I'm working with Paser.js on a Meteor.js server.
It worked wperfectly until I try to use tiled maps as described here.
Here is my code :
JS :
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var map;
var backgroundLayer;
var blockLayer;
var bg;
function preload()
// load all game assets
// images, spritesheets, atlases, audio etc..
game.load.tilemap('myTilemap', 'assets/tilemaps/scifi.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);
game.load.image('myTileset', "assets/tilemaps/scifi_platformTiles_32x32.png");
function create()
map = game.add.tilemap('myTilemap');
map.addTilesetImage('scifi_platformTiles_32x32', 'myTileset');
backgroundLayer = map.createLayer('background');
blockLayer = map.createLayer('blocklayer');
function update()
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Phaser - Making your first game, part 1</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="phaser.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0;
<h1>Welcome to my first Phaser game!</h1>
{{> Game}}
<template name="Game">
<div id="phaserCanvas"></div>
And, when I try it on localhost:3000, I get :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
From phaser.min.js:15. The line which generate that warning is
blockLayer = map.createLayer('blocklayer');
It seems that phaser can correctly read the 'background' layer information from the scifi.json, but not the 'blocklayer' one.
Here is an extract from the scifi.json :
{ "height":20,
"data": "[Some very long hashed key...]",
"data":"[Some very long hashed key...]",
And I'm stil unable to find out what's the problem... Has anyone faced that before ?
More informations :
I use Atom as IDE
I tried with Phaser v2.0.1 and Phaser v2.4.2
Thanks you.
Seems the problem came from Tiled : the hashed key was compressed with Zlib, though it should not be compressed at all as phaser do not support it yet.
In tiled, go to Map -> Map Properties
There you will find Tile Layer Format. Change this to Base64 (uncompressed) and it should work :)
I am trying to make a playable on Unity Ads using Phaser 3 but it seems that there are multiple specifications to use it, one of the Unity Ads specifications and as in their documentation "Advertisements should be designed not to need any network requests (XHR), but for example, analytics calls to track user interaction are allowed"
So I don't know how to add the Phaser CDN to my file.
Note: the Playable should be in one file and images must be in base 64.
So I need to know if there is an example of how to make playable on unity ads using phaser 3.
The following code shows a black screen when I test it
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
padding: 200px;
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.55.2/dist/phaser.min.js"></script>
class Test extends Phaser.Scene{
this.imageData = '';
this.brain = null;
create () {
this.textures.addBase64('brain', this.imageData);
this.textures.once('addtexture', function () {
this.brain = this.add.sprite(this.wid, 300, 'brain');
mraid.open('https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=[name of a game]')
}, this);
// this.btn = this.add.image(400, 300, 'btn')
// .setScale(0.3)
// Wait for the SDK to become ready
if (mraid.getState() === 'loading') {
mraid.addEventListener('ready', onSdkReady);
} else {
function viewableChangeHandler(viewable) {
// start/pause/resume gameplay, stop/play sounds
if(viewable) {
} else {
// pause
function onSdkReady() {
mraid.addEventListener('viewableChange', viewableChangeHandler);
// Wait for the ad to become viewable for the first time
if (mraid.isViewable()) {
function showMyAd() {
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
gravity: { y: 200 }
new Phaser.Game(config);
I don't really know how unity ads works, but you could simply inline the minified phaser-code-file into a script-tag above the gamecode, and so there are no calls to external source / cdn's.
<script> !function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&& ... </script>
(This will obviously increase your html-file significantly (~ 1 MB), but works)
Tip: if you are using a bundler like webpack or so, this could be done automatically, maybe even images an such.
I am new to phaser and game development.
I followed the below tutorial.
I downloaded and Tiled software and made a simple map with a tileset I got from OpenGameArt.org. Unfortunately, nothing gets loaded on the browser screen, I just see a black rectangle instead of the map. I find no errors in the console. I am running this using XAMPP in Windows 10.
I will paste all my code here, let me know if you find anything wrong.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.15.1/dist/phaser-arcade-physics.min.js">
<script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The is the index.js file
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO, // Which renderer to use
width: 100, // Canvas width in pixels
height: 100, // Canvas height in pixels
parent: "game-container", // ID of the DOM element to add the canvas to
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload() {
// Runs once, loads up assets like images and audio
this.load.image("tiles", "assets/tilesets/GoldBricks.png");
this.load.tilemapTiledJSON("map", "assets/tilemaps/mario.json");
function create() {
// Runs once, after all assets in preload are loaded
const map = this.make.tilemap({ key: "map" });
const tileset = map.addTilesetImage("GoldBricks", "tiles");
// Parameters: layer name (or index) from Tiled, tileset, x, y
const belowLayer = map.createStaticLayer("Tile Layer 1", tileset, 0, 0);
function update(time, delta) {
// Runs once per frame for the duration of the scene
EDIT: Below is the json file
{ "compressionlevel":-1,
"name":"Tile Layer 1",
"image":"..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/Users\/Shashank A C\/Downloads\/Goldbricksandgrass\/GoldBricks.png",
I am also seeing and error in the console now.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at StaticTilemapLayer.upload (phaser.js:74806)
at StaticTilemapLayerWebGLRenderer [as renderWebGL] (phaser.js:122959)
at WebGLRenderer.render (phaser.js:65133)
at CameraManager.render (phaser.js:114533)
at Systems.render (phaser.js:27184)
at SceneManager.render (phaser.js:46818)
at Game.step (phaser.js:109346)
at TimeStep.step (phaser.js:106091)
at step (phaser.js:66488)
UPDATE: Check this file structure --
Need to see the JSON file to completely understand the issue, but I will just try to speculate. Make sure your JSON file has below settings correctly:
In some cases Tiled includes wrong/different path to the image file, so make sure to check that part. If there is no image path, embed it in Tiled.
In addition, the name value should match the first parameter of map.addTilesetImage(). Hope it helps!
I had a similar problem myself, the solution was going back to Tiled software and check: 'Embed tileset' on each tileset of the map.
Alright, I asked in the phaser community forum itself and got some help.
The tilemap layer is taller than the game canvas so the visible tiles are out of sight. The solution is to add the below code in the create function.
this.cameras.main.centerOn(800, 1300);
I am making a 2D platformer game in which I am using the Phaser-framework (version 3.15.1) to make life easier, and a Tiled map for the first level of the game. I have exported the map from Tiled as a .json file, and read into the main JS file. However, in my index HTML file, where all fo teh JS files are ran from it comes up with the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read
property 'add' of index.html:17 undefined
at index.html:17
at index.html:20
Here is the relevant code:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Nightly Neighbours Using Phaser</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/phaser.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/phaser-arcade-physics.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/Boot.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/Preload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth *
window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio, Phaser.AUTO);
game.state.add("Boot", Boot);
game.state.add("Preload", Preload);
game.state.add("NightlyNeighbours1WithPhaser", Main);
The error refers to lines 17 - 20
Thanks a lot!
In Phaser 3 there was a change from using states to instead using scenes. Based upon your code it looks like you're using Phaser 2 code with the Phaser 3 library.
There's a great official tutorial (with Part 5 starting with the code aspect, since it appears you might have your environment setup already) that covers Phaser 3.
From that tutorial, the defining of the Phaser.Game looks something like the following:
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
gravity: { y: 200 }
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
You can also add new scenes to the game, by calling game.scene.add(...).
I am trying to load a JSON model and to display it on the canvas. But nothing is drawn on the screen. I tried to put an alert inside the loader.load callback, but the alert is never shown: the callback is never called. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the JSON file, I've downloaded it from here: https://livingvindonissa.googlecode.com/svn-history/r42/trunk/livingvindonissa/src/model/test/Teapot.json
And this is the code:
<title> Teapot </title>
canvas {width:100%; height:100%; background-color: black}
body {background-color: white};
<h1 align="center"> Teapot </h1>
<script src="/Users/ramy/Documents/HTML/mrdoob-three.js-58e4622/build/three.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Scene initialization
var scene= new THREE.Scene();
var camera= new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75,window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight,0.1,1000);
var renderer= new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
camera.position.z= 50;
// Teapot creation
var teapot;
var loader= new THREE.JSONLoader();
function(geometry) {
var material= new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x00ff00});
teapot= new THREE.Mesh(geometry,material);
// Rendering
var render= function() {
It appears that the model format you are using isn't the same as that exported from Blender via the Three.js plugin or the Python script converter The tell tale for me was that Three.js has a JSON format that contains a metadata block:
"metadata" :
"formatVersion" : 3.1,
"generatedBy" : "Blender 2.65 Exporter",
"vertices" : 25253,
"faces" : 49658,
"normals" : 25252,
"colors" : 0,
"uvs" : [25399],
"materials" : 8,
"morphTargets" : 0,
"bones" : 0
Also the your file has
Instead of
I suspect the file was generated in a generic Model to JSON format, not the Three.js JSON format. Could you confirm the exporter you used?
Edit: To clarify, the answer to this question is the JSON format used is not compatible with the Three.js JSONLoader. You'll need to find the original file, and convert it with the aforementioned approaches, or manually convert the JSON file you have to conform with Three.js JSON format.
I am new to metro style programming so I am following a tutorial here http://www.sitepoint.com/creating-a-simple-windows-8-game-with-javascript-game-basics-createjseaseljs/ for games using createJS. Here the code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!-- WinJS references -->
<link href="//Microsoft.WinJS.1.0.RC/css/ui-dark.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.1.0.RC/js/base.js"></script>
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.1.0.RC/js/ui.js"></script>
<!-- game references -->
<link href="/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/js/default.js"></script>
<script src="/js/CreateJS/easeljs-0.5.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/CreateJS/preloadjs-0.2.0.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="gameCanvas"></canvas>
and here's javascript code
// For an introduction to the Blank template, see the following documentation:
// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=232509
(function () {
"use strict";
var app = WinJS.Application;
var activation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation;
function initialize() {
canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
preload = new PreloadJS();
preload.onComplete = prepareGame;
var manifest = [
{ id: "screenImage", src: "images/Backgrounds/gameplay_screen.png" },
{ id: "redImage", src: "images/Catapults/Red/redIdle/redIdle.png" },
{ id: "blueImage", src: "images/Catapults/Blue/blueIdle/blueIdle.png" },
{ id: "ammoImage", src: "images/Ammo/rock_ammo.png" },
{ id: "winImage", src: "images/Backgrounds/victory.png" },
{ id: "loseImage", src: "images/Backgrounds/defeat.png" },
{ id: "blueFire", src: "images/Catapults/Blue/blueFire/blueCatapult_fire.png" },
{ id: "redFire", src: "images/Catapults/Red/redFire/redCatapult_fire.png" },
stage = new Stage(canvas);
function prepareGame() {
bgImage = preload.getResult("screenImage").result;
bgBitmap = new Bitmap(bgImage);
bgBitmap.scaleX = SCALE_X;
bgBitmap.scaleY = SCALE_Y;
function gameLoop() {
function update() {
function draw() {
var canvas, context, stage;
var bgImage, p1Image, p2Image, ammoImage, p1lives, p2lives, title, endGameImage;
var bgBitmap, p1Bitmap, p2Bitmap, ammoBitmap;
var preload;
// Current Display Factor. Because the orignal assumed a 800x480 screen
var SCALE_X = window.innerWidth / 800;
var SCALE_Y = window.innerHeight / 480;
var MARGIN = 25;
var GROUND_Y = 390 * SCALE_Y;
app.onactivated = function (args) {
if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {
if (args.detail.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated) {
// TODO: This application has been newly launched. Initialize
// your application here.
} else {
// TODO: This application has been reactivated from suspension.
// Restore application state here.
app.oncheckpoint = function (args) {
// TODO: This application is about to be suspended. Save any state
// that needs to persist across suspensions here. You might use the
// WinJS.Application.sessionState object, which is automatically
// saved and restored across suspension. If you need to complete an
// asynchronous operation before your application is suspended, call
// args.setPromise().
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initialize, false);
Now the problem is that whenever I try to compile the code it gives me the Preload is undefined error. I do not understand the reason I have included the script in HTML and file in my project. Would somebody please help this problem has been killing me for the last hour and I just want to make a simple game.
The reason for this is that the libraries have been placed under the "createjs" namespace. In order to instantiate the PreloadJS object, please do the following:
var preload = new createjs.PreloadJS();
That should get you back to happy path.
(Tried on Feb 2013, after PreloadJS 0.3.0 released)
I just tried the tutorial from sitepoint.com (http://www.sitepoint.com/creating-a-simple-windows-8-game-with-javascript-game-basics-createjseaseljs/), using the latest versions of EaselJS and PreloadJS, but I couldn't get the code to run without errors at first.
The new version of PreloadJS (v0.3.0) has renamed the old PreloadJS class to LoadQueue.
See the documentation at the links below:
But simply using the new class while using v0.3.0 doesn't fix the project. The newer version has additional incompatibilities (e.g. image.width is not valid) which can probably be fixed by trial and error.
I had to download the older PreloadJS v0.2.0:
IN A NUTSHELL: If I use the SitePoint tutorial, I have to stick with PreloadJS v0.2.0 and also use the createjs namespace.
NOTE: The sample project mentioned in a previous response doesn't work either, because its WinJS references are invalid. Adding the reference manually doesn't seem to work either.
Move your default.js in the HTML to be after the preloadjs & easel code.
This is because the order of inclusion is important to JavaScript