three.js SpotLight orientation (direction) issue - javascript

Well, here is the problem,
Actually what I try to achieve is to place, at some places, some spotlights in a basic three.js example.
Here is the way I try to set the spotlight target position :
var light = new THREE.SpotLight(0xFFFFFF);
The spotlight (light) keeps lighting the point (0,0,0) even if, when I console.log the target.position.(x,y,z) it gives me the right values...
Here is a quick fiddle I did with my full example.

You have to update your after changing (eg. setting position):;
Or just add your to the scene:
scene.add( );
Three.js r.71
Further reading: Critical bug with #5555


Three js plane geometry disappears when rotating

I'm trying to create a very simple scene containing a triangular planar face continuously rotating about the x axis.
Here's the code creating the geometry object, as indicated in this previous SO question:
// create triangular plane geometry
var geometry_1 = new THREE.Geometry();
var v1 = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);
var v2 = new THREE.Vector3(3,0,0);
var v3 = new THREE.Vector3(0,3,0);
geometry_1.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 1, 2));
The animation function renders the scene and adds a small rotation to the mesh:
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
mesh_1.rotation.x += 0.005;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
Everything works fine until the value of mesh.rotation.x goes into the [Math.PI, 2*Math.PI] interval, at which point it disappears for exactly half of the cycle. This JSFiddle replicates the behavior I'm observing.
This is not a light problem, as there are an ambient light and a directional light supposed to illuminate the mesh at all points of it revolution.
This should not be a material problem, as I did set its side property to THREE.DoubleSide and in fact in the interval mesh.rotation.x into [0, Math.PI] I already observe both faces.
I tried adding another face to the same geometry with geometry_1.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 2, 1)); but that still didn't solve the problem.
Adding a second geometry with an opposite face geometry_2.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 2, 1)); and having the mesh rotate negatively mesh_2.rotation.x -= 0.005; allows me to observe the desired result because the two geometries are now disappearing in opposite halves of the [0, 2*Math.PI] interval. This however is a hacky and not ideal solution.
So what is going on? How can I solve it? Thanks!
Documentation says:
OrthographicCamera( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
so, set your camera like this:
camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-FRUSTUM_SIDE/2, FRUSTUM_SIDE/2,
thus you'll have default near and far camera frustrum planes (0.1 and 2000).
Explanation: You set your cam at z-position, which is equal to FRUSTRUM_SIDE/2 and also you set your far camera frustrum plane with the same value. So you see everything between your cam position and the distance from it, which is FRUSTRUM_SIDE/2. In world coordinates, your far plane is at point (0, 0, 0). That's why your triangle disappears when it goes further then the distance of FRUSTRUM_SIDE/2 from your cam.
Extending the answer from #prisoner849, the problem shown in the JSFiddle has nothing to do with the geometry or the material of the mesh, but with the shape and extension of the frustum defined by the OrthographicCamera.
As explained nicely in this video tutorial and in the documentation the frustum of an OrthographicCamera is a rectangular parallelepiped defined by the values left, right, top, bottom, near, far:
The camera should effectively be thought of as being attached to the surface on the near side and facing towards negative values of the z axis.
Once the frustum's shape is defined with:
camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(
we will be able to see in our image all the objects in the scene which are entirely contained in it.
However, after defining the frustum the position of the camera is changed: camera.position.z = FRUSTUM_SIDE/2; (line 24 of the fiddle). This effectively moves the whole frustum and not just the location of the image, so while previously any object in (0,0,0) was in the center of the frustum, now it will lie on the very far end plane of it.
The animation function:
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
mesh_1.rotation.x += 0.005;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
rotates the triangle towards the image plane, but for angles between [Math.PI, 2*Math.PI] the plane is effectively pointing outside of the frustum and thus becomes invisible.
Removing the camera.position.z = FRUSTUM_SIDE/2; line, or defining a different frustum, or moving the mesh position to the middle of the new frustum are all possible solutions. I.e. corrected fiddle.

ThreeJS understanding where lights are

I've been trying for around 30 minutes to position a pointlight at the bottom of my model with very poor results. I don't know how many units my model is and I can't seem to exactly locate my light in the scene most of the time.
I tried adding a cube at the exact position of my pointlight but somehow adding another geometry to my scene breaks the texture update function for my main obj, so I guess that's out of the question.
Any tips on how to position lights with precision?
My code is at view-source:
Each geometry has a boundingSphere attribute that you can use to figure out the size of your object.
If the attribute does not have a value you can compute it using geometry.computeBoundingSphere();
As for the lights for each of the light types there is a helper function associated with it that will show you where the light is:

How do I set the position a camera in three.js without it rotating?

I have an interface I developed with three.js using the CSS3DObject rendering tool.
I have set the orbit to 0 to prevent rotating and limit my movement to panning and zooming.
Please note I'm also using Orbit Control.
I set the position of the camera to x=-2000 with the following code:
When I do this, the camera moves positions but is still pointing to (0,0,0) resulting in a skewed look.
So I assume that I need to give it a vector
camera.up = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0); //keeps the camera horizontal
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(2000,0,0)); //should point the camera straight forward
Please note that I'm still trying to find a good explanation of how setting up the lookAt works.
After a bit more research, it seems that the orbit control is overriding the camera.lookAt and as a result, doesn't do anything.
To achieve the panning I set the location of the camera x position equal to the value of the target.
I also removed the camera.up line.
var myCameraX = -2000;
var myCameraY = 500;
Hope that helps someone.

Point SpotLight in same direction as camera three.js (Flashlight)

I'm really new in this stuff. I want to make a simple 3D scene, where i can fly around with PointerLockControls, but i want also to have some kind of flashlight. So spot light should point same direction as camera does.
I have made spotlight to follow camera but its target is bound to 0,0,0.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Thank you.
The SpotLight target is an Object3D, not a Vector3. = myObject;
The best solution in your case is to use a PointLight instead, and use this pattern:
scene.add( camera );
camera.add( pointLight );
If you still want to use a spotlight, then do something like this:
scene.add( camera );
camera.add( ); 0, 0, -1 );
spotLight.position.copy( camera.position ); // and reset spotlight position if camera moves
It is not generally required that the camera be added as a child of the scene, but it is required in this case because the light is added as a child of the camera.
three.js r.69
I had the same problem which I solved as follows:
flashlight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff,4,40);
flashlight.position.set(0,0,1); = camera;
Since a SpotLight's .target needs to be an object (and not a position) I found it mentally easier to simply place the flashlight directly behind the camera, and then aim it at the camera. Thus the light shines through the camera and lights up the things in front of it.
This approach is fine if you are after a flashlight effect where the flashlight is held close to the chest (central to the body) and not off on one side.
Inspired by WestLangley's solution above, I found out that and spotlight itself can be added as children to the same object, whether that is the camera or another object, like a car or a gun. Then they are positioned relative to the parent object, so that there is no need to keep copying the position from one object to another.
You could, for instance, do something like this:
And now the gun will, by default, follow the camera, and the spotlight will light up along the gun. If the gun is for some reason rotated (deflecting a bullet or crawling on the ground or whatever), the spotlight will rotate too. THREE is a nice piece of software. :-)
If you attach the spotlight to the camera and point it in the same direction as the camera and don't position it away from the center, then the light cone will look constantly circular. For many applications it looks cooler and more realistic that it changes shape dynamically in the projection. A small offset is all it takes (such as in my example above, though I haven't tested that one).

I'm doing something wrong with SpotLights and shadows in Three.js

I have a really simple scene which has one .dae mesh in it, and a 7000*7000 plane underneath the mesh. I'd like it to be lit by a high SpotLight, so the mesh throws a shadow on the ground. But, something seems to be broken! No matter how high I put the SpotLight, it never lights up the plane! Also, it lights the mesh up only a little, while it is in a small square (perimeter).
You can see the situation here:
As soon as I move the mesh (a monster) around, it wont be lit anymore.
This is how I instantiate the light:
// create a spotlight
self.spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight();
// set its position
self.spotLight.position.y = 1000; //I recon it needs to be relatively high so it lights up everything
self.spotLight.position.x = 0; //(0, 0) are the coordinates where the mesh is spawned, and are the center of the plane
self.spotLight.position.z = 0;
self.spotLight.castShadow = true;
This is how the plane is made:
//The plane.
self.plane = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneGeometry(self.groundSize, self.groundSize), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0x5C8A00}));
self.plane.receiveShadow = true;
self.plane.position.x = 0;
self.plane.position.y = -26;
self.plane.position.z = 0;
Also, here's another picture, this time, I've added a lot of PointLights:
You can see how the shadow still disappears!
Now, what am I doing wrong here? AFAIK, light should disperse equally in all directions! And also, there is another problem, I seem to be unable to add multiple SpotLights on the scene! Everything slows down completely if I do so - is this intended? Maybe it's because I enabled shadows on all of them...
#Neil, the same thing happens in your code as well!
I have created a jsfiddle showing a plane with Lambert material and a rotating cube that is casting a shadow, maybe you can see what is different to yours.
Try playing about with some of the params, I can stop the clipping on my demo with:
spotLight.shadowCameraFov = 70;
update demo and moving demo
