javascript find same position in rotated element - javascript

I have a "base" reference rect (red)
Inside a rotated div (#map), I need a clone rect (yellow), it has to be same size and position of "base" rect, independent of its parent (#map) rotation.
This is where I am so far, any help would be welcoming.
var controls = { degrees: 0, rectX:125, rectY:55 };
var wBounds = document.getElementById("wrapper").getBoundingClientRect(),
mapBounds = document.getElementById("map").getBoundingClientRect(),
rectBounds = document.getElementById("rect").getBoundingClientRect();
var _x = ((mapBounds.width - wBounds.width) / 2) + $('#rect').position().left,
_y = ((mapBounds.height - wBounds.height) / 2) + $('#rect').position().top;
$('#rect').css({top: controls.rectY+'px', left:controls.rectX+'px'});
$('#mapRect').css({top: _y+'px',
'transform': 'rotate('+ Math.round(-controls.degrees) +'deg)'});
$('#map').css('transform', 'rotate('+ Math.round(controls.degrees) +'deg)');

Since you're rotating the #mapRect an equal amount in the opposite direction you're getting rotation/orientation right but not the origin. The transform-origin would be the center of the #mapBounds, but relative to the #rect;
Fork of your pen:
Since there is some rounding/subpixel positioning happening the yellow rect doesn't align pixel perfect.
function updateUI(){
var _x = ((mapBounds.width - wBounds.width) / 2) + $('#rect').position().left,
_y = ((mapBounds.height - wBounds.height) / 2) + $('#rect').position().top,
_ox = mapBounds.width/2 - _x, // origin x
_oy = mapBounds.height/2 - _y; // origin y
'transform-origin': _ox + 'px ' + _oy + 'px', // now it rotates by the bounds
top: _y + 'px',
left: _x + 'px',
'transform': 'rotate(' + Math.round(-controls.degrees) + 'deg)'
Edit: Updated the pen. You'll have to ditch using Rectangle and instead use Polygon. This way you can use a plugin like to perform the rotation along the map center.


Javascript create SVG path bottom up vs top down

I have a page that shows a grid of job positions and I am showing the progression from one to another by using SVG + paths to draw the connection between boxes.
My code is working just fine when I am connecting an element at the top to one at the bottom. It is finding the XY of the top box and the XY of the bottom box and connects the two.
My issue is I want to flip this code and go from the bottom up. This means I need the top XY of the bottom element and the bottom XY of the top element and draw the path.
I have been trying to flip offsets around and basically do the opposite of what is working but I think my math is wrong somewhere.
Here is what the top down approach looks like. Works just fine.
The bottom up approach however is not correct. Theres some math errors somewhere and the calculations are causing the SVG to be cut off.
I believe the answer lies within the connectElements() function as that is where the coordinates are determined.
Any thoughts on how I can get these calculations corrected?
JS Code:
function getOffset(el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: rect.left + window.pageXOffset,
top: + window.pageYOffset,
width: rect.width || el.offsetWidth,
height: rect.height || el.offsetHeight
function drawPath(svg, path, startX, startY, endX, endY) {
// get the path's stroke width (if one wanted to be really precize, one could use half the stroke size)
var style = getComputedStyle(path)
var stroke = parseFloat(style.strokeWidth);
// check if the svg is big enough to draw the path, if not, set heigh/width
if (svg.getAttribute("height") < endY) svg.setAttribute("height", endY);
if (svg.getAttribute("width") < (startX + stroke)) svg.setAttribute("width", (startX + stroke));
if (svg.getAttribute("width") < (endX + stroke * 3)) svg.setAttribute("width", (endX + stroke * 3));
var deltaX = (endX - startX) * 0.15;
var deltaY = (endY - startY) * 0.15;
// for further calculations which ever is the shortest distance
var delta = deltaY < absolute(deltaX) ? deltaY : absolute(deltaX);
// set sweep-flag (counter/clock-wise)
// if start element is closer to the left edge,
// draw the first arc counter-clockwise, and the second one clock-wise
var arc1 = 0;
var arc2 = 1;
if (startX > endX) {
arc1 = 1;
arc2 = 0;
// draw tha pipe-like path
// 1. move a bit down, 2. arch, 3. move a bit to the right, 4.arch, 5. move down to the end
path.setAttribute("d", "M" + startX + " " + startY +
" V" + (startY + delta) +
" A" + delta + " " + delta + " 0 0 " + arc1 + " " + (startX + delta * signum(deltaX)) + " " + (startY + 2 * delta) +
" H" + (endX - delta * signum(deltaX)) +
" A" + delta + " " + delta + " 0 0 " + arc2 + " " + endX + " " + (startY + 3 * delta) +
" V" + (endY - 30));
function connectElements(svg, path, startElem, endElem, type, direction) {
// Define our container
var svgContainer = document.getElementById('svgContainer'),
svgTop = getOffset(svgContainer).top,
svgLeft = getOffset(svgContainer).left,
startCoord = startElem,
endCoord = endElem;
console.log(svg, path, startElem, endElem, type, direction)
* bottomUp - This means we need the top XY of the starting box and the bottom XY of the destination box
* topDown - This means we need the bottom XY of the starting box and the top XY of the destination box
switch (direction) {
case 'bottomUp': // Not Working
// Calculate path's start (x,y) coords
// We want the x coordinate to visually result in the element's mid point
startX = getOffset(startCoord).left + 0.5 * getOffset(startElem).width - svgLeft; // x = left offset + 0.5*width - svg's left offset
startY = getOffset(startCoord).top + getOffset(startElem).height - svgTop; // y = top offset + height - svg's top offset
// Calculate path's end (x,y) coords
endX = endCoord.getBoundingClientRect().left + 0.5 * endElem.offsetWidth - svgLeft;
endY = endCoord.getBoundingClientRect().top - svgTop;
case 'topDown': // Working
// If first element is lower than the second, swap!
if (startElem.offsetTop > endElem.offsetTop) {
var temp = startElem;
startElem = endElem;
endElem = temp;
// Calculate path's start (x,y) coords
// We want the x coordinate to visually result in the element's mid point
startX = getOffset(startCoord).left + 0.5 * getOffset(startElem).width - svgLeft; // x = left offset + 0.5*width - svg's left offset
startY = getOffset(startCoord).top + getOffset(startElem).height - svgTop; // y = top offset + height - svg's top offset
// Calculate path's end (x,y) coords
endX = endCoord.getBoundingClientRect().left + 0.5 * endElem.offsetWidth - svgLeft;
endY = endCoord.getBoundingClientRect().top - svgTop;
// Call function for drawing the path
drawPath(svg, path, startX, startY, endX, endY, type);
function connectAll(direction) {
var svg = document.getElementById('svg1'),
path = document.getElementById('path1');
// This is just to help with example.
if (direction == 'topDown') {
var div1 = document.getElementById('box_1'),
div2 = document.getElementById('box_20');
} else {
var div1 = document.getElementById('box_20'),
div2 = document.getElementById('box_1');
// connect all the paths you want!
connectElements(svg, path, div1, div2, 'line', direction);
//connectAll('topDown'); // Works fine. Path goes from the bottom of box_1 to the top of box_20
connectAll('bottomUp'); // Doesn't work. I expect path to go from top of box_20 to the bottom of box_1
IMO, you can simplify things by making the SVG the exact right size. Ie. fit it between the two elements vertically, and have it start at the leftmost X coord.
If you do that, the path starts and ends at either:
X: 0 or svgWidth
Y: 0 or svgHeight.
Then as far as drawing the path goes, it's just a matter of using the relative directions (startX -> endX and startY -> endY) in your calculations. I've called these variables xSign and ySign. If you are consistent with those, everything works out correctly.
The last remaining complication is working out which direction the arcs for the rounded corners have to go - clockwise or anticlockwise. You just have to work out the first one, and the other one is the opposite.
function getOffset(el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: rect.left + window.pageXOffset,
top: + window.pageYOffset,
width: rect.width || el.offsetWidth,
height: rect.height || el.offsetHeight
function drawPath(svg, path, start, end) {
// get the path's stroke width (if one wanted to be really precise, one could use half the stroke size)
var style = getComputedStyle(path)
var stroke = parseFloat(style.strokeWidth);
var arrowHeadLength = stroke * 3;
var deltaX = (end.x - start.x) * 0.15;
var deltaY = (end.y - start.y) * 0.15;
// for further calculations which ever is the shortest distance
var delta = Math.min(Math.abs(deltaX), Math.abs(deltaY));
var xSign = Math.sign(deltaX);
var ySign = Math.sign(deltaY);
// set sweep-flag (counter/clock-wise)
// If xSign and ySign are opposite, then the first turn is clockwise
var arc1 = (xSign !== ySign) ? 1 : 0;
var arc2 = 1 - arc1;
// draw tha pipe-like path
// 1. move a bit vertically, 2. arc, 3. move a bit to the horizontally, 4.arc, 5. move vertically to the end
path.setAttribute("d", ["M", start.x, start.y,
"V", start.y + delta * ySign,
"A", delta, delta, 0, 0, arc1, start.x + delta * xSign, start.y + 2 * delta * ySign,
"H", end.x - delta * xSign,
"A", delta, delta, 0, 0, arc2, end.x, start.y + 3 * delta * ySign,
"V", end.y - arrowHeadLength * ySign].join(" "));
function connectElements(svg, path, startElem, endElem, type, direction) {
// Define our container
var svgContainer = document.getElementById('svgContainer');
// Calculate SVG size and position
// SVG is sized to fit between the elements vertically, start at the left edge of the leftmost
// element and end at the right edge of the rightmost element
var startRect = getOffset(startElem),
endRect = getOffset(endElem),
pathStartX = startRect.left + startRect.width / 2,
pathEndX = endRect.left + endRect.width / 2,
startElemBottom = + startRect.height,
svgTop = Math.min(startElemBottom, + endRect.height),
svgBottom = Math.max(,,
svgLeft = Math.min(pathStartX, pathEndX),
svgHeight = svgBottom - svgTop;
// Position the SVG = svgLeft + 'px'; = svgTop + 'px'; = Math.abs(pathEndX - pathStartX) + 'px'; = svgHeight + 'px';
// Call function for drawing the path
var pathStart = {x: pathStartX - svgLeft, y: (svgTop === startElemBottom) ? 0 : svgHeight};
var pathEnd = {x: pathEndX - svgLeft, y: (svgTop === startElemBottom) ? svgHeight : 0};
drawPath(svg, path, pathStart, pathEnd);
function connectAll(direction) {
var svg = document.getElementById('svg1'),
path = document.getElementById('path1');
// This is just to help with example.
if (direction == 'topDown') {
var div1 = document.getElementById('box_1'),
div2 = document.getElementById('box_20');
} else {
var div1 = document.getElementById('box_20'),
div2 = document.getElementById('box_1');
// connect all the paths you want!
connectElements(svg, path, div1, div2, 'line');

Rotate evenly-distributed elements placed on a circle with jQuery

I have a JavaScript function which allows me to generate DOM elements and plot them on a circle with (good enough) even distribution around the circle. The code is as follows (I'm using jQuery):
function createFields(numberOfItems, className, radius) {
var container = $('#container');
for(var i = 0; i < +numberOfItems; i++) {
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'field ' + className,
'text': i + 1
var fields = $('.' + className),
container = $('#container'),
width = container.width(),
height = container.height(),
angle = 0,
step = (2*Math.PI) / fields.length;
fields.each(function() {
var x = Math.round(width/2 + radius * Math.cos(angle) - $(this).width()/2);
var y = Math.round(height/2 + radius * Math.sin(angle) - $(this).height()/2);
if(window.console) {
console.log($(this).text(), x, y);
left: x + 'px',
top: y + 'px'
angle += step;
createFields(5, 'outer', 200);
createFields(4, 'inner', 120);
You'll notice that the generated elements begin at 90 degrees to the vertical. I'd like to plot them so that they begin at 0 degrees. Essentially, if you imagine this as a clock, I want to plot all of the items 3hrs earlier. I've tried modifying the angle in the script to -90 and also subtracting 90 from the angle += step line but it's not having the desired effect.
Could anyone who's better at maths than I suggest a way to get the elements to be plotted -90 degrees from where they are now? (I'm aware I could just rotate the #container but that seems like a hack as I'd have to rotate the elements to compensate to keep their content in the correct orientation).
Many thanks.
The script is working in radians not degrees :) here's what you want (I think)
You need to shift the angle by pi/2
var x = Math.round(width/2 + radius * Math.cos(angle - (Math.PI/2)) - $(this).width()/2);
var y = Math.round(height/2 + radius * Math.sin(angle - (Math.PI/2)) - $(this).height()/2);
Or even better (having read the script properly) don't change the calculation of x and y but change the angle to start at -pi/2:
angle = -Math.PI/2,
jsFiddle demo
function createFields(numberOfItems, className, radius) {
var container = $('#container'),
centerX = container.width()/2,
centerY = container.height()/2,
angle = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < +numberOfItems; i++) {
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'field ' + className,
'text': i + 1
var fields = $('.' + className),
tot = fields.length;
fields.each(function(i, e) {
var w2 = $(e).outerWidth(true)/2,
h2 = $(e).outerHeight(true)/2,
angle = 360/tot*i,
x = Math.round(centerX+radius * Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)),
y = Math.round(centerY+radius * -Math.cos(angle*Math.PI/180));
$(e).css({left:x-w2, top:y-h2}).text( i+1 );
createFields(5, 'outer', 200);
createFields(4, 'inner', 120);

Rotate element to click position

I have a project with a circle that, when clicked, rotates to a predefined position. It is almost there, but the last requirement is that it always rotates clockwise to the marker. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the right value so that when i set css transform:rotate(Xdeg), it will always go clockwise. Keeping the angle between 0 and 360 would also be a plus for another piece of this, but not necessary.
See this fiddle, javascript below as well Rotation
$(function () {
$('body').on('click', '#graph1', function (e) {
//get mouse position relative to div and center of div for polar origin
var pos = getMousePosAndCenter(e, 'graph1');
//get the current degrees of rotation from the css
var currentRotationDegrees = getCSSRotation('#graph1');
console.log('CSS Rotation Value: ' + currentRotationDegrees);
//current rotation in radians
var currentRotationRadians = radians(currentRotationDegrees);
//radians where clicked
var clickRadiansFromZero = Math.atan2(pos.y - pos.originY, pos.x - pos.originX);
//degrees the click is offset from 0 origin
var offsetDegrees = degrees(clickRadiansFromZero);
//how many degrees to rotate in css to put the mouse click at 0
var degreesToZero;
if (offsetDegrees >= 0)
degreesToZero = currentRotationDegrees - Math.abs(offsetDegrees);
degreesToZero = currentRotationDegrees + Math.abs(offsetDegrees);
console.log("Degrees to Zero: " + degreesToZero);
//distance in pixels from origin
var distance = calculateDistance(pos.originX, pos.originY, pos.x, pos.y);
console.log("Distance From Origin(px): " + distance);
$('#graph1').css('transform','rotate(' + degreesToZero + 'deg)')
function getMousePosAndCenter(e, id) {
var rect = document.getElementById(id).getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: (((e.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width) * rect.width) + 0.5 << 0,
y: (((e.clientY - / rect.height) * rect.height) + 0.5 << 0,
originY: (rect.height / 2),
originX: (rect.width / 2)
function radians(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
function degrees(radians) {
return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
function calculateDistance(originX, originY, mouseX, mouseY) {
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - originX, 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - originY, 2)));
function getCSSRotation(id) {
var matrix = $(id).css('transform');
var values = matrix.split('(')[1],
values = values.split(')')[0],
values = values.split(',');
var a = values[0];
var b = values[1];
var c = values[2];
var d = values[3];
var cssRotation = degrees(Math.atan2(b, a));
return cssRotation;
Think out of the box:
We can CSS3 rotate an element with transform to i.e: 720° ...
it will make 2 clockwise turns. (OK, in our UI it can only do max a 359 turn but let's follow the math)
If we than animate it to 810°... it just means that it'll do a 90° clockwise move!
So all we need to do is always increase a degree variable to insanity!
HEY! If at some point you want to keep track of the current normalized 0-360 degree...
you can always retrieve that value doing ourCurrentInsanelyHighDegree % 360 = UIdegrees
Here's a jsBin demo
and this is all the JS you need.
function getCSSRotation( $el ) {
var matrix = $el.css('transform'),
v = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','),
rds = Math.atan2(v[1], v[0]);
return rds*180/Math.PI <<0; // Degrees
var $EL = $("#graph1"),
w = $EL.width(),
r = w/2, // Radius
x = parseInt($EL.css("left"), 10),
y = parseInt($EL.css("top"), 10),
d = getCSSRotation( $EL ); // Initial degree (ONLY ONCE!)
$EL.on("click", function(e){
var mx = e.clientX-x-r, // Click coord X
my = e.clientY-y-r, // Click coord Y
rds = Math.atan2(-my, -mx), // Radians
md = (rds*180/Math.PI<<0) + 180; // Mouse Degrees
d += (360-md); // always increment to insanity!!
$(this).css({transform:"rotate("+ d +"deg)"});
#graph1 {
top:10px; left:30px;
width:200px; height:200px;
transition:transform 2s ease;
transform-origin:50% 50%;
#marker {
position: absolute;
border-top:1px solid black;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph1"></div>
<div id="marker">Wherever you click, it rotates to here</div>
Figuring it would be easy to do, I found it a little harder than I thought. The other answer with jQuery.animate works, but animate doesn't have the fluid framerate that css animation does (it runs on the GPU).
Here's a modified fiddle with a CSS solution:
Keeping the angle between 0 and 360 would also be a plus
You cannot keep going forward (ie rotating by a positive number) and keep the rotation positive, however, in my fiddle offsetDegrees (the number of degrees additional rotated), or the remainder of totalDegreesdivided by 360 should give you what you need to use elsewhere.
Requrement: That it always rotates clockwise.
One thing: If you use CSS transitions, it'll calculate the shortest route for you. You want a bit more control over rotational direction, so I commented out the transition:transform 1s ease; in your CSS because we'll control this manually.
I borrowed this JQuery function and modified it so we can feed it a starting angle, and ending angle and it'll animate #graph1 for us. (Read the link to change duration, easing, and to use the complete callback)
$.fn.animateRotate = function(angle, start, duration, easing, complete) {
var args = $.speed(duration, easing, complete);
var step = args.step;
return this.each(function(i, e) {
args.complete = $.proxy(args.complete, e);
args.step = function(now) {
$.style(e, 'transform', 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)');
if (step) return step.apply(e, arguments);
$({deg: start}).animate({deg: angle}, args);
I also modified your JQuery so it won't rotate counter-clockwise: when currentRotationDegrees is greater than degreesToZero, it'll subtract 360, and then use this new value as the starting position for `animateRotate().
if(currentRotationDegrees > degreesToZero){
currentRotationDegrees -= 360;
$('#graph1').animateRotate(degreesToZero, currentRotationDegrees);
Here it is in action.

Find new left and top corresponding to original left and top on CSS rotate

Suppose my div has left:200px and top:400px, after I apply a rotate transform of suppose 90 deg the above top and left positions no more point to the old positions. Now how can we calculate the new top and left for the transformed div which are equivalent to the left and top positions of the non-transformed div after rotation.
Edited answer
Besides the starting position of the corner point (top-left in your example), and the rotation angle, we also need to know the position of the reference point of the rotation. This is the point around which we rotate the div (CSS calls it transform-origin). If you don't specify it, then normally, the centre of mass of the element is used.
I don't know of any JavaScript method that simply calculates it for you, but I can show you its Math, and a simple JS implementation.
P: original position of the corner point, with (Px, Py) coordinates
O: reference point of the rotation, with (Ox, Oy) coordinates
Calculate the original position of P, relative to O.
x = Px - Ox
y = Py - Oy
Calculate the rotated position of P, relative to O.
x' = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle)
y' = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)
Convert this position back to the original coordinate system.
Px' = x' + Ox
Py' = y' + Oy
If you're not aware of the formulas in step #2, you can find an explanation here.
JavaScript implementation
function rotatedPosition(pLeft, pTop, oLeft, oTop, angle){
// 1
var x = pLeft - oLeft;
var y = pTop - oTop;
// 2
var xRot = x * Math.cos(angle) - y * Math.sin(angle);
var yRot = x * Math.sin(angle) + y * Math.cos(angle);
// 3
var pLeftRot = xRot + oLeft;
var pTopRot = yRot + oTop
return {left: pLeftRot, top: pTopRot};
rotatedPosition requires you to define the original position of the point and the reference point, plus the angle.
In case you need a method which takes only a single argument, the div element itself, and computes the rest for you, then you can do something like:
function divTopLeftRotatedPosition(div){
var pLeft = // ...
var pTop = // ...
var width = // ...
var height = // ...
var angle = // ...
return rotatedPosition(pLeft, pTop, pLeft + width / 2, pTop + height / 2, angle);

Get x,y coord of a div when rotation is 0

Hi I need some help with math for my problem. I have a situation where I need to access the left,top coord of a div whenever a touchstart event is fired. But I need to get it based on the rotation of the div being 0 degree.
I have attached a fiddle which shows my condition. Right now when you press the button, the value is 'x:169, y:195'. But I am looking for some formula to get 'x: 208, y: 234'
document.querySelectorAll('input')[0].addEventListener('click',function() {
var x = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().left),
y = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top)
alert('x: '+x+', y: '+y);
* Alerts x: 208, y: 234 when angle is 0.
* Need to get this value all the time irrespective of the rotation.
Is that possible? I did a lot of search but couldn't find the apt answer. And my math isn't good enough to modify the formulas for the other answers in SO.
Note that the centre of the red square will not change when rotated. So we can find its coordinates first (by taking averages), then figure out the top left corner (based off the fact that the size of the red square is given beforehand; in this case, it was 256x256). Here's a simple implementation:
document.querySelectorAll('input')[0].addEventListener('click',function() {
var left = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().left),
right = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().right),
top = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top),
bottom = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom),
x_mid = (left+right)/2.0,
y_mid = (top+bottom)/2.0,
x = x_mid - 256/2, // Subtract by half the knob's width.
y = y_mid - 256/2 // Subtract by half the knob's height.
alert('left: '+left+', right: '+right+', top: '+top+', bottom: '+bottom+'\n'
+'centre: ('+x_mid+', '+y_mid+')\n'
+'x: '+x+', y: '+y);
//Alerts x: 208, y: 234 when angle is 0. Need to get this value all the time irrespective of the rotation.
Use this code for any figure
document.querySelectorAll('input')[0].addEventListener('click', function () {
var left = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().left),
right = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().right),
top = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top),
bottom = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom),
width = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].offsetWidth),
height = Math.round(document.querySelectorAll('#knob')[0].offsetHeight),
x_mid = (left + right) / 2.0,
y_mid = (top + bottom) / 2.0,
x = x_mid - width / 2, // Subtract by half the knob's width.
y = y_mid - height / 2 // Subtract by half the knob's height.
alert('left: ' + left + ', right: ' + right + ', top: ' + top + ', bottom: ' + bottom + '\n' + 'centre: (' + x_mid + ', ' + y_mid + ')\n' +'dimen; w:' +width + ',h:'+ height + 'x: ' + x + ', y: ' + y);
