apikey'
}).done(function(weather) {

Trying to get local weather

I am trying to get local weather by getting currentposition and passing it to url for getting results. I can't seem to be able to pass the coordinates outside the getCurrentPosition.
My codepen is:
if (navigator.geolocation) {
var app = {
getGeoLoc: function(id) {
var self = this;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
var myVar1, myVar2, myVar3; // Define has many variables as you want here
// From here you can pass the position, as well as any other arguments
// you might need.
self.foundLoc(position, self, myVar1, myVar2, myVar3);
}, this.noloc, {
timeout: 3
foundLoc: function(position, self, myVar1, myVar2, myVar3) {
this.latituide = position.coords.latituide;
this.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
console.log('#4 position coords work in foundLoc: ', this.latitude, this.longitude);
latitude: '',
longitude: ''
console.log('#5 found loc in app, ', app.foundLoc);
var url = '' + app.latitude + '&lon=' + app.longitude + '&APPID=7bda183adf213c8cfa2ef68635588ef3';
//lets look inside url
console.log('#1 url has coordinates: ', url);
Theres a few issues here.
Firstly, you don't seem to be calling the getGeoLoc method, so that would be the first fix.
You have included an error callback of this.noloc but it isn't included in your object.
There are a few typo's for your co-ordinates
You are making your API request before the geolocation has resolved so app.latitude and app.longitude will be undefined. This should ideally be wrapped in a method that gets called upon a successful geolocation request.
var app = {
getGeoLoc : function (id) {
//Removed timeout option due to error
var options = {}; //{ timeout: 3 };
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.foundLoc.bind(this), this.noloc, options);
foundLoc : function(position) {
this.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
this.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
console.log('coords ', this.latitude, this.longitude);
// Call your get weather function
// Using call to bind the context of `this`;
// Error method
noloc: function(err) {
// Method to get your weather after location is found
getWather: function() {
var url = '' + this.latitude + '&lon=' + this.longitude +'&APPID=7bda183adf213c8cfa2ef68635588ef3';
console.log('URL is: '+url);
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
console.log('Your weather data', data);
// Do your dom stuff here
latitude: '',
longitude: ''
// Make sure to call your initialising function
NOTE: I have removed the HTML stuff for the demo and have removed the timeout option as it caused an error.
Link to forked codepen

String value becomes undefined when trying to concat another string

I'm working on practicing with the openweathermap api. I have a coordinate object with keys lat & lon which are equal to a string. When I pass that coord obj into another function and try to concat those strings with the api call string they become undefined. I thought I made the scope of these variables global but it doesn't seem to be the case. Can someone tell me what is incorrect about this code
var apikey = '9575f3355ae129dc91424b5712a7695e';
var coords = {};
var accessOWM='';
function myLocation(){ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { = (Math.round(position.coords.latitude*100)/100).toString();
coords.lon = (Math.round(position.coords.longitude*100)/100).toString();
function changeAccess(coordObj, key){
accessOWM =''+coordObj['lat']+'&lon='+coordObj['lon']+'&APPID='+key;
changeAccess(coords, apikey);
That's because getCurrentPosition method is asynchronous. This mean that getCurrentPosition's callback is not invoked at the moment of calling changeAccess function. So you have to place changeAccess call into getCurrentPosition's callback:
function myLocation() {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { = (Math.round(position.coords.latitude*100)/100).toString();
coords.lon = (Math.round(position.coords.longitude*100)/100).toString();
changeAccess(coords, apikey);
You have an issue with async code. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback) function is an asyncronious function, the successCallback will not be executed immedeately, but with some delay. That is why when you call console.log(coords) and changeAccess(coords, apiKey), the coords are not defined yet. You need to call these functions (and the last one) from inside the .getCurrentPosition() callback.
Since coords is declared in the parent scope of changeAccess, you don't need to pass coordObj into changeAccess. Have you tried:
accessOWM =''+ + '&lon=' + coords.lon + '&APPID='+key;
var apikey = '9575f3355ae129dc91424b5712a7695e';
var accessOWM;
function round(v){ return Math.round(v*100)/100 }
function myLocation(){
function changeAccess(coords){
accessOWM ='' + round(coords.latitude) + '&lon=' + round(coords.longitude) + '&APPID=' + apikey;
var apikey = '9575f3355ae129dc91424b5712a7695e';
var accessOWM = myLocation().then(changeAccess);
function round(v){ return Math.round(v*100)/100 }
function myLocation(){
return new Promise(function(resolve){
function changeAccess(coords){
return '' + round(coords.latitude) + '&lon=' + round(coords.longitude) + '&APPID=' + apikey;
