Sails.js Waterline query by association - javascript

I'm developing and app with Sails.js and using Waterline orm for db. I'm developing functionality for users to do friend requests and other similar requests to each other. I have following URequest model for that:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
owner: {
model: 'Person'
people: {
collection: 'Person'
answers: {
collection: 'URequestAnswer'
action: {
type: 'json' //TODO: Consider alternative more schema consistent approach.
Basically owner is association to Person who made the request and people is one-to-many association to all Persons who the request is directed. So far fine.
Now I want to have a controller which returns all requests where certain user is involved in meaning all requests where user is either in owner field or in people. How I do query like "give me all rows where there is association to person P" ? In other words how I ca know which URequest models have association to a certain Person?
I tried something like this:
getRequests: function (req, res) {
var personId = req.param('personId');
or: [
{people: [personId]}, //TODO: This is not correct
{owner: personId}
}).populateAll().then(function(results) {
So I know how to do the "or" part but how do I check if the personId is in people? I know I should somehow be able to look into join-table but I have no idea how and couldn't find much from Waterline docs relating to my situation. Also, I'm trying to keep this db-agnostic, though atm I'm using MongoDB but might use Postgres later.

I have to be honest this is a tricky one, and, as far as I know what you are trying to do is not possible using Waterline so your options are to write a native query using query( ) if you are using a sql based adapter or native otherwise, or try doing some manual filtering. Manual filtering would depend on how large of a dataset you are dealing with.
My mind immediately goes to reworking your data model a bit, maybe instead of a collection you have a table that stores associations. Something like this:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
owner: {
model: 'URequest'
person: {
model: 'Person'
Using the sailsjs model methods (like beforeCreate) you could auto create these associations as needed.
Good Luck, I hope you get it working!


Sequelize Many-to-many querying model

Have some troubles with querying data.
Have 2 models with many to many relationships.
1st - S3FileData, 2nd - Playlists, they are connected through PlaylistContent table.
Also S3FileData is connected with User with User has-many playlists.
I need to query S3Files which belongs to user, but are not presented in user playlist.
I have playlist Id,userId.
Also I need offset and limit methods, so I tried to query this using findAndCountAll
But got no luck with it.
Would be very appreciate for any help :)
You will require include(joins in SQL) that will connect all these tables.
Something like this but first you will need to intertwine your models(db tables) which will look something like this:
User.belongsToMany(Profile, { through: Grant });
Profile.belongsToMany(User, { through: Grant });
Now, Once you are through the joins you'll require to use those joins using include keyword in your findAll (or findAllAndCount as per the requirement):
Some basic code (You will need to try and tweak accordingly, this is rough code):
include: [
model: user,
attributes: ['some columns']
include: {
model: userPlaylist,
attributes: ['some columns'],
required: false
where: {[Op.and]: Sequelize.where(Sequelize.col('userPlaylist.userId'), 'is not' null)},
attributes: ['some columns']
lastly for offset and limit you'll require basic SQL logic of LIMIT and OFFSET
sample snippet from official docs for offset and limit:
where: {
title: {
[]: 'foo%'
offset: 10,
limit: 2
Reference for the same:

Mongoose - Updating a referenced Document when saving

If I have a Schema which has an Array of references to another Schema, is there a way I can update both Documents with one endpoint?
This is my Schema:
CompanySchema = new Schema({
addresses: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Address'
I want to send a Company with the full Address object to /companies/:id/edit. With this endpoint, I want to edit attributes on Company and Address at the same time.
In Rails you can use something like nested attributes to do one big UPDATE call, and it will update the Company and update or add the Address as well.
Any idea how would you do this in Mongoose?
Cascade saves are not natively supported in Mongoose (issue).
But there are plugins (example: cascading-relations) that implement this behavior on nested populate objects.
Take in mind that mongodb is not a fully transactional database, and the "big save" is achieved with various insert()/update() op calls and you (or the plugin) have to handle errors and rollback.
Example of cascade save:
.then(() => Promise.all( => {
/* update fkeys if needed */
.catch(err => console.error('something went wrong...', err))

Create multiple user contracts in Meteor

I want to create a system where multiple contracts can be created belonging to different users.
In Django, Ruby, etc., I would create a model Contract with field user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) but I don't know how to do this in Meteor.
Is it better to make a schema with
Schema.User = new SimpleSchema({
contracts: {
type: [Object],
"contracts.$.start_date": {
type: Date,
"contracts.$.end_date": {
type: Date,
"contracts.$.salary": {
type: Number,
or something like that? And then use meteor-autoform to create these? It seems very difficult to make objects relational in Meteor.
MongoDB isn't a relational database and so you'll need to manually handle relationships yourself (using multiple queries). Traditionally a Mongo document would use embedding whenever possible and use separate collections when necessary. See here for more information:
MongoDB relationships: embed or reference?
However, Meteor throws a spanner in the works since the publish model can only publish top-level documents, and there's little support for document hierarchies when writing templates etc.
Therefore the normal approach under Meteor is to create table for each collection and to have a records refer to other records using an ID:
Schema.User = new SimpleSchema({
contracts: {
type: [String],
Schema.Contract = new SimpleSchema({
user: {
type: String,
index: true
Although this will result in you having to do multiple queries, the structure will work very will with Meteor's design philosophies.

Querying associated models using MEAN stack

I’m trying to setup an model association using MEAN where an Epic has many Tasks. I’m creating the Epic first then associating it when creating a task. The task data model looks like this with the Epic associated:
{ name: 'my first task',
{ name: 'My fist epic',
_id: 52f511c605456ba4c936180d,
__v: 0},
_id: 52f511d605456ba4c936180e,
__v: 0 } }
In my public Epics controller I’m trying to query for all the tasks with the current Epic’s ID but I’m I’m not having much luck. The query below returns ALL tasks instead of the tasks associated with my Epic.
Tasks.query({“epic._id": $routeParams.epicId}, function(tasks) {
$scope.tasks = tasks;
Is there a better way to do association and retrieval using MEAN? I’m a bit of a noob.
Thanks in advance!
I've playing around with the idea of updating the epic when a new task is created. In app/controllers/tasks.js I have this code that doesn't work.
exports.create = function (req, res) {
var task = new Task(req.body)
Epic.find(, function (err, epic) {
if (err) return next(err)
Are you also using mongoose? I would use the "ref" and "populate".
First you have a TaskSchema.
var TaskSchema = new Schema({ ... });
mongoose.model('Task', TaskSchema);
add the model etc, then you you reference it in your other schema. I'll add an example of 1 or multiple task(s).
var Schema = new Schema({
task: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Task'
tasks: [
{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Task'}
and then to call it with populate.
_id: id
It looks like you need help debugging xhr. Let's trace the steps:
Is your request making it to the server?
Is it arriving at the correct express route?
Is your server-side code performing the correct find operation against Mongo?
Is Mongo returning the right results?
Are you writing the results from Mongo into the response correctly?
Are you able to see the response on the client by inspecting the network traffic using your browser's dev tools?
Are you handling the promise success correctly?
You'll need to post more info and code to know where the problem lies.

Node.js server emit data to backbone model

I'm trying to integrate with backbone.js, so basicly I have a node server that gets data from a database and emit the data to a backbone client, the client's model should somehow retrieve the incoming data but I'm not sure how to put in the model now, just getting confused after lost of tries. Any expert please enlight me would be much appreciated!
Node server emit data to client in url /pics
app.get('/pics', function(req, res){
db.collection('pics', function(err, collection) {
collection.find().toArray(function(err, items) {
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('news', items);
Client in Backbone model should retrieve the emitted data(this model works for normal http data sending):
window.Pic = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "/pics",
idAttribute: "_id",
initialize: function (){},
defaults: {
_id: null,
name: "",
date: "",
window.PicCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Pic,
url: "/pics"
I must admit using Backbone on node + is quite interesting. Still haven't put my mind into it though. First thing first, have you considered using a plugin Backbone for websockets? Some people have created such.
To give another approach, I think you don't really have much of a choice. Using to listen to incoming data would result in something like that:
socket.on('model', function(attributes) {
// do something
So you'd have to have access to some collection where you could update manually your model.
If you wish to really use INSIDE your model, a more transparent way would be to extend your model to start listening to some custom event on its creation. I'll link a jsfiddle to show what could be done.
Edit: here you go.
Note that this is full of boilerplate. I'm trying to figure out a way to do a generic socketModel. I'll update if I find one.
