nodejs: run module in sandbox - javascript

I have this turn-based NodeJs gaming app in which developers (anyone) can submit a player-robot. My NodeJS app will load all players and let them play against each other. Because I don't know anything about the code submitted I need to run it inside a sandbox.
For example, the following untrusted code might look like this:
let history = [];
export default class Player {
constructor () {
this.history = [];
move (info) {
done(result) {
history.push({result: result, history: this.history});
Now, in my main app I would like to do something like
import Player1 from 'sandbox/player1';
import Player2 from 'sandbox/player2';
for (let outer = 0; outer < 10; outer ++) {
let player1 = creeateSandboxedInstance(Player1);
let player2 = creeateSandboxedInstance(Player2);
for(let inner = 0; inner < 1000000; inner ++) {
let move1 = player1.move();
let move2 = player2.doMove();
What I would like the sandbox/creeateSandboxedInstance environment to take care of is:
Player class should not give access to the filesystem / internet
Player class should not have access to app global variables
Any state should be reseted (like class variables)
probably more things :)
I think that I should use the vm module. Something like this probably:
var vm = require('vm');
var script = new vm.Script('function move(info){ ... } ...', {conext});
var sandbox = script.runInNewContext();
script.move(..); // or
However, I cannot get it to work such that I can call the move method. Is something like even possible ?

Don't do this yourself. Use an existing library. There are quite a few issues you have to deal with if you were to write it yourself. For example: How do you handle a user writing a never ending for-loop?
How to run untrusted code serverside?
If you are planning on writing it yourself then yes, you will need the vm module.
By passing in an empty "sandbox" you have removed all global variables.
Next you'll need to figure out how you want to handle the never ending for-loop. You'll have to create a new process to handle this scenario. Do you create 1 process to manage ALL untrusted code? If you do then you'll have to kill ALL untrusted code if a single script hangs. Do you create a new process for each untrusted code? If you do then you won't be happy with performance. Creating a new process can take a second or two. You could require the child process to "notify" the main process it's still alive. If it fails to notify within 5 seconds (or whatever your threshold is, kill the process). Note: script.runInNewContext does contain an option that lets you specify a "timeout" (if the code takes longer than X seconds - throw an exception), but the problem with that is it allows async code (according to another Stackoverflow post), although you could defend against that by not introducing setTimeout, setInterval, or setImmediate into the scope. However, even if you set it to 1 second, NO other code can run during that second in that process. So if you have 1000 scripts to run, it could take up to 1000 seconds (16 minutes) to run them all. At least running each in their own process will let them run in parallel.
Here's an example of why the timeout option won't work for you:
var script = new vm.Script('move = function move(info) { for(var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { console.log(i); } }');
var sandbox = { move: null, console: console };
var result = script.runInNewContext(sandbox, { timeout: 1 });
Next you'll need to figure out how to communicate from your main process, into a child process and then into the vm. I'm not going to get into communicating between processes as you can find that pretty easily. So, by calling script.runInNewContext you are executing the code right then and there. Which lets you set global variables:
var script = new vm.Script('move = function move(info) { console.log("test: " + info); }');
var sandbox = { move: null, console: console };
var result = script.runInNewContext(sandbox);


Project works fine on localhost but the build gets an issue

I am working on a Preact-CLI project with a Preact-Router and it works fine on the localhost. But the production doesn't work well after the build.
I have created a one page object which gets its content dynamically from a JSON file (inside the project not external). So I've loaded the same page object 2 times for each different page.
I get the page url (using this.props.permalink) and compare it with the JSONObject.title. If they are the same I want to get the corresponding JSON content to display it on the corrrct page. Works like a charm on localhost, but not in production.
Somehow all pages get the content of the first JSON element. First I thought it was a server issue but I was wrong. The builded files are wrong after the prerendering/build. So the prerendered html of page B contains the content of the prerendered page A.
My guess is that during the build this.props.permalink doesn't work. How should I handle this?
Additional info:
I use the prerender function but not the service worker for the build.
I have rewritten the function. I guessed I needed to set the dynamic content through a loop, so that during the build the compiler loops through it and is able to prerender all the pages.
The iteration and setting the state works, but only the final element of the PrerenderUrls array gets stored. So now all pages gets the JSON content of the first element.
componentWillMount() {
for (var i = 0; i <= PrerenderUrls.length; i++) {
// the code you're looking for
let removeDash = new RegExp("-")
var needle = PrerenderUrls[i].title
var needle1 = needle.replace(removeDash, " ")
// iterate over each element in the array
if (needle1 != "Homepage") {
for (var x = 0; x < Data.length; x++) {
// look for the entry with a matching `code` value
let removeDash = new RegExp("-")
var nodash = Data[x].title.replace(removeDash, " ")
var nocaps = nodash.toLowerCase()
if (nocaps == needle1) {
alert("needle2: "+ needle1 + " nocaps: " + nocaps)
//alert("data "+ Data[x].title)
pageTitle: Data[x].title,
descShort: Data[x].descShort,
description: Data[x].desc,
img: Data[x].img
alert("state "+ this.state.pageTitle)
From your description it seems you have a standard Javascript closure problem. I noticed you use both let and var. If let is supported, use it instead of var. It will automagically solve your closure issues, because let creates variables with the block scope, instead of a function scope. Otherwise, you can try to replicate how let does it under the hood - throw the variable to the callback function. Something in the lines of:
// ...
for (var x = 0; x < Data.length; x++) {
try { throw x }
catch(iterator) {
pageTitle: Data[iterator].title
PS. It is very difficult to follow your code, when it is so specific to your functionality. You could simplify it, and focus on the troubling issue. Most of the code you provided is not relevant to your problem, but makes us going through it anyway.

Returning empty string on a input that has a value

I have a date input in my page, which I'm using Daterangepicker framework to populate it.
Here is the code of how I start my page!
var variaveis = returnInputVars();
var rede = variaveis[0];
var codLoja = variaveis[1];
var period = variaveis[2];
console.log('1.'+rede+' 2.'+codLoja+' 3.'+period);
function returnInputVars(){
var rede = $("#dropdown-parceria").val();
var codLoja = $("#dropdown-loja").val();
var periodo = $("#datepicker-range").val();
return [rede, codLoja, periodo];
The function startSelectors() is set to start my datepicker and other fields, which is working perfectly. After it, I create a var called "variaveis" to fill
with the values of each field because I will use then later (this functions also works perfectly at other scripts of my page).
Running the page, my console returns this:
The funny thing is, if I type at the console this, the value is shown, just while starting the script is does not work!
Anybody experienced something like this?
Adding this script to my start function:
The value is shown, but the second console.log don't:
EDIT 1. FIDDLE (Suggested by #halleron)
To ensure things are loaded in the correct order, it is useful to apply a page sniffer code snippet that will scan the page continuously until a condition is met, or until a preset counter limit is reached (to prevent strain on browser memory). Below is an example of what I typically use that would fit your scenario.
I think because you are dealing with asynchronous loading, you can't have a global variable that holds the values in a global scope without an interval to detect when it can be used. Otherwise, it will attempt to read the variable when it is not yet ready.
You can invoke functions anywhere you like. But I would keep all of your variables contained within the page_sniffer_2017() because that is a controlled environment where you know that everything successfully loaded and you know that the variables are ready to be accessed without error.
That way, regardless of connection speed, your functions will only fire when ready and your code will flow, sequentially, in the right order.
Within the ajax success options, always add a class to the body of the document that you can search on to determine if it has finished loading.
$(document).ready(function() {
function page_sniffer_2017() {
var counter = 0;
var imgScanner = setInterval(function() {
if ($("#datepicker-range").length > 0 && $("#datepicker-range").val().length && jQuery('body').hasClass('date-picker-successfully-generated')) {
var periodoDatepicker = $("#datepicker-range").val(); // ok
console.log(periodoDatepicker); // ok
var variaveis = returnInputVars(replaceDate(periodoDatepicker)); // ok
console.log(variaveis[0], variaveis[1], variaveis[2]);
// start ajax call
generateData(variaveis[0], variaveis[1], variaveis[2]);
} else {
//var doNothing = "";
if (counter === 100) {
}, 50);

How to make Screeps find sources?

In Screeps, I this code doesn't work:
var sources =;
It says this:
Cannot read property 'find' of undefined
I have been looking around and cannot find ANY other way to find sources.
Also I've noticed that most of other peoples code doesn't work and even the tutorial's code no longer works when put into the real game.
I can't be completely sure about your issue since I don't have your complete code to go off of but one issue could be that creepis not defined.
You need somewhere in your code to define creep such as a for loop to loop over each of your creeps in the game or room.
var roleMiner = require('role.miner') // role.miner being the module name for miner actions
for(var name in Game.creeps) {
var creep = Game.creeps[name];
// do whatever you wish with the current selected creep.
// most of the time you will call a module similar to what the tutorials suggest and put your actions for it in there
if(creep.memory.role == 'miner'){; // passes the current selected creep to the run function in the module
So, in your roleMiner module you would have something that defines your miners actions.
var roleMiner = {
run: function(creep) {
// this one returns an array of the sources that are in the room with the creep
var sourcesRoom =;
// this one returns the source object which is closest to the creeps positon
var sourcesClose = creep.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_SOURCES);
module.exports = roleMiner;
Hope this helps.
Screeps have some ... mechanism when sharing your data between each game tick.
If you store any thing in global Memory object, your data will lose all its prototype.
to restore your prototype use Object.setPrototypeOf(creep,Creep.prototype) or create new Creep object from your creep id.
I think what you are looking for is:
var sources = creep.pos.findClosestByRange(Game.SOURCES);
var sources = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(Game.SOURCES);
im a new player, not sure my code is efficient, i think the find method will be like this:
var sources =
creep will going to the active resource to harvester.

Create a copy of a module instead of an instance in Node.js

this would be my first question ever on stackoverflow, hope this goes well.
I've been working on a game (using corona SDK) and I used Node.js to write a small little server to handle some chat messages between my clients, no problems there.
Now I'm working on expanding this little server to do some more, and what I was thinking to do is create an external file (module) that will hold an object that has all the functions and variables I would need to represent a Room in my games "Lobby", where 2 people can go into to play one against the other, and each time I have 2 players ready to play, I would create a copy of this empty room for them, and then initialize the game in that room.
So I have an array in my main project file, where each cell is a room, and my plan was to import my module into that array, and then I can init the game in that specific "room", the players would play, the game will go on, and all would be well... but... my code in main.js:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games[room_id] = new_game_obj();
games[room_id].users = [user1_name,user2_name];
Now, in my room.js, I have something of the sort:
var game_logistics = {};
game_logistics.users = new Array();
game_logistics.return_users_count = function(){
return game_logistics.users.length;
module.exports = function() {
return game_logistics;
So far so good, and this work just fine, I can simply go:
And I will get 0, or 1, or 2, depending of course how many users have joined this room.
The problems starts once I open a new room, since Node.js will instance the module I've created and not make a copy of it, if I now create a new room, even if I eliminated and/or deleted the old room, it will have all information from the old room which I've already updated, and not a new clean room. Example:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games["room_1"] = new_game_obj();
games["room_2"] = new_game_obj();
games["room_1"].users = ["yuval","lahav"];
_log(games["room_1"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
_log(games["room_2"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
Even doing this:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games["room_1"] = new_game_obj();
var new_game_obj2 = require('./room.js');
games["room_2"] = new_game_obj2();
games["room_1"].users = ["yuval","lahav"];
_log(games["room_1"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
_log(games["room_2"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
Gives the same result, it is all the same instance of the same module in all the "copies" I make of it.
So my question as simple as that, how do I create a "clean" copy of my original module instead of just instancing it over and over again and actually have just one messy room in the end?
What you're doing is this (replacing your require() call with what gets returned);
var new_game_obj = function() {
return game_logistics;
So, every time you call new_game_obj, you return the same instance of game_logistics.
Instead, you need to make new_game_obj return a new instance of game_logistics;
// room.js
function Game_Logistics() {
this.users = [];
this.return_users_count = function(){
return this.users.length;
module.exports = function() {
return new Game_Logistics();
This is quite a shift in mentality. You'll see that we're using new on Game_Logistics in module.exports to return a new instance of Game_Logistics each time it's called.
You'll also see that inside Game_Logistics, this is being used everywhere rather than Game_Logistics; this is to make sure we're referencing the correct instance of Game_Logistics rather than the constructor function.
I've also capitalized your game_logistics function to adhere to the widely-followed naming convention that constructor functions should be capitalized (more info).
Taking advantage of the prototype chain in JavaScript is recommended when you're working with multiple instances of functions. You can peruse various articles on "javascript prototypical inheritance* (e.g. this one), but for now, the above will accomplish what you need.

JavaScript Scope and setTimeout inside of a "class"

I have trouble to solve a scope issue. Actually I'm working on a project for an HMI browser frontend. It's should visualise variables from an automation system. For the HMI it's required that the user can switch between different pages. To solve the general process flow I have created a state machine function, which coordinates loading, drawing and interaction with user. My problem now is that I use setTimeout to call the run function (which is actually my state machine) and now run in trouble with var-scope.
Look at following code:
function frontend() {
// Public properties:
this.soundEnable = true;
// Private Properties:
var p1 = 0;
var p2 = [1,2,3];
var p3 = {a:1, b:2, c:3};
var runState = 1;
var runWait = false:
// Public Methods
// stops the state machine until m_continue is called
this.m_wait = function() {
runWait = true;
// continues the state machine
this.m_continue = function() {
if (runWait) {
runWait = false;
setTimeout(run, 100);
// Private Methods
function drawFrame(finish_callback) {
...<Drawing of HMI-Objects on the canvas>...
function run() {
switch (runState) {
case 1:
case 2:
for(i=0; i<p3.length; i++) {
if (!runWait) {
setTimeout(run, 100);
// Constructor
...<code to assign public and private properties>...
// Finally call the state machine to activate the frontend
runState = 1;
Problem is scope in run-Function. In case of the first call from end of constructor everything is ok. run can access all the private properties and manipulate them. But when it is called later on via setTimeout from m_continue or by itself I can't access the private properties. In firebug I can just see the public properties and functions and none of the private properties I need.
Using of global variables will help, but is not possible, because on multi monitor solution I have 2 separated canvas objects which need to show a separated version of the HMI - for that case I need 2 instances of frontend running parallel in one browser window.
Does anyone know a solution for that problem? I'm on the end of my knowledge and totally confused.
The easiest way will be to define your scope like. Any many renound javascript libraries also use this technique.
this.m_continue = function() {
that = this;
if (runWait) {
runWait = false;
setTimeout(, 100);
Otherwise you may also use scope binding using apply
You should bind the run function in each setTimeout, since run uses this.
setTimeout(run.bind(this), 100);
